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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I mean, it’s better than a mid labour poo 🤣 that’s my biggest fear! Thank god I’m having a csection 😅
When I got in the delivery room with my first I cried to the midwife and was like ‘I don’t want to shit myself’ she was like ‘surely there’s more to be concerned about’ 🤣🤣 Well yeah there is but I still don’t want to shit myself!?
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the bloating was worse the second time round and the bump definitely appeared much sooner. I have a photo of me at 10 weeks where I genuinely look close to my 20 week bump in my first pregnancy. We kept joking it must mean we were having twins…

..turns out it is twins 🤣

almost 27 weeks now and everyday I get a comment from a stranger “not much longer left to go then?” “how many weeks left?” “Ooh it will soon be all over!” 🙃🙃🙃

I believe it’s very normal to show much earlier due to muscle memory! X
When my nan was pregnant with my mom it was back in the 60s so was x rays back then. She was in waiting room for a late scan at I think like 38 weeks and saw some woman looking devastated in the waiting room. My nan asked what was wrong and the woman was worrying as they told her they need to x Ray her as they suspected twins. My nan giggled like 'oh rather you then me'. Woman goes in, comes back out all smiles cause its one baby. My nan goes for hers and low and behold she got the shock of her life and found out she was having twins. My poor nan was 39 at this point as well lol.
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Moved up to 33-38 weeks this thread. Can’t believe how close I’m getting to him being here.

Our travel system has started arriving this week (in dribs and drabs) and the nursery furniture is due any day. It’s all feeling very real now 👀

Still waiting for that burst of energy everyone talks about and waiting for nesting to kick in 😂
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I’ve just ordered the last few little bits we needed for baby and now I’m feeling weirdly emotional about it. I actually cried when I checked out 😂 don’t even know why because I’ll probably carry on shopping even though we definitely don’t need any more stuff 🤣
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I hope baby doesn't leave you waiting too much longer!
I bet your dream wasn't as terrifying as the one I had last night, I dreamt I had a one night stand with Stephen Mulhern and did the walk of shame the next day wearing his used underpants. I'm traumatised. 🤣
I had a really vivid dream about Stephen Mulhern too a few months ago, except he was feeding alligators with me ???? Why is this man infiltrating pregnant women's dreams
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Feel like all I’m doing is complaining right now but I don’t really have anybody else I can speak to. I’m getting so fed up of all the negative comments from people who have kids like they ruin your life, you aren’t going to be able to do what I do now etc etc
I’m not naive I know how difficult it is but when you’ve struggled to get where you are and receiving comments like this it’s so mentally exhausting. I’ve woken up this morning to my friend saying ‘don’t have kids it’s a trap’ when she knew I was going for my bloods checked.
just feeling so emotional this week it’s awful
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Baby girl best like pink and flowers cause that's what she'll be living in. I'm a tomboy with all boys until she's here so I'm hoping to embrace my feminine side through her lol.
I love a bit of animal print for a baby girl. The phrase "dressing her like a 50 year old chain smoking divorcee" might have been said 😂
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Chatty Member
Eugh I'm having an awful bout of panic this weekend. I hate not knowing what's going on in there and just having to assume/trust that everything is okay between scans. I think I'll feel a million times better when I start feeling movements, but we're coming up to 18 weeks and I've not even felt a flutter, nothing at all. We're seeing lots of my friends today that I've not seen since just before Christmas so I know they'll be congratulating us in person which is so lovely, but it's just making me panic and have the worst thoughts like what if they're congratulating me and baby isn't even okay in there.
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I’m getting a lot of bum pain now too - feels like someone’s shoved a pole up there sometimes. And lightning crotch. I’m assuming it’s just because baby is quite low now? Pregnancy is so much fun.
I was trying to explain lightening crotch to my OH.
- “You know when you lick a 9 volt battery?
-“No, WTF?”
- “Well, have you ever touched an electric fence?”
- “Not even a fly zapper? No? Ok, have you ever bitten a bit of tin foil on a filling?”
-“Who the hell even are you?!?”

