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watermelon sugar

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Is anyone else finding their MIL to be overbearing already and the baby isn't even here yet? We went round yesterday to see FIL about something and she came downstairs and shouted "HOWS MY BABY GRANDSON" and my boyfriend was like "still very much cooking" and a little while later she looks at me and says "Elle your belly is massive, MY grandson is growing nicely". A few times she made comments about "MY grandson", not once did she ask me how I am, hows the pregnancy etc. She asked about what pram I'm getting so I told her and she said something like "I can't wait to be pushing my grandson in that". I thought you weirdo you won't be having him :ROFLMAO:When we were about to leave she said "make sure you let me know how my grandson is next time you see the midwife/have a scan!". My boyfriend even said to me when we were walking home "Mum acts like you don't even exist anymore, I'm gonna moan at her about it" :ROFLMAO: It's driving me insane already I can't imagine how she'll be when he's actually here. It's so weird as well because she's already got numerous other grandkids so it's not like this is all new to her.
Omg my MIL is the complete opposite - she’s absolutely obsessed with my first born doesn’t leave him alone but I’m 33 weeks pregnant this week and she’s not turned round to me once and went ‘how’s the pregnancy?’ ‘how is baby?’ When I first found out I was pregnant and she knew since I was like 4 weeks, I went out at 7 weeks pregnant and she asked me if I was pissed … I was like ‘no…? I’m pregnant??’ And she was like ‘oh yeah’ like she’d forgotten 🤣 Then the other week she said to me ‘you’ve popped havent you, I definitely won’t forget now’ ??? My partner knows it annoys me so when she’s on the phone or we’re at hers and he brings the baby up at any chance. When we were finding out what the gender is my partner asked what she wants it to be and she said ‘not bothered. Nothing to do with me’ 😭😭 But she’s so obsessed with my first born, like borderline physcotic I overheard her telling him to call her Mama once 🥲

I don’t know what would be worse, my MIL who doesn’t care or yours who cares too much 😂 I do find as you get pregnant people stop caring about you and just care about the baby though!!
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I just said ‘it’s a long story babe’ 🤣🤣 my 4 year old asks loads of questions I don’t know what to say the answer to, he asked me where I wee from the other day, said ‘why don’t you have a willy like me?’ Asked how the baby gets out of my belly, the list is endless 😂
My toddler can’t wait for the baby to come out of my ‘bum bum’ 🤣
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Hahaha the cardigan is ok, maybe if it was just the one colour. Not sure on the design on it so I see what you mean 😂
It’s not even even 😂 the arms are different lengths, the weird pattern is only on one shoulder, the blue gradients are at different levels…. 😭
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I got told my iron was low after my 8 week appointment but refused to take the tablets because they make me sick and I was already sick enough. I’ve been taking spatone iron water every day with orange juice and it’s much better, at least I hope it’s improved my levels but I do find it much better than taking tablets. Although, it is expensive!
My 20 week scan is on Tuesday and husband has now just decided he wants to find out the gender so I’m probably going to give in!!

We’ve just been to ikea, we needed some new drawers for baby things so thought I’d have a look. The girl came over and said the set we were looking at were being reduced to £50 so we’ve ended up just taking them. Bargain of the day, but they’ll probably have to sit in the living room for the next few months until we sort the room.
So is mine lol. Gonna start buying the big stuff once we've seen for sure she's OK and not to sound clinical/cold but viable.
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Just wondering if anyone had a list of must buys for a newborn for a first time mum?
Also I'm due to give birth in July where the temperatures will be 35+ any tips on must buys for newborn babies in how temperatures?
We had the opposite last time, snow outside when baby came home.
We had a gro egg room thermometer but it broke so I replaced it with cheapy digital one from Amazon (2 for £7) which did the job. I’d recommend something as our room can be 3-4 degrees different fro the thermostat to where the baby’s next2me was.
Light layers for sleeping. Babies are always better off too cold than too hot whatever the weather.
No hats or big hair bands indoors.
Bath thermometer is a must have regardless of the weather and a body thermometer for the first aid kit too.

