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watermelon sugar

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I’ve just been walking with my bf and he stopped and looked at me and went ‘you know what. pregnant women always walk like their about to start a fight’
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Elle Woods

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Is it possible to have a craving for a smell only? is that a thing? Because I've just reserved a bottle of Britney Spears Fantasy to collect on my lunch break because I feel like I NEED to smell like I did when I was 15 😂
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My due date today and I’m sick to death of people asking me when baby’s going to arrive, I don’t know she can’t talk and tell me!! My next pregnancy if I’m lucky enough to have another I swear I won’t even tell anyone a date. The amount of people who never bothered with me before also trying to act like they care. just going to hide and relax in peace before baby arrives, so irritable 😂😔 anyone else the same?!
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How are you and baby Raspberry @raspberryjuice ?

I find myself coming on and checking this thread whenever I’m free! It’s so weird as I used it as a support network whilst I was pregnant then suddenly you’re not pregnant so there’s not really any point me being here, but I’m so interested and invested in a bunch of strangers’ on the internets pregnancies and hope everyone is okay!? I said I didn’t like being pregnant, but I do miss it 🤣 Maybe it’s because my body is sore and it weren’t as sore as this when up the duff 😂😂
We’re doing ok. Very very sore and stiff. Oramorph isn’t really touching the pain and I keep catching the battery pack from my dressing on things or dropping it which tugs and really hurts 😩 and I feel pretty ropey because my iron levels are really low after blood loss during the op

Baby R is really cuddly and an absolute dream. I didn’t know it was possible to love something so much 🥰

How are you guys?
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Elle Woods

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My mum asked if it was planned (lol mortifying) but I don’t mind.
then a friend who I’m not super close with asked the same and I was a bit like whyyy 🙃
My dad also asked if the baby was planned when we told him and I went “yeah but we’ve been trying for well over a year” and then I could feel my cheeks go bright red because I realised I’d just told my dad we’d been raw dogging for over a year 😂😂

Update on the Britney perfume, best £18 I’ve ever spent. The smell is 🤤🤤 I’ve sprayed my pillow case, my curtains, my sofa, me about 7,000 times 😂
Re scans I also agree ultrasound direct are fab! We’ve had 4 private scans and they’ve been worth every single penny, given me so much reassurance and I’ve found the staff to be amazing each time, such a welcoming and lovely environment.
I’ve also had the usual 12&20 week nhs scans but I’ve also had 4 emergency and 2 check up scans due to some complications so we’ve had our fair share! I’ve got fortnightly scans for the rest of the pregnancy. Like many others have said I’d have a scan all the time if I could.
I can understand why some people choose not to have private ones but for me I find a scan is the only thing that gives me the reassurance I need, even when the midwife does the heartbeat with the Doppler I find myself wishing it was a scan so they could have a proper look!
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I didn’t find out what we were having the first time. My husband got to tell me when she was born and it was amazing. This time, the sonographer whispered it into our little ones ears so they could tell us. It was perfect 🥰
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I hope so 😂 I think I’m being admitted, but they mentioned referring me for a scan next week so god knows. Baby is definitely not happy tho so as soon as I see a doctor I’ll be asking why we aren’t just getting him out and what the benefit is of keeping him in like this because I can’t see one when I’m already full term?!

Terrible there’s no raspberry emoji 😱 I don’t even like raspberries though, no idea where my username inspo came from 😂
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Ah not to be a moaning Minnie but I am struggling mentally today! It's like my brain has just switched and I am hating how I look being pregnant, everything just feels very wrong 😭😭
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Honestly don’t even know where to begin with this one. I’m supposed to be having two baby showers, one with my boyfriend’s family and one with mine. My parents aren’t in my life (my dad is in another country, don’t get on with my mum - and she doesn’t speak to the rest of my family). My family (uncles, cousins etc) have naturally drifted apart over the years. We don’t do anything unless obligated, such as Xmas or visiting relatives graves - nor do we talk much outside of this. We do have a family group chat with no one speaks in anymore, and I did try to update them such as letting them know we are having a boy, or that I have a scan. I’ve only got thumbs up reacts back, no one bothers to actually reply. That’s fine, I’m not losing sleep over it. There’s no animosity, they just don’t really care about my life and I’m not that fussed about theirs. But with all that in mind, I don’t care to do a baby shower as they’re not people who have asked about my pregnancy, cared to reply to updates I have give so I don’t need to celebrate with them. It’s time, money and effort I don’t feel like is needed.

