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VIP Member
Had my NT yesterday and the girl told me I had a posterior placenta meaning that I will feel movements more 🤔 anyone else had this and is it really uncomfortable? 🥴


VIP Member
Has anybody used the BabyBrezza formula machine? Everyone I know has sworn by the TommeeTippee perfect prep but I have seen this advertised and on a few Instagram pages. I like that you can keep the formula in it and everything comes apart for washing, it’s more expensive but you don’t need to buy filters so I figure overall it’ll probably end up the same over the course of the first year. I’ll be trying breastfeeding but pretty sure I’d like to do combined feeding from early on if I can. I go from not being able to believe I’m even pregnant to full on research & organisation mode 🥴


Well-known member
Has anybody availed of the covid vaccine while pregnant? Just wondering as it’s been offered but I’m totally on the fence🤷‍♀️


Well-known member
I’m feeling ok still just the same type of pains too and been feeling really nauseous? Hopefully it won’t be long for us now x
Yes I have been the same! Feeling really queasy all the time, poorly tummy (tmi) so fingers crossed for us both! X


VIP Member
This sounds great you are super lucky I would have found it odd just being naked in a pool too so it’s good she covered you back up apparently I have to pay for this privilege to have the same room however the care I’ve received so far I can imagine turning up in labour and being put in a cleaning cupboard.
Are you in UK? We are so so lucky, but the only downside is that I am around half hour drive from the hospital...this is taken into account by the midwives when you call when in labour. My first child, my waters broke first so I was already admitted before the contractions started but I'm nervous if I have to do the journey whilst having contractions this time!!


VIP Member
Have any of you guys had plantar fasciitis during pregnancy? The soles of my feet are so painful! 😢
Yes! I had this anyway and got worse when I was pregnant! I got these proper insoles but they wouldn't fit in my shoes they were huge, I also got wee inserts to put in at the arch of your foot which helped. Wearing structured shoes helped too like trainers or flats that had a solid base and not flimsy
Those of you that have had a 16 week appointment in person, did you get to hear baby's heartbeat?

I have my appointment on Tuesday and the midwife is coming to my house. So I'm really hoping she'll bring a Doppler! Some friends of mine have been able to film it which I'd love to do so my boyfriend can hear too 😍🤞
I've never ever heard a heartbeat at a midwife appointment 😭 with my first and this one they've never done it! Only at private scans I've heard it which is annoying


Chatty Member
Hi guys, I found out I was pregnant on Saturday morning and was super thrilled! However I started spotting some light pink on Sunday / and a tiny bit yesterday (both only when I wiped) I didn’t need a pad or anything. There wasn’t a lot but I am still concerned as I’ve had 5 positive tests so far across the weekend.

I went to the hospital yesterday to check if all was okay & also did a urine sample. The sample came back negative & now I’m so confused because I’ve had various positive tests at home. The nurse said it could be due to me passing urine all day & it being super diluted, however I’m unsure how it would be completely negative as I thought my home tests were strong! Are the hospital tests just not very sensitive or could my urine be that diluted it wouldn’t pick it up?

has anybody experienced having positive tests at home then negative at the hospital/ doctors? It’s taken so long to get here & I am really worrying now 😩View attachment 568939
In my experience the epu pregnancy tests are a lot less sensitive !
The last pregnancy I lost , I had retained tissue and my pregnancy tests were all quite clearly positive , the epu said Thiers were so faint they were " classing it as negative"
I would ask if you could have a blood test to confirm your HCG levels
The birth centre looks good in my hospital and I really want to give birth there. If you’re low risk you’re automatically put down for birth centre birth. Only thing is it only has 4 rooms. Midwife told me they’ve got so many women due in August it’s crazy. My concern is that doesn’t sound like much space. In your experience have hospitals been rammed that you can’t get in or does it somehow just work out?
We have 2 big hospitals in our trust (both pretty much city centre) and I opted for the one that was marginally closer to us in my first pregnancy (both around a 20-25 min drive without traffic).
When I went into labour the one I wanted was full and I was told I’d need to go to the other one which I did.

It was a blessing really, as I found the other one lovely and have opted for there this time around. Just hoping the same doesn’t happen and they send me back to the other one!

Don’t know what would happen if they were both full!? Assume they would divert you to another hospital!?
Good luck! We’ve been so lax with booking ours 😫 can’t wait to see her mashed potato to face either 😂
Haha when are you going to book yours for? I'm not sure I would of booked one if the scan place wasn't looking for training volunteers. my son's was absolutely rubbish, I think I booked his to late could hardly see anything! X


VIP Member
I had a phone call a week later because I needed to do another urine sample but didn't find out results for bloods until I met with the midwife at 16 weeks.

I think as long as it's all 'normal' they won't contact you, that might just be my experience though...
Ah that’s good 😌 was wondering what happens with those 🤣 there was a cyber attack on the IT systems over the weekend so there will be delays with all that apparently


VIP Member
Has anyone got a recommendation for a nice pregnancy journal? I feel like I should start taking bump pics and thought it’d be nice to keep notes and mementos somewhere but I’ve not seen any in shops and you can’t really tell what they’re like online.


VIP Member
if it’s iron you need, I’ve had the ‘gentle iron’ from Holland and barratt - I only got an upset tum when my iron balanced out and I was still taking it.
I've got over the counter stuff that I've been taking and it's not making a diff so I think it's the prescriplbed stuff I need 😔


Active member
What kind of pains? Like period pains or tightening? Could they be braxton hicks? How far along are you? Sorry lots of questions lol.
My labour started with my waters breaking and then I got contractions about 15 mins later, it’s all very confusing. That was my biggest worry... how will I know I’m in labour?! And everyone told me “you will just know!”

how many dpo are you? Or when is your period due? First response are the most accurate so I would say it’s pretty certain that it’s correct! If I were you I’d wait and test again just to be sure, wishing you the best 💕
Well thats just it I came off the depo about 5 month ago I wouldn’t say I’ve had a period just a very light bleed about two months ago, that’s part of the confusion I naively thought you had period, ovulation, pregnancy 🤦🏻‍♀️ Thank you so much! 🥰


VIP Member
Anyone else having mild heart palpitations? Around once every hour or two and lasts literally a second. I thought it was a bit of anxiety at first as it’s kind of top centre of my chest / bottom of my throat at times, but I’m pretty sure it’s not now. I’ve checked with my doctor and she said it’s totally normal and a result of increased blood flow and to just let her know if anything gets worse or lasts longer. Google concurs but it’s really an unpleasant feeling and I’m sure is making me feel worse by making me worry!
This was one of my anemia symptoms! Have you had an iron check recently?


VIP Member
I've been the exact same today, celebrating hitting 24 weeks. What a nightmare. I hope it eases up for you, it's so horrible feeling so poorly x
Have you got anything from your Dr for it? I keep panicking as the NHS website says you should go to the hospital if you're not able to keep down water😭😭