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People that commit such awful crimes should never be out again. It’s not just about punishing them, it’s about making society a safer place without them on the streets, murdering your wife and cutting her body up should mean you are never allowed out again. As for his friend, another pathetic sentence.

The poor woman murdered in Bradford at the weekend has been named today. That poor baby and also the shopkeeper who tried to help her, doing CPR etc, it must have been horrendous.
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I read this article this morning, another man killing his wife, poor woman was only 26. The details are quite upsetting.

Aw Holly, you didn't deserve this. Its absolutely awful that he had to dismember her and they haven't found all the body parts. Piece of shit, another one who thinks "if I can't have you, no one will"
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Some people should have been swallowed. Slapping your partner is usually what begins a campaign of abuse which results in murder. No one deserves a slap from anyone, especially your partner.
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This will be a tough watch:

I have followed a many and varied range of investigations and trials over my adult life. But very few have hit me as hard as this case. When I try to imagine the fear she would have felt when realised that she had been tricked into his car, as he drove out of London and down to Kent - it can still move me to tears. I have a visceral hate for him.
That’s what gets me. The fear she must have felt.

Did anything ever happen to those in the group chats? The fellow officers who were making the disgusting jokes too about sexual abuse etc.
I hope they never sleep again as in my opinion they were complicit to a certain degree as they didn’t raise concerns over his behaviour.
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I feel so sorry for Sarah's family, she was murdered in the most brutal way and it's something that has stuck with me, I cried when it happened because I thought about how scared she must've been in that moment. Then still 3 years later we are finding out these horrible things about him, like sick to your stomach horrific. Why did he get into the MET, why did he have a guns licence? I imagine there's more victims of his. Now the met can't say if there's another couzens in their force for certain.

Glad Marcus got a whole life order, it's a tough one because I don't really agree with the death penalty but people like him don't deserve to live nicely for the rest of their life. Just like Damien Bendall, another absolute scum.
Anyone employed within the Met should undergo another background check immediately. There will be others there who shouldn’t be.
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I watched the documentary - it just makes you feel sad that nothing can be changed and remember the anger towards the police.
I just watched it and it just made me feel very sad for Sarah and her loved ones and angry that nothing has changed and likely never will change . It’s sickening so many women with their lives and thoughts and meaning to people have been murdered by men since Sarah and no matter what we do there’s always some bastard who could do something to any of us :(
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Have probably posted about this sick individual before as I had the misfortune of being an acquaintance (knowing nothing of his history at the time). I just wondered if the wider public are aware of this as it’s a pretty big deal locally.
IIRC, he missed being placed on the sex offenders register by a day or so from his original conviction, which happened when he was a minor. I can only hope the High Court will shoot him down as I don’t think there’s any possibility he could ever be rehabilitated. The fact he’s been refused parole 3 times already should tell us what we need to know. Wesley’s poor mother having to worry about him being released is horrible. Also his previous victims, knowing what he did to them and what he is capable of. I know we have to follow the law and allow people the right to appeal but what about the public’s right to be safe? He’s slimy, manipulative, remorseless and if evil is a real thing he is that as well.
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I was reading about poor Shakira Spencer last night, I don't know why but these killings of vulnerable adults really make me so so upset. I was on her facebook and there was literally a trace of one of the killers befriending her by commenting on her photos and Shakira even posted something about "hate when something is so close but you can't touch it yet" and that killer commented "not long now hun" with a house emoji. She was obviously waiting in the wings for Shakira to get her house so she could take it from her and take all her disability allowance :( She was clearly jealous of Shakira because she was so beautiful and kind and trusting while this scumbag was the exact opposite. These kind of cases are way too common it just really hurts me that these people rely on other people's kindness to help them navigate life and dirty scumbags are waiting in the wings to take advantage.
As the mother of a child with autism and a learning disability who will grow to be a vulnerable adult, these kind of cases make my blood run cold. Poor Shakira, they deserve to hang.
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This thread overally just makes me want to go and post in the gender discussion thread. Obviously there's a 'variety' of crime being reported on here, but the overall feeling is one of incredible and awful violence to women by men. Sickening.
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Took the poor wee mite four days to die once his neck had been snapped.
Even if the mum had a mental age of 11, she still would have known right from wrong. My 11 year old niece would know and even if she couldn't stop something, she would tell somebody. The 'mother' can clearly operate a bloody electric scooter when required. Why ON EARTH were they allowed to produce a child
I’ve just been reading the awful sentencing remarks and a few things stood out

