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Chatty Member
Josh posts an exciting video of Rachel and Wilby walking in a car park.
Rachel re-shares the video that Josh posted of her and Wilby walking in a car park.
Josh THEN re-re-shares the video that Rachel shared that he originally posted of Rachel and Wilby walking along in a car park.

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She put some stories on PTWM Facebook this morning - Josh has proved he is her biggest troll - she was laughing at him saying he had not friends and didn’t get any Xmas presents from friends and his response was “are you getting confused they aren’t your friend's they bought you gifts cause you are their boss” - am sure someone more tech savvy than me can screen record
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Rachael and Josh: the vicious trolls on the hate site are ruining our lives. They say that Josh has no friends and I only have paid employees as friends. The chrolls are so evil.

Also them:

Rachel: You have no friends Josh, and nobody likes you as you didn't get any Christmas presents.

Josh: You only have friends because you pay them and they buy you Christmas presents because you're their boss and they have no choice.

Chrolls, you are dismissed! Redundant! Go home! You are not needed anymore. They are doing the work for you!
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Excellent thread title, from a comment by @MummaNoggins and nominated by @Donut26 well done to both of you!

Last thread recap:

- Rachaele Hambleton is a cunt.

- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.

- Joshua Marshall was dismissed without notice from Devon and Cornwall Police for improperly accessing the police database, and using a false identity to contact members of the public

- Safeguarding Sue showed a screenshot apparently from one of the women, saying that she'd got her kids back and "the social" had dropped the case and were going to leave her alone. If this is a genuine message from someone, it's entirely inappropriate to be contacting Racket via WhatsApp about it, and Social Services would never just give someone their kids back and disappear out of their lives immediately. It's also entirely inappropriate to be sharing this on social media, even with names blanked out. Methinks someone wanted a little ego boost so messaged herself (or got one of the minions to do it) to get the huns kissing her arse.

- they're back from Krakow, and straight away Sloshy's arguing with Seb about a nasal trimmer, with Gangsta Granny sticking her oar in.

- in yet another new low, Ratchet has done a PAID ADVERT talking about the trafficking and sexual exploitation of women being taken from Africa and forced into sex work in Dubai. She wasn't bothered about Dubai's stance on human rights for women when she was fannying around taking photos for the 'gram with her camel toe on full display last December, but now she's being paid to "raise awareness". Ok hun.

- someone messaged her saying they are in a relationship with a woman after being single for 5 years, which prompted Racket to reveal that before Sloshy, the best relationship she ever had was with another woman (even though she "never knew what love was before him"). She waffled on about being frightened of society and having her kids turned against her etc, like it was the 1950s 🙄

- Ratbag asked the PatreCON huns who they want as a guest on the podcast. Did they ask for a representative from one of the many, many organisations who are referring women left, right and centre to the CIC, to highlight the vital work the Snatchwork girls are doing in the abuse capital of the UK, Torbay? No, they want Linda. As in, Ratchet's cleaner 🙄 not a fucking brain cell between the lot of them. We're all on the edge of our seats, waiting for the next installment of Rambo slagging off her mum, and Linda being the most amazing foster mum ever etc. Future guests will apparently include Gangsta Granny, Lula, Jo, and Mannah. AKA all those who will blow smoke up her arse and tell her how amazing she is over and over.

- despite having a desk built in the hobbit bedroom, and a desk in the second lounge, Rashflaps is working on her next bestseller at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. Looks like another rehash of the same old story she keeps peddling (pretending she's writing about raising the kids, but it'll all be thinly veiled excuses for shoehorning in how she had such a terrible childhood etc).

- not content with all the money she's just raked in from the prize draw and Christmas campaign, she's back on the beg for clothes for the free shop. Desperately short of teenage boy clothes huns, but branded goods only please (and of course it's a TOTAL COINCIDENCE that she has teenage boys at home). And as always, it's a "massive family" that needs help, never someone with just one or two kids is it?

