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VIP Member
So next week we're doing a 3 night staycation down by the coast. It's about 2.5 hours drive from us and I'll be 32 weeks plus a few days. Really looking forward to it, cute little hotel etc.

But at this stage would you be taking your hospital bag with you just in case? Trying to figure out logistics as the little cabin suitcase I'm planning to use for the staycation is the same one that will be used for my hospital bag lol.
I wouldn't as normally don't tend to pack my hospital bag until around 36 weeks. Even then I only start to think about it haha

H&M have some good, basic floaty ones! (I’m the biggest H&M fan hahah). Just wish the weather would actually be warm enough to wear them now 😒

Those of you who already have babies, what are your thoughts on changing bags? Are they worth it? A relative has offered to buy us something and thought that could be a potential good ‘non essential’ item which is not too boring!
I always use one but the one I've got this time is just a bag and it has no pockets and I hate it 😂
I don't spend a fortune on them though. As nice as the £50odd ones look, the ones less than £20 do just as well.
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Morning ladies

feeling frumpy and uncomfortable today!

@wakametango not as far along as you but I do sometimes get them, are they waking you up? X
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Has anyone been taking pregnacare? The midwife recommended it to me so I got it a while ago... €22:50 was a bit steep so I’m hoping they are magical beans 🤣
Sorry to disappoint but its no different to the £4 supermarket own ones 😂

The birth centre looks good in my hospital and I really want to give birth there. If you’re low risk you’re automatically put down for birth centre birth. Only thing is it only has 4 rooms. Midwife told me they’ve got so many women due in August it’s crazy. My concern is that doesn’t sound like much space. In your experience have hospitals been rammed that you can’t get in or does it somehow just work out?
There's 20 rooms at my hospital and both this time time and last time, struggled to get a room 😂
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My friend has just given birth to a gorgeous little girl. She had the NT test- it came back as high risk. She then went for the CVS test (I think that’s what it’s called) and it came back all fine. However, when she gave birth the other week, they discovered she has in fact has Down syndrome and it was missed. Obv she’s angry and confused- just navigating her way around her feelings.
Ever since then Iv been overly worrying about my baby- due in a few weeks. I didn’t realise that things like this could be missed.
Naive I know!
I had the NT test and it came back low risk, but thinking about it now, if I had declined it I think I would be worrying even more.
I’m sure whatever you decide to do will be right for you.
But I think all women should defo have the option to have the test xxxxxx
I’m the same, I’m overly worried and paranoid. I think after my NT test I will probably opt for the harmony test while I’m still under the 20wk mark
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Lulu Goss

VIP Member
Sleeping like shite here too, really comes back to haunt you being a stomach sleeper usually doesn’t it 😂😂

19 week scan for me Friday. How slow will this week go?!
I’ve got mine next Tuesday, feels like the longest drag now! Are you going to find out the sex?
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Three of us so close together! I'm 40+4, still zero signs.

Have a midwife appointment tomorrow, I'm probably gonna decline the sweep and just ask if she can arrange an induction date (can you even do that?!) but the more I'm reading about inductions, the more 😫 I'm getting about them after reading they can be a lot more painful??
I've never had an induction so it's not personal experience but my friend has had 3 children and induced with one and said it was no different to the other two xx
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Mad isn’t it, we’ll be 6 months pregnant by the end of this week!

Anyone else getting severe cramps in middle of the night? I’m pretty active but have previous blood clot damage in my left leg and wake up in so much pain my partner has to push my toes/heel because I can’t move my foot to help myself, like I’d do before pregnancy.
Not sure if the intensity is normal!? (I’m 22+3)
Yes! I get cramp in my right calf and foot at night which is mega painful for a minute or two then eases. I always thought it was normal - my mum and sister both had it during pregnancy but if you’re worried maybe mention it to the midwife?
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Well-known member
It definitely hasn’t been sit out weather where I live for weeks so haven’t had anyone round. The rules change again next Monday but as I’m unvaccinated and pregnant, it will only be close family that I’d be allowing in anyway-each to their own though
Some people need visitors for the good of their mental health
Yh I think I’m going to say this to them.
I don’t wanna risk anything, or my partner not being at the birth.
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Hi everyone, I’m 24 weeks. I have only had contact from my midwife twice (8 weeks and at my 16 week check up), and I don’t have any appointments booked in with her. Is this normal? It’s my first baby so just want to double check! When do I start learning how to give birth haha
Hey I was in the same situation at my 16 week appointment the midwife told me to book another appointment at 25 weeks maybe give the midwife or doctors surgery a call as I believe from all of my friends who are pregnant too that you have one at 25 weeks so she might have forgot to say as mine spoke so fast to me. Have you had your whooping cough vaccine also as I think this needs to be done after 20 weeks. I am only a few days behind you at 23 + 6 I also have no idea what to do other than advice from the wonderful ladies on here or my friend who is 8 weeks in front of me xx
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There are a lot of people on here that have there midwives numbers and stuff... Is that a common thing? Just asking as none of my friends with kids barely knew the midwifes name
I have no contact number other than a helpline who also don’t answer trying to contact someone is absolutely shit had to ring the doctors instead because I was crying. X

@Crazycatlady18 mine was the same although I could listen to her heartbeat with the Doppler machine and there was a student midwife as well who went on about the free stuff I can get from this magazine and took my bloods x
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New member
I found eating small and often really helped me. I could only manage plain food like crackers though. Also it’s probably not midwife recommended but a bottle of lucozade original saved me most days
I was the exact same, ice cold lucosade in a glass with ice 😂 and crackers, love the snack packs of Tuc! Thankfully over the past week my nausea seems to be gone, for now at least!
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In my 34 years on this planet I have never even had one pimple.... now my forehead is absolutely full of spots 🙈 has anyone got this with their pregnancy or have any tips to make them go away 🤣
How far along are you?
During the first trimester I had them really badly on my cheeks and chin, and found that cutting down my usually OTT skincare routine, getting rid of all the harsher ingredients and literally using a Eucerin cleanser and Botanics Gel Moisturiser helped, plus drinking as much water as I could keep down. By the middle of my second trimester they had gone, so not sure if that was luck or my new gentle skincare routine!
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Maybe a stupid question, but what happens if there isn’t a spare room.. 😂
I have absolutely no idea 😂 I presume when it's busier, they try and get people out and onto the ward as quick as possible but yeah I wondered that too.

Oh no way? What supermarket version do you get?

Yes they are the ones I got too! I was shocked at the price 🤣
Just Asda.
Tesco do them too.
I presume most supermarkets do 😊
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Prob a very silly question but I’m new to all this! Did you get the results of the NT there and then? It’s not part of the 12 week scan here so I had to book it up the country privately 🙄
Not a silly question at all! So we got our results in two parts... they measured the NT and said there was a risk because it was quite high and then I had my bloods done straight after and then they called me the next day with the actual risk which I was 1/100 if that makes sense?
so Idid the NIPT the following week and they came back with the results as 1/10000 with a 99% accuracy whereas NT I believe is only in the 70s of accuracy. That’s what I was told anyway!
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Hello ladies! My little Dot arrived on Monday at 23:09 weighing 8lb 5oz!

The induction was completely fine!! In the end I didn’t need the gel I was already dilated so they just broke my waters and she came 11 hours later after about 3 hours of active labour and 2 pushes 😂😂 it was a surprise when she popped out for sure! It’s so true what they say about 2nd babies 😂
Aww congratulations!! Wow that’s a great birth story. Hope you’re doing well xx
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