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My house is absolute chaos this morning. The nursery is being decorated today, someone else is here building the nursery furniture in a different room, my pram has just turned up and is blocking the hallway where they’re all trying to get in and out and there’s about 8 other deliveries due to come in the next few hours. Mr R is in a flap because everything is everywhere and there’s stuff going on all over the place.

And I’m just sat on the sofa, eating toast, rubbing my belly 😂 preggo privileges!
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Hi everyone, hope you’re all okay, just popping in with another question as I’ve just been for my gender scan (a baby boy 💙) but found out I have an anterior placenta. People with an anterior placenta - when did you start feeling movement? I hope it isn’t too much longer than usual, keep seeing things about feeling them already at 16 weeks and I’m jealous 🥲 x
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Chatty Member
These pregnancy dreams are getting out of hand. Last week it was a one night stand with Stephen Mulhern, then the Prince Andrew one... Well last night I dreamt I was pregnant with turtles. Turtles ffs. And they were all in my shoulder instead of the usual womb/belly.
I think I need my head checking 🤣
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38+1!! Weird to think this is probably the thread when Baby Parsley will make his appearance!! I want him to turn up now (not that I’m over being pregnant, quite enjoyed the last week and a half now I’m on mat leave) I’m just so excited for him to finally be here!!
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Elle Woods

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Does anyone else just have days where you wake up full of anxiety that something is wrong, even though nothing has happened on that day to make logical sense why you feel that way? I am a ball of nerves today. I cried when me and my boyfriend left for work this morning because I just felt this overwhelming anxiety that I couldn't explain. I've got no reason to feel this way, I had a scan a week ago and everything was ok, baby has been kicking away all morning. I've got another scan next week and I'm seeing the midwife at the end of this week. I feel so stupid when I write it out but I just can't shake this anxious feeling today
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Elle Woods

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We've got 3 wifi cameras round our house to keep an eye on the dog and naively I hadn't ever considered they might get hacked and now I'm panicking because the other day I had to do the mad naked run from the bathroom to the tumble dryer in the kitchen where there's a camera because I forgot my towel when I went for a shower and maybe some creepy hacker freak has seen me naked 😂
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But why did I dream last night that I bumped into Prince Andrew, he could tell I was pregnant and so he started a discussion about family cars with me. Whyyy 😖🤢
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Elle Woods

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Is anyone else finding their MIL to be overbearing already and the baby isn't even here yet? We went round yesterday to see FIL about something and she came downstairs and shouted "HOWS MY BABY GRANDSON" and my boyfriend was like "still very much cooking" and a little while later she looks at me and says "Elle your belly is massive, MY grandson is growing nicely". A few times she made comments about "MY grandson", not once did she ask me how I am, hows the pregnancy etc. She asked about what pram I'm getting so I told her and she said something like "I can't wait to be pushing my grandson in that". I thought you weirdo you won't be having him :ROFLMAO:When we were about to leave she said "make sure you let me know how my grandson is next time you see the midwife/have a scan!". My boyfriend even said to me when we were walking home "Mum acts like you don't even exist anymore, I'm gonna moan at her about it" :ROFLMAO: It's driving me insane already I can't imagine how she'll be when he's actually here. It's so weird as well because she's already got numerous other grandkids so it's not like this is all new to her.
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I’m back from my trip across the world and flying 24 hours was absolutely fine. Thanks to whoever it was who recommended flight socks! I was having two naps a day and am dreading going back to work today with the tiredness and jet lag. Countdown is on now until the 12 week scan so I can tell work and others. It’s already flown.. I’m almost 8 weeks so hopefully it continues to do so.

I’m already so looking forward to maternity leave. I’ve been really struggling with work for the last few years and cant wait for the time off and to focus on the next stage of life.
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watermelon sugar

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Just had my 31 week appointment! Even though I’m basically 32 weeks. Babies turned round eek

Went to the Asda afterwards - they have the Nuby rapid cool down to £20 so I bought it because I’ve seen so many people talk about - even though I have no idea how to use it. Got 8ish weeks to learn 🤣

Also went to Boots and got the free Mam bottle & soother that their offering at the baby club, and a bottle of Aveeno body lotion for free too!
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Elle Woods

