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Was meant to have a telephone consultation with my obstetrician at 11. I'm desperate for a wee now, you just know the phone will ring as I start going 🤣
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Yes! I had this anyway and got worse when I was pregnant! I got these proper insoles but they wouldn't fit in my shoes they were huge, I also got wee inserts to put in at the arch of your foot which helped. Wearing structured shoes helped too like trainers or flats that had a solid base and not flimsy
Ah it’s so annoying isn’t it! And yess I’ve had some insoles before but they were the same and completely destroyed all my shoes! Bought some super cushioned running trainers but they haven’t really helped. Not sure if this is just one of those ‘put up with it’ things or whether there’s actually anything which can be done :(
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Same with me! Still lots of period cramp like pains and back pain but nothing has changed. How are you feeling x

Awww congrats!! Xx
I’m feeling ok still just the same type of pains too and been feeling really nauseous? Hopefully it won’t be long for us now x
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Just out of interest what are the things you have went off this pregnancy and what have you craved?
I've went off- noodles, chips, potato, things like cottage pie, bananas, fruit squash
So far only craved chicken ciabatta, rice pudding, lollies, melon
I went off the same things as you 🤣 I’m obsessed with peaches, mandarins, brown soda bread with ham, cheese and brown sauce 🥴
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I’ve been catching up on here the last day as I’ve been a little bit busy. My darling baby girl arrived on Wednesday afternoon. I was 38+4. I had an induction booked for Sunday when I’d be 39+1 but my midwife agreed to sweep me early to see if we could avoid induction. I had a sweep Tuesday afternoon and immediately started bleeding. I went up to maternity assessment and stayed there for 5 hours. The consultant reviewed me at 8pm and because they couldn’t figure what the bleeding was they agreed to take me straight to labour ward and break my water to get things going properly. I was transferred straight away even though I was still only 2-3cm but it meant my partner could come in straight away. I was contracting over on labour ward despite there being a delay to break my water due to an emergency coming in. They finally broke my water at 3am but I was still only 3cm. They checked me at 7am, still 3cm and at this time put me on the drip to ramp things up. It certainly ramped up the pain and the contractions got closer together and far more intense. I was checked at 11 am and still only 3cm. I lost it at this point and couldn’t cope any longer so had an epidural at 11:30am, the epidural failed! Gave me no relief at all so I continued with the gas and air. At 12:30pm and hour after last being examined I was examined again and fully dilated. I’d gone from 3-10cm in less than an hour. Our darling baby girl was born at 13:39. She weighed 7lb 7oz and is absolute perfection. Unfortunately within a few minutes of being born she had some issues breathing so almost 72 hours on she’s still in NICU. She’s doing amazing though and off oxygen completely. She’s on lots of antibiotics and nil by mouth to protect her little tummy and bowels as they think there’s a little infection there but she’s improving by the hour and hopefully this afternoon I will get to give her her first feed which will feel magical. I’ve been expressing every 3 hours which is tough when your baby is in NICU but I’m on cloud 9 and couldn’t be happier. I just can’t wait to take her home and for her to meet her big brother and big sisters. The newborn baby bubble is the best and physically I’m feeling really well with no soreness or anything like I’ve had before, now if I can just get my darling girl into my arms I’ll be the happiest mama on the planet at the moment. Xx
Biggest congratulations, you are such a trooper! That first cuddle will be amazing. Well done you ❤
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In many places in the UK it’s done as standard as part of the 12 week scan. I’m in NI where it isn’t done as standard so haven’t ever had it.
Yeah I'm in NI too, I didn't get it first baby as I was under 35 but the midwife says as I am over 35 this time it will be offered to me and its entirely my choice to take it. BUT now that you say that, I think there's another test later on in pregnancy that's not done in NI, think it's only this one (scan and blood test) if you are over 35.

Thats the edwards, patau and downs test right? I had it. The sonographer just took measurements of baby on the screen. Its not invasive. I think a further test can be done if the results come back with a higher chance of the above. I had a letter within a week with the results.
Yes that's the one. I dont know anyone that's had it so was curious!
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Chatty Member
Has anyone got a recommendation for a nice pregnancy journal? I feel like I should start taking bump pics and thought it’d be nice to keep notes and mementos somewhere but I’ve not seen any in shops and you can’t really tell what they’re like online.
I have this one

I can’t copy the link directly from Etsy so google this and she comes up

‘etsy lovedbyjacob pregnancyjournal’

