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VIP Member
Not sure if been posted but Wayne Couzens having “banter “ with other officers. Nothing will ever convince me that the Met are NOT institutionally racist and misogynist . It’s also a profession that attracts abusive men .
I feel so sorry for Sarah's family, she was murdered in the most brutal way and it's something that has stuck with me, I cried when it happened because I thought about how scared she must've been in that moment. Then still 3 years later we are finding out these horrible things about him, like sick to your stomach horrific. Why did he get into the MET, why did he have a guns licence? I imagine there's more victims of his. Now the met can't say if there's another couzens in their force for certain.

Glad Marcus got a whole life order, it's a tough one because I don't really agree with the death penalty but people like him don't deserve to live nicely for the rest of their life. Just like Damien Bendall, another absolute scum.
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Itchy of Itchington

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Makes me wonder if the bystander knew him and that she was in a refuge and helped the bastard track her down. That poor woman she must have been so scared.
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Chatty Member
I agree that Sarah was probably not his first victim.

The police had so many chances to stop Couzens before he killed Sarah; if they had just taken the reports of indecent exposure seriously, she might be alive today. It makes me so angry and we see it so often - there will be reports of stalking, DV, indecent exposure and so on, and just like with Marcus whatsisface, even if they get arrested (which is in itself rare) they just get released with no consequence.
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Nor me.

The main thing that really pisses me off about this case and the news coverage is the attention mainly being on Barnaby and Grace and their families whilst Ian Coates always seems to be an afterthought. Don't get me wrong, the whole thing is tragic and 2 youngsters cut down in their prime is heinous, but he was also a human being with a family and relatively young. Boils my piss and I find it very disrespectful tbh.
Yes I've often thought this too. Have his family been as vocal as the other families or have we just not seen it?
Just so sad, poor guy on his way to work at the crack of dawn and gets murdered.
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When it’s thousands and they get a suspended sentence. Like how many does it actually fucking take? Surely a couple is repulsive but when it’s into triple and quadruple figures how can they just get a slap on the wrist
We do not have anywhere near enough prison spaces to lock up every single one of these monsters. There are so, so many of them. Prisons are already all full/over capacity.

For what it's worth, I believe every person found in possession of child abuse images should be locked up, and I really can't see any way for them to ever be safely released. I'm just saying that there isn't room even to give them all a pissy little sentence, not that it is right.

I am a huge fan of rehabilitation work, offending behaviour programmes, education, etc. but sex offenders are beyond all of that as far as I'm concerned. There's no way back.
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Chatty Member
Fawziyah recorded phone calls between her and her husband. They were played in the court. They're really frightening.

You got him, Fawziyah. He murdered you but you got him sent down.
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Be More Pacific

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Please, please don't repeat anything that could identify the other woman in the house during the Huddersfield double murder.

Last time someone did this on here, I asked for the post to be removed and I'm going to do it again because, whoever the person was, she is a victim of sexual assault and, legally, that gives her the right to anonymity for the rest of her life unless SHE chooses to waive it.

Not trying to be police the thread or having a go at you specifically @Boogs but we all need to be mindful of this.

BBC did live reporting on the case yesterday, which is not usual. I think a whole life term is coming. It certainly fits the criteria in my opinion.
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My exact thoughts, it’s no way to live. it was an eye opening read for me and if i was aware of someone living this way with children I would be raising it as a safeguarding concern.
Kids hidden away under the guise of so called 'home learning' is a massive red flag for me. God knows what hell some kids are living in, under the radar without the respite of school.
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Agreed. It's a clinical "inclusive" term which white-washes the degradation and desperation of prostitution (I'm not interested in the protests of the "happy hookers" who like to raise their hands). It's become commonplace.
Prostituted women don’t need to have their lifestyle renamed and sanitised for the wider public, and it certainly doesn’t benefit them in doing so - no matter what leftie hand-wringers want to believe.

