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My anxiety just moves from one thing to another I swear. I’ve suddenly become really worried about premature birth as my mum had adenomyosis and all of her children were premature. Her waters broke with my older brother when she was 19 weeks and I’m coming up to that point now. As far as I’m aware, I don’t have adenomyosis, but she didn’t know she did at that point either and I’m so scared I’m destined to the same fate as her, especially after my scare last week ☹
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watermelon sugar

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I’ve just packed my hospital bag 🥺 well more prepared this time round I remember packing it at 38 weeks the day before I was getting induced last time 🤣
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Does anyone else get irrationally angry when their partner looks comfy? I'm sat here like a whale uncomfortable and he's lying next to me on the couch asleep!!! Even worse my 2 year old has been napping for 3 and a half hours. How DARE they be nice and comfy and I'm just not at all! 😂😂
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Does anyone else get really frustrated with the lack of info you get from people?! I’ve just had a consultant appt and she casually threw in “obviously we know baby is measuring big so if he’s still big at your next scan we’ll think about getting him out earlier” is he?!!!!! Nobody has told me he’s big, just that he was tracking ok on the charts 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I know I’m over the fact I’m not having a girl, but my god when all I ever wanted in life is a Hello Kitty dressed baby girl and that’s somehow currently lined up perfectly as the biggest trend in all the shops, it stings a little that I have to walk past it all and go look at more dinosaur t-shirts 😑 Primark have the SWEETEST Hello Kitty baby collection in.

I said to my boyfriend “What if they told us it’s actually a girl at our 20 week scan on Tuesday?!”. He told me to get real 🤣
Completely feel this, actually want to cry walking past the aisles upon aisles of beautiful girls clothes to look at the singular aisle of navy blue monstrosities covered in dinosaurs, tractors and boats 🤣🤣
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These are perfect thank you!
They do these packs on Amazon too, if you've got a wish list for a baby shower or anything.

I've talked about the in laws before who are 90% brilliant apart from a few issues with ignoring my wishes, not listening to me or everything being about how similar baby was to their family, like mine didn't exist.
However, we've stopped sharing baby names this time as the she said she didn't like our, at the time, chosen name or any name we came up with. It was the most traditional name too, like you mightn't love it but there's nothing to dislike (Think Oliver or Olivia) but kept throwing in really modern, influencer names like Oaklynn, Stormleigh, Riverlyn vibes, not our thing at all. First baby they kept on and on about a name that's typically Indian (Think Raj) - we're as white as they come from farmland central 🤷🏼‍♀️ Like, you had your go lady.
In fairness, my Mum too didn't like one name which was a bit more unusual but not made up and everyone would have heard of, but at least she didn’t try to steer us from a whole genre of names by screwing up her face like they smelled 🙄
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watermelon sugar

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I’m on a fb group for people due in May and the babies are coming thick and fast now 👀 it’s making me very nervous 😂
Oooh I’ll have to join! I’ve not joined a baby fb due date group this time around.

I joined one for my Feb 2020 baby and their all bloody American, I must’ve been the only Mum who didn’t do a cake smash. One did a ‘chick a fil a smash’ where their 1 year old did a photoshoot eating fried chicken on their 1st birthday. It was bizarre. And every year their always like ‘can y’all believe we have a so and so year old’ 🤣
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Elle Woods

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This is my fav thread by far, I’m probs gonna stay and lurk even when my baby comes because it’s such a positive thread 😅😂

@odetotheseaweed for what it’s worth, and I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times, I think what you’re doing is amazing, one of the kindest most selfless things someone could ever do 💞
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I had my 25 week appointment and loved getting to hear the heartbeat again ❤ I tell you what was a struggle though, navigating how to wee into the little pot… I know I’m going to get significantly bigger than I currently am and it was such a challenge today 😂
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A bit of insight on emergency c section vs elective c section:

My eldest was emergency, I was in hospital for a week, had never actually been admitted to hospital ever in my life so a bit shell shocked. Was desperate to go home but when we got home I really struggled with moving around/doing the stairs etc, but it got easier over the next week or so