Safe to say he didn’t get it 🙈🤷🏼‍♀️
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Mr R is convinced we’ll be getting up and taking him to his room to change all night so won’t need any extra change mats etc. He’s also going to apparently take every nappy across our parking area to the outside bins straight away rather than a collection at the end of the day 🤣 at 3am when it’s the 4th nappy change of the night and it’s cold and drizzly?! Course you are babe 😘🤣
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Anyone struggling to enjoy their first trimester or pregnancy in general? I wanna be soo happy and excited but I’m too scared to really enjoy it just incase xx
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Pre labour poo? I honestly do not want to give birth more by the day. I’m ok if he just wants to live inside me forever
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Group hug 🥰 I’m glad I decided to come over, our situation is somewhat different to the norm so I’m reluctant to join any groups but even in the last few weeks I love being part of this gang
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Feel like all I’m doing is complaining right now but I don’t really have anybody else I can speak to. I’m getting so fed up of all the negative comments from people who have kids like they ruin your life, you aren’t going to be able to do what I do now etc etc
I’m not naive I know how difficult it is but when you’ve struggled to get where you are and receiving comments like this it’s so mentally exhausting. I’ve woken up this morning to my friend saying ‘don’t have kids it’s a trap’ when she knew I was going for my bloods checked.
just feeling so emotional this week it’s awful
Kids 100% change your life, it’s true, but not all of it is bad. When I just had my eldest, we still went to stay with friends, out for meals, he just came along and did what I did, he was such an easy baby. Once I had two, it was slightly harder, but they grow, and you adapt and actually I found that I prefer doing stuff with them that makes them happy. A lot of the time it’s just the 3 of us as my partner works away/late/weekends, we have a great routine and have fun together.

Do I sometimes look back at my pre kids life and miss the freedom (and the money) I had? Do I sometimes wish I could have a day to myself? Do I find it hard and wonder why I bother when they are ungrateful little gits and backchat me constantly? Yes to all of these but I wouldn’t change it

The good parts (mostly) outweigh the bad parts, and if it’s the other way round it’s usually a phase before the good wins again. You’ll love it (and probably hate it in equal measures sometimes but that’s ok) xx
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Just remember how strong you ladies are, we’re all growing a little human and it really takes something to do that. And if you ever feel alone with no support network, this thread is enough of a support network 💖 We’ve all got this 💪
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It’s my baby shower tomorrow and I’m feeling weirdly nervous for it?! I have no idea what’s happening for any of it other than the time I’ve got to be ready and I hate not having control. Surprises are the worst 😂
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I think i'm in the minority, I love hand knits over a plain white baby grow. I don't mind dinosaurs and I've given up with no characters for oldest as they love it but I really hate foxes, slogans, big branding, chavvy/influencer style and despise 'Heartbreaker' or 'Be kind' on babies.
I'm more safari animals or neutral for boys, 'Clay bear' type, anything garish is a no. Girls though I love brights and pattern like 'scamp and dude', rainbows, strawberries, probably because I spend my life in black so live vicariously.
But mostly I dislike how girls stuff is all 'Think happy thoughts', 'Beautiful like Mummy' while boys is 'Wild and Free adventures', 'Strong like Daddy'.

What I thought I'd like/hate with my first changed when they arrived because their colouring and personality suited differently to what I'd gone for.
Baby girl best like pink and flowers cause that's what she'll be living in. I'm a tomboy with all boys until she's here so I'm hoping to embrace my feminine side through her lol.
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??? I just coughed and wee’d myself a bit. It made me scream 😂

Just didn’t sign up for this really xxx
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I went for a private scan yesterday at 9w4d. I’ve had 4 scans so far this pregnancy because I’ve been spotting for 5 weeks. Baby is growing well & we saw the heartbeat 🥰

He told me I have 2 wombs and the other side is reacting to the hormones and causing the spotting?! Wish I hadnt googled it because now I’m stressing! I was going through fertility tests and had scans for that too before falling pregnant so I’ve had 6 hospital scans since January just don’t understand how it would have not been picked up before now!
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I've been awol this weekend but just caught up on this thread. I think feeling anxious is very normal, and the fact that anyone is worrying already proves what an incredible parent you'll make because it means you care. Everyone is on here to support each other and seek advice, surely that alone is us doing right by our babies already, we've all got this, we're already doing the best we can. Huge love and hugs to you all x
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