- also, there's a stash of toys just hanging around, ready for all those emergency referrals from Social Services (for all those millions of women who flee abuse and end up in a little town in Devon)

- Bratsy and Lula went away to Leeds, but BeKind had bought tickets to a Christmas event at Leeds castle, not realising that Leeds Castle is actually in Kent.

- old Hinchy has revealed that not only has her son Ronald been diagnosed with autism, but she has as well. Of course Ratchet nearly broke her neck jumping on the bandwagon, having to comment.

- instead of doing something festive with her many birthed and stolen kids, Rancid decided to exchange gifts with the Snatchwork girls (AKA paid mates). Cue lots of expensive tat for Raq, including a Nike coat from Doormat Jo which is giving 1988 ski holiday vibes. Lush.

- still hoping to ride Hinch's coat tails, Rashflaps decided that a grid post about Wilbur and his varying passions (trees, animals, Dino's) was in order. He's level 3579324696422 don't you know!

- a snippet from the next shit book was shown, to be about raising teens. Drugs ✔ underage sex ✔ drinking ✔ Rambo wants a group like you go to when your kids are babies or toddlers, to discuss your teens and their behaviour. Unfortunately hun, not everyone's kids are ignored and unsupervised all the time, like yours are.

- Silky's back in the family group chat, getting his knickers in a twist about the correct way to put the glasses in the cupboard.

- Rabies showed off her new sideboard that opens out into a long table, which she had to get because surprisingly, the entire family can't fit around the breakfast bar for their Christmas dinner, who'd have thought?

- on Christmas day, she said that Bratsy and (underage) Seb were out drinking the night before and didn't get in until 2am. She also showed on PatreCON a picture of BeKind nd Seb together in bed. Of course after Sloshy's special festive shit roast they all went to pub

- Toothy and Silky went away with a poorly Wilbert, but only posted about it on PatreCON. To make the pleb huns think they're spending quality time at home, Rashflaps uploaded the time lapse video of her straddling Slosh in the kitchen that she put on Patreon back in November.

- Racket claimed in a comment that she hadn't even put a Christmas tree up this year because she was so busy with work deadlines. This is despite making and posting a reel of herself decorating a tree with dinosaur decorations just for Wobble.

- Wilbert's got another ear infection, and is on antibiotics for the fourth time. So he was up playing on the cold, tiled floor late at night instead of being tucked up in bed 🤷

- Lianne is back from her MIA status, coming round to bring Wibble a bag of her kid's old toys. Because the poor lad hasn't already got a houseful, and hasn't been getting all his Christmas presents since November, has he?

- poorly Wilbert had a big old sleep, then woke up and asked to go to the pub (of course he did). So, being unable to say no to a 4 year old, off they went, despite hardly drinking because she doesn't like the taste 🤥

- despite having spent all year begging for the huns to send food donations for the pantry, Ratface and co have been constantly out for meals, and documented every single one. So sensitive towards her followers who are struggling to feed their kids because the food banks aren't open 🙄

- a new TikTok showed the top 10 moments of 2023, including the ridiculous "walk this way" dance and the paper bag moment. Ah, such sweet memories!

- old Tall Tales Tessie was back on her bullshit, showing a photo of Winston with the Christmas tree that she didn't put up 🤥

- another snippet of her book shows that she's yet again slagging off her mum, this time for not shouting from the rooftops about her bestselling author daughter who writes books telling everyone what an awful person she is. Find someone else to talk shit about Ratchet, the poor woman's got cancer

