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Well-known member
The way Edie performs to the camera and is constantly looking for her mums validation is genuinely stomach turning. Can actually see her being the most damaged out of the lot in a few years time because she doesn’t know any better than to be her mums performing monkey. That whole set of stories was fucking bizarre. Scrutinising the Girls breakfasts and E screaming to straighten her already pin straight hair.. I know it can be chaos in the morning getting several kids ready for school, I’ve got a 7 month old with no school and already find our mornings semi chaotic, but that is just poor miserable and setting them all up for a bad day
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When you see her with an actual adult having a grown up mature conversation, all it does is highlight how immature and ridiculous she is.
She really can't have a complex conversation can she?
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3 of my 6? No, 2 of your 4. You have 4 biological and 2 stolen children. Maybe Lula didnt get the message about not having alcohol in the house??? You know, because of the boys being subjected to so much trauma when they were younger 🙄
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I see she’s got yet another pair of awful trainers. That and the big bird jacket really make her stand out. But what I really noticed in her subtle show off post, was this bargain handbag
The video she's got josh to take of her walking down the street with wilby was basically to show off all her clobber.
Shes an absolute whopper.
If I asked my husband to video me walking down the street he'd tell me to piss right off.
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Rancid must of just had a catch up on here & realised that we all no Lula was drinking the other night while she was left home alone unsupervised, so now she's making out she's just found that booze in lulas wardrobe. How can you of just found it tho rach if Lula spends every waking minute with u?
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Years ago my son asked me if he could have a few friends round for his 16th birthday. I was reluctant because I had never left him alone with friends before but my husband said it would be good to see if he could be trusted. There were a few pizzas, loud music and ripping the shit out of each other playing Fifa on the playstation. No alcohol, no hanging out of attic windows, no disrespecting our home. But then again I am a responsible parent and dont agree with Rachealeees view that all teenagers are out having sex, vaping, smoking weed and getting blind drunk. I agree they sometimes do questionable stuff, nobodys kids are perfect, but the fact that she thinks its normal blows my mind. Its not! Boundaries Rachealleeee!!!
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Seen a live from the other day and Rach has said Betsy is going back to Australia and has her tickets
booked for October. She's got a 2 year working visa. Betsy later came on the live and Rach said I've told them, I don't think Betsy wanted anyone to know as Rach then says oh it's only on patreon and Laura (knee deep) pipes in and says you know what your mum's like, she can't keep a secret 🫠
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They still follow her? What makes you think they are totally uninvolved?
I've just checked the Trevi website and Ratchet is no longer listed on their Trustees & Patrons page. Good. It's not a great look for a charity which helps women experiencing family separation issues due to alcoholism to associate themselves with an exploitative ***** who weaponises her stepchildren's trauma in order to hurt their real mother.

And her complaining "chrolls" have called Edie's school (if it's even true): at least they have more concern for her daughter than she does, snorting like a constipated pig at her brattish attitude re. wearing a full face of make-up to Primary School. 🙄
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How sad that Edie had to listen to all that before school and even sadder that she filmed it. Rach wants to be careful about what Edie is filming and sharing! Josh gets a high five from me, she is utterly vile saying some of the shit she does to him, telling him he has no friends? Surely one of her courses would say this is abusive and controlling?
How sad that Edie had to listen to all that before school and even sadder that she filmed it. Rach wants to be careful about what Edie is filming and sharing! Josh gets a high five from me, she is utterly vile saying some of the shit she does to him, telling him he has no friends? Surely one of her courses would say this is abusive and conteolking
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VIP Member
I see she’s got yet another pair of awful trainers. That and the big bird jacket really make her stand out. But what I really noticed in her subtle show off post, was this bargain handbag


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Women supporting women hey ratchet?! Think she might need to look in the mirror she is most def not teeny tiny anymore, don’t worry Rach it happens to the best of us 😊 if that’s how she talks about her “friend” and to her face, imagine what a bitch she is about people behind their backs!
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Bloody hell! That clip was vile. Rs true colours shinging through there.
First of all calling your friend a big cunt is NOT normal.

And good on Kdil calling her out.

The only true thing that was said in that clip was R admitting she didn’t have a career.
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I reckon it's more likely to be a TA or lunchtime assistant that is writing in his book, surely the teacher doesn't have time?
it boiled my piss when she gave the whole if they want to , they will speech about the teachers and the help W gets. Those teachers go above and beyond what they’re actually supported and paid for. The same cannot be said for a lot of other schools. She, his mother, needs to teach that boy self sufficiency and stop relying on the school to bring up her kid. Now I know all ASD kids are different but I do worry a lot of children are being misdiagnosed because of pushy parents trying to label their children. I can’t even say we see a snippet of Wilby because we literally see and hear about everything he does, says, thinks so I can safely say I’m glad an EHCP was denied as he clearly doesn’t need one. Schools are so underfunded and strained at the moment and I think if a lot of parents did their jobs properly, some children wouldn’t need that extra support and shoehorning in SEN as an excuse seems to make a lot of parents give up and blame the SEN for their behaviour.

please notice how I said some as I don’t deny SEN and I know alot of people struggle with it but everywhere I look there’s someone trying to get their kid recognised as SEN when they’re not really that in need of the services that come with it. It really takes away from the kids who genuinely need it. There isn’t enough SEN schools as it is.
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Her Mum can't stand her you know 😂. It cracks me up, every time she accidentally catches her on the camera the poor woman looks like she's actually being tortured.


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Chatty Member
Some observations….
Why did she film herself speaking to T about the alcohol?
Why was she so totally unbothered by it? Especially considering ‘the boys! We must shield the boys from anything alcohol related’
Doesn’t poor T look just like her mother?
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Is it not giving Astrid vibes? Imagine Astrid in everything Rach tries to look good in. It’d work. She’s done so well wearing quirky shit. Rach just looks like a garden gnome compared.
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Whatever happened 5 weeeks ago, clearly Lu has managed to either make a miracle recovery from the worse state she has been in a long time to looking like she was living her best life over the weekend. If all that had been going on, I’m not sure why you would think about leaving your vulnerable kid teenager so much over this period?? Was this not around the time they shot off abroad for their jolly in Warsaw or where ever it was? Top parenting going on, either she doesn’t give a shit and carries on with her wkends away or things aren’t as bad as she makes out? As why would you leave your child if they are distraught??
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