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This will be a tough watch:

I have followed a many and varied range of investigations and trials over my adult life. But very few have hit me as hard as this case. When I try to imagine the fear she would have felt when realised that she had been tricked into his car, as he drove out of London and down to Kent - it can still move me to tears. I have a visceral hate for him.
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I cannot get my head around how utterly appalling this is. Swaddled too tightly, placed face-down on a bean bag, and a tight harness to hold her in position and a blanket on top. Her cries went ignored for 1hr 37 minutes. The poor parents, thinking they were leaving their precious child in a place of safety. Surely any sensible adult could see that doing this would be a recipe for disaster - let alone a registered childcare provider.

Genevieve was 9 months old, so I'm guessing mum had only just gone back to work. She must have had so much guilt and worry over leaving her 😔
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Her name is Emma Caldwell - shameful reporting from SKY 😡
Wow they had more ‘respect’ for the actual horrific murderer Scarlett Blake by not even mentioning the fact he was actually a man that identified as a woman. Can’t hurt his feelings now!

But Emma, the female victim of murder, doesn’t even get the decency of her name in the headlines. Just reduced to ‘sex worker’. It’s absolutely disgusting the way women are treated.
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Link doesn't work for me

Nor me.

The main thing that really pisses me off about this case and the news coverage is the attention mainly being on Barnaby and Grace and their families whilst Ian Coates always seems to be an afterthought. Don't get me wrong, the whole thing is tragic and 2 youngsters cut down in their prime is heinous, but he was also a human being with a family and relatively young. Boils my piss and I find it very disrespectful tbh.
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What gets me is that there were other staff about that did nothing about it. She wasn't on her own looking after those babies. Safeguarding is everyone's concern. My gut feeling is that there was a culture of abuse and poor practice going off in that nursery, and the fault of that starts at the top.
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Never arrested for a litany of sex offences.

Still allowed to become, and remain, a police officer.

Let that sink in for a minute.

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Yes I've often thought this too. Have his family been as vocal as the other families or have we just not seen it?
Just so sad, poor guy on his way to work at the crack of dawn and gets murdered.
There's a short doc on BBC about these murders and his family are in it and say they felt really upset as all the vigils / news reports etc were centered around the students and not their Dad. Was really sad actually, they were included in the doc but it still felt like 'oh btw this guy died too'
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The defence is shocking. Young and immature? Er, young and immature children do not go around killing animals. That is not a defence and looks like the judge wasn’t impressed by it either. To be able to do that at such a young age is really disturbing. I hope they get proper rehabilitation.
Children harming animals can be a huge red flag for violence in adult life. I hope they get the support they need to stop that happening.
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For anyone who cannot read Barney’s mom letter here it is in full

Despite repeated requests to address you privately and anonymously as a group; I have been denied the opportunity and therefore have decided to write this publicly.
This letter is addressed to the WhatsApp group of police officers who discussed the attack on my son and his friend Grace on the 13th June.
As Barney’s Mum, it’s so important that you ‘hear my voice’ about the nature of how some of you within your group chose to address the brutal murder of my son.
There is little point in writing a tirade about my hurt, anger and disgust at the wording you used. That goes without saying. All I ask is that you stop for a moment to read the following.
I know you are police officers, but you are also human beings, and very likely that a number of you are parents as well.
Given this, the callous, degrading and desensitised manner of your comments have caused more trauma than you can imagine.
When you say ‘a couple of students have been proper butchered’ did you stop to think about the absolute terror that they felt in the moment when they were ambushed and repeatedly stabbed by a man who had planned his attack and lay waiting in the shadows for them.
When you say ‘innards out and everything’ did you think about the agony they felt and the final thoughts that went through their minds as this vicious individual inflicted wounds so serious that they had no chance of surviving.
Did you relate the excited urgency in your message of spreading ‘big news’ and preparing for a busy shift that countless lives had been destroyed forever.
Barney was 19. The trousers he was wearing were given to him, by me, for his last ever birthday, which was the 19th January.
The t-shirt he was wearing was his younger brother’s. Barney had given it to him for what would be his last ever Christmas with us in December 2022. He liked his gift to his brother so much he ‘borrowed’ it to take back to university.
In his last moments on this earth; those are the clothes that Barney was wearing. Take a moment to think about those clothes, on my son, when you refer to him as a slain animal.
The very last time I ironed clothes for him was to dress him for his funeral. For that he wore his favourite pink shirt, chinos and his Nottingham Uni cricket tie. Just so you know!
Every day I walk past my beautiful boy’s bedroom and I see his drawers and wardrobe full of clothes, his shoes where he last left them and countless photos, bits and bobs bought on holidays over the years. Also the calendar on his wall that will never go beyond June 2023.
My son (and all those who lost their lives at the hands of Valdo Calocane) were people. Decent, kind, funny, real human beings who had a right to their lives, who had so many plans for the future.
I have the utmost respect for all the professionals who work so hard within our emergency services; and fully understand how hard the job must be. I thank god daily for all of these decent dedicated people who keep us safe, protected and alive.
However, anyone who can witness the details of such a horror as happened in the early hours of the 14th June 2023; and refer to lost children as butchered animals; should seriously consider their position.
We have been denied knowledge of how many officers were in this group. We do know of the one officer who was so publicly named and disciplined, however we also know that he did not write the message. He unwisely chose to share it.
So, to the author of that message, who we understand has received a management warning, I pray you will read this and pause for a while. Dig a little deeper for compassion and care. Show the respect in the future that you did not afford Barney.
My aim is not to cause undue shame, or to have anyone publicly vilified; there’s no need to add yet more pain; I just hope that by reaching out to educate and explain, my voice might make a difference.
If you feel able and wish to make contact know that you can and it will be kept fully private. I have written this open letter only because of the actions of your Chief Constable and her senior leadership team.
Emma Webber (proud Mum of Barnaby Philip John Webber)
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I’ve just been reading the awful sentencing remarks and a few things stood out

