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This has to be one of the biggest reasons I don't want it. Why are they not taking adverse reactions seriously!? Surely if this was ethical they would be hell bent on making sure any reaction however big or small is recorded and passed onto the relevant authorities. Surely the vaccine companies would need to know this info so they can make any necessary changes! Surely their primary concern is peoples safety and this in turn means they have a responsibility to take any cause for concern seriously! My cousin had deep vein thrombosis after having it and it has not been related to the jab at all. Why!?
It's always been the same, once you see what one vaccine can do you look into the rest and see just how deep this shit is.
Do some deep research on SIDS. 99.9% of cases had vaccinations right before but it's always put down to a coincidence, it's never ever the vaccine. "Sorry we have no idea why your baby died, but we know it was not the 8 vaccines they just had"
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Boris said indoor crowded venues I wonder does that include educational settings they're pretty crowded .
I thought the exact same thing, my kids school is massive, around 1200 students.

They look like providing home tutors for my kids because I won't be giving a 12 and 15 year old a vaccine just to enter school. No way!
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Just want to write here that I am feeling the same as so many of you. I don’t think I’ve ever been more scared of where the future is going than I am now. Last night was so hard, I hardly slept, I cried a lot. I feel so angry. There are so many things wrong with what’s happening here that I don’t need to reiterate.

I did not want to have this jab. I now feel like I have no choice. Not that I go clubbing but they’ve been deliberately vague & implied it will extend to more things. I’m an introvert & I don’t go out lots but I don’t want to find myself excluded in the future. I have tickets for things this year although I’d happily pass on those but will it be that I can’t meet friends for a drink or a meal?

My anxiety over this is sky high. I am young fit & healthy & since I posted here last month I’ve tested positive for covid but had no more than a sore throat which didn’t last long. Yet have family who had the jab & couldn’t get out of bed for days. I exercise daily & the pfeizer warning is now not to exercise for 48 hrs after having it. That makes me feel safe

I feel like I’ve given up on life. I wish I could just go to sleep & not wake up. I don’t think next year is going to be any different. It’ll be more variants, more jabs, more restrictions. I coped so well last year probably because I thought it could never last this long. This year has defeated me & I don’t believe next year will be better although I hope I’m wrong.

I feel like I will probably just get the jab now for an easy life because if anything bad happens, well I don’t really care much anymore anyway. I will just have to hope for the best. But I am scared either way. Although quite honestly it’s very hard to see any benefits to getting it I am almost certain we’ll be back in lockdown again this year. Never before have I felt such a lack of hope for the future or worry for the people I love
And @ChineseAlan ive been reading your posts & you’re not crazy. My heart goes out to you and I wish I could give you a big hug. The fear that this past year and whatever it’s been now has given to people is very very real. You have my full empathy & understanding

Please don't get it just for the "freedom" it's false freedom and being used to coerce younger people into getting vaccinated. Forget about it, for now, don't even think about it, you can always have it at a later date if things change but you can never un-have it

for now, just unplug from anything live and watch comedies and feel-good films if you like TV, or read or do anything. get out and about and walk in the park watch the kids play, go to a forest and sit quietly.

I do my garden and have the grandkids over (sleepover tonight) we chat about everything and I love hearing their views,
Shhhh, but the 4yo has called it "bloody covid" for a while now.. we don't talk about covid but if ever we cant go somewhere she says oh why, because of bloody covid? she is so funny.

This will turn out just fine. xx
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I took my covid vaccines for my own health and risk - frankly I don’t care about the rest of you 😂

Do whatever you want just don’t fill up the hospitals please 😂✌
Prime example of how the majority of the public pushing the COVID vaccine under the guise of "protecting the vulnerable" actually mean, potentially put yourself at risk so I can have *my* life back and fuck the rest of you. Thank you for proving what we knew all along.
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The thing is, things will only change if enough people stand up and say no more. But they won't, they'll just accept whatever new excuse they throw at us. Oh we need boosters, oh we need more testing, oh we need masks and distancing again. There will always be something.
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Hey everybody, how's everyone feeling about the announcement about having to be double jabbed to go anywhere like a cinema, church, nightclub etc?

My husband has chosen not to get the jab, I've had my first one slightly under duress and debating about getting the second one still. But this whole announcement leaves me cold. If it goes ahead, it's only a matter of time before it applies to restaurants or supermarkets or gyms etc
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Can I just have a brain dump. No need to respond.

I am just sat here with anxiety that’s getting to be above and beyond anything else, I feel physically sick and I can’t sleep properly.

My gut instinct has just never felt right about getting the vaccine. This talk of not being able to go anywhere without it & the pressure I feel left right & centre is immense. My MIL has text me so many times, have you got it yet, when are you getting it, I wish you would get it. I’m always so polite to her but I’m getting ready to tell her to mind her own fucking business!

