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VIP Member
Don't know what you're talking about!
View attachment 2157904

From the Q&A she did on Patreon the other day.
View attachment 2157914

She doesn't read Tattle though. Nope. Never. Not our Bullshitting Brenda. Still rent free though, hey?
View attachment 2157907
That's all they need for a birthday celebration. Just each other, a few supplies, ❄❄❄🍷🍷🍷, some snacks for when they get the munchies & a landline in the main house, in case either of them O.D.
Their children can't contact them, or bother them & she can get WIFI at the top of the lane, fortunately, so she can keep up to date with Tattle.
Joyce will probably take his box of tricks for some hard birthday loving, and Rach will come home loved up & needing an emergency appointment for her usual fungal & bacterial infections 🤢🤢🤢.
I wonder if the owners of Herpes lodge read Tattle 🤔.
If you do, get some Jeyes fluid in bulk. It's the best disinfectant ever😉.
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I've just watched the videos posted by Chickenshopcharlie again.
Hannah has suggested that Joyce goes to university? Why? He's got absolutely no qualifications, not 1 GCSE. He would have to do an access course or A levels or Btec's, which would take 2 years & he would need English and Maths GCSE.
At one point, Rachel says something about Joyce going back to university. He's never been, so how can he be going back?!!!!
Degrees take time and a lot of work.
He had a short and unsuccessful career in the Army, then joined the police force because he fancies himself in a uniform. And he got dismissed from Devon and Cornwall police for gross misconduct.
Now university?
Fuck off Joyce, go and get a proper job!

And if you've got mice in your outdoor bird cage, then you have rats too. They're quite partial to bird food & will eat your birds.
Give the birds to a bird sanctuary, where they will be cared for properly.
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Do you know what? He'd survive that, it's explainable on his part as a mistake that he's sorry for and the reference would just say he was dismissed and why. An entry level job that you didn't need checks for would be fine.

His Internet footprint is the thing he'd find most difficult to overcome when job hunting.
Without totally outing myself, I work for an ambulance service and we dismissed someone for gross misconduct (various reasons, including neglecting patient care, concerns over clinical competence, using inappropriate language etc), that person now works for a private ambulance service in the same role, despite us having provided a reference stating that they were dismissed for gross misconduct 🤷
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Anyway back to sharing her stupid shit from patreon 👍😂
(Just for the backstory she was talking about some disagreement E had with her mates at school)


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Why the fuck is she not rushing over to him at the cooker and explaining to him that its dangerous and it burns!!!
Just stood there watching him and filming him. Wtf 🤯
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Just looking down her Facebook posts and looking at all the shares on the videos.... it makes me so uncomfortable that 221 strangers on the internet have shared a video of Wilby and 141k people have viewed him...because its not just followers who see him... God knows who is watching those videos and saving them and then passing them on! Its fucking scary!
How can she honestly say that her children are safe and she knows exactly who looks at these? She doesn't have a clue who is looking at her children!
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Jesus. To sum up Ratshit has no grasp of geography or parenting. She even admitted to Bratsy BeKind that she’d “giving up” with Issac and Tallulah. Those two in particular need their phones removing unless they have “find me” enabled. They need to be home at a reasonable hour. They need to not be filmed. They need to have their private conversations kept private. They need to learn the consequences of loosing bank cards that it’s tough 💩 until a new one arrives (no chance would I give my 16 year old my card). This could apply to all six kids though (not so much Wilby)
Sloshy has completely checked out of parenting his two oldest boys. You’d think a “serving but on a break” police officer who is “ex-Army” would be a bit more concerned with discipline.
In summary a total 💩 show. By all accounts, Wilby is the least troublesome child out of all of them even with level 3 autism and daily “worst ever” meltdowns.
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Those twigs sticking out of his shorts 😳

I mean I know he can’t help it but I like a real man with a rugby player thighs. Good chunky pair nice and meaty - same with the balls. (bet he has tiny,skinny ones)
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Why did she sleep on GG's sofa if she has a spare room unless Isaac was there as its his room?
I hear on her live she's started sowing the seeds for Joyce leaving the police 👀
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Emily living rent free in rachs head still then 🤣

Talking of which when I was looking back through thebold threads I saw last years birthday post to Emily. That did age well, they had stopped speaking just a couple of weeks after 🤣
I'd be fucking fuming if someone called me broken. I just find it a very strange expression to use. Aren't we supposed to be (rightly) bringing women up by calling them: strong, empowered, brave etc. But she insists on the narrative that women are broken and feeble and all need rescuing by her. Just fuck off
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Chatty Member
So she wants him to leave the police' as it doesn't work for her family, yet wants him to do something that would take him away for days at a time to do with birds and oilrigs? Am I missing something?
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Something about the trolls always contacting his work so when the phone rang on his days off it made him anxious and upset. Mannah has suggested he does a uni course sof if he does that or takes another job he can go to the police to say he's doing that and can leave. Then something about they're having a meeting on Monday as Jo thinks he should be more involved in "the business".
Oh for the love of God, everyone knows the truth and the more she makes up about it, the worse it looks. He's a grown man, he shouldn't need women clucking around making suggestions about what his useless arse should or shouldn't do. Just get a job Slosh. No one gives a fuck about you really 🙄
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The Eskimo

Chatty Member
She probably spikes his drink so he makes himself look a cock and she can film it 🤣
Fairly certain that no alcohol or other substances are required to make him look like a cock; it’s a gift he has. Some people are natural musicians, others are artists and poets. Alas, poor Ronny Rickets was blessed with haplessness.
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I used to find the troll hunting amusing but now its just repetitive and boring bullshit with the biggest eye rolling of all time 😴
Who the fuck does she think she is! Jesus christ woman.
The only stalker and deranged person you have to worry about is your own reflection and nutty nikki 🤦‍♀️
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I'd put money on that the discussion turned ugly because Josh wants Wilby to start reception in September - he's done being a house husband and Princess TippyToes is having "violent" meltdowns over the prospect of having to face her worst "chrolls" at the school gates for the next 7 years. I'm still convinced that some chance encounter at Totnes triggered this.
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Somethink less

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Why is she sharing that her two young children have turned off their locations but it's okay because her eldest two have turned out alright? Like, what? How can you not know where your 15 & 13yo (I think that's their ages?) are??? I mean yeah, kids do dumb shit and I wasn't a perfect teenager but it's like she wants to be friends with her children rather than having firm boundaries and making sure they're safe. She claims they have an open relationship and can talk to her about anything but the hiding locations and not being home speaks for itself...
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She definitely doesn’t have any normal friends (by normal I mean non paid ones / forced family ones). When do you ever see her on a girls night out? Cinema? Dinner? Drinks? Takeaway night?
Astrid occasionally - because A wants the social media life.
Hannah - seems to be family events only never just out socially
The patchwork girls - only seems to be work stuff
Wet blanket Jo - work only
Stabby - toxic pile
Emily - toxic pile
BB charlee - very rarely seen ever anymore
Cocaine Katy - same as above

She needs to be careful. Hannah & GG have proved with the boys mum that they will cut out Josh’s ex without a 2nd thought. If R & J were to split no matter what they say now, they would 100% side with josh.

She has no relationship with any of her family.

She really would be alone.
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wonder Lu

VIP Member
Just watched stories, bragging about saving £90!
Most people wouldn’t spend £90 but she saved it so god knows how much they actually spent.
At the end Wilby is sat in the car and says “no talking”
I wonder if that’s what she says to him so that at times he doesn’t talk therefore pushing the non verbal narrative!!??
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