1. they were living with her parents at the time he murdered Ollie
2. she had 3 other kids who she sent to live with their Dad and had no contact with for 5 months

and thirdly and most disgustingly,
3. They went on to have more children together!! as it took 7 years after the murder to be convicted. She stood by him despite knowing there was no other explanation than he had murdered their tiny son

link here but warning -a tough read
Very controversial opinion but people who murder children like this should be sterilised.
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I read this article this morning, another man killing his wife, poor woman was only 26. The details are quite upsetting.

It’s really upsetting. He also isolated her from her family in the years before her murder….she was a triplet and one of 10 children in a family. Also, horrifically, he had previously “punished” her on several occasions by killing her pets: putting her puppy in a washing machine and hamsters in blenders and microwaves. Such a disturbing man. Poor Holly, I’m so sorry that no one saved you.
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I think, in the kindest, most non argumentative way possible, that it's easy to say that if you haven't been badly affected by Covid.

I know people who it has had long term impact for. People who were healthy before. Also, someone in my wider family died. Their existing condition was exacerbated by Covid and it sped everything up to the extent killed them.

I'm glad your mum was OK though (genuinely, not sarcastically in case it reads that way).
Thank you for saying that. 😘
I know it affected me mentally far more than I’d probably like to admit.
I do go out but I don’t like being around lots of people (not that I was very sociable pre-Covid tbh) and even now I get anxious if someone coughs and splutters near me. It’s not because I’m scared of catching anything, I think it’s because it takes me back to a very bad time.
To know that one of the most important people in my life died alone without me being there will haunt me until my last breath. I let him down. I bury the guilt as best I can but when it resurfaces it’s hard.

Perhaps these people who remain “lockdowned” are also dealing with their own demons. 😕
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Her name is Emma Caldwell - shameful reporting from SKY 😡
That is appallingly misogynistic. I mean I’m not surprised, considering how Sky News have been conducting themselves recently, but good god. They have her photo right there but won’t give her the respect of using her NAME? Calling her a “sex worker” because it’s important to point out that her murder was due to her life choices, no doubt.

I hate the term “sex worker” anyway. It minimises the horror these women go through.
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The poor mother has died. I’m so angry, she only had 9 months with her baby before this man came and took it all away from her.
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Itchy of Itchington

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It’s awful and that man has to live with what happened for the rest of his life. Makes me wonder, is it really in the public interest to prosecute?
The dad is a creep if nothing else. His new partner MB is about 20 years younger than him and has two kids with him. She must have got pregnant when she was only just 18.
The farm where it happened was an absolutely disgusting puppy farm for years, run by the same family. A year after the puppy farm was exposed and two men prosecuted (Neil's dad and brother) Neil applied for a licence to hold and sell up to 40 dogs on the same farm. There's been multiple fires at the farm too. I don't think they give a fuck about operating safely. Just whatever makes them money quickly
I live a few miles away and there's a lot of shitty farms with bad practices, shitty dog breeding and not giving a fuck about health and safety, letting kids run round the yards and not following safety when it comes to farm vehicles being driven.

. That poor wee lad and his mum.
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