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VIP Member
In most cases it will be the parents choice anyway. Unless you have a parent who’s against it and a child who isn’t, in which case the child’s wish will obviously override that of the parents

‘advertising’ this to kids just seems dumb tbh
Not in the UK ,parental consent is required ,even for the flu vaccine.


VIP Member
The placebo for vaccines is more often another vaccine, for the oxford one it was meningitis and septicaemia vaccines.

As I have said before, my friend ( she was my carer but we become friends) had neurological problems after her flu jab, it was awful but brushed off as a coincidence now she has had the covid one and she is much worse, now also being put down as coincidence. I don't believe in coincidence syndrome. This lady has two children under 10 with severe autism and is now disabled herself and her whole life has changed she is now waiting to be moved to a home adapted for her needs.
I never said anyone WAS given a placebo (I wasn't discussing the clinical trials). The cause of FND is not a chemical one is what I was saying therefore a saline injection/antibiotic injection/another vaccine could induce the same reaction.

Its not coincidence syndrome - look up FND. Its very much a condition.


VIP Member
this makes me so uncomfortable, lying in a hospital ward joining Facebook groups and googling quack doctors.

you're fine 😆

you’re saying something was removed by staff? When was this?
No think the person removed it, they asked for proof of the placebo thing I had spoken about.

I couldn't imagine posting a video of me or mine very ill, but many do.


VIP Member
If DNA is the queen inside each cell, the many different types of RNA are like genetic worker bees, performing a variety of critical tasks responsible for the function of the body’s tissues and organs. RNA carries portions of DNA sequencing out of the cell nucleus and into the protoplasm, the liquidy contents inside the cell in which much of its living matter resides, where it connects with other RNA and amino acids to produce a variety of proteins. Researchers surmise that even in cells with correct DNA sequencing, the RNA may be making changes that alter which proteins are produced. In cancer patients, these changes may lower levels of proteins that kill cancer cells or increase proteins that prompt a cancer cell to keep dividing.

eta-An mRNA strand, for instance, may be transporting a truncated version of the proper DNA sequencing, leaving off important material needed for the creation of proteins that prevent tumor growth. Or perhaps a mutation has caused the mRNA and the rRNA to link up at the wrong spot on the nucleotide chain.
Thanks for explaining that it makes sense why they wouldn't give to those with solid tumours ,I wonder if you had a dormont cancer would they fire the immune system enough to activate it !


VIP Member
That's very unfair. people are being lied to and coerced into having a vaccine and told injury is very rare and then you blame them when it goes wrong. Let's not turn on ourselves, let's blame those who actually know the truth and still making people get vaccinated by lying to them.

You don't want to donate fair enough it's not compulsory, why do people get their knickers in a twist and even openly angry over people trying to raise money for treatment not available in this country. , I have no idea. I'm, not the type to set up a fundraising page but others are and good luck to them.

I never said FND is the coincidence syndrome, I know it's real. Coincidence syndrome is the fact its never the vaccine that harms it's just a coincidence that happens right after vaccines

Posted this in reply to a post to me but the post was removed.

Is this the same syndrome they said the 12yr old American girl was suffering from ?
Thought he was one of the lucky ones getting first dibs

I’m not spreading misinformation if it’s me you’re referring to? For clarity - for anyone else thinking I’m deliberately spreading things - I posted a photograph and made a joke about something I’d seen online hence the tongue in cheek emoji.
I did not mention you as the one spreading misinformation and it is clear what I meant in my post. NO I was not talking about you. People in general on social media.


VIP Member
I haven't called anyone a conspiracy theorist - not one person - I simply pointed out that a lot of people are basing their choices not on factual evidence but simply on things that are easily disproved with the simplest of Google searches. I believe the heading of this thread include 'general vaccine conversation' which my post would fall under. I am simply sharing my experience and believe the data on hospitalisations does show that the vaccine reduces disease severity. I obviously touched a nerve. Won't be engaging with you further directly. YOU have a good day

Good point! Sorry didn't think of it like that...
Didn't you say it was your career and you also work in a vaccine clinic?
feelings are subjective and I’m just expressing how I feel that you have come across in your posts.

