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My other half was a police officer for 30+years (now retired) & neither he, myself & our children used our real names on social media, in fact we still don’t & keep our accounts private. He took a career break whilst still serving to recover from an op & kept his uniform, warrant card etc.
Someone I know from work is married to a police officer. His Facebook is totally locked down, and not in his real name. It's perfectly usual for people in certain jobs to either just not use social media at all, or use false names. But Racket shared a video of him naked outside the house while he was still apparently a serving officer, and didn't think it was in any way appropriate 🤷
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anyone else think that these “Betsy i miss you” lovebombing diarrhoea posts are a way to guilt trip B into coming back home??
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Josh has truly and utterly had the final piece of his balls extracted. What man would tolerate his Wife telling a bunch of strangers that he is effectively redundant, has no real place in society, nothing to offer apart from the school run.

And no way would R allow Slosh to go to a Uni with all the fit young human "birds" for his penis to slip in on on those field trips.

Also - interesting side note. Mrs Meldrum's useless former house husband was forced back on the Oil Rigs after the racism scandal that destroyed her career. I wonder if the Meldrums have been chatting to the Shambletons about future career choices 😅😅
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No he wasn’t, just R,T and W.
I feel like even T is tiptoeing around her a bit, which isn’t like her.
It makes me really uncomfortable that shes so open with her fights and arguments and all the details that are involved with the kids present. They shouldnt know all those details.
Yes every couple argue but the kids shouldn't know why imo.
I suppose because I came from an abusive background (pre kids) and my parents always fought in front of me, I always make the conscience effort not to expose my kids to it.
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Why does she act like a flirty teenager around Seb? 🤢
Having cuddles with your kids doesn't bother me.
The way she behaves around him does bother me. Its weird as fuck.the same way josh behaves around betsy and her mates.
They don't behave like their parents/ step parent. Its hard to explain but its just uncomfortable
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Do they all think they are some sort of mafia now 🤣🤣🤣
And yes, that's Mario's triple chins 🤣
What exactly do they think outing janie has achieved? she may or may not have got a few shitty messages off some of the deranged huns but other then that what will they actually do? Are they going to turn up at her house? Turn up at her place of work? What will they do if they see her in person? Is rach expecting people to fight janie? Does she want the huns to bring janies head to her on a stick?

Unless she can provide evidence of the stalking and bullying of her family, Rach hasn't a leg to stand on with any of it. However should a hun contact janie with threats and abuse then a report to D&C police about Rach inciting bullying could be made against her surely? I'm sure sloshys (ex) colleagues would love seeing PC pretty boy again 😉
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This is the most I could get about W’s school. Everytime she went to talk about it she said the words ‘august baby’ and it turned into a story about B 🙄
Other than this she said they are taking him out of nursery every Friday so they can go out in the camper as soon as they drop E to school on the weekends she’s with her dad 🤷🏻‍♀️
She conveniently met the top top boss of ALL the ECHPs on a hen do, who happened to overhear her conversation about W 🙄 she never really got to what she said to her though I don’t think…🤔
There are 14 (i think, but def a lot 😂) other schools in the area that have spaces but she’s not going to bother going to see them.
And W will start in reception next year but he can be made to move years at any point by the school but she’ll deal with that if and when it happens. So when he’s supposed to start year 7 the secondary could say no he has to start in year 8.
She must be absolutely fckn fuming that her exclusive Patreon lives are being shared on this hate site for her chrolls!
Thanks to those of you who share the videos ❤.
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Can you imagine if this was the other way round….where a female has given up a job they love for a career break….expressed they missed it and wanted to go back and their husband was saying “no that doesn’t work for me” and pushing them towards other options or trying to did them a role in their little preened business(which is just a front for their scams) .the huns would be foaming at the l mouth shouting abuse / control etc…
Totally agree. Imagine if a man was phoning his wife at work to cone home, because he couldn't cope with basic stuff without her. Imagine a man smashing plates in anger because his wife wouldn't order a takeaway. Imagine a man holding the purse strings and making his wife give up all means to making her own money.
The huns are soooo blinkered and just can't join the dots.
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W is chatting, speaking in context, understanding, responding appropriately, engaging.

She will be doing him a massive disservice if she holds him back from starting school in September. He’s as bright as a button, he will thrive with people investing time in him.

Let him start and let the school - the experts - determine what, if any, support he needs.

He certainly has some delays and autistic traits, but she should be celebrating that he is clearly not at the “level 3” point she tries to paint.

He’ll fly at school with people who want him to do well surrounding him.

And his little “try again mummy” - how cute? 🥰
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There’s a few police men/women where we live, they have social media and they don’t have their real/full name on their profile. They are all closed accounts, one in my road doesn’t add anyone and his wife never posts videos of pics of their kids (as it should be).
I can’t see how he’s allowed all over the pages, and acting the way he does… when he’s meant to “act like he’s still employed” in her words
My other half was a police officer for 30+years (now retired) & neither he, myself & our children used our real names on social media, in fact we still don’t & keep our accounts private. He took a career break whilst still serving to recover from an op & kept his uniform, warrant card etc.
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And now I’m going to prove that I’m incapable of having a conversation without filming it just incase! 🤦🏼‍♀️ what a twat! Still only a minute of your day tho isn’t it!! 🙄
Babe, if you dont film it how will anyone even know you have had a lush time with lush people discussing lush things and living your lushest life 🤔
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Not one of those kids has any respect whatsoever! Not one!!!! Not including Wilby as he is far too young to understand but the rest of them 😡😡 Write about teenagers my arse!! Shes doing a piss poor job bringing them up. Trying to discipline him? Discipline doesn't mean giggling and videoing him. That mate of his would be sent home, phone off him, debit card never would be given to him again, no ps4 or xbox, grounded and go to your room! Shes literally got no clue!!!! Stupid prick!
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Why do they go to restaurants and give him a bag of crisps but have a meal for themselves, why not find a child friendly place to eat thst does child portions or just not eat out when they have a third wheel/turd in tow?🤷🏻‍♀️
They're going to herpes soon enough, they can eat out as much as they like during that time. Amazed that they've actually got someone lined up to have Wilby.
They need a break from W, after having him all day, they must be exhausted by him. The little boy who sat quietly in the shopping trolley playing with his iPad, whilst his twat of a father was laying on the shop floor in a sleeping bag & his evil mother honked and snorted like the animal that she is.
Filthy pair of bastards.
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How old are I and L?
Lula's 14 and Isaac is 13 (both have had their birthdays this year).

My 15 year old has her location on, with strict instructions that if she's not home and it's turned off, there will be consequences. That useless pair of pricks don't bother to do any kind of parenting, and just write everything off as "teenagers LOL". They have no idea where those kids are, what they're up to, who they're with, and neither of them are the least bit concerned, as long as they don't have to deal with them.
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honestly tattlers, i can’t wait for these camping trips of hers. she’s not a camper and the lack of sleep, space, and general disgust for her family is going to drive her and sloshy apart even more 😂😂😂
I'm more looking forward to how slosh will be. Considering he was in the army, it should be a piece of piss for him!
They literally shit in the woods for a living so if he starts moaning about anything, anything at all... then he wasn't a real soldier 🤣🤣
I love going camping with my partner whos ex army (I know its not the same as a camper van but still) because he's literally the boss at everything! He can whack a tent up in 5 minutes and light a fire like a caveman 🤣
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Gossiping isn’t stalking, you daft woman. We gossip over the things that YOU put online about your whole family.
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