She has different styles to choose from. Partner and I run out of things to say weekly so I’d suggest taking it in turns 😂
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That's exactly what I thought. She didn't seem to want to stick around tbh she left the room before I did. No I've got a 9 year old so thankfully it's not my first pregnancy, but it's my first multiple birth and the only other people I can go to for advice are my elderly relatives who've had twins so their advice is naturally different to today's guidelines. Thankfully I have a consultant appointment on Monday so I'm gonna get him to make sure that I don't miss midwife appointments just because I'm seeing three different consultants! X
Ahh sorry didn't realise you already had a child my bad! But yeh even with twins you should.probably be seen the same amount of times as a first time mum as I'm guessing there are more checks with twins? Seems like she's a crap midwife will you see the same one all the way through or do they swap and change? Xx
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If you’re stuck on the ward for quite a while and you’re bottle feeding, what do you do for making bottles / sterilising bottles?
I don’t think most hospitals have a place for sterilising. They either give you our wee bottles of formula or in some hospitals you’ve to take your own.
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I've found a new cure for the nausea (so far mints and toast are my only saviours) - Tangfastics! I read that sour sweets can help settle your tummy and honestly the relief they've given me this afternoon - I could cry!
Yes!! I noticed this too..Fizzy cola bottles. Isn't it strange 😂😂
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Hi everyone, I’m 24 weeks. I have only had contact from my midwife twice (8 weeks and at my 16 week check up), and I don’t have any appointments booked in with her. Is this normal? It’s my first baby so just want to double check! When do I start learning how to give birth haha
You should have a 25 week appointment and then one every 2/3 weeks until you give birth! I would definitely ring them and get booked in. This might help :)
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Anyone thought about a baby bouncer/chair/nest yet and care to share what you have opted for?
We had bouncer chairs for our last 2, but now we've got a dog and I can just see her being allllllll over it.
I was looking at the nest things with the handles so you can put baby on the floor/sofa/bed wherever and just carry them around with you.
Also looked at the bean bag type things.
Then wonder if they are redundant if you use a Moses basket, although last 2 times around it was the Moses basket that went unused.
Can't decide. Definitely can't afford one of those all singing all dancing leaf things that rock and sway either 😂
I got one of the mamaroo chair rocker things second hand but everyone I’ve spoken too has told me the baby will definitely just prefer one of the normal bouncers rather than the OTT one I got 😬😂 what I liked about it was it was slightly more raised so the dog couldn’t easily climb in (no doubt she’ll give it a go though!). There were some quite nice bouncers that vibrate gently that looked quite good too, plus were very reasonably priced, so might be worth looking into!
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Chatty Member
I haven’t had personal experience but have a family member with thyroid issues. I think if it goes Unmedicated then there is a risk as the body can work overdrive with hormones but the positives are you are way past 12weeks which is where any mediation can be tricky. I would imagine it would be a bit of mediation to level you out and regular bloods.

I do have a friend who had an over active thyroid in pregnancy and hers was managed well. Baby had blood tests after birth and was fine. She did have an early birth but that was for other reasons not related. Hope that helps x
Ah that's good that your friend had a positive experience. It confused me at first, but the high levels mean I have a more underactive thyroid, rather than overactive.

I'm sure the midwife would have told me on the phone if it was something to be more concerned about, wouldn't she? Like she wouldn't just sugar coat it and tell me it shouldn't affect baby if there were any major risks.. GAH is it Wednesday yet 🙄😅
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Having a bit of a wobble today. Booked in for a private early scan on Saturday, when I should be 7+3. The website for the company says it's an abdominal scan only (they don't offer internal at all) so be sure of your dates before you book - anytime from 7 weeks.

Anyway, I'm 90% sure my dates are right, but my worry is that last time I had a smear they told me my uterus was very tilted, so I'm worried they won't see anything through the scan. I had a blighted ovum a few years ago and I'm finding the idea of a scan a bit triggering (although waiting until my NHS scan also frightens me), and I'm worried that if they don't find anything it'll bring a lot of feelings back.

Anyone got any experience on this?
Ahh that’s annoying they don’t offer TV scans. Can you change the date and hold out for another week or so just to be on the safe side? You’re probably much more likely to see something from 8 weeks x
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Chatty Member
Yep that’s me, are you too? Gert lush 😂🖤
Ill be going to the BRI. Looked at southmead but its quite a long and busy drive to get there for me. My friend gave birth there in nov and loved it. She said if you need a check up post birth for something specific (next day or so) then you can just go back, you dont need to be re-admitted, like you do at the BRI.
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I agree with keeping busy around scan time, just had my 19 week one and the anxiety was ridiculous. Can’t wait to feel this little bugger move more, I mean I’ll still be hideously anxious of course but at least you have some idea of what’s going on in there! 🙄😬
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Hi sorry for TMI but had a rough night. I’m 5 weeks & been having some constipation was my first symptom/clue that I was pregnant. Had bad trapped gas when I went to bed last night & woke in the middle of night with diarrhoea and feeling super faint / actually getting cold sweats all over. Has anyone had anything like this ?
I believe I had this around 5 or 6 weeks yes. Truly thought I was dying in the middle of the night. I can’t tell you why it happens but I definitely had it too if that puts your mind at rest a bit.
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Yay happy 12 weeks Dib Dab! I’m 11 weeks today so exactly a week behind you ❤
I feel like I can’t properly join in on the thread and be happy until I’ve had my 12 week scan. But I’ve come this far and nothing terrible has happened so hopefully all good signs.

Thank you to who put the pics up of the lovely sun dresses from Zara, I ordered the blue and pink one after seeing them on here!

Ive definitely gained weight in the first trimester to who was asking, but I haven’t been out doing my usual walks because I’ve been feeling so shit! Now I’m coming out the other side I’m going to try and get my steps back in every day so hopefully that should help 🙈
When is your NHS scan booked in for? Mine’s on Thursday!

I was feeling similar to you but we had a private scan last Sunday and baby was so wriggly it really put our minds at ease and we’ve started telling more close friends and family. Hopefully you’ll be able to breathe a bit after your scan and start getting excited ❤
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