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Well-known member
We all know that eventually Rach will start slagging Emily off and tell all. She just won't be able to help herself. It's what she always does. When I first followed her she used to say that they wouldn't discuss the Seb and Isaac situation as it was private which I respected her for. That lasted long didn't it?? Her and Slosh have leaked little tidbits all year 'friends you can't trust' 'red flags' - I'll give her 6 weeks before she has invented a story where Rach is the victim and Emily is the big, bad bully. I'd get in there first if I was Emily...
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Latest over the road 🤷‍♀️

What is happening on this post?
This is trolling at its worst!
Please stop, all you trolls from the hate site from collectively trying to destroy Rachaele Hambleton.
She is an angel, sent from above to spread love and kindness throughout this cruel world. She saves countless warriors every day. She doesn't stop, nor will she ever stop doing the good that she doing.
Please have some respect for Rachaele, on her birthday, for goodness sake! It's her day, no one elses.
You only have to look at the thousands of birthday tributes for her on her social media sites to see how much she is loved, respected and adored.
She's trying to have a quiet and private birthday celebration with her beloved mother, husband and children.
This beautiful soul is being bullied by strangers, who know so little about the real angel behind that beautiful and bashful smile. She wouldn't hurt a fly, yet you trolls are hurting her.
I'm crying for Rachaele.
Stay strong babes, the truth will prevail.
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you did it all wrong! 🤦🏼‍♀️ it’s much better parenting to film them screaming at each other (with your non verbal toddler shouting at them to stop) while you stand at the bottom of the stairs and shout up at them 🙄 ffs she drives me mad! Put your phone down go upstairs and talk to your kids. Maybe then they wouldn’t all just shout at each other 🤷🏼‍♀️
Clearly I did because then I'd have a flock of dms from my huns telling me that the charger saga was the same in their house! Wilby left alone again to play in his room whilst she was downstairs doing nothing when really she could be upstairs with him engaging in what he's doing!
Oooh people who are donating are starting to question where the money is going!!


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I would fucking kill her if that was my daughter. Vile woman
She does it to them all. Its almost like she's deliberately trying to ruin her kids relationships.
No wonder all their boyfriends and girlfriends fuck off not long after R has her say on the internet about them all!!!
Shes fucking nuts and needs to learn to keep her head out their intimate business!
No one needs to know her kids are having sex and with who!!!!
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New van name to incorporate Rancid’s love of fleecing people and Silky’s voyeuristic tendencies when it comes to teen girls, I give you the:

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Out of all the scams shes pulled, I would LOVE to know where all those vouchers went at Xmas. Surely noone can believe £15k worth of vouchers were given out to all her warriors? I think the Emily situation stems from this, and this is a massive part of why neither of them will speak about one another.
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She disappeared shortly after Ratchet's birthday last year (after she'd been profusely thanked for organising the "surprise" party), then she announced she was pregnant and Ratshit was noticeably absent from wishing her any kind of congratulations. Finally (quite a while later) Rabies admitted that Emily had "left to focus on her growing family" and that was that, they both remain tight lipped about what actually went on. Rashflaps now likes to get little digs in where she can about friends who have betrayed her, broken her heart etc. At the time this was all going down Racket said that she had a lawyer on the case hunting down trolls, but when she tagged the lawyer it turned out she was actually an employment solicitor, aka someone who could negotiate the removal of a director from a company without breaching any discrimination legislation if that former director had a protected characteristic, such as being pregnant 🤔
Is there anyway to pin this to the top of every thread? Titled, The Emily Situation 😂😂😂
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Is there anyone on here who can point me in the direction of this 'fresh air' that Rachel Hambleton is living on?!
Despite two adults working full time in our house we're struggling to pay for food let alone £55000 Camper vans and £100's in equipment that'll never be used again.
Fucking scamming CU Next Tuesday 😡
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Felicity is pulling a Joe Lycett and it's fucking spectacular.

She cannot be said to be a chrollio because she is only writing things Racheaelalelale has said herself, but she's drawing enough questions in crayon for the sheep to go 'hang on a minute'. Genius.

I cannot wait to see what 'emergency' takes place as deflection because she's gonna have to ignore this to fuck.
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My friend has a marker on her due to the the threat of DV, so to me a marker represents an immediate threat of life in danger, why does sloshy have a Marker?
Your friend has a marker on the police national computer and rightly so where there is risk.