There’s a space between the two paragraphs in my last post because they’re not about the same thing.

Out of interest has anyone not vaccinated taken an antibody test? I’d love to find out if I have antibodies! I’ve never taken a covid test / never had symptoms or covid so would love to know if I have been exposed to it without my knowledge
That is not at all what I meant in my post.

My partner took an antibody test as I tested positive for Covid but he tested negative. The antibody test came back negative which left us very confused. It is hard to know where to purchase one that is trustworthy.


VIP Member
I am asthmatic, have emphysema, pulmonary hypertension due to internal scleroderma I have had the flu once in my life and never had a flu jab.

My mum had the jab every year and got sick every year she finally got fed up and stopped having it and never got the flu again. Flu season seems to be full of vaccinated people getting sick. When I was young flu was as rare as hen's teeth, now it's not uncommon and we even have a season for it
There's going to be other factors but a chunk of its increased occurrence is going to be down to us having more places with more crowding over the years, so more places where the chance of transmission is much higher than it used to be.
I think another factor will be us not all being out in the fresh air so much, and I dare say diet and exercise will be in there too...

But as we see here, people's encounters with it vary so widely that it's never going to be a simple yes/no for everybody.


VIP Member
She said one of them died nine months ago but she had refused the vaccine.
I know that's what I was saying? You can't refuse a vaccine if you are already dead, so she must have been offered 9 months ago, or before. The only other way they could mean it was if the woman had expressed in advance that she wouldn't take a vaccine if offered.


Chatty Member
It’s outright insulting to come into a forum for people sceptical about the vaccine and suggest we are all bogus conspiracy theorists. Nor will your comment about us having to accept having our freedom taken away from us for making decisions about our own health be given much respect. Why do people continue to think insulting people in their one safe space for discussion against the mainstream, will convert them? Genuinely baffling. You have NO proof you would be sicker if you haven’t had the vax. Good day.
I haven't called anyone a conspiracy theorist - not one person - I simply pointed out that a lot of people are basing their choices not on factual evidence but simply on things that are easily disproved with the simplest of Google searches. I believe the heading of this thread include 'general vaccine conversation' which my post would fall under. I am simply sharing my experience and believe the data on hospitalisations does show that the vaccine reduces disease severity. I obviously touched a nerve. Won't be engaging with you further directly. YOU have a good day

But if you are ill with it then surely you don't need your booster yet?
Good point! Sorry didn't think of it like that...
Well I’ve just shown the readjusted deaths and there’s more dying this year than there was this time last year. Vaccines must have worked better this day last year - see graphs above, these were updated 1 day ago so they aren’t old data.
We didn’t have vaccines this time last year so cannot compare, the only comparison that can be made is from December 2020 onwards but even then the vaccine rollout was very slow in other countires. The readjusted deaths were added this year so again, it cannot really be said that more died this year when many countries readjusted their death count this year.


VIP Member
Not in the UK ,parental consent is required ,even for the flu vaccine.
parental consent overrides a child’s consent. Children do not necessarily have the capacity to make an informed decision on medical treatment, if that’s the case a child could decline life changing surgery when really they don’t have the capacity to make such a decision
There's been some minor discussion about children's ability to consent to the COVID vaccines, though it's covered by the Sun
There's also a decent summary of the 'Gillick test' which may come into play in some cases


VIP Member
Exactly as it should be ,if kids want it they don’t need incentives nor the Teletubbies advertising it to those barely out of nappies
This thread does also say in the title ‘general vaccine conversation’ so it is expected there will be opinions and views from both sides. 🤷🏻‍♀️

(I’ve reported my gif comment as I am getting angry faces)
The look at higher numbers they're comparing to 15,000 v 115,000 still a lot of fully vaccinated people being admitted.
When you look at how many are testing positive, the hospital admissions are comparably low as 6 monnths ago when cases where at this level, hospital admissions were in their thousands.