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Well-known member
I'm still here too. Absolutely no signs, no cramps or anything, but I feel like I need another 9 months to prepare myself anyway so I'm not in any rush. 😂 Next midwife appointment is Friday at 40+5, she's said she'll offer me a sweep, but I'm undecided.

The tone in my response to people asking if there's any news is getting more passive aggressive by the hour though!
Ahh mine is on Thursday! I've accepted to try the sweep, I'm intrigued how it'll go if nothing happens before then. How are you feeling? I completely feel you on the messages! Its so frustrating, even if I say I'll let you know if there is news I get another message 😒 x


Active member
thanks so much! also random but does anyone have a good resource for finding out what skincare products are safe/unsafe during pregnancy?


VIP Member
I don't think you have a 24 week appointment if it's not your first
You don’t in our trust and if it is your first it’s still a telephone appt. First face to face with midwife after booking bloods is 28weeks.

Seemingly they only offer the 20 week anomaly scan for people with family history or high risk at my maternity hospital 🙄 just as well I have a private scan booked
This shouldn’t be the case if you’re under the NHS where you are.


VIP Member
Been trying to get a hold of my midwife since Monday when I had a missed call off an NHS number. Left several messages and promised that she will call me back...nearly 4 days later still nothing 🙄🙄 absolutely infuriating. Does anyone know if the gp will have access to the urine test results that were done in the hospital on Saturday or is that a totally diff system?
It is a different system in my experience because my gp can’t see my notes when I asked them to check something xx
If there are no complications with the birth, how long do you have to stay in the maternity hospital afterwards? I’m sooooo weird with the smell in there 🤣 I know that sounds silly but that’s just me 🤷🏼‍♀️
I was in for one night and that was with low cord PH levels, maybe depending on the time of day you give birth it could even be the same day, before they tested his cord they told me I could go home the same day 😭 fingers crossed for you! X


VIP Member
I'm in the same boat as you - I'm 7 weeks tomorrow and I have an early scan booked for Saturday because I've been so worried about things going wrong. I have decided to cancel it now because I am worried that they won't see anything which will in turn cause me to worry (when there may be no need to worry) and also because I figured even if I do see something, there's still no guarantee things will remain ok. I'm going to sit tight until my 12 week scan now which is 10 June (it was originally 14 June but I asked if I could have the earliest possible appointment) which I'll be 12 weeks by that point.

I'm so worried about everything, I'm such a pessimist but I'm just going to try and wait it out now. I have a midwife appointment on 20 May so I'm hoping that will reassure me ahead of my scan.
That makes sense - I won’t even be contacted by my midwife until 10 weeks and then I don’t know how long I’ll have to wait for a scan date from there.
It’s all so nerve wracking isn’t it?!
I’m on the Peanut app and I keep seeing women posting all these lovely scan photos from 6 weeks + where they’ve seen everything just fine, and I think I just assumed itd be the same for me and now that little voice in the back of my head is saying otherwise.


VIP Member
Is it normal to have ligament pain just above the groin? I picked up my son to get him out the car and I had a sharp pain like ligament pain and now to the left above my groin is a bit sore. I’m certain it is but I need some reassurance lovely ladies 😂😣


Chatty Member
Anybody else really suffering with dry nostrils now?
I don't know if it's a pregnancy thing or hayfever or both but ughhhh.
Spoke to the pharmacist at my GP and she was quite anti me taking any hayfever stuff although said it wasn't written off completely.
I've been using a saline nasal spray which basically just goes to my ears and blocks them. I've got a humidifier on at night, but I'm still waking up with my nose so dry that it's bleeding. 😭
I suffer badly with hayfever so I’ve been prescribed tablets. Not sure what they are as collecting them after work but I spoke to 2 doctors and a pharmacist and they were all hesitant at tablets until I explained how bad it was. Over the weekend I was told to take piriton 4mg until I get my prescription.


