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Still finding it so weird getting used to baby kicks. It startles me. Just here laying in bed and suddenly someone is prodding me.. from the inside out?!
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watermelon sugar

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Fingers crossed things start looking up @raspberryjuice 🤞🏻 Have you bought your Mum in yet? She’ll kick some ass for you


I’m feeling well weird today. Have done since last night. I’ve been having some dull aches down below and in my bum (sorry tmi 🤣) and loads of pressure. I was walking back from dropping my 4 yo off at nursery and I felt like I was going to give birth there and then 🫣 I’m 36+1 so maybe things are just getting ready.
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Like everyone else says, pay no attention @Elle Woods
I always wanted a csection for various reasons, but everyone tried to put me off. I heard all sorts of horror stories about the pain, how difficult recovery is etc but I enjoyed every minute of having him. The whole experience was really relaxed, everyone in theatre was really nice and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Yes there’s been pain but I’ve had a whole human removed from my body it’s going to be a bit sore? But I’m only on day 4 and actually the pain is fine now I’m just a bit stiff getting up and down. However if I’d listened to people around me I’d be convinced I should still be in agony, not able to do anything at all. Definitely do your own research on induction, decide whether it’s right for you, whether you want to explore other options (for example you can opt for a csection over an induction if you’d prefer, or daily monitoring of your placenta/cord/baby until you go in to labour naturally), look in to the different induction options (pessary, drip, balloon etc) and read some of the many, many positive induction stories!

The first 💩 after birth has been the worst part of it all. Listen to everyone on that and take all the laxatives they offer you after birth 🤣
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I’m glad I’ve got loads of newborn stuff now! I do remember with my first that even newborn and first size were a little big and he was 7lb9 so wasn’t tiny!

ahh the pic! I feel like a proud auntie!! You girls are all great and I’m so glad I joined in on here. My Facebook group has been pretty quiet and it’s been so much better over here!
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Cryiiing I’ve booked my 4d scan with window to the womb 😭 ladies give me good news 🤣🤣
I think you’ll be ok for this because a 4D scan is a nice experience and you’ll have had a few scans before hand so will know your baby is ok, I just definitely wouldn’t recommend them for early reassurance scans.

I used them for my 7w scan which was an internal. The man doing the scan didn’t speak a word of English so we had a chaperone in the room who also explained very little to me. The man doing the scan inserted the scanner without anyone telling me what they were doing or that they were about to do it. We mentioned during the scan about SIL having twins and that we were relieved to see just 1 on the screen, and when we left the room we were congratulated by the woman running the desk on our twins, loudly, across the waiting room. We had to explain it was just 1. We then had to sit in an open room with other people waiting and discuss our scan and look at pics while they tried to hard sell on further scans. There was no privacy whatsoever.
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Also got our pram buying apppintment at Mamas and Papas later! MIL is ready and waiting to transfer us however much it’s going to be for a pram, car seat and base. Honestly incredibly be blessed to even be given that sort of money, my mum’s been asking to borrow endlessly in comparison with no intention of paying back.

Super exciting day.
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Well I am sat here CRYING, my 2 year old woke up crying and my partner went up to settle him and I looked on the camera and they are dancing in his room 😭
So emotional haha
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I might hang around a bit longer 😅

That’s amazing @odetotheseaweed!! Glad they’re both doing so well. Does mum want to find out what they are?
I’ve been looking through my bump pics after the posts about them this afternoon and laughing at myself. I thought I was absolutely huge in December, I used to walk up to Mr R, lift my top and go “im sooooo big 😭”. Looking back I just look a bit round whereas now I look like I’m storing my birthing ball up my top 😂
Mum and dad are so keen to find out if they are boys/girls/one of each so will probably book a gender scan to get us through the long 12-20 week scan wait!

We told my kids today too ❤
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Landlady replied already with the absolute loveliest response possible so now I'm crying all over again ffs haha. I'll report back in a couple months when we've got out contract renewal through, let's hope I'm not crying again for a different reason 😅
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What!!! I have never heard that before in my life. Would you be able to/want to be induced earlier for a vaginal delivery? I was induced at 38+3 with my first and delievered at 38+4. They could be more inclined to go down that route and set things off tonight if it was possible?
I asked if I could have an induction earlier and she gave the same response about adhd. It’s utter bullshit. I really don’t want a vaginal birth because I’m having a csection due to past trauma and I know an induction and vaginal birth would be terrible for me mentally. But I’d do it if that’s what it took to get my baby here safely now.

