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I think Felicity has been upstaged by Edie's Nan. Just out there telling us what is true with a casual blue thumbs up. She's a renegade.

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Dani - we only help woman after they've already being rehoused and dealt with the police/SS/TDAS. We don't operate an open door policy.

Rach - shit, everyone's going to know we aren't a refuge and don't actually help anyone leave a DA situation. Quick Joshua send me a message so I can throw someone under the bus.

We see you Rach.
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Oh dear Dani, I think your reply on FB could be the end for you and the Patchwork shitshow. You’ve confirmed what we here at Tattle already knew but have now put it out there for everyone to see. The centre isn’t a refuge nor does it help women in the middle of the night fleeing DV. Now the question of where does the money go if it’s not for what it’s claimed to be for. Still, I’m sure there’s space on the toxic pile for you Dani, you can have a catch up with Emily, Stabby etc
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Wilby will struggle at school Ratfink if you dont teach him to share. Defcon 1 level 3 autistic or not. Nobody is allowed to touch his cuntasaurus but he expects to just snatch that car from his 'friend' Edie shouldn't have to go in there and placate Wilberforce. Mama to plenty of babies should put that fucking phone down and for once parent her feral fucking kids!!!! Shes so fucking lazy, the GINORMOUS CUNT!!!!
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So which is it rach…..

You put the phone down and let Jo deal with it OR you found all the profiles and accounts

You hide all your friends OR you don’t have any friends as you can’t trust people

Jo does all the money OR constantly putting the cost of everything anywhere aside from explained the donated funds

surely as a paying hun you would find her explaining someone being nice and kind about you as trolling baffling

Nice to see her lining up Jo for any financial matters that may arrise…..

The amount of back tracking lies in one little segment!

Lord I give up! Just say what you do with the patchwork funds quite simple rach!
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Just caught up properly. Re the camper van - W started nursery 8 months ago. He became friends with a little boy. After a while he was invited to a party at the boy's house but never went as he "had a meltdown" on the way. After a few months they had a couple of playdates. The boy's mum mentioned she had a campervan and went away on the weekends. This promoted R to say "fuck it, I'll buy one too". What???

The hospital story. So she's saying a troll called a hospital for someone's notes. How did they know which hospital, the person's full name and date of birth etc? And they left their phone number? Did they want the receptionist to read them out? So then the hospital breached GDPR and gave someone's number to a patient. Said patient took the phone number to the police who ALSO breached GDPR and told the patient whose number it was. Even though no crime had been committed, so no investigation and no reason or way for the police to contact network providers. In the words of Bekind (talking about a service user) she's tapped in the head.
Felicity is obviously someone who knows her. They've spoken about things never mentioned on here.
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Does she not realise that people can actually see all these Facebook posts 🤣
No fucker went for jo... they were asking jo to clarify things. If anything, felicity went for Dani 🤦‍♀️
Also, no one wished you dead!
And yes it is about money because your asking people for their money and not explaining and proving where its going. Doesn't matter if jo transfers your "wage" to you, YOUR THE FACE OF IT so of course people are going to associate you with it! And stop trying to throw jo under the financial bus, your both directors so are both liable??
Who is this new patreon mole shes outed now that called another huns hospital and asked for her medical notes?? Wtf haha.

And I wish she would put the lip liner on her actual bottom lip, not in the middle of it, its annoying 🤣
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Tribute to Rach 😁

"Rachelle" - parody of "Belle" from beauty and the beast

🎵Paignton town, it's a quiet village
By the sea, I'm a complete bore
Paignton town, full of those I've mugged off
Waking up to say...

"PayPal?! PayPal?!"
"PayPal?! PayPal?! PayPal!!?"

There goes me Rachele being fake like always
The same old crap and trolls to out
Every troll rant just the same
Got another one again
Gonna post on Instagram

(Random Hun)
"Good morning Raquel!"

"Good morning hunny"

"Where you off to?!"

"The bookshop. I've got an idea for another story! About haters, trolls and ogres-"

"Ah Jesus Christ - Marie! It's fungus flaps! Hurry up!"


Look there she goes, fandango smells, no question
Thrush, STI's and god knows what else
Doesn't blend with the insta crowd
Because she is a knob and proud
No denying she's a funny one Rachele


Good day!

Where is my money?!

Isn't josh lucky, that I'm his wife?!

She ripped us off - where's the donations?

