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ive seen some private clinics offer them think they’d probably be the most reliable but they’re quite expensive
I did call a private clinic as they were offering them but you had to travel there and do it and not all of their clinics did it so was hard to find one in our area. The one my partner did from online was not great and I do wonder how reliable it was.


Chatty Member
Obvious you are directing this at me, the ‘joke’ was hardly funny when a gif was made out of ME. I do not find it funny. I didn’t come on this thread to piss anyone off, I was engaging in a conversation just like everyone is. Just because my opinions or views may not be the same as yours, it does not mean I am trying to piss people off.
What’s a gif


VIP Member
Do regular antibody tests for Covid-19 work for vaccines? 12 weeks to process is a loooooong time, I would want instant results. 🤣
Supposedly they split it into two results - natural antibodies abs vaccinated antibodies.

My bloods are chilling in Vienna being tested so have no idea on any results 😂


VIP Member
But we didn’t even have the jabs here 9 months ago? Let alone being offered to NHS staff. 🤷‍♀️
She seemed to suggest in the article that's when they were offered? I don't know how else it could read because her friend couldn't have been offered and refused the vaccine after she was already dead.


VIP Member
But the same could be said for anything we do in life ,like the 3 yr old that's suffered life changing injuries after being hit by an electric scooter should she just have stayed at home instead of venturing out ,we take chances on a daily basis .
Sure and I'm not arguing that she shouldn't have had the vaccine or that she should stay at home and hide from everything. My point is, this is a medical clinical trial and by accepting the vaccine, she accepted that it could go wrong. You can't then turn around and say you aren't ok with that now that is has actually affected you and not the other poor 'rare' people that you just presumed wouldn't be yourself. She chose to have it, so she shouldn't be asking other people to pay her medical bills now it hasn't worked out the way she expected. That's not comparable to a 3 year old being hit by an electric scooter. What an utterly bizarre reference.


VIP Member
God I hope this is just a coincidence and nothing to do with pregnant women being vaccinated, this is exactly why I didn’t accept it while I was pregnant in March. Too many uncertainties. Of course it’s not going to be everyone too but i wouldn’t even risk it.
Is it in an area affected by the heatwave? That would be another possible factor.


VIP Member
In most cases it will be the parents choice anyway. Unless you have a parent who’s against it and a child who isn’t, in which case the child’s wish will obviously override that of the parents

‘advertising’ this to kids just seems dumb tbh
parental consent overrides a child’s consent. Children do not necessarily have the capacity to make an informed decision on medical treatment, if that’s the case a child could decline life changing surgery when really they don’t have the capacity to make such a decision


VIP Member
I don’t go to social events so that doesn’t bother me, vaccine passports don’t have an effect on my individual circumstances (at this stage). However if this was about health and safety a negative test should be eligible for acceptance into such events considering vaccinated people still carry and transmit the virus and this varies in % of likelihood depending on which vaccine people have had.
They cannot trust people with a test though as you can register a negative test without taking a test as you only need the barcode.


VIP Member
I took part in the Novavax clinical trial and was in the vaccine arm (I was unblinded as I'm an NHS worker and so would have had it through work if I had had the placebo). At the time I had a sore arm and that was absolutely it...first dose in October 2020, second in November 2020

Started feeling ill last Tuesday with a cough and went immediately for a PCR test (lateral flow was negative). Tested positive for Covid. I can honestly say I have never felt so ill in my life as I have over the past week. However I am still a massive advocate for the vaccine - either I am proof that regular boosters may be required or I'm just unlucky to have caught it, but either way I'd hate to think how ill I might have been had I not had the vaccine. I have an extensive career of studying in and working in clinical research so feel more reassured than most here about the vaccine itself.

I see people describing themselves as low-risk and trusting their immune system; it was even agreed by a doctor that I am about as low risk as you can possibly get - I'm 35, female, white, generally healthy and even o rhesus negative blood type - yet I was not prepared at all for how floored I have been by Covid and how far away from being well I still feel.

I still agree however it should be individual choice but as long as it's informed correctly and not based on bogus conspiracies; also if restrictions are implemented on the unvaccinated then again that's something they will have to just put up with...
I think maybe yours has worn off, as they are saying boosters are advised after 6 months. Hope you feel better soon!


VIP Member
Are you in the uk? They are definitely vaccinating pregnant women here, I was on the pregnancy threads for a while and there’s been loads that had it, I was offered it 3 times while pregnant
The reason I kept it vague was because I hadn't seen anything about the location of the hospital in question and I didn't want to be making any assumptions as to where it is.


VIP Member
I think you should made clear what you meant instead of waiting for others to interpret it for you for eg “this isn’t what I agree with, but this is what I feel will happen” , I personally think you’re only backtracking because you were called out on it. It was very clear we were talking about how it would be seen as discrimination for people who can’t afford smart phones or people who don’t have the ability to work such software so your response to that did come across as ableist because you didn’t state that you don’t agree with what you yourself were saying
I have nothing to back track over. You can click my profile and see my thousands of posts of which the majority are about covid where I am the majority of the time positive and my thoughts about covid passports and restrictions are clear as day. Thankfully most people could see I was on about what will happen based on how ridiculous everything has become since "three weeks to flatten the curve". Government might buy people a smart phone or offer a short work shop to show people who are no good with technology how to use a smart phone. They might allow just the paper NHS letter you can send off for but expect you to carry photo ID like driving license or passport with you to show the name on both documents match so they know they belong to the person showing it.


VIP Member
I moved jobs mid pandemic to a largely US based company (a smaller portion of us are UK based) - and they sent around memos the other day talking about how they were excited to be re-opening the American offices again for all fully vaccinated employees. I was honestly quite shocked.
Bidens on a mission :rolleyes: I see the states with high vaccine uptake are being taken over by the Delta too can't wait to see how it pans out over the next few weeks .

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VIP Member
I feel so torn, my gut feeling is to say no to the vaccine but friends and family are really piling on the pressure. 😫


VIP Member
But they’re not doing nothing, they said themselves that the vaccines are very effective and they are on offer for every adult that would like one? They said they are something like 75% effective at stopping someone getting it and passing it on and around 90% effective at stopping death so those are really good stats! There will unfortunately always be a risk with anything in life and we can’t stay locked down or restricted forever.
Based on the Kent variant ! They have no data on the Delta .