VIP Member
I'm finally starting to feel really obvious movements, more than just the flutters I was having before where you think "was that baby or have I got wind?" 😂 I have an anterior placenta so even the flutters were questionable. it's given me so much more peace of mind being able to actually feel baby, especially as I'm having a rough time of it lately. I can't wait for my partner to be able to feel kicks from the outside 🥰
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Four days past my due date and lumbering around my house like an enormous angry bear, just want to have this baby now please 😩 having the WORST vivid dreams all night, woke up 5 times last night and almost cried when I saw that it was only 1am!
I hope baby doesn't leave you waiting too much longer!
I bet your dream wasn't as terrifying as the one I had last night, I dreamt I had a one night stand with Stephen Mulhern and did the walk of shame the next day wearing his used underpants. I'm traumatised. 🤣
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watermelon sugar

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Neither my MIL or my Mum like the name we have picked for the baby 😅 My MIL likes any girl name with -Mae on the end, honestly she’s suggested Molly-Mae so many times, I knew she was a Tommy & Molly from Love Island fan but I didn’t realise it went on as far to name her Granddaughter after her! And my Mum, bless her, she’s just awful at suggesting names 😂 She keeps saying Flora and I just reply saying ‘actually we’re going to call her I Cant Believe It’s Not Butter’
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We’ve just splurged 2k on baby stuff on John Lewis! 😬 thanks to the nursery consultation and 15% off, we saved over £300 which is great!

That’s the pushchair, prep machine and some essentials likes bottles, muslins, towels, blankets, bath seats, changing mats etc ticked off! Ahhhhhh 😱
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20 week scan today, all well (but need to go back to have heart checked) so lovely to see them again!

But good lord I hate consultants, it's like they don't know how to human.

Have put it off but finally had to start blood thinning injections due to my risk factors and I was in floods of tears about it. I just don't feel like non-medically trained people should be left to administer injections. It's so alien. So they showed my husband because no way am I going to be in any fit state to do it myself.

So this is me for the next 26 weeks. Daily injections and dreading it.
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17 weeks and we've officially got our first baby bits. A friend has kindly donated a moses basket, a bouncer chair, a nappy bin and lots of clothes. I nearly cried at how teeny the clothes are. I am so very lucky.
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I’m glad you said about not wanting your MIL there during labour because one of my biggest reliefs about needing a csection is that MIL can’t be there. She never suggested it, but Mr R was outraged when I said I just wanted him and me and if I had a second birth partner if wouldn’t be his mum. Apparently he might like the support of having his Mum with him. Nevermind me trying to squeeze a watermelon out of my fanny love, as long as you’ve got mummy to give you snacks and hold your hand when it gets tough yeah? 😅
I love the woman to bits but I’d rather have the Amazon delivery guy at the end of the bed to catch the baby than be in such a vulnerable state with her snapping away to get pics of him crowning 😅
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I definitely think there is a stigma around women enjoying pregnancy and everything should be happy, sunshine and rainbows and expectant Mother’s should be grateful, how dare they moan because their lucky enough to be pregnant etc. I think it should be more normalised that pregnancy is hard, everyday is a struggle for a lot if not most pregnant women and if they want to moan the entire pregnancy they can - doesn’t mean their not excited and absolutely beyond grateful to be pregnant in the first place!!

Pregnancy is so rough on your body, your hormones, it’s such a life change it seems almost
impossible to enjoy. I’ve not enjoyed this pregnancy as I’ve been sick a lot, in pain a lot, sick with worry as I had multiple miscarriages before this pregnancy. The only good thing is the movements and seeing her move about - even that is scary, this morning I was convinced I hadn’t felt her for ages and got myself into a tizz! It’s such a stressful time!

If you want to moan - do!!! I’ve moaned plenty through my pregnancy but know when my little baby is here I’ll be so grateful to see her - but grateful I’m not pregnant anymore 😅
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Hi ladies. I’m currently in the delivery ward and they’re checking me over. My discharge up until today has been normal white creamy (sorry TMI) but today my discharge has been clear and a lot more of it. They’ve checked my blood pressure and listened to baby’s heartbeat but I’ve been waiting for a doctor to come to take a swab for over an hour now and I’m just in an absolute state because the midwife said it could mean my waters have broken and I’m just so worried and having to wait to find out is torturous. Has anybody been through anything similar? I’m only just 17 weeks so really hoping everything is okay :(
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