Josh, on the other hand, is claiming that he has a special marker in internal systems when allegations are made by the general public. This is to provide special protection as he is special and needs to know in advance what the allegations are. All of this has to be utter rubbish. The irony in thinking that the anti corruption unit would give advanced warning of alleged corruption so that the alleged corrupted officer has the chance to, for example, delete their mobile phone data. It makes no sense especially as the investigators would not see him being the husband of a sinfluencer as mitigation. They would see the online exposure as foolish at best and, at worst, bringing the force into disrepute. Each allegation has to be investigated and treated as the truth no matter who you are.

In any case, all of this is irrelevant as he was sacked for being a corrupt copper who was exposing his role, and the wider police community, to ridicule!
What’s a marker?
A warning or a flag that alerts the person using a database to some specific vulnerability or risk. Marker tends to be police jargon for a risk. As @AnotherMrsJones says, it is used to flag people or addresses as high risk in DV/harassment/stalking. This way the address or person can be given priority if a 999 call is made.

Alternatively, they can be used to warn of a criminal's risk to officers/public. For example, you might see that a person/address has warning markers for for weapons/blood borne diseases/substance misuse, etc. This way, officers and other professionals know to take care when attending. In fairness, they might have warning markers for general stupidity, cringeworthiness, and venereal diseases.

It was an interesting term for her to pick to describe what seemed to be an HR issue... deflecting whilst revealing that they might have had trouble at their address.
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Somerset girl

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One thing that struck me in "the marker" comment was she said the latest report that had been "made up" was that Seb hid drugs in the house and it was a load of rubbish but we've seen her reference Seb smoking weed in the house?! If (big if) Sloshy is still a police officer then surely drugs being used in the house should be investigated?! His "special marker" isn't literally a get out of jail free card?!!
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I'd never heard of this ptwm thing. I came across her on the Knee_deep_in_life horror that is Laura Belbin, cuddling up to something called ptwm, on her IG. So curiosity has brought me here. Now the neighbour of Laura Smelin (it's what we call her, you should check it out, it's gross, refuses to wash, has worms and a smelly minge and is proud of the fact), said some stuff about Laura Smelbin bitching to them about this ptwm. So, of course when we saw her cuddle up to this ptwm, we thought what a 2 faced cow.

Does this ptwm read here? If so, she needs to perhaps kick Smelbin to the curb, for gossiping about her!


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She's a horror isn't she. That tale about Seb and his girlfriend. It's really awful for us decent people to know she's telling these stories to her paying audience for cash. Do these huns really find it funny and worth listening to? I just find it embarrassing and upsetting. I cannot imagine EVER doing that to my child.
I agree. Not only that, But its embarrassing enough as a girlfriend to be caught in the act by your partners parents at such a young age nevermind it being shared online to thousands of people! And shes mentioned the girl by name aswell 🤦‍♀️ poor girl must be mortified!
These huns that ask for this information and find it funny need their heads checking!
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Chatty Member
I know the PayPal scam distressed many followers, but if I am honest, i would like to know exactly where/how the estimated £16,000 per month from Patreon is being
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Bit more rambling to make sure they are not questioning anything.

More proof Isaac doesn’t live there.

Why does she talk to Linda like she’s her career? And the way she talks to W 😳

She’s so hard, what you gonna do when you get to the trolls house Rach? (But remember she’s not bothered 😂)

Betsy’s coming home

She’s writing another book and W gets 4 Oreo’s for breakfast!

Jobs a good un. 👍

That’s all folks! 😂


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Its true what another poster said (think it was frida) that they constantly have people around them because their marriage is so shitty they can't and won't spend time alone because then its obvious their relationship is falling apart!
This camping trip is another prime example of that.
I just feel sorry for whoever is picked to be the hangers on 🤦‍♀️
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So as R & J are the only Directors of PTWM surely anything financial has to go through them? Laying it all at Jo’s door is off as she’s an employee not a Director. If that were me I’d be telling old slug chops where she can stick her job. Nothing is worth the stress of what it must be like working for that pair.
‘Jo gives me a monthly wage’. Little old me has no idea what’s going on with money! Bore off love.
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