We had a clip on pram fan for holiday which was useful and make sure you know not to cover the pram with anything except products specifically designed for the purpose else it can be hugely dangerous.

I had this fan for labour, it’s cheap, can be put in a stand, is incredibly powerful but quiet. When it only worked plugged in after 2.5yrs I rebought it.

Regarding ‘must haves’ in general you’ll see a lot of bullshit aimed at selling. Somewhere to sleep, something to eat and something to wear is a starting point. Re beds, its choice but you’ll want something for day time and something for nighttime as baby needs to be supervised while sleeping. Of course you can use one thing and move it around but a next to bed cot and a Moses basket is a common solution. If you want to use your pram bassinet for day sleeps, check its rated safe for that. Later a bouncer is handy or ‘baby gym’ to lay them on while awake.

As said the thermometers I’d say are needed but you don’t need lots of lotions and potions, just water & a little baby soap later on. (ours had sensitive skin so we couldn’t use a lot of products we were given.) Some kind of baby bath is helpful and little soft towels.
On that note, lots of people choose to use fragrance free or very mild laundry products for baby’s stuff. You might also want to get some mild body products for yourself so they don’t transfer to baby.

Some kind of steriliser is handy even if you’re going breast fed, a cold water system for teethers or dummies and the odd bottle/pump is enough.
If bottle fed, don’t buy too many to start until you know baby likes that style. You’ll want a bottle brush too. If breast fed you might want a nipple cream (maybe breast pads, nipple shields, a pump but see how you go)

Check lullaby trust for sleep guidelines. Blankets are not recommended over sleep sacks but you’ll probably want one for the pram or contact sleep/cuddles. If you use a waterproof bed sheet make sure it’s breathable. Otherwise you just needbed sheets and if buying second hand, new mattresses.
You might want a monitor but we never really used ours, certainly not until about 6 months.

A waterproof/wipable changing mat is handy as is a little caddy to keep everything together. You don’t need to use a nappy cream or talc etc unless baby specifically needs it. Just fragrance free wipes or water and cotton wool and nappies, perhaps nappy sacks. A soft cloth to dry them if the wipes are particularly wet. (We used Aldi mamia, not too wet of dry).

Clothes wise, vests and baby grows. I like zipped baby grows best, with built in kits and feet but it’s preference. Outfits are lovely but you’ll probably find they spend most time in baby grows. Socks and sun hat I’d have too.
Some muslins or dribble cloths are handy for feeding.

Obviously you’ll want a car seat if relevant and some kind of pram. Also some kind of bag for nappies and babies bits out and about (change of clothes for you too if baby is prone to sickness) You’ll need a bigger one if bottle feeding as there’s more to take out. I just used a rucksack to start as a folding change mat you could put wipes, nappies and spare clothes in. A waterproof bag can help for soiled clothes but you can use a nappy sack obvs.

Not must have but I used waterproof backed change mat liner or inco bed pads for night time changes on the bed as they are easily folded and not noisy.

Fairy liquid is the only thing I found to get out sick and nappy explosions, I had a little tub to soak things that weren’t going directly in the wash. I also had a bin with a lid next to the bed for night nappies.

Amazon prime is your friend. Make your wish list of things you might need and if you find you do, you can generally get them next day. Then you avoid buying things you don’t need.
Things like cradle cap shampoo, Metanium nappy rash cream, infacol for gassy babies, sudocreme, dummies, Nipple shields etc.