My second was planned section at 39+1, was booked in at consultant appt after 20 week scan. They said if I went into labour then to go in and they would still do a section. After that I made sure I was up and about as quickly as possible, catheter out even though it was the middle of the night, as I wanted to get home the next day. Felt recovery was better this time around but possibly because I was moving around quicker (but not pushing myself) take all the drugs they offer in hospital as it’s just paracetamol and ibuprofen once you get home, but cycle these so you get something every few hours and keep going for a few days even when you think you might not need them

Don’t push yourself to do too much too soon and accept ALL THE HELP (but make sure people are being helpful, not just there to hold the baby)

Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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What do you do about family members who mean well buying your baby the most awful things? My stepdad is so excited but he has the worst taste on earth and is addicted to buying absolute tat off of Amazon and Temu. My mum said he’s bought a lot but she doesn’t know what he’s bought and I am just dreading next going round, I don’t think I can even pretend to put on a smile and be happy about whatever he’s bought 😅
We’ve kept clothes that aren’t our style/look cheap that have been gifted in a separate bag. We’ll just do 1 day of popping them on, taking a pic then binning them 🙈 we’ve binned a couple of bits already they didn’t even make the bag they were that awful - slogan vests etc from temu that are supposed to be funny but just aren’t. For anything else that doesn’t look good quality or we don’t like I’ve kept in the packaging in a box and will conveniently forget to get them out til he’s too big for them.

Would it help to tell your step dad you’ve got loads of stuff ready now and maybe do an Amazon baby list he could buy bits from instead of just buying you stuff you don’t need/already have? Then he can still help out without filling your house with tat at the same time 😁
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You all make me feel so much more sane 😂 I feel so ungrateful but I actually don’t want to be gifted any clothing because I’ve gone for a very nice style for my boy and I have the fear of dinosaur and truck prints everywhere 😬
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I keep seeing things about stillbirth. I had a load of child loss groups keep getting recommended to me on Facebook. Sometimes I feel like it’s easier to stay off the internet to avoid these things 😭
I keep getting things like that on my tiktok. And then once you’ve seen one they keep coming.
I’m in a fb group with people due the same month and someone has already given birth at around 26 weeks which is also terrifying!
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This thread is cracking me up this afternoon. Nobody has dared mention visiting when baby is here yet, but I'm fully prepared to say no visitors for a week minimum. A little selfish of me as my family are all at the other end of the country so can't just swing by meaning I have full control of agreeing to and arranging visits from them. Some of my partners family can be a bit much, I've always been on edge with his sister, I've always got this wierd possessive vibe from her like she hates that she hasn't got her brother all to herself anymore. She's married and has children already so you'd think she'd understand he just wants the same. I daren't ever mention it to my partner as I don't think he sees it how I do, and he does worry about her a fair bit. She once screamed while drunk that I was a bitch just because we were going home from a family get together, it was actually my partner who wanted to leave but she assumed it was me and lost it with me 😅
Families eh!
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I keep seeing all over my Tiktok FYP and also on a couple due date groups I'm in people recommending the Owlet smart sock. I was just wondering if anyone on here has used one with a previous baby and recommends it?

I mentioned it to my partner and he said although it sounds amazing in theory, as I am a really anxious person he thinks it would actually make me more anxious as I'd be checking it continuously. Just wondered other peoples thoughts?
Hello! I bought them for my twins when they came home from hospital as I was so used to them being on monitoring equipment and the sock actually fed into my anxiety. I would sit and watch it and even the slightest fluctuation would have me panicking when I didn’t need too.
It’s a very individual thing and whether you believe you’d take the information as is or whether it would heighten your anxiety and leave you on edge even more.
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VIP Member
This is my fav thread by far, I’m probs gonna stay and lurk even when my baby comes because it’s such a positive thread 😅😂

@odetotheseaweed for what it’s worth, and I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times, I think what you’re doing is amazing, one of the kindest most selfless things someone could ever do 💞
Thank you, she’s been there with me through so much, saved me so many times, she’s my best friend and I’d do literally anything for her. It’s been a very long journey but fingers crossed this is her time to be a mum ❤
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I wouldn’t mind feeling sick if there was actually any sick to go with it 😷 just rolls and rolls of nausea without actually being sick. Can only eat about three bites of things before feeling like I’m about to hurl or just generally feeling horrible before even cooking so I don’t even bother 😭😭
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