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Chatty Member
I’m due in 4 days and feel like I know nothing about giving birth 😅😅😅 there’s only so many videos etc you can watch. And I know people say you will know, once you feel it it you will know you’re in labour etc.. but that makes me feel really unprepared 🤣 like how long is it ok to labour at home for?! Our hospital is a good 20-30 minute drive away and I’m terrified of not making it 😂
I was in labour for 72 hours total with my first, only the last hour and a half at the hospital. It was during COVID so was basically told to stay away. I stayed at home until I couldn't cope with the pain any more. Triage were adamant I shouldn't have gone in until my waters broke, but they never did. Baby was born mermaid style!


VIP Member
Yeah it's a horrible feeling isn't it! I'm 26 weeks and I swear she's using my cervix as a trampoline most days
I'm glad it's not just me 🙈 it was happening in the car on the way to work the other day and I thought they were trying to break out 😂 the baby seems to be so low lately it's such an odd feeling but I suppose it's no better higher up punching lungs either. Can't win 😂


Chatty Member
I’ve had to stay away from this thread since giving birth last week (and aware I need to move onto the newborn thread🤣) but just wanted to shoot in regarding birth/birth plans. It’s great to research and have some idea of what you want etc but don’t be too strict on yourself and try to go with the flow- this is coming from a complete control freak!!!!
I don’t want to trigger anyone (I’m sorry I don’t know how to put a spoiler) but having made it to the pushing stage, then needing an emergency c-section, I think I have some birth trauma I probably need to discuss with my midwife. Not a single thing went the way I thought it would, let alone hoped it would. And once I decided/thought I needed some form of strong pain relief I was already too late(until they decided a c section was needed, that spinal changed my life!!).
I know people ‘only tell the scary stories’, and I 100% believe we need to be empowered and educated and positive births do happen and exist. But I had a fairly textbook pregnancy. And my labour initially went very well, straight forward, and I had the pain under control. Then he turned back to back and it all went downhill from there😅
I think we’re sold this lovely idea that you forget the pain once they’re here/it makes it all worth it. Or that you can forget about it once you have your baby here safe and sound and be grateful. And I know I’m lucky and should be grateful that we’re now both okay, but it’s okay to want more than that 💛
Firstly, congratulations on your bubs arrival 💕
Definitely speak to your midwife about it, my first was fully dilated emergency c section and traumatic. I never really got the support that looking back I needed cos I just got on With it. I was actually offered counselling about it during this pregnancy! The support is there for you, you just need to ask for it, if I could go back and say I needed help to come to terms with what happened to me (at the time) then I would 💕


Chatty Member
I screamed like a banshee during my active labour with my daughter 🤣🤣 ill just say in my defence she was back to back with her head in the wrong place. Don't know how it would have been otherwise and I'm not a wimp when it comes to pain! Whoever invented epidurals is a god send 🤣


Well-known member
I had a consultant appointment at 16 weeks to discuss it. I researched it and told them the reasons why and he agreed that I made a good case and approved it in my notes. Got another appointment on the 4th December to get a date booked it.
Did you request for the consultant apt or did the give it to you? I’ve had 2 of my consultant apts cancelled cos of the strikes 😒 but I’m high risk for everything and I’m a children’s nurse so I’ve seen the outcome of too many birth horror stories I’m considering just going for elective 😅


VIP Member
I’ve got dark hair so it’s all gone quite dark 😆 and my belly button is starting to go flat! I wonder if it will end up an outie


VIP Member
I really wanted to breastfeed but I’m finding it overwhelming reading up on it, and I’m going to be doing a couple keeping in touch days in work hopefully about a month or 2 after it’s born(if I’m up to it) so I’m not sure how it’s all going to work with pumping and everything😰 will my supply even be properly established by then?? Shall I just formula feed??? It’s all so confusing😩


VIP Member
Hi ladies!
I’m new here to the thread. Currently 8 weeks pregnant with my second. Bit concerned as I went for an early scan at 7 weeks and was told baby was measuring 5 weeks. However heart beat was there :)
Has anyone else had this, measuring 2 weeks behind at an early scan? The staff were worried and suggested it could be due to my irregular periods or delayed ovulation/implantation but I’ve had a previous miscarriage around 6-7 weeks so naturally worrying .
Yes, I went when I thought I was 7+5 and was only measuring 5+6, then I went exactly 2 weeks later and she’d had a little growth spurt was then measuring 8+6. 12 week scan matched this so was still a week or so behind what I originally thought. But it’s the tiniest of measurements at this point so they may catch up xx


Well-known member
Sorry to go a bit off topic…
We’re currently trying for our second and I’m about 90% sure id want my mom in the delivery room (1st child was during covid so not an option). However my partner is dead against this. They have a good relationship but he worries it’ll take away from his experience of the birth and fears my mom would ‘get in the way a bit’. I can see it from his side, but how the hell can we resolve this?! 😂
You’re the one giving birth so it’s your rules! Do what ever you need to do to feel happy, safe and relaxed.


Well-known member
Is it for a newborn? As far as I'm aware the 360 seats don't offer a good fit/support for newborns so they recommend an infant carrier for the first few months.
Reading with interest! I need two. Looking at maxicosi because they fit on a bugaboo that we got. Im planning on getting the isofix bases 2nd hand as the price difference in buying new is mad.
Gas and air made me so so sick.

I ended up having pethidine because I was having back to back contractions coming straight after each other for 4 hours

The midwives kept trying to make me get an epidural saying I wouldn’t last, I didn’t get one though.

This time I’m aiming for an un medicated birth
How did you find the Pethadine?


VIP Member
I bought the breast pump along with a few hundred pounds of other things. If you create a wish list on Amazon, you get 15% off with a max £300 on £2000 spend. You also get a free gift. Worth doing.


Chatty Member
Firstly, congratulations on your bubs arrival 💕
Definitely speak to your midwife about it, my first was fully dