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It’s not too early I did the test on New Year’s Eve called first day the doctors opened and I got a scan on 7th January because I just didn’t believe it was possible and I was hysterical needing to know it was viable. Saw the heartbeat I was just 6 weeks as my periods would have made me about 10 weeks because they were all over the place. Biggest piece of advice is fuck anyone who doesn’t take you seriously keep pushing for appointments Midwife’s etc because you and your baby are most important regardless of what receptionists think xx
Oh wow we found out on the same day! 💖
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Can anyone recommend an infant car seat?

After our chats about them the other day I asked the midwife and she said I’ll need to have one to carry baby out in. I don’t really know what’s good so any recommendations appreciated!
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This is the list from my local hospital if its any help.
The only other things I can think is snacks like I brought nuts, chocolate and sweets just for quick energy hits. Also nice to have a biscuit with your cuppa after!
And yes bottle and straw top of the list
Oh and phone charger lol
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Oh wow we found out on the same day! 💖
Omg wow that is mad we are due like a day apart aren’t we as well I am 4th September I don’t understand any of my dates if I’m perfectly honest according to due date calculator I am due 26th august which to me sounds more accurate. When is your next midwife appointment? I did the test when my partner was at work and I rang him on FaceTime and I couldn’t talk I just showed him the test and it already said 3+ I am still in shock everyday when I get up and see myself and feel her move. How did you tell your partner? After so many negative tests over the years you never expect it to come back positive xx
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So I posted previously how I had reduced movements, went in Friday for CTG and all was good. They asked me to go back yesterday for another CTG to be sure and was told all fine again (after my trace Friday her movements went back to normal and are still normal). Now I've received a phone call to say they want me in for a scan as another check? I asked the lady is there some concern that I've not been made aware about and she said my notes just says the doctor wants to scan to be safe. I'm not complaining because scans are nice but I do feel concerned there's something happening that I am unaware about?! Or am I just paranoid?! X
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Haha fab thank you! Glad to know it's speedy, I'm hoping something happens before then but if not I'm up for seeing if it does anything! Did you have success after you had yours?
Nope. I've had 8 in total now 😂 although 2 of them they couldn't do much so they were only partial as my cervix was still to far back.
None worked though.
The chance of them working is very low.
Less than 20% of sweeps done after a due date work within 48 hours
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Hi ladies 😍

I’ve not been active in the last couple of threads, they move so fast! 😂

Had my 20 week scan this morning, baby measuring well and looking healthy - huge relief!

I was told my placenta is positioned at the front and is low, the sonographer said there could be complications with a natural birth if my placenta stays in that position - has anyone else experienced this? If so, was a c-section required or did your placenta move out of the way? X
Hello! My placenta was partially covering my cervix at the 20 week scan, most the time it moves out the way! It did for me, they scanned me at 34 or 36 weeks I can’t remember 😩 just to check! X
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@calmyourritas I'm 8 weeks on Thursday are we the same?!

@DaisyDaisy87 how lovely! I went alone to my private scan last night and they offered money off if we book before 16w so I’m tempted to book on for 9/10 weeks so my husband can come and see. Sounds like 10weeks would be ideal or near!
Yes honestly it was so worth it, the difference since my last one (7weeks 5days) was amazing. If you can hold out towards the end of the 10 weeks baby might be moving around quite a bit! ❤
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Sweaty Betty leggings are amazing not see through I am still wearing a medium even with a larger bump now I bought the 7/8 because I am short and they fit really well.

I bet new born life is difficult but my step son was wonderful baby and my partner will be there if I need a shower how ridiculous to try and convince us we can’t shower etc Kate L was really irritating on celebrity bumps. Millions of women have had children successfully in all cultures some with no or limited resources I think we will all be ok x
ooooh sweaty Betty I miss the most I can’t wait to fit back into their amazing clothes 😍 the emails they send me on a daily are just torture being the size that I am now 🐳 😅wish they had maternity options x
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Had my NT yesterday and the girl told me I had a posterior placenta meaning that I will feel movements more 🤔 anyone else had this and is it really uncomfortable? 🥴
That’s a normal placenta position, I’ve had 3 posterior and one anterior. I didn’t feel a huge amount of difference to be honest.

Does anyone have a sleepyhead? Am so undecided about whether to get one for supervised daytime naps etc. Have a next to me for the bedroom and a cot for the nursery but wasn’t sure if I’d use one/if they’re worth the money!

Does anyone have a sleepyhead? Am so undecided about whether to get one for supervised daytime naps etc. Have a next to me for the bedroom and a cot for the nursery but wasn’t sure if I’d use one/if they’re worth the money!
We have a different brand, same idea. I got it with baby 3 to have somewhere to pop her that she would be safe downstairs if I needed to do something, and didn’t want her siblings at her. Used it not a huge amount, and haven’t used it at all this time round, am just about to pack it away. So for me, not worth it at all (and mine was only about £30)
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Sorry to disappoint but its no different to the £4 supermarket own ones 😂

There's 20 rooms at my hospital and both this time time and last time, struggled to get a room 😂
Oh no way? What supermarket version do you get?

I’ve got them on three for two from
Super drug cost 38!something for three boxes in pounds I actually like them I am taking pregnacare plus. I only had them because my partner picked them for me as he said they were the nicest packaging 🤨 I’ve just stuck with them x
Yes they are the ones I got too! I was shocked at the price 🤣
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Never heard of eating dates coming up to due date. Certainly not something I’ve ever done!
I think there is an old wives tale suggesting that dates may lead to a quicker and easier labor.... midwives suggest you may just end up with diarrhoea 😂

Good for cleaning out the system though!
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i decided at 37 weeks not to renew my prescription as it was "only a few weeks" and I’d be fine.

Please be smarter than I was and keep renewing yours. I was miserable those last two weeks.
Thank you. Don’t worry I won’t. I made the mistake of running out a couple of weeks ago and had to go a weekend without it- never again
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This was one of my anemia symptoms! Have you had an iron check recently?
Yes my iron levels were on the higher side, my doctor actually mentioned that. I’ve got a 16 week appointment so if I’m still feeling them a lot I’ll get her to check again. Thanks!
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What's the benefits of eating dates nearing the due date? Im forcing myself to eat them but they're vile
There's been a study that suggests eating 6 dates a day for the last 4 weeks decreases things like the first stage of labour and stuff
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There are a lot of people on here that have there midwives numbers and stuff... Is that a common thing? Just asking as none of my friends with kids barely knew the midwifes name
I had my midwives number simply because she'd send text reminders for appointments. I was never directly given it and said use this number or anything
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Hi sorry for TMI but had a rough night. I’m 5 weeks & been having some constipation was my first symptom/clue that I was pregnant. Had bad trapped gas when I went to bed last night & woke in the middle of night with diarrhoea and feeling super faint / actually getting cold sweats all over. Has anyone had anything like this ?
Yes I had this around 6 weeks, really painful trapped wind. I went to the pharmacy and rennie deflatine tablets are safe to take during pregnancy. They helped me a lot. Hope you feel better soon x
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