I just want an easy life & since Monday even though it’s gone against every fibre of my body I’ve thought oh just get it over & done with. But I saw the Instagram account that oohthedrama shared & it sent me cold. I felt paralysed with fear. I have since done some reading & I do understand that it could have just as easily have happened to her having a saline injection but your brain niggles at you with that yea but what if. The rage I would feel if I took it under pressure & that happened to me would feel unbearable.

I keep telling myself I’m blowing this all out of proportion, something I do often. Everyone that to my knowledge has gotten it has been fine. I keep telling myself that. But it’s just that what if. If im being really honest this pandemic has fucked me now. I coped so well last year but I’m now terrified to leave my house & havent in about 6 weeks, nor do I intend to. I’m scared of covid, scared of the vaccine & scared of everything else. I’m a total mess.

There’s just no understanding for any of us that are feeling anxiety over this. I wish people would stop labelling me as an antivaxxer. I’m fucking not I’m just scared. Lucky you if you’re not. I’m not scared of smear tests but I’d never tell someone who was terrified of getting one to grow up and stop being a baby. Yes there’s a pandemic, yes it effects all of us but that doesn’t make people who would be anxious about other things immune from being anxious about this. I’m going to snap soon!!
Oh Gembo, I want to give you a big hug! I am honestly amazed you've managed to be polite for this long, it's not fair at all to be put under so much pressure. I think you may have to put your foot down now, politely, and say that the pressure she is putting on you is exacerbating your anxiety and you're not willing to discuss it any further with her. If you choose to get it, it will be when you feel ready too and not a moment before, exactly as it should be. Then I'd simply ignore any reference to it. I am sure she believes she's doing it because she cares, but by not considering your anxiety it's coming across as incredibly uncaring. I wish we knew where we all lived and could arrange some in-person support for one another. I live alone and go weeks without going out, I know it isn't healthy for me but it's so difficult. Part of me thinks having a purpose, like arranging to walk with someone nearby, would help.

You are not blowing it out of proportion, your feelings are valid and I personally would suggest you listen to your instincts. I honestly think if I went and got vaccinated now when every fibre of me feels I shouldn't, I'd make myself ill through the stress and anxiety. I'd be second guessing myself constantly and looking for every single possible sign that something was wrong. I'm not saying you would be the same, but it's important to consider the impact of feeling coerced into getting it.

This is in no way meant to suggest that you shouldn't ever have it - that decision is yours and yours alone. I just really hope you feel able to make that choice in your own time. I'm almost certain I won't ever get it, but I've always said that if for whatever reason tomorrow I felt it was the right thing to do, then I would. But until that happens, not for me thank you.

Please feel free to rant away here any time - I think we all need to get these feelings and frustrations out in a safe place where there is nothing but friendship and support ❤

Just for a little positivity - my insomnia was horrendous last night, I didn't sleep at all. Heart and mind racing all night, it was horrible. Around 5am I noticed the sun rising, so I decided to join her. There was barely anyone around, just a couple of dog walkers in the distance, but I got to my favourite field and spent a good 20 mins just enjoying the fresh air, listening to the birds, noticing the different colours in the sky, the leaves, the flowers. For those 20 mins I felt completely at peace. On days where I don't feel up to going out, I scroll through an album on my phone of pics like this, or search insta for local destinations (nature reserves or botanical gardens) and enjoy it virtually instead ☀🌻🌿


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Yes, and the constant testing when they don’t have symptoms.
I still think it's hugely telling about their motivations that over a year into the pandemic, we still aren't mass testing for natural immunity, yet we will insist on using LFT's that have been time and time again proven to be highly inaccurate, in people who have no symptoms.
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Ah, around a week ago it was pretty spilt between 1/3 each. Would be interesting to see if anything has changed!
I think it’s anyone’s guess until we see the data because things change so frequently, more and more are being vaccinated every day and people are being admitted daily so a lot can change even in just a week!
What interests me is the discussion he had when he claimed it was 60% vaccinated as it was in keeping with that figure whereas if he said it by mistake the speech he went on to say doesn’t really fit the narrative. I’m not really a conspiracy theorist at all but this whole dealing of the pandemic by the government really has got me thinking can we trust what these people tell us is the truth? Even when they “clarify” is it the truth? Will we ever know.
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I just sent off an email to my MP about the whole Vaccine Passport debacle. I know it won’t do any good but it was rather cathartic to hit the send button after getting it off my chest!
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Out of curiosity. Have you seen many reactions after people have been vaccinated? Is there any specific allergies or med issues that keep occurring?

