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The Eskimo

Chatty Member
Saves her going to mrs m next time they have a row. Or it’ll end up being Lula or sebs new bedroom 🤷🏼‍♀️😂

My husband applied to join the police as a special… in some of the background checks they do it was strongly suggested that he made his insta private (has it public to share his runs 🙄) so how come slosh can be all over hers and have his open for everyone to see where he is and what he’s up to at any given second?!?! 🤷🏼‍♀️
With all due respect, your husband is not Torbay’s incarnation of Ace Ventura and thus is not granted such luxuries.
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No, S 😁

Awat! Ow is thesen? Ot oreet? Can you kick a bo agin a woe? (Hopefully you get it othherwise everyone will think I've gone mad)
1million percent get it 😂😂😂
I haven't done anything wrong. I've stated my opinion on a public forum of a public account. They have posted details of a private account. I haven't contacted them, their family, their colleagues, nobody. If they can't take criticism, which is far from trolling, then maybe they should be rethinking things.
I’m so happy that you’re still on here and not backing down. Stand your ground! You have all of us behind you should things go further. There are others on here taking it further so you’re not alone x
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Someone I know from work is married to a police officer. His Facebook is totally locked down, and not in his real name. It's perfectly usual for people in certain jobs to either just not use social media at all, or use false names. But Racket shared a video of him naked outside the house while he was still apparently a serving officer, and didn't think it was in any way appropriate 🤷
Theres so many other examples aswell, as you know.
Filming him absolutely wankered, being inappropriate around young girls, filming him naked from a cctv camera, filming him discreetly without his knowledge, openly admitting that their underage children are having sex/smoking/drinking/setting fires in a home while unattended/driving without a liscence/taking drugs in and outside the home, themselves driving whilst either not wearing seat belts correctly or incorrectly strapping their children in a car, she's distracted him whilst driving, harbouring criminals in their home after a serious incident, doxxing people left right and centre, sending abusive messages and harassing people.
The list is fucking endless and its all public knowledge because SHE puts it online 🤦‍♀️
And she still thinks her stories of him currently being a serving police officer is believable... pleeease ✋
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Those clips of last night were clearly filmed this evening, sebs wearing the exact same clothes! Nice try rancid. Also she clearly sent that message to herself or got Joshua no balls to send it to her because you can see her grey message box! Clearly not a troll and someone asking why one child has been left out wouldn’t be a fucking troll anyway! Sebs stuff is clearly in isaacs basket anyway as we know he doesn’t live there

Rachel stop blackmailing your adult daughter to come home, she’sliving a life away from you, stop sharing her posts it weird , if you miss her bloody send her a text! My sister went travelling for 6 months and not once did my parents right bollocks like that online, they just messaged her via WhatsApp like a normal human
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I feel like any doxxing Rach does should result in a "I'm spartacus" response on here 😉

I'm Janie Hutchinson 😜

Come on then rach, show us the messages that were sent to you and your family. Show us the camera footage of the alleged stalking. Someone watching the stories that you post on insta is not stalking so you must mean they have been at your house and following you around?
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200 randoms have friend requested jxhx , presumably to give her abuse, and this is preferable to discussing someone on a gossip forum that they don't have to look at? Make it make sense!

@jxhx I hope you're doing ok!
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She left.

If i remember right in her tattle rant she said keels had been stalking her and the kids, making it sound like Keels has turned up in Paignton and followed them all round (sounds familiar right?)

I also think keels got the police involved after Rach contacted her young son ( i think he was 10 or 11)

Unfortunately a lot of people believed R back then
Oh she's still here alright 🤣. Still waiting for an apology for throwing Tattle under the bus by writing an article on her Blog slagging off the members on this thread who helped her big time when she claimed " Tracey Black" aka Rachaele was sending her threatening messages - alot of posters here called BS on this then in 2019 and I still do. She used Tattle and members on here to increase her own online presence and career as well as preach her political leaning 😴😴😴. One of the most liked posts on this thread from @BigMama was an open letter to Keels asking here to explain why she treated Tattle Members such. Still waiting for a reply.......

I do wonder what happened to the more vocal objectors from those days, whether they lurk now just have different user names or just had enough of whole shitshow. Alot of folk felt then that alot of damage to the cause as we lost alot of more active members - and this is why I'm concerned that Tattle is now (temporarily?) a closed forum - we need more blood, and old, on this page. Anyone wants more info on the controversy around Keels please look at thread 11 - p15 to around about 30.

I know it's all in the past but it's an essential part of PTWM history especially when Keels is still obviously here. I personally found it insulting that she dare call VCJR "the wildcard " of this thread when she was continually called out herself for her questionable, bordering on the obsession, interest in PTWM - masquerading her "methods" (some may indeed refer to it as stalking) as journalistic license. I do wonder if another article is being crafted again using us all here as blogger material.....that's why I just recommend other posters here be very wary. It's not cliquey towards newer members to go over old ground - it's just a gentle reminder from the past.

Peace and love and all that..
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I think she does those videos with seb because she thinks he’s real mum is watching. It’s over the top and obviously for a purpose. To rub her face in it.
She has this smugness about her when it comes to her step sons.
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So Mario has jumped on the doxxing bandwagon. And god forbid anyone says anything about them on here but they can call people "dark and deadly" "unhinged" and "scum". Ok then. I had a list of the 200 and something people who sent friend requests yesterday after R's post but will wait and see how many Mario sends. I might post them all here. And shock horror, some of them have degrees and professional jobs, and some of them used their business accounts!
You should accept them, see what they have to say and send them receipts of why she’s a cunt!
I’d put money on the majority of those being ‘trolls’ or people with info for you. The huns don’t defend her like they used to (except Nikki) and anyone that gives you shit let me know and I’ve prob got things on them from hundom, I’m happy to be petty on your behalf! 😂 (I know that’s easy for me to say at the moment and get it that you don’t want to)
I hope you’re ok 💜
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Ok here we go…
Gang on a minute, Josh takes a 5 yr career break to look after the kids, but doesn’t actually do that cos he has to act like security for Rachet. But then he wants to go back cos wobbler is going to school and he needs something to do…But in the next breath he can’t really go back to the police because it doesn’t fit in with their family.🤡🤡🤡🤡
Is that because 4 out of the 6 kids are always out getting caught up in trouble, Or is it because of the columbian that gets passed around at the weekend.
Did she actually say He has to act like he’s still employed, does that include making stupid uploads on wizz at the weekends about what he reckons he will do to the trolls… Sit down silly man, There’s too many clowns out there🤡🤡🤡
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I can’t actually believe that Josh was in the army. He has no fucking awareness of living in the great outdoors and this is the same man who was in Iraq. Did he check into the fucking Baghdad Hilton whilst he was there. I remember my brother wading through poppy fields in Afganhistan for days with no toilet or proper place to sleep. The pair of them have not a fucking clue!!! Absolute brain dead morons the pair of them.
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If only she put as much effort into parenting her kids as she did hunting down the chrolls, maybe Wilby wouldn't spend his days wandering the house asking where his family are, and wiping his own bum.

Remember back in January when she said this year she was going to "be more present"? How's that going so far?!
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Just checked out the account on Instagram. It’s still there, a private account, one less follower and a few less followed. But she’s changed her profile picture from a sunny beach scene to a lightning storm 😂😂😂. I think Ratchet has messed with the wrong person again!
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