Controversial but finally we used a snuzza hero sleep monitor that alerts you if baby stops breathing because I had ridiculous anxiety about SIDS while I slept and found it helped me enormously. There are various versions available. I didn’t use any sleep aids but this time I intend to get a white noise machine too. I thought I didn’t want baby to ‘rely’ on anything but now realise they can be magic as a cue to sleep.
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Just wanted to say thank you to everyone here for being so open and honest about their feelings and worries and struggles. It really is such a special reminder that we are not alone in our thoughts ❤
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I just inhaled half an easter egg while my 2 year old was napping, I always feel guilty eating choc infront of him cos he's allergic to dairy but it was sooooo good! And ny partner knew not to ask for bit 🤣
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Mr Brew isn't caving and agreeing to an early private gender scan so I've done what I was determined not to do and joined a few nub theory Facebook groups. First one gets accepted and the admin says no idea hahaha. I just want to know more about whose lodging in there 🤣
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Hey guys any advice on what I can do to try and avoid getting preeclampsia and GD?
Would love to do anything I can to be healthy
I don’t know too much about preeclampsia but the one certainty for getting GD is having a placenta 😆 it is completely out of your control. You could be the pillar of health and still get it unfortunately! X
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I keep feeling so big I can’t believe I’ve got another 10 weeks or so to go. Growth scan has just confirmed it, baby is a unit (for my size)
29 weeks and 3.6lb estimated, 97th percentile, fundal height is 2-3 weeks ahead.
I’ve another scan in 3-4 weeks, if they’re still tracking large they’ll do the GD test but I’ve got some urine strips and never shown glucose issues yet.
NGL I’m a bit upset at getting stretch marks this time and scared how immobile and uncomfortable I’ll get considering how I’m already feeling. I was quite small last time so close to my size at 39 weeks already despite gaining less weight. Happy obviously they look healthy and strong already, excited to book a 4D scan and glad to have more info to make the Vbac/c-sec decision easier.
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watermelon sugar

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Has anyone got any tips for anxiety? I couldn’t sleep last night and just the thought of everything from giving birth to having two kids was going through my mind and it’s carried on to today. My anxiety has been so bad I’ve not been able to enjoy my day and I even had a little cry before. I know it’s probably just hormones and I’m stressed. My 4 year old is on his Easter hols and I’m trying to do as much as I can with him and usually have one fun day, then one day in the house so I can catch up on some energy - but today was meant to be our ‘fun day’ and I wanted to take him out somewhere but my anxiety got the better of me and I’ve made myself feel terribly ill and tired. I feel a bit mixture of guilty that I’m not doing enough with him and then extremely anxious that in a few weeks I’ll have another child to look after he won’t get the full attention he deserves. I feel like a terrible Mum 😭
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We’ve ordered a snuzpod but not set it up yet. It had the best reviews when I was looking around.

I’m only 33 weeks but already getting really pissed off with people asking when he’ll be here, have I had any signs yet?! “Drive up that road with all the bumps, that’ll kick things off” 🙄 Yes I’m uncomfortable and feel like shit but I don’t WANT him here just yet, he’s still got cooking to do 😩
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watermelon sugar

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I live next door to my fellas Mum & his Nan (long story) so keeping them away will be difficult 😩

As for what we’re doing with our first, the one good thing about having my partners Mum next door is she never goes anywhere too far away and someone is always next door, so we’ve already made her well aware we’re just knocking, dropping my first born off and bailing to the hospital when the time comes. I keep thinking about me dropping him off at nursery one morning and then going into labour whilst he’s at school, then next time I see him I’ll have his little sibling and it makes me emotional 😅
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How are you getting on @Jellycat369 ? 🥰
Wee man has been struggling with his formula. Managed to get prescription formula for him and praying it helps, not sure how many more 3-hour long screamathons I can take 🙉 Other than that am recovering well. Fortunately only had a couple of superficial stitches, unfortunately managed to get whooping cough 🤦‍♀️ How are you getting on? xx
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I’m on a fb group for people due in May and the babies are coming thick and fast now 👀 it’s making me very nervous 😂
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Elle Woods

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I think dogs definitely know something's going on too! Mine has always been a bit of a velcro dog to me, but since being pregnant he sticks to me like glue. If I'm in the bath he'll always be sat next to me, won't leave. When I'm on the loo my bf has sent me pics of the dog sat outside like a little security guard 😂 He's cuddly anyway but we've noticed now when he lays with me his head or paw is always on the bump. It's really sweet I love it 😂
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For more neutral baby boy clothes
H and m
I have got some lovely neutral colours, softer blues and sage green. I am obsessed with anything sage green.

Doesn't have to be all trucks and dinosaurs!
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Booked my gender scan today. I’m still in disbelief that there’s a tiny human growing in me 🤣
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