There must be someone to have my kids for the night!

*Book shop bell rings*

(Bookstore owner)
Ah, Raquel!

Good morning! I've come to pitch a bestseller book to you.

(Bookstore owner)
Another one already??

Oh I'm obsessed with talking about trolls and myself - could I also write about poo?!

(Bookstore owner)
You do that on patreon!?

That's alright... I'll write about... MY life story!

(Bookstore owner)
Your life story?! But you've written that twice?!

Well it's my favourite! I'm the victim, evil ex wives, a whole book of lies!

(Bookstore owner)
If you love yourself all that much, do four!

But sir?

(Bookstore owner)
Your Huns insist!

Well kerching! Another bestseller coming up!

*Leaves book shop*

Look there she goes living off "fresh air" - yeah right!
Her tax accounts she'll never tell
With her Tesco food brand deals
And a shit load of clothes reels
Gotta get back down to earth, Rachele!

The trolls are jealous of me
It's my life they want because - you'll see
My lush Josh is raising Wilby
But he's on a "career break" while I write book three...

(Josh as Gaston)
I'm so corrupt I make the Met seem normal
Sacked from the police force but I'll never tell
Here in town it's only she
Who will continue to bankroll me
So I'm staying with the narc that is Raquel

Look there goes Slosh, isn't he sleazy?
He lost is job, he's such a fool
Got with Raquel, because of cheating
He such a twisted, deluded old tool!


Good day!

Where did my donations go?

No one to phone at women's centre

This is a scam
You must be mistaken!


There must be a stranger to dump my kids on for the night!


A night at herpes lodge to "love hard" my wife!


Look there she goes that Rach is fake, not special
Mugging us off wherever she goes
Obsessed with shit and full of it
Acts like she is off her tits
But she really is a narcy bore
A self absorbed and narcy bore
We cannot wait for her downfall...

"PayPal!? PayPal?!
PayPal!? PayPal?! PayPal!?"

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Very professional. Someone needs help and Dani tells them they need a referral or they should call someone else.....

Yet the funds Rach takes in are so "women can access them as soon as they need them"

When will the people sending money to her realise they aren't helping anyone
What happened to R rescuing women in the middle of the night and housing them 🤔🤣🤣
Now she can only do it between the hours of 10am and 11am Mondays and Wednesdays but only if a doctor/midwife or social worker says she can.....
Fuck off with this shit!
I'd rather she just fleeced the patreon pricks and sack the dv angle off now because its just ridiculous 🙄
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She is clear that the rachisonpatreon money goes to her. That's what she means by helps her do what she loves doing.

The patchwork is for the centre.

What I don't understand is why that has never been raised. Surely it should be the other way around.
Surely, that's why the huns offer the go fund me's and donations because they know their £5 is not going there.

When this all comes out and I am sure it will, she is going to say it was never said that the £5 a month goes to the centre. Its not written. Any anything that is said was implied can be argued.
It's EXACTLY the same as PayPal. She never actually said "send me money every month via PayPal and it will be spent on helping abused women", she said it was "to enable me to continue doing what I love". She never lied, she just never made it explicitly clear that what she loves is designer clothes, shoes and handbags, expensive meals out, weekends away without her kids, paying people to be her friends, and now a £55k camper van.
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I've just been catching up with Spotted Paignton, there's a person who has posted a laughing face at Felicity's posts, and she's going by the name of Tattelle Paypalscam!!!
That's really made my day!
Go on Tattelle, show us what you're made of!
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You've got to feel for Amy's husband after watching those videos of sloshy. Imagine your Mrs coming home, telling you she's made friends with a mum at the school gate. Your sons are friends. Her husband used to be in the army and was a police officer. You arrange a weekend away and up turns pencil dick Pete with his shaved legs, wheelbarrow full of merlot and a complete inability to work out a camping toilet or keep a sausage on the bbq 🤣 I bet the poor bloke is fuming.
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Aunt Sally

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I’m not sure what is cheering up my Monday morning more, the Paignton spotted comments or seeing schofield squirm at 10am 😂
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I just find it really weird how invested she is in Sebs sex life 🤢 she talked about it before when he was younger and basically implied he was sexually active and that would have meant his girlfriend at the time would've potentially been underage, (it was talked about on here) and then when she's around him she giggles and acts like a teenager, I don't know if it's just me but that just doesn't sit right with me at all 🫣
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