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Hello! 6+6 over here and I already want to climb out of my own body!

Constantly nauseous but also hungry at times, but then the idea of all food makes me want to heave 😭 Then as soon as I do eat I feel bloated, and then the nausea hits again etc. - feel like I'm on a constant cycle of eating mints and nibbling toast!
I feel you! I'm 9+5 and been the same since 6 weeks too. I will be ravenous and nauseous all at the same time its very frustrating isn't it 😂😂
I'm really trying to keep stuff down but I'm throwing up most days, really trying to keep water down as I'm scared I'm going going get dehydrated
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With car seats, so people tend to go for the little one up to six months and then switch up to a bigger or go for the one that works from birth to however long?

I’m pretty much sorted for everything else and know what I want but car seats are baffling me a bit.
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When I came off the pill I had the worst breakout on my forehead. I've never been spotty. However they started to clear up when I found out I was pregnant - fantastic! Until I realised they've all migrated to my collarbone and back. What on earth!!! I'm oy 7 weeks.
I’ve never been on the pill or birth control and was lucky enough to never have spots but it’s like these have just set up camp overnight 🤣🤣🙈 i showed my husband and he decided to count them... 18 and a few more brewing 🙈🤣
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Is there any harm in taking folic acid after 12 weeks? I know it's not really necessary any more but I've still been taking it anyway as I had the individual tablets and thought may as well finish them. I think all the combined pregnancy vitamins eg pregnacare have it in and you can take those throughout pregnancy so guessing its fine?
There's no harm at all.
It's in a lot of foods anyway 😊
They're included in the pregnancy vitamins which are for taking for your whole pregnancy.
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After having severe sickness for 20 weeks, I’m now eating everything in sight. I’m 26 weeks now and have started having my lunch sandwiches as soon as I get to work at 8am... that’s after 3 weetabix at 7am 😄
I long to get to this day! Nearly 18 weeks so hopefully will be soon 🤞😂
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Hi guys, I found out I was pregnant on Saturday morning and was super thrilled! However I started spotting some light pink on Sunday / and a tiny bit yesterday (both only when I wiped) I didn’t need a pad or anything. There wasn’t a lot but I am still concerned as I’ve had 5 positive tests so far across the weekend.

I went to the hospital yesterday to check if all was okay & also did a urine sample. The sample came back negative & now I’m so confused because I’ve had various positive tests at home. The nurse said it could be due to me passing urine all day & it being super diluted, however I’m unsure how it would be completely negative as I thought my home tests were strong! Are the hospital tests just not very sensitive or could my urine be that diluted it wouldn’t pick it up?

has anybody experienced having positive tests at home then negative at the hospital/ doctors? It’s taken so long to get here & I am really worrying now 😩
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Can anyone recommend an infant car seat?

After our chats about them the other day I asked the midwife and she said I’ll need to have one to carry baby out in. I don’t really know what’s good so any recommendations appreciated!
I have a maxi Cosi cabrio fix (just because it attached to my pram - so you might wanna find one that you can use with the pram for quick in and and out trips) then I moved to the Joie 360 xx
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Chatty Member
Haha when are you going to book yours for? I'm not sure I would of booked one if the scan place wasn't looking for training volunteers. my son's was absolutely rubbish, I think I booked his to late could hardly see anything! X
Erm I’m 24 weeks today and the guy at the last private place said 26-28 weeks (I think) was the best time so I need to pull my finger out tbh 😫 oh no that must have been why he gave me those specific weeks! Eeeek x
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Finally managed to get a hold of the midwife (since fucking Monday....raging) turns out I'm just really anaemic 🤣 does anyone know what the tablets are called that don't upset your stomach as much? It was ferrous fumarate I was on pre pregnancy and they constipation was I don't think I can deal with that being pregnant either 🙄
if it’s iron you need, I’ve had the ‘gentle iron’ from Holland and barratt - I only got an upset tum when my iron balanced out and I was still taking it.
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Are any of you guys a bit swollen down below?! Not sore or anything just not the prettiest 😂 29 weeks if that makes a difference
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Has anyone had any cervix irritation or bleeding after sex?
I’m certain my cervix has been irritated post sexual fumble as I had some red blood straight away. I’ve got no pain, cramping and just feel abit sore inside if you know what I mean.

It was red blood like when you cut yourself initially and it’s tailed off to browny old blood type spotting. No clots or anything like that thankfully.

My gut says it’s cervical irritation as I feel absolutely fine (minus the sore!) but my poor husband is beside himself with worry!
yes yes very likely it’s cervical irritation. Had this myself and stopped having sex cause it worried me every time. Was only a small amount and went very quickly but doctors said it’s like contact bleed and the cells on the outside of the cervix bleeds. If lots of blood always good to get checked but yeah I think it’s common.
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Ahh that’s annoying they don’t offer TV scans. Can you change the date and hold out for another week or so just to be on the safe side? You’re probably much more likely to see something from 8 weeks x
I thought about it, but from what I've heard from other women with the same issue, they needed TV scans even at their 12 week dating scan to find something. Which is fine once I get to the NHS stage.

