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I’ve just been reading the awful sentencing remarks and a few things stood out

1. they were living with her parents at the time he murdered Ollie
2. she had 3 other kids who she sent to live with their Dad and had no contact with for 5 months

and thirdly and most disgustingly,
3. They went on to have more children together!! as it took 7 years after the murder to be convicted. She stood by him despite knowing there was no other explanation than he had murdered their tiny son

link here but warning -a tough read

IMO this is a sappy woman so desperate for attention, some drongo of a bloke shows her a crumb of affection / uses her for a place to live/ easy shag and she thinks it's true love.

I never understand how these women are so weak that when horror unfolds in front of their eyes, they STILL stay with the bloke. The pair of them digust me in different ways. How the fuck could you have a child with someone that you know has killed your other child in such a violent horrific way?

I feel so much anger, more towards her for having children with that pig in the first place (when she wasn't taking care of the children she already had) and letting him beat the baby to death and saying nothing. Then putting another baby in that same position. I hate the world right now
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Does anyone know the reasoning behind lenient treatment of these vile men who commit crimes against kids including sexual? I just don’t understand why they’re rarely ever properly punished. Commit a financial crime and you’re done for. It makes me sick to be honest. It’s no wonder so many of them continue to commit these disgusting crimes, why not when they barely get a slap on the wrist.
I've written to my MP about this. Men who view CSA frequently avoid jail altogether. This is incredibly dangerous behaviour which always has a victim and just suspending a sentence or giving them a community order is not going to make a damned bit of difference.
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Oh my goodness, I just googled Lacey Ellen Fletcher to see whether her parents have been sentenced for watching her die on the couch….they’ve been given 20 years each. Much better sentence than they’d have even given here.

I didn’t think I could be any more shocked by this story but the coroner has released a photo of Lacey on the couch….its so upsetting…..just a bundle of matted hair with a towel over her…she’s literally in the hole in the sofa. They’ve pixelated her face. There are also photos of the sofa before it was cleaned up….its literally just a hole full of poo that she was laid in, that poor girl. I can’t comprehend this case at all.
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The Sarah Everard documentary is a very tough watch, but very good IMO. I had forgotten some of the absolute fucking garbage that came afterwards - that twat of a PCC saying women are responsible for knowing when they can or can't be arrested, "flag down a bus" if you're unsure about a plain clothed officer. Ugh.
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Has there always been so many of these evil bastards preying on children, or has the internet encouraged this behaviour? It seems like there's one every week in our regional paper caught either downloading images or contacting them via apps
I would be really interested to see some proper research into the effects of exposure to pornography (especially hard-core porn) and subsequent sex offending.
A lot of legal porn walks right along the line (stepdaughter, babysitter, petite girl, school uniform, etc.) and will (in my opinion) naturally lead to disgusting interests.
They have always been there, but now they have access to so much more and so not only does it allow them to offend more freely, it also normalises their criminal behaviour. I utterly detest them all.
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I was reading about poor Shakira Spencer last night, I don't know why but these killings of vulnerable adults really make me so so upset. I was on her facebook and there was literally a trace of one of the killers befriending her by commenting on her photos and Shakira even posted something about "hate when something is so close but you can't touch it yet" and that killer commented "not long now hun" with a house emoji. She was obviously waiting in the wings for Shakira to get her house so she could take it from her and take all her disability allowance :( She was clearly jealous of Shakira because she was so beautiful and kind and trusting while this scumbag was the exact opposite. These kind of cases are way too common it just really hurts me that these people rely on other people's kindness to help them navigate life and dirty scumbags are waiting in the wings to take advantage.
I hear you. It is heartbreaking and sickening. She was so trapped in a place which should have been her little nest.

Take some comfort in the fact that, while it seems common, it's actually rare: that's why it makes the news. There are many, many more people who care about those in need, who have chosen to work in these fields or who do so just as part of their lives. We don't hear about them, because there are so many. They are there. X

Thank you to the mod who edited my last post.
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VIP Member
Does anyone know the reasoning behind lenient treatment of these vile men who commit crimes against kids including sexual? I just don’t understand why they’re rarely ever properly punished. Commit a financial crime and you’re done for. It makes me sick to be honest. It’s no wonder so many of them continue to commit these disgusting crimes, why not when they barely get a slap on the wrist.
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Nor me.

The main thing that really pisses me off about this case and the news coverage is the attention mainly being on Barnaby and Grace and their families whilst Ian Coates always seems to be an afterthought. Don't get me wrong, the whole thing is tragic and 2 youngsters cut down in their prime is heinous, but he was also a human being with a family and relatively young. Boils my piss and I find it very disrespectful tbh.
I think a lot of it is down to the awful way the press seem to focus more on who they see as a ‘worthy victim’. They both are from middle class, professional families who are very articulate. Would there be so much attention for them if they were from a council estate?
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I don't know where to post my rant - I guess spiking is a crime so here I am 👍

I read an article in DM that Kate McCann (fame-hungry broadcaster not the other one) was spiked in a club. Apparently her friends saw a man drop something into her drink, she drank it and reckons she was spiked.

What a load of guff - as if your friends would watch someone spike your drink and not do anything, and why would she then drink it? As Judge Judy says, if it doesn't make sense it didn't happen.
Afaik, there is nothing you can put in a drink that can make someone compliant, no intra muscular injection that would do the job, and any hard core intra venous injection is impossible to do without someone knowing.
Every year or so this spiking story resurfaces and gets headlines - yet 2x women are killed every week on average, so if these papers and journos actually gave a shit about violence to women then why not address this instead of a load of dubious click bait titillation?
Yeah, I read that and thought that her story didn't make sense. If her friends saw someone put something into her drink, why on earth would she drink it?

Although I don't agree with you saying that there's nothing that you can put into someone's drink to make them compliant. There are the obvious 'date rape' drugs such as rohypnol or GHB. Or other recreational or prescription drugs that affect your behaviour. Also, mixing things like recreational drugs and alcohol can be dangerous for reasons other than making the person compliant. And even just adding more alcohol to someone's drink when they're not aware to try to get them drunk constitutes spiking.

Spiking is a real problem and it's important to remind people about it. You can report on it as well as violence to women. It doesn't have to be one or the other.
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Chatty Member
I think I posted on here before about a woman in our village who disappeared on Christmas Eve. It took 5 years before they found her car in the river in a nearby town. They think she drove into it by mistake. Her mum said she'd have preferred her never to have be found; that way she would always have hope.

Lee Boxell's disappearance is one which particularly haunts me.
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Just read Brendon Staddon, the baby who died in the neonatal unit at hospital and whose parents of no fixed abode were charged with murder,
died from a fracture to the skull. How could they? 😡
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QUOTE="BaxterBillions, post: 18593889, member: 193977"]

What is it with women offing their kids? The other week there was a woman who's suspected of murdering her three children. More social services involvment is necessary in some households methinks.

Apparently the girl was in care and only went back to her mom a couple of weeks ago.

she was stabbed to death
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Covid funerals were so cruel. My husband's uncle died at the start of it, between him dying and the actual funeral, the rules changed so many times that only a handful could go and his poor wife had to sit alone with no one to comfort her.
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I can't believe it's been so long and the poor woman hasn't been found. Not a trace, like Suzy Lamplugh. 😔

So many people go missing and are never found. I try not to think what could have happened to them. Imagine being a parent and never knowing what happened to your child who suddenly vanishes. I really do hope someone comes forward with info on Claudia. Personally I suspect she ended up in the foundations of the uni. Just heartbreaking.
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I’ve just seen a trailer for The Real CSI coming back on the BBC next Sunday. I know a lot of us watch that series.
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