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VIP Member
Guys they messed up my 12 week scan (next week) and called yesterday to ask if I could come in this afternoon instead as they’d had a cancellation and I am SO NERVOUS 😢

I know I only saw them 10 days ago and all was fine but this one feels like a much bigger deal with all the checks and confirmed due dates and probably confirmed consultant appointments etc
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Elle Woods

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So many people I’ve spoken to keep saying to me “whatever you do don’t let them induce you” because they’ve had really negative experiences and it is making me so anxious 😩 I wish they’d just not say anything even though I know they’re only trying to help. I’ve already been told I’m at risk of pre term labour due to a problem with my placenta and it’s unlikely I’ll be allowed to go full term as there’s a risk of rupture, so I’m hardly going to decline an induction if it’s going to be the safest option for me and baby. One thing I’ve found since being pregnant is nobody wants to tell you their positive experiences 😂
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Me and baby brew had a temporary falling yesterday evening. I was starving, really fancied a snack but couldn't decide what. Baby had been moving away so I decided to tell her she can choose what snack, that I'll list a bunch of options and that she should kick once when she agrees with one. Do you know when she kicked? She kicked when I said "or just have nothing at all" 😑

I need to teach her the importance of snacks 😅
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Elle Woods

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I’ve got my GTT this morning and had to pass 3 McDonald’s and a Greggs on my drive to the hospital 💔 I’ll definitely be seeing one of them later 😂
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Just stopped by to see how everyone is... massive congratulations @watermelon sugar, so happy for you. Hope you make a speedy recovery xx

Side note, I had bad PGP during most of my pregnancy and last week I finally got to see the physio and have been diagnosed with pubic symphysis diastasis 🙄 Any way, she mentioned about the NHS Fitness Studio videos and how I should have been following the pregnancy one as it may have stopped the issues I have now 🤦‍♀️ Here's the link to the video for those interested, hope it helps save someone some pain:
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I know 🤣 I said I’ll have had my baby by then and the girl on the phone said “we have your due date as 15/5??” Ok yes but my baby will be a week old on my due date 🤨 surely they can see this info and it should be in the referral??

Im half tempted to take myself off in to the woods and give birth alone with nature. I think I’d get along better than I will in my hospital!
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watermelon sugar

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People asking how long you’ve been trying is wild! Basically just telling a random person how long you and your partner have been barebacking for 😳
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I do too, my cousin had a still birth at 35 weeks when she was dismissed which is what’s making me come back and push over and over again 😔
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Antibiotics prescribed and collected all within 15 mins, can’t fault the out of hours service here tbh.

Agree, swelling isn’t fun, plenty of elevation of the feet and fluids! I’m only 15 weeks so have it all to come 😣
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I think one thing I’m trying to work on is being open to things being different to what I wanted as I think the lack of control/ planning is something that’s quite scary to me!
I really like the term birth preference but I still want it to be positive if I don’t get my pool birth. Same with breastfeeding, I’d love to try it but if it doesn’t work I don’t want to be upset about it.
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I was in the bath last night and my bf popped his head round the door to say bye as he was nipping out and he went "wow" so I asked what? and he genuinely said "just didn't know your nipples would get that big". I was fuming 😂 He made me sound like I've got burger nipples!! They've grown but I don't think they were worthy of a "wow" 😂😂

The fact he's only just noticed as well shows how lacking my libido has been 😂
No I'm crying at this, my nipples are just a running joke at this point! My partner always says its a good job you can't breastfeed they'd never get those in their mouth 😂😂😂😂
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Getting ready to watch Eurovision and I'll be honest, without a margarita in hand it's not hitting the same 😂
I'll make up for it in the summer haha
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Elle Woods

VIP Member
My Mum bought me one of those fans that go round your neck for when I'm in labour as the hospital will no doubt be like satans arsecrack. I've been wearing it when doing chores that make you hot like ironing/hoovering etc and it's amazing :ROFLMAO:

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I’ll assume overdue babies never develop adhd too if it’s just birth before 39 weeks that increases the risk?! 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’ve googled and apparently the risk decreases by 5% every week baby stays inside. So I can have an increased risk of 5% of my baby having adhd by having him this week rather than in 6 days time. Or a 30-55% increased risk of stillbirth by them ignoring my consistent reduced movements. I’m no mathematician but I know which odds I prefer.

Also, the ctg was showing I was having contractions but couldn’t feel them. Surely that’s my body saying it’s ready anyway?? 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s not even like baby is small and they want to let him cook a little longer. He’s above 95th centile for everything. Infact if baby was small rather than huge I’m sure they’d be getting him out!! 🙄

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watermelon sugar

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The gas and air made me feel like I’d just come home from a night out, everything was spinning and my husband was calling me darth Vader. I used a tens machine, I think that helped but who knows really. I had a pretty easy labour so I’m not the best judge on any pain methods 😂
I was in labour on a Saturday night, they had Heart FM on and it was all 90s dance music, my son was born during Rhythm of the Night 😂 I felt like I’d been on a 3 night bender
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I’m losing the will to live. Baby’s HR still high, but dips just enough to bring his baseline down whenever they come to peak at it but then keep failing the criteria 😩

Also apparently I’m having contractions. Can’t feel a thing 😂
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Anyone else have days where you feel utterly fed up and down in the dumps with how exhausted you are from lack of sleep, from being uncomfortable, from the constant worrying and from how overwhelmed you are about everything you need to buy/arrange for baby?
I hate whinging because I truly am beyond grateful to be pregnant but jeeez it's still hard going isn't it.
I just feel like I want to have a good cry but I don't even know why 🙈
100% like I am so happy to be having another baby, we tried for some time to get pregnant but also I am TIRED. I feel guilty on my 2 year old cos I'm always so tired and I feel guilty on the new baby because I'm just less prepared and from the outside it looks like I'm less excited even though I am so excited!
Pregnancy is SO draining
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
My Mum kept suggesting names to me, the top 3 were Flora, Agatha and Hannah. Three of the most random names ever 😂 then she got a new puppy and called it Hannah!! 😂 I was like, ‘take it I can’t name the baby Hannah then!’ and my Mum was like ‘you can if you want 👀’ I was like no thanks 😂 Hannah is a mad name for a dog hahahaha, my Mum is wild when it comes to dog and child names
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