- a pre-Christmas clip from PatreCON shared by our sneaky spy showed Rabies talking about how Seb's girlfriend has been trolled, saying we'd named a whole thread after her, a 17 year old girl who's dad is an addict and been in prison. In actual fact, NOBODY knew he was an addict, the thread title in question referenced an easily found news story about her dad (which was only discovered because Ratshit insisted on tagging Katie with her full name), and I even didn't use her name in the thread title as suggested as I wasn't comfortable (as I noted at the very top of the first post). Here's the evidence: Katie either hasn't seen the thread herself and is just parroting whatever Rack has told her, or is exaggerating to keep Rabies onside, as she said it mentioned "my dad's a crackhead". Again, as can clearly be seen on the thread, nobody EVER said anything about him being an addict, and it wasn't included in the thread title. Anyway, because of all the chrolling, they bought him some presents and went to see him, even though Sloshy knows who he is because he arrested him about 10 times (clearly a lie, unless he's a hedgehog)

- FINALLY a meal at home, with only a small selection of kids though. Tic Tac Teeth Trev thought it was appropriate to sit and eat with his teenage stepdaughters with no top on 🤮

- yet ANOTHER shit roast, with Sloshy standing up to eat (around the breakfast bar that they insist is adequate for the whole family). Again he was topless, with an apron on, and one nipple out 🤢 All while Racket told a story about how Joyce once drank Wilbert's piss thinking it was apple juice. Because the violently autistic, non verbal child was left unattended with the neighbour's child, and managed to tell them that he couldn't make it to the toilet so had a wee in his beaker instead. Yet again, something that didn't happen.

- on PatreCON, Raffleticket reckons that Edie was at her dad's, used someone's phone because her's was out of battery, happened to look at their search history, and saw they'd been searching Rabies on TikTok. Either this is something else that simply didn't happen, or Edie should learn some boundaries and respect when using someone else's device 🤷 she also referred to Edie being "older now, if she was like 6 or 7 it would be more difficult". Reminder that she is TEN and still at primary school, she can't really be put in the same category as Bratsy and Seb.

- taking Edie to school, and Rawhide was huffing and rolling her eyes at Edie blatantly breaching the uniform rules. Edie chipped in that on the last day of term she'd got told off for having a little bit of make up on, so now she's going in "with a full face on". Of course, rather than backing the school and telling her she needs to wipe it off, Spineless Susan just laughed and said to the camera "help me with her". FFS Ratfuck, she's YOUR kid, and she flouts the rules (like all your other kids have) because YOU don't parent her properly

- yet another overpriced, ugly jacket, this time apparently bought by Sloshy. That makes 3 this Christmas alone (when she already had more coats than one person could ever need).

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And the award for Rachel's biggest troll this weekend goes to Lula, who 15 hours ago posted a tik tok of her and her 5 mates clearly left home alone for the night, drinking disarano and doing shots of sourz, running riot around the house and hanging out of the sky light window in the Hobbit hole. Safety at its finest.

I'm sure it'll be deleted though once rach reads here

👋 hun
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I missed that video that's been took down (down to rancid catching up on here) did anyone have a copy of it before Lula was made to do a dirty delete?

Why have that back room be made into an office if everytime she's "got loads of writing & work to do" does she have to go away somewhere to do it?
Wish she would just admit she can't be arsed to parent. If so, give the 2 boys back that arnt yours u dick.
Took me a while to figure out how to compress it


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I only know of Laura from this thread but I'm aware how comics work and Knee Deep in Life is just a character at the end of the day. I think that live was an example of Rachael speaking to a peer outside her 'circle,' and to be honest, she came off as I'd expect her to, immature, not very educated or experienced outside her normal environment. I did laugh when Laura said "It's vagina, we are not 12," because it hit the nail on the head.
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Rach wearing Slosh's penis (along with that awful pink tracksuit which she styles with gold necklaces).
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No trigger warning or anything!
This post needed to be shared in a different way maybe more discussion since she never shuts her trap instead of it popping up in between pictures of Wilby with no context whatsoever! 😳😩