I’ve told my auntie this now that I’m not planning to and her reply is that I’m selfish for not holding a gathering for the family and that’s it NOT actually about me, it’s for the family to get together. She says it’s not anyone’s job to ask me about the pregnancy, it’s my responsibility to update people as they’re all busy. She says I’m getting the thumbs up reacts to my messages so what more do I want, and she’s going to throw one regardless as clearly “I just want love, and I’m lonely”. Bare in mind this auntie has been my mum figure most of my life, she actually has the audacity to say “Well I don’t ask you either, no one needs to” so it turns out she doesn’t actually ask on purpose lol I’ve been making excuses for her and how busy she must be. She’s told my sister that she’ll be proceeding with one regardless, she doesn’t care who comes and that I’m just moaning and secretly I’d love one.

I think she’s got a lot of shit going in in her life, she’s menopausal and getting married soon, although I don’t think her heart is in it. But fuck me it’s not nice being a scapegoat for her to take it out on.

TLDR: WHY DO PEOPLE FEEL ENTITLED DURING YOUR PREGNANCY AS IF ITS THEIRS?! I swear true colours show during this time. Just take my baby as well why don’t you, as the shower is clearly yours!!!
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It’s almost 2pm and I realised somethings been missing from my day…. I’ve not been on here for at least 24 hours!!

I am so excited for you guys to meet your babies soon but also not ready for you to go yet 😂 although it does make me feel a bit better that it means we are also closer to the end. Just the 18 weeks to go, won’t be long until single figures 😂

I have my 2nd midwife appointment tomorrow so hopefully get to hear the little heartbeat for the first time. Can’t remember if you get bloods done again at this one but maybe to check my iron levels again.
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So many people I’ve spoken to keep saying to me “whatever you do don’t let them induce you” because they’ve had really negative experiences and it is making me so anxious 😩 I wish they’d just not say anything even though I know they’re only trying to help. I’ve already been told I’m at risk of pre term labour due to a problem with my placenta and it’s unlikely I’ll be allowed to go full term as there’s a risk of rupture, so I’m hardly going to decline an induction if it’s going to be the safest option for me and baby. One thing I’ve found since being pregnant is nobody wants to tell you their positive experiences 😂
I had what I would say a positive induction with my first baby and opted to be induced again in 2 weeks! I think birth is so personalised that in any situation weather it be induction, spontaneous labour, emcs or ecs, some people say it was the best thing for them or the worst thing for them. Try to watch some positive induction vlogs on YouTube or read some threads about positive induction stories :) happy to tell you mine if you’d like!
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Anyone else have days where you feel utterly fed up and down in the dumps with how exhausted you are from lack of sleep, from being uncomfortable, from the constant worrying and from how overwhelmed you are about everything you need to buy/arrange for baby?
I hate whinging because I truly am beyond grateful to be pregnant but jeeez it's still hard going isn't it.
I just feel like I want to have a good cry but I don't even know why 🙈
Yeah it’s really overwhelming with all the decisions you have to make, and then the exhaustion etc on top 😩 sometimes I just want to check out of it for a day or 2 and just sleep comfortably or not have to think about something
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
So many people I’ve spoken to keep saying to me “whatever you do don’t let them induce you” because they’ve had really negative experiences and it is making me so anxious 😩 I wish they’d just not say anything even though I know they’re only trying to help. I’ve already been told I’m at risk of pre term labour due to a problem with my placenta and it’s unlikely I’ll be allowed to go full term as there’s a risk of rupture, so I’m hardly going to decline an induction if it’s going to be the safest option for me and baby. One thing I’ve found since being pregnant is nobody wants to tell you their positive experiences 😂
I was induced with my first and it went perfectly! I was supposed to be induced with my second last week but had to have an EMCS, and my first induction went so well, I was disappointed I didn’t get induced because that’s what I had in my head would happen and it went well with my first! People LOVE telling stories of how things were bad and went wrong, you very rarely hear people saying how well things went. Induction in my experience weren’t that bad!
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Omg I survived a 6 hour car journey 🙏🏼🙏🏼 but no one seems to realise how shit it was for me between the heat, sickness and my hormones making me annoyed at everything and everyone.

Mr 10 especially is pissing me right off 😂
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Guys it’s 2 in the morning and all I can think about now after reading the last thread is how much I want a KFC 😭
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Was told no fake tan (or shaving or waxing) in the lower area for 2 weeks before C-section just in case that's relevant to anyone.
They also say don't wax or shave before labour full stop due to increased risk of infection. I've seen other sources say that's not proven but frankly given how difficult it is anyway, and if there could be a risk, I wouldn't be arsed.
my local maternity unit won’t know if it’s big foot or a woman in labour in my case if I can’t have a shave 😂
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this was the jump scare my child gave me at his 20 week scan🤣🤣🤣
Yikes haha! At one point she turned to us for a second or two and the sonographer said there she is, her face looks fine...and before I could even stop myself I said out loud that she looks really creepy 🙈 I love her so much already but crikey. Mr Brew then decided to say she's got a big forehead?!
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