It’s not about ensuring they don’t feel stigmatised. I’m pretty sure they don’t give a shit about stigma, they have a whole laundry list of bigger problems to occupy their time.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think the term “sex worker” caught on so well and so quickly because it benefits the men who pay for sex (some of course argue that consent cannot be bought, so we should call it r*pe) when it sounds like a mutually beneficial transaction.
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This is nuts
View attachment 2898708
I worked in the same school as her (not the school she was at when she did this). She always seemed pleasant enough and she did talk about having relationship problems with him. But it goes to show that you never really know people and what they’re capable of.
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Sorry but it got a LOT of headline media attention at the time because it involved two teenage girls. I followed it from the start including the first trial, which was scrapped by the judge because of what was happening on social media. The judge was a junior barrister involved in the James Bulger murder trial. However, because they couldn't be named, for very good reason may I add, and now have lifelong anonymity, the press lost interest.

But you're right. Angela Wrightson was a very troubled woman. I remember reading numerous reports on her various court appearances before her death. They have all disappeared now - I think because of the media blackout the judge ordered when he halted the first trial. A lot of stuff just got wiped.
sickening & frightening to think these 2 psychos could be free & getting to live a lovely subsidised new life by the age of 30! The murder was so blood thirsty & violent there is no way either of them are normal & deserve to be freed, ever. I hate the thought these monsters could one day be your neighbour or colleague or you could become involved with them never knowing the evil they committed. Where is the justice for the victims family or wider Society!
My mother knew her as she did a lot in the community and Angela was over the moon when I was born and cried when she held me.
She had alcohol issues but was desperate to be accepted and loved. What happened to her was horrific.
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Thank god he didn’t have a gun. It’s awful enough, but could have been so much worse with a gun.

The police officer is amazing. She shot him then tried CPR.
Why I'm so grateful that the UK has very tough gun laws. America seems terrifying and out of control at times. I know we have a knife epidemic but a gun can be fired from a distance.
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Tangent Tiger

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Claudia Lawrence is in the press again (no new news). I haven't thought about her in a while but hope some day they find something.
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What on earth?! I’m guessing he was alone otherwise they would have mentioned a passenger also being arrested (although I’m not sure for what offence, is it an offence to be driven by someone with no license or in a stolen car?)

Boy, 11, found driving BMW towing caravan on M1
Either there will have been someone else in the car who was driving, or the child isn't actually 11.
The stealing caravans and cloned plates on the car suggests travellers to me, and I've known of cases where a 'child' is left to face the music (with others in the car doing a runner) knowing it's unlikely they will be prosecuted or if they are that they won't face any serious consequences.
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I cannot get my head around how utterly appalling this is. Swaddled too tightly, placed face-down on a bean bag, and a tight harness to hold her in position and a blanket on top. Her cries went ignored for 1hr 37 minutes. The poor parents, thinking they were leaving their precious child in a place of safety. Surely any sensible adult could see that doing this would be a recipe for disaster - let alone a registered childcare provider.

Genevieve was 9 months old, so I'm guessing mum had only just gone back to work. She must have had so much guilt and worry over leaving her 😔
Oh my god, this has made me feel sick. That poor baby, she must have been so distressed. Why on earth would you place a child in that position, let alone in that position swaddled and strapped to restraints. Her poor family.
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VIP Member
Not sure if been posted but Wayne Couzens having “banter “ with other officers. Nothing will ever convince me that the Met are NOT institutionally racist and misogynist . It’s also a profession that attracts abusive men .
I was having this conversation with my son the other day, he's been watching the Channel 4 programme and was shocked by how the police behaved, the stuff that was shown from their bodycams etc. I said that in my view whilst there are some people who join the police to do good (particularly if they are from a minority group so want to increase representation, have had poor experiences with the police so want to balance the scales, or just have a sense of fairness and want to uphold the law etc), it seems like an awful lot of them - quite possibly the majority - are just bullies with racist/ homophobic/ misogynistic views.
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