I’m genuinely climbing out of my deepest darkest black hole right now because of my beautiful children. I don’t mean to offend anyone but it’s seeing shit like this that can literally trigger a feeling of guilt and pain in my heart because I barely manage to get changed, wash and even brush my teeth most days right now. I have also been affected by suicide when a family member left us a few years back. I just think that things like that being shared should have a trigger warning for people that are struggling etc.
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Josh saying it like it is. Her ‘friends’ buy her things because she’s their boss 😂
This is insanely dysfunctional filming yourself berate your husband for having no friends. It's almost a form of abuse itself.
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At this stage I don’t know how she has any friends or family left around her. She insults every single friend around her and is obsessed with people’s appearances and ‘sex appeal’ in comparison to her own. It’s gross to watch an adult woman repeatedly body shame another woman and reduce everyone down to whether they’re “fit” or not and what men will see when they’re having sex with you. We’ve said it so many times but she’s not mentally developed from her teen years.

And then her behaviour towards her children is even more despicable. I can’t imagine the trust issues you must have if you can’t tell your mum anything for fear of it being broadcast to thousands of women through a gaping wide toothy laughed “oh I’ve said it now” smirk. She is jealous of B and T and therefore thinks nothing of stealing their stories and potentially causing them friendship issues or worse.

I didn’t think much of Laura’s parenting and online behaviour previously, but after seeing this display it shows that Rachel is on a completely different level of oversharing, bullying and disgusting behaviour to any of the others.

She is the bottom feeder of the pond of insta scum.
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I truly cringe myself into a spasm when she does things like tagging the Blur account. She did it with Kim Kardashian the other day. What does she think, they'll look at her page and go "Ooh Part Time Working Mummy and her mid life crisis Husband. They sound like a riot." Just stop it 😫.
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Chatty Member
The thing is, KDIL had an actual breakdown. And has since stopped drinking and worked on herself. Don’t get me wrong I think she’s icky and I can’t watch her cringe videos but compared to R catching her breath by using a brown paper bag and crying because the chroll don’t like her dress there’s no comparison.

Rach is just winey.
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This was her first Tattle rant (was looking for something on her FB page but couldn’t find it - however, forgot how good this was). The way she says that she believes she’s been treated worse than rapists and murderers 😂

ETA I think they’ve uploaded in the wrong order but you get the idea…

View attachment 2690650View attachment 2690651View attachment 2690652View attachment 2690653View attachment 2690654View attachment 2690655View attachment 2690656View attachment 2690657
The 'if I chose to advertise every product I was offered my husband could give up work and we COULD buy our house cash and be mortgage free but I'm a responsible influencer' didn't age well did it...
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Haven't commented here for ages as her content is so boring but just catching up to pass the time in a hospital waiting room that REALLY her content now? Part-time hairy bummy talking about her husband shaving his A-hole and exposing her teenage daughter's friend's sexual activity? And people are paying to watch that?
Part-time hairy bummy 😂😂😂 that need to be In the next thread title!
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I'd love to see an insta vs reality type thread I.e. examples of what she's said and then evidence of the fact it's a lie
You do realise a thread is only 1000 posts?! That'll never be enough for all the bullshit she's spouted over the years 🤣
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It sounded like E was mocking L at the end of that clip and of course mother of the year laughed along with her.

Also, nice language from someone who's supposedly a TA 😬
I quietly had quite a lot of respect for Betsy working in a SEN school until I heard her say "I need fucking energy for where I'm going, alright". No doubt very true, but not sure something her mum should be showing her saying about her job! What if a member of the SLT sees it, or even from a parent at that school (it's bloody obvious where she works). Be the chrolls fault if anything should go wrong though.
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Omg that video 😩 underage drinking, HANGING OUT OF A FUCKING WINDOW.
Jesus wept.

My problem with them has always been their terrible parenting.
Oh and rach, before you defend it by saying “all teenagers are the same”
They’re not. My son is the same age as your child.

He dresses similar to Josh’s sons but other than that there’s no comparison. He doesn’t vape or drink and he would never disrespect our home like that. Shame on you both for normalising that awful behaviour.
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Your kid is in primary school, she doesn't need nails, she doesn't need make up and she doesn't need to straighten her hair. Fucking tell her NO!!
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