I’d take a child with adhd over the increased risk of stillbirth that comes with change in movements in a heartbeat.
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32 weeks and the nausea has just hit me like a brick wall, I just suddenly feel so so so sick 🤢
Same! It’s like morning sickness is back with a vengeance except I’m actually being sick.
I’m going to ask the midwife next week if I can take the left over promethazine I had from the 1st trimester but google seems to indicate no.

I’ve was told to stop the folic acid and Vit d at 12 weeks then switch to pregnancare as that has all the vitamins in it xx
I think it’s really naughty for them to promote a brand like that. Pregnacare is no better than a decent multi vit without vit A but 4x the price. Plus it makes a lot of women sick!
Honestly winds me up how the docs and midwives just make it up as they go along.
National Guidance
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It was this one! I had to do a free trial which I immediately cancelled (fallen victim to “I’ll do it later” before and it’s cost me) so just remember to if you’re gonna do it 😂.
I've just given it a go and oh my god, how adorable?!
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I’m sure I’m having a boy (no idea why) and I’m already thinking about the names because I am indecisive and need all the time to think 😂 I quite like Reggie but don’t know if it’s a bit of an old man’s name too!
I like Reggie! My friend has a Ronnie which is an older name too but it really suits her little one.
I won the race 🤪🥰

Seriously though massive congratulations! Hope you’re both home soon 🥰
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If it were down to just me I’d have a William, Billy or Bill for short 🩵
I feel like we’re probably going to end up with a Billy! My husband keeps saying William but he has a cousin and his son are both William with the same surname so I’m not keen and I hate the thought of it potentially being Willy!!

William is also a traditional family name in my end but they’re all Billy’s - don’t know if there are too many already! I did like Billie for a girl as an alternative.
I’m going to have to find out the gender because everything I post here is boy related and we still don’t even know. I’m going to be in shock if this ends up a girl!!
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Elle Woods

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People ask so many weird questions when you’re pregnant! I find it so weird - with all the opinions too! People trying to guess the name (doesn’t have one!), complaining that I’ve been hiding bump, calculating the day we conceived. It’s so bizarre !
Don't get me started on the constant questions about names, it drives me up the wall! My MIL is the worst for it but I've had so many people ask! Someone at work from a different office who I rarely speak to even asked my boyfriends surname and started suggesting names to me!! I'm not super precious and secretive over it, we have decided on a name but I'm just choosing not to tell certain people because they're so opinionated and I don't want them to put me off!
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I’ve just read my maternity notes and for my 12 weeks scan they’ve put “technical difficulties due to patients habitus” and I knew that was going to happen with me being plus size and they have to cover themselves, but god it’s really ruined my day and I just feel like the biggest failure as a mum already!

All I’ve done is cry since I read that (maybe the hormones) and I just feel like the I’m the worst mum ever😭
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Whenever he tries to compliment me I just glare at him. Im fat, swollen, exhausted, my hair is usually just scraped back, I live in pyjamas or a bra and leggings, I groan when I move, he has to rub magnesium spray in to my legs at bedtime, listen to me throwing up and empty my sick bucket, put my shoes and socks on if I venture out of my crocs, help me off the sofa etc etc so when he’s like “you look amazing” “you’re so beautiful” I wanna punch him. I feel like an over inflated 90 year old who’s one step away from needing him to help me off the toilet 😂
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Chatty Member
@raspberryjuice oh I’m so angry on your behalf! What absolute nonsense about ADHD, how many babies do they need to deliver before 39 weeks! They do it every day!
I don’t see why they can’t just bring you in now, what difference is a few days going to be.

I keep reading your updates and I’ve never wanted to say this because I really don’t want to scare you, but I’ve known someone who was in for reduced movements, got fobbed off and it wasn’t a good outcome! So just know you’re doing the right thing to keep at them and advocate for yourself and your baby boy. Hopefully there is some better news for you today.
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