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Why is it going to be iconic? It might just be me but it feels like everything has got so dull 😩.
its very dull.

I think at this point Rach could do a live of herself opening all the vouchers and going out to the shops to spend them on herself / opening all the food donations and taking it home for slosh to cook / transferring herself money from the raffles, patreon, patchwork bank accounts / robbing a granny of her life savings at knife point and not one single hun would bat an eyelid over it. They would still spout the same bullshit that she deserves it as she works so hard.
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Let's be honest, if that person hadn't mentioned the WEBL clothing Racket would never have reposted it. I'm not even surprised, it's not the first time she's used su*cide to flog things, she once did a heartfelt post about one of Josh's mates who was no longer alive in order to advertise a website selling trainers.
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5 weeks ago Tallulah had no friends, this week she's got a house full of friends. And I'm pretty sure I've heard and seen on the lives that she's had friends coming and going to the house the last 5 weeks, not sure why the Huns can't see through the lies 🫠
If Lula was genuinely suffering that much, her mother's shady little paid for corner of the internet is NOT the place to be sharing that information. That should be private between their family and the school!
I wonder how many of the kid's friends (and their parents!) do actually know about Ranch's online presence? My teen has a friend at school with whose parent has an online cooking account with 200k followers - it had obviously come up in conversation with my child and their friend, and my child told me. Took me minutes to find the (perfectly innocent and wholesome) Instagram account online, I know my child couldn't care less about a cooking channel nor has social media so hadn't looked it up but do all of Lula's friends know what her mum posts about her? That probably affects her mental health and friendships more than anything else. She's always been the one who's had to mould herself to fit in and get herself noticed in that chaotic family.
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I feel the same @FridaK, plus ça change and all that 🙄
J taking £12 of ready dinners to work a day, endless meals out, clothing "stories" with 100 of £s of hideous outfits, a child getting a ton of toys but glued to an ipad and no actual evidence of what she does to help "the women"
I just find it obscene at this point, especially in the current financial climate.
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I’d be sorry for all their kids if they split up, because even with his obvious failings, Josh is still generally a more positive influence in their life than their mother.

If he did leave her, I wonder whether Rachel would finally accept that she is the main problem? If you had failed relationships with all three of your kids’ fathers (and estrangements from several family members), surely it would encourage a modicum of self reflection? 💁🏻‍♀️

Despite his inadequacies, I do genuinely think Josh wants to be a good father, and that given the right support he would be fine. But unfortunately for him he’s stuck with an abusive partner who is emotionally stuck at the age of around 13, unable or unwilling to parent effectively, and who knows he’s neurodivergent and uses it to her advantage. It’s sad, for everyone impacted by her toxic nature.

Also, whilst Josh might struggle with some of the symptoms of his autism (my view only, I know he hasn’t sought diagnosis) he also isn’t stupid and can see very clearly how awful Rach would be to him if they split. He’s observed close hand that she can and will manipulate situations to her advantage (and his, when it came to his sons). I think he’d rather live with her on his side, than pit himself against her. He’d lose, and he knows it.
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It was on her insta stories too. Loved the bite back from Josh as she was being a real bitch to him. They're not a happy couple at all. Also Rach, most men don't buy their friends Christmas gifts. It's more of a woman thing to do. And you clearly gave your employees a list from which to buy from!!
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I actually like KDIL. She seems so much better than she did a few years ago and she clearly plays a character. R is rotten to the core and FYI more frumpier than KDIL. Maybe if she didn’t sit around typing repetitive word vom on her laptop and actually exercised her mind and became a better person as well as use her actual REBL gym wear for its purpose she might actually earn herself some proper respect and proper friends.

you could see Laura was clearly offended by what she said on the live and R continued to flash her popcorn smile and cackle at Laura’s expense. Even with her ‘pals’ she can’t even take responsibility and apologise. She’s the first one to defend with the excuse it’s banter when it’s towards someone else but the quickest to yell bully or troll if it’s aimed at her. Vile.
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I may be wrong but wasn't it taken from his workplace and he was "frightened" to tell them when he got home and they didn't know until the morning. Maybe I'm wrong and that was another incident with his bike
Yep she definitely said that it was stolen from his work and he walked home late at night because he knew he'd get a bollocking if he rang and woke them up.
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I wonder if she would mock Wilby for having no friends and not getting Christmas gifts from them, or is it just adults with autism she enjoys taking the piss out of?
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Short of cereal when the boxes of cereal hasn't moved for months, short of crisps, yoghurt, kids snack items, butter. So basically everything that she was showing off in her 2 fridges at home then. She can never dip into her own pocket for these items.
All those months she was getting her shopping free from Tesco (#ad), not ONCE did she donate even a fraction of it to the centre. I bet if she'd asked Tesco to make a donation of goods directly in lieu of a percentage of her fee they would have done it (would have been amazing PR for them). But if course, she wouldn't have thought of that, because the whole centre has always been a money spinner and vanity project rather than actually helping anyone other than herself. Cunt.
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She being chrolled by her own husband there? She literally does only have friends because she pays their wages 😆 but I’m just a jealous chroll ain’t I 😆
Well he's not wrong, is he? He asked who had bought her a gift who isn't one of her employees, and she couldn't answer, because it's true.
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She's a nasty little bitch but the huns just lap it up. They'd all be screaming and tearing their hair out if the roles had been reversed.

Raq, you're an abusive little twat.
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I must say throughout the whole live Laura was absolutely amazing. She was talking about her mental health and what she's done to help herself but kept saying again and again to the Huns how she's no expert in the subject so what might have worked for her may not for others. She was really good
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Good Morning,

If you listen hard enough you hear Wibble in the back of the car saying "Stop filming, he is trying to drive, its not even 9 o'clock, and all I can hear is whining and snorting mum."

Praying for him 🙏.
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She is an absolute idiot...I'm actually disgusted at her naming Lula. All her friends parents who no doubt read here will read or watch. If my 14 year old had that on her phone I would be worried, not laughed about it. Can she go any lower.?
Sorry I'm just catching up so not sure if this has been mentioned but she said that it was 'some time ago' - so this kid was likely what, THIRTEEN, when this happened?? And she didn't think this was a safeguarding issue? A child discussed having sex (whatever the position). Imagine monetising a CHILDS sex life. Absolutely grim.
Additionally they were taking about being fucked from behind while your partner stares at your hairy bum and she says 'my 10 year old is pissing herself ' - why are they having graphic sexual conversations in ear shot of a primary aged child?! Genuinely appalled
Found this from the other day - She's moving patchwork staff over to Rebl and PTWM. Jen has left patch work to work for PTWM 🫠

Ooo did Mr CIC Regulator not like you using your patchwork paid staff for your own financial ends Rach? Did he maybe see the stuff you shared of you using Jen to pack your REBL shite when you were paying her through the CIC? Tut tut tut
Thread Suggestion -

Its vagina not fandango...
Veet and arse-whitening, very very frightening meeeee.....
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Why is she continuing to write about the same thing in every book?

Surely the publishers are rolling their eyes at her for writing the same thing over and over again.

She’s so stuck in the past. LET IT GOOOOOOOO!
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How as a "business owner" did you not know you weren't paying for your email address?? Surely that's part of basic accounting??? It's a fucking business expense 🥴
How very dare you. Claire the mayor/hun/fake chroll looked at the accounts herself, and she never even noticed, so how do you expect Fungus Flaps, who was so busy she didn't even put up a Christmas tree, to notice?
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