1. they were living with her parents at the time he murdered Ollie
2. she had 3 other kids who she sent to live with their Dad and had no contact with for 5 months

and thirdly and most disgustingly,
3. They went on to have more children together!! as it took 7 years after the murder to be convicted. She stood by him despite knowing there was no other explanation than he had murdered their tiny son

link here but warning -a tough read
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It's just horrendous. When I read the OP, I didn't realize at first this was a nursery. It's unthinkable this happened at all, but in a professional setting it's just awful. How on earth could a trained childcare provider think this was the right thing to do?
I remember watching a hidden camera programme many years ago on a couple of nurseries where there were 'concerns' and staff were caught shouting at children or ignoring them when crying, and that all made me sad enough. But to swaddle a baby tightly, strap her to a beanbag and then cover her with a blanket...poor Gigi.
How on earth this revolting individual is pleading not insensitive to put Gigi's parents through a full criminal trial.
I’m not a mum but I’d thing swaddling a 9 month old is just wrong in the first instance. 9 month olds are ready to move around they can move from front to back and can coast on furniture getting ready to walk - swaddling is for tiny baby’s surely and safe sleeping is not face down. It sounds like she’s been in a temper about a crying baby and restrained her out of hate for the poor child.
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This is so horrific. Unless he gets life in prison women won’t be safe from him, nor any male involved with them that he deems a threat.
About the 3rd humungous police failure I've read in the past 24 hours alone, along with Emma Caldwell and Sarah Everard. More to come, no doubt, it's been this way for decades.
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Another inadequate piece of shit sentenced - for breaking the neck of a 4-week old child.

The set up sounds like a disaster - the mother has a mental age of 11, suffers from MS, violent father ... I'm not one of those who criticises social services as I believe they operate on a shoestring - woefully overworked and unfunded. However something has gone horribly wrong here " Early opportunities to refer and to assess were not taken. Pre-birth work was not seen as necessary in this case despite the significant previous involvement which both parents had had with Children’s Social Care.".

The SCR was not published which is frustrating as I'd like to have read it. There is a summary of learnings here if anyone is interested.
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Chatty Member
Why name him? What's the point? It's clearly just endangering him.

I am obviously against men being shot willy nilly but if you're going to fanny around in gangs then people are going to expect you to turn a gun on them.
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I'm going to put the details of this one behind a spoiler as it's horrendous😭

Paul Ferguson has been sentenced to up to 100 years in prison for starving and tormenting his autistic younger brother. He was convicted on first-degree child abuse related to the grisly death of his younger brother Timothy, 15, who died in July 2022 after suffering a barrage of sadistic abuse from Paul and his mother. The autistic child weighed just 69 pounds when he died in their Michigan home, and had been subjected to merciless punishments including force feeding him hot sauce, depriving him of sleep and locking away food

Timothy was speech and motor impaired as well as autistic, with Paul and his mother tormenting him with callous punishments that also included subjecting him to lengthy ice baths. At Shanda's trial, it was revealed that she also forced her son to only eat bread covered in hot sauce, and would lock the fridge to prevent him being able to eat. Vander Ark is also said to have covered the house and the tiny closet Timothy was sleeping in with motion sensors, alarms, and live feed cameras.

However, he testified against his own mother at her trial, claiming he was also a victim and was suffering 'something close to Stockholm Syndrome.' 'I desire to find a role model that, due to my own low self-esteem, I would do anything to make them proud of me,' he said. 'That's not an excuse, I know, but I feel like I'm glad I was at least able to realize it, so I could correct it.' The testimony and guilty plea came in exchange for prosecutors agreeing not to seek elevated charges, such as murder, for the 21-year-old, according to Chief Trial Attorney for Muskegon County Matt Roberts.

At his own trial this week, Paul appeared downcast as he insisted he regrets his actions, pleading for 'mercy and fairness' from the judge. In his statement at trial, Paul said: 'What reasons could justify my actions? I could make up a thousand and never believe one.''What words could voice my regrets? I could think of millions, yet never feel its enough.'

His words fell on deaf ears as the judge said he didn't believe Paul was truly repentant. 'The court believes Mr. Ferguson is one step away from becoming a psychopath like his mother,' Muskegon County Circuit Judge Matthew Kacel said Monday, reports the Grand Rapids Press.
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Chatty Member
That's horrendous. I am going to complain to Sky.

I hate the term “sex worker” anyway. It minimises the horror these women go through.
Agreed. It's a clinical "inclusive" term which white-washes the degradation and desperation of prostitution (I'm not interested in the protests of the "happy hookers" who like to raise their hands). It's become commonplace.

How did Ratcliffe's father get to teach children given his previous convictions?
The woman reporting on it on the BBC couldn't pronounce Emma's name properly, or her lawyer's, and at one stage she even mispronounced 'Lanarkshire'. Infuriating.
I've just complained to Sky, but it's important to complain about this too. If you get paid to do a job, do it properly. It's not bloody difficult to research pronunciations and it shows respect to the person about whom you speak. I would do so myself but haven't seen it.
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Going to watch the push now, I live in edinburgh and I remember it happening. Just a horrible prick, his dad was in the paper the other day wanting the engagement ring back because it cost him money!

Want to watch the Sarah Everard documentary but it's something I know I will find hard. It doesn't feel 3 years ago at all. I'm so angry at him and the force for allowing it to happen. He's another one who can get the death penalty. I struggle to imagine how Sarah felt in that moment and how scared she would've been. Its something no one should have to experience.
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