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VIP Member
The huns are creaming themselves over Rach today. A queen was born today, crying their hearts out in tesco/school/who gives a shit and saying she's the best parent to all 6.

I can see Betsy ending up on the toxic pile when she's had enough of her vile mother and decides to reveal the truth.
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"The proof is in the card" wtf? That's just Bratsy saying all the shit she knows her narcissistic mother will lap up, making sure she's still the favourite!
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She should not be discussing Sebs sex life anywhere. Its disgusting that she thinks that is acceptable. There are zero reasons that this should be shared.
Instagram and other platforms need to be better. Those stories should be removed by the platform. I'm so disappointed that people seem to think it's acceptable.

Those poor kids have 0 boundaries and their privacy is not being protected online. I hope she's putting some money aside for the kids therapy. They'll need it
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As a mum to a 12 soon to be 13 year old, I am amazed at how the kids in this family cease to be their kids when they start secondary. Would isaac and Lula not enjoy camp bestival? If not, why not??
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Oh and Ratchet - even if the van is on finance (which I doubt anyway), people living on "fresh air" wouldn't usually be able to get finance for £55k overnight 🤷
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PA Jo up all through the night messaging spotted Paignton asking for the post to be removed 😂
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She really does think she’s Charlie big bollocks don’t she, I swear to god that if she gave out personal details of my daughter or what she was doing I’d string the scrawny little twat up by her vicious fkin tongue.
Oh and Rach if you are reading here, your welcome at my door anytime darling…I’d love to see what you think your going to do.
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Chatty Member
So Wilby’s had 3 gold stars for using the toilet at nursery and has no accidents! Well done Wilby! Amazing what can be achieved when people actually bother to guide you and bring you up!

She is wearing that white outfit as she knows it will be a talking point as to whether or not she’s pregnant.
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Coexist forever? What the fuck is that all about? I don't understand why she keeps saying she can't wait to spend forever with her favourites, it just sounds really creepy.

That must have been one really long pregnancy too if Rachel was 21 when she was pregnant with Bekind.
View attachment 2178929
She "couldn't wait to spend forever saving lives" with Emily, look how that turned out!
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Y’all ready for this 😂😂😂
wow...the lies on this are of the scale - there was 1 comment about Jo on that post. Thats hardly coming for her 😂 Rach has trolled her more when she keeps throwing her under the bus about the money!

Also i've never seen anyone mention that Seb hides drugs in the house. He is allowed to smoke weed in his bedroom, she was on a live once and said the smell was horrendous from it. What would be the point in saying he hides it when we all know that they know he smokes it.

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The fact that she's scrambling to answer everything mentioned on that Facebook post says it all. If everything was above board then you'd just be like 'whatever' You wouldn't do a massive rant. Clearly setting Simpering Jo up for the massive fall when it eventually comes.
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I always remember her original troll rant ugly crying in the car saying she has death threats and there was bets on when Betsy would get pregnant… a few of us came rushing here and I’ll never forget someone commented saying they were struggling with food for the baby due to debt and all you nasty trolls were helping!!
Never did see those death threats or bets on pregnancy……… same as all the other jackanory story’s by rachaelelelelleelleleeelele
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I just want to know why she is asleep inside a van, in the middle of a field, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, with Josh taking pictures of her on a average Thursday.

Can they not try to be normal 😂🫠
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Chatty Member
I think the Facebook posters are nothing to do with Tattle and are actually people R has wronged in real life who know the dodgy dealings that are going on.
I don’t think the FB poster gives two shits what we think and about Tattle, I think they have their own agenda.
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Heads would fucking roll if that perverted mess of a man saw my teenage daughter naked. What the actual fuck goes through his pea brain?!

*I'd strongly discourage any child of mine to associate with any of that family. Seb included. Little wannabe road man is not the kind of lad I'd want my kids with. Not to mention the rest of the Clampetts*
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tequila sunrise

Active member
She seeks them here
She seeks them there
Our Rachaele seeks them everywhere
They're not in her in-box
So are they a mole?
That damned elusive Internet troll!
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