Chatty Member
Where does everyone go for their community midwife appointments? I dunno if I’m just so used to everything being on my doorstep, but with my son she came to our local doctors once a week, and where I used to live friends had theirs at their local doctors too. But for my midwife appointments I have to travel 8 miles to a community centre in the middle of a random housing estate out of town. I don’t drive either (mega driving anxiety after being involved in a crash years ago) which is fine I can get a bus.. but the bus only takes you so far and it’s a 35 minute walk from the bus stop and my bladder I can’t do that 😩 my partners took the morning off so he can take me to my next one but it’s just not practical for him To take a day off every 2-3 weeks for it. I’m so stumped. I struggle with taxis too so I just don’t know what to do.


VIP Member
Yes, I toss and turn most of the night. How much longer have you got left?
Ages 😂I’m only 17 weeks and honestly my bum hurts so bad
Every night! I found swapping my huge pregnancy pillow (which just made me hot and more uncomfortable) for a normal pillow between my knees takes the pressure away slightly and makes it a little more comfortable
ah ok I’ll try that, or maybe the sofa as it’s softer! I’m usually a side sleeper so I don’t get why it’s hurting 😭


Chatty Member
Has anyone been taking pregnacare? The midwife recommended it to me so I got it a while ago... €22:50 was a bit steep so I’m hoping they are magical beans 🤣
Yes - I take this. I got it in Holland and Barrett when they do the buy one get another for a penny sale.


Chatty Member
Rant -

Why are maternity dresses all right fitting ones right now!
Its hot. Its coming up to summer. I don't want skin tight dresses i want cute floaty ones.
Especially when baby boy has brought with him a heck load of back fat so bodycon is an absolute no
Try jojo mamam and bebe. They have an outlet section on their website with lovely floaty dresses 😊


VIP Member
Mine called and text me from when I was 5 weeks to set up face to face appointments and told me to text her any non urgent questions etc. Luckily she’s really nice and I’m glad I get to keep seeing her (until I move eeek 😳)!
My gp arranged the hospital appointments and here you don’t usually see the same midwife. They are really behind in appointments so I’m guessing they are understaffed and overwhelmed with the baby boom 🤣 also there is only 1 maternity hospital in the county/city 🥴


VIP Member
Any of you ladies around 11/12 weeks feel the top of the uterus coming up yet behind the public bone? I can't remember when I noticed it with my first baby?


VIP Member
Yeah I had these early on too! I mentioned it to the midwife and she was not bothered 🤷‍♀️ They have stopped for me now (am 25 + 5)
Yep I remember having this maybe 9-13 weeks along I think. My heart would beat really hard like I was nervous for a short time. Totally normal apparently.
Thanks! Yes that’s exactly what it feels like, I thought it was anxiety at first but it’s not. I keep doing some slow deep breathing but it doesn’t seem to have any impact so I guess I just wait and hope it passes soon; at least it’s nothing to officially worry about!


VIP Member
You had them daily? You poor thing! Glad they cleared up that must have been horrendous o_O:(

I used to get them once a month on day one period but usually dosed up to the eyeballs for period pain I could just about survive the day.

Good call on the cooling strips and 4head, I will stock up on them. So scared to try anything as it's such a minefield on what can be used and what can't be.

Thank you ❤

@louichi I've just been doing daily walks, starting a pregnancy yoga class next week which I am buzzing for!
It was 😭 but I defo recommend the Kool n Soothe strips, someone on this thread recommend them to me and they are defo a good distraction from the pain!


VIP Member
What do you mean by your scan pic reading wrong?
Does it have the date you gave them on it and then they changed it when they scanned you?
It’s only minor but I gave them my date based on my scan at 6w but they also asked for last period so my prints say 14w2d and I’m only 12w4 by her measurements (12w2 based on my 6w scan). I guess it doesn’t matter I’m just a bit ocd and hope it doesn’t cause any issues if other medical people need to review it later on.

Hello ladies! My little Dot arrived on Monday at 23:09 weighing 8lb 5oz!

The induction was completely fine!! In the end I didn’t need the gel I was already dilated so they just broke my waters and she came 11 hours later after about 3 hours of active labour and 2 pushes 😂😂 it was a surprise when she popped out for sure! It’s so true what they say about 2nd babies 😂
Congratulations! Nice to hear a positive induction story! Enjoy the newborn cuddles!❤