I've found another private scan company that do internal scans, but they're twice the price and I can't afford to pay that AND lose the deposit on the one I have booked. I'm tempted to go on Saturday, see what happens and rebook with the other company if there's an issue.

All my symptoms are getting worse, so I'm hoping that's a good sign. I'm just terrified of getting any further and finding out there's nothing there again. :cry:
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Nearly 22 weeks here and the same. Sending solidarity hugs. Xx
Sending a hug back. It’s rubbish isn’t it. Haven’t managed a proper meal in a few days but have been eating lots of plain pombear crisps- at least I no longer worry about not being to eat properly. Just whatever it takes to get through xx
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Guys for fun does anyone want to guess the sex from my 12 week scan pic? I am 22 weeks now but never found out and having so much fun with old wives tales etc. I read up on the nub theory and skull theory etc....its entertaining if nothing else 🤪

This is such a lovely post and so so true.
I think boy going by skull theory!
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Saw every single hour last night, didn't realise pregnancy insomnia was so bad in third trimester, I need a LARGE coffee
I feel this! I’m not even big enough to be particularly uncomfortable, I just can’t sleep and it’s driving me insane!! Doesn’t help that the medication I was on for my morning sickness was essentially a sedative so my body got a bit used to having help with sleep 🙄 I came off them as soon as possible (would rather have the 24/7 sickness) but I’ve had problems sleeping since 😭
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I’ve been catching up on here the last day as I’ve been a little bit busy. My darling baby girl arrived on Wednesday afternoon. I was 38+4. I had an induction booked for Sunday when I’d be 39+1 but my midwife agreed to sweep me early to see if we could avoid induction. I had a sweep Tuesday afternoon and immediately started bleeding. I went up to maternity assessment and stayed there for 5 hours. The consultant reviewed me at 8pm and because they couldn’t figure what the bleeding was they agreed to take me straight to labour ward and break my water to get things going properly. I was transferred straight away even though I was still only 2-3cm but it meant my partner could come in straight away. I was contracting over on labour ward despite there being a delay to break my water due to an emergency coming in. They finally broke my water at 3am but I was still only 3cm. They checked me at 7am, still 3cm and at this time put me on the drip to ramp things up. It certainly ramped up the pain and the contractions got closer together and far more intense. I was checked at 11 am and still only 3cm. I lost it at this point and couldn’t cope any longer so had an epidural at 11:30am, the epidural failed! Gave me no relief at all so I continued with the gas and air. At 12:30pm and hour after last being examined I was examined again and fully dilated. I’d gone from 3-10cm in less than an hour. Our darling baby girl was born at 13:39. She weighed 7lb 7oz and is absolute perfection. Unfortunately within a few minutes of being born she had some issues breathing so almost 72 hours on she’s still in NICU. She’s doing amazing though and off oxygen completely. She’s on lots of antibiotics and nil by mouth to protect her little tummy and bowels as they think there’s a little infection there but she’s improving by the hour and hopefully this afternoon I will get to give her her first feed which will feel magical. I’ve been expressing every 3 hours which is tough when your baby is in NICU but I’m on cloud 9 and couldn’t be happier. I just can’t wait to take her home and for her to meet her big brother and big sisters. The newborn baby bubble is the best and physically I’m feeling really well with no soreness or anything like I’ve had before, now if I can just get my darling girl into my arms I’ll be the happiest mama on the planet at the moment. Xx
Congratulations ❤ Glad to hear she’s doing better and hopefully you will be able to take her home before you know it! Xx
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I can see you are in Ireland and maybe Irish as I am also 😅😅 so I’m just gonna straight say that all doctor receptionist in Ireland are geebags 😂😂😂
Lol yes! An A1 geebag! I’d say something if I was one of these ones in every 2 days with a different ailment but I don’t visit the doctor unless I need to as I’m not a medical card holder because I’m married and work full time. A few of my friends have similar issues with their doctors receptionists 🤣 I’m telling you! It must be a job requirement
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Anyone thought about a baby bouncer/chair/nest yet and care to share what you have opted for?
We had bouncer chairs for our last 2, but now we've got a dog and I can just see her being allllllll over it.
I was looking at the nest things with the handles so you can put baby on the floor/sofa/bed wherever and just carry them around with you.
Also looked at the bean bag type things.
Then wonder if they are redundant if you use a Moses basket, although last 2 times around it was the Moses basket that went unused.
Can't decide. Definitely can't afford one of those all singing all dancing leaf things that rock and sway either 😂
We had a baby Bjorn bouncer and it was great! Lasted ages for naps, has toys you can adjust and folds down easily to travel with or store. So glad we kept it!
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