I have many problems/allergies/reactions to meds so the covid jab scares me.
I work in R&D for AstraZeneca and we receive the feedback From the yellow card scheme . Main feedback was the blood clotting but MHRA came back that it was an extremely rare specific type of blood clot in the brain, known as cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) occurring together with low levels of platelets (thrombocytopenia) following vaccination and it concluded that the evidence to date does not suggest that the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca causes venous thromboembolism without a low platelet count.

detailed reviews have found common reactions relate to injection site reactions (sore arm for example) and generalised symptoms such as a ‘flu-like’ illness, headache, chills, fatigue (tiredness), nausea (feeling sick), fever, dizziness, weakness, aching muscles, and rapid heartbeat. Generally, these happen shortly after the vaccination and are not associated with more serious or lasting illness. These types of reaction reflect the acute immune response triggered by the body to the vaccines And are typically seen with most types of vaccine and tend to resolve within a day or two
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Chatty Member
460 deaths with Delta variant in England
224 (49%)were fully vaccinated
65 (14%) had one vaccine
165 (36%) were unvaccinated

Source: Public Health England, Variant Technical Briefing 19

As has been the case from the start, unless PHE start publishing the WITH or OF stats then these figures will never really tell us anything.
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Well those newest stories are an utter cringe fest.
I’m tired of the anti vax rhetoric from Chelsea, who now suddenly has COVID 🙄
I’m willing to bet she’s had vaccines to travel to other countries but refusing a COVID one? 🙃
Would you take medical advice off someone who starts their sentences ‘norrrr right I’m not even joking this is pure unfair’ it’s embarrassing.
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Right, to all the Nikki supporters, anyone who disagrees with her isn't a sheep.
What people like you fail to realise is that those of us getting vaccinated aren't blind, idiotic simpletons. We have looked at the same "facts" you have and come to a different outcome.
The absolute narcissism to think you're are smarter than everyone else, that you are superior based on your opinion about a topic.
The issue with Nikki is that she's a condescending, self centered, immoral twat. She is so convinced of her intelligence that she can't even see the holes in her own arguments.
What is the alternative? Herd immunity will only be obtained through vaccination.
Why would governments deliberately cripple the economy in order to control us? What is the end game?
In relation to the legislation brought in last night, I believe it's unconstitutional. There is a middle ground. I think people should get vaccinated unless they have a medical reason not to but I believe ultimately it is people's choice.
If unvaccinated people want to eat indoors and risk catching covid then I think they should be let and that any hospitality workers who aren't vaccinated be offered the vaccine immediately.
There is no need to talk down to people, to criticise, belittle. Your only massaging your own ego. Not helping the situation in any way. People like Nikki and AOL are exactly why people dismiss legitimate vaccine concerns. They do the cause no favours
Herd immunity cannot happen unless a vaccine STOPS people from getting the virus, the covid "vacc" does not stop anyone from getting it therefore herd immunity is impossible, Google it. Also are you all aware you're only considered vaxxed for 7 months??? After that you need need a booster or you're actually deemed unvaxxed 🤣🤣 couldnt make it up.
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Hopefully labour can save us!

this isn’t about health, if it was a negative test would be ample as “proof” and probably more effective seeing vaccinated still carry and spread the virus
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Best advice ever! Turn off live TV and radio..

I have caught live TV here and there when taking the kids out to soft play or to eat so much breaking news and alerts and doom and bloody gloom.

I remember many years ago the news always ended on something light-hearted.
I need to take my own advice 😂 I’m going to.

The media is so toxic, yesterday they were going on about an extreme weather warning and how many could die. Do they not remember the long heatwave in 2018 that had temps over 30c many a time. All this negativity really does affect our mental health. I hadn’t watched the news in about 8 years prior to covid. Every story is covid, murderers, the worlds burning… no wonder mental health conditions are on the rise.
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On her deathbed and still encouraging people to get the vaccine and her husband saying she died as a hero. Not a sacrifice I'd want my spouse to make. What a strange world we live in. Poor, poor woman. This guilt tripping sure runs deep.
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We have no hope if someone as big as Google gets way with mandating it, everyone will.
They can mandate it if they want, i still wont do it, this will sound mad but my husband said he will use force to protect me if he has to and hes had both of his ! He wont be having any more though, he was unfortunately blackmailed into it when they first came out and we didnt know the side effects that are still being lied about. Dont give in if you really dont want it . I know people are worried about your jobs , we need some decent opposition in government. See what happens . xx
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ive had covid twice and recovered fine, however people at my work (finance) keep asking me if ive been vaccinated and its really stressing me out. A male colleague even told me ‘you should get your vaccine sorted’. Im in my 20s fit and healthy and potentially want children innthe next few years, do I lie and say im getting it / had it? I feel like the only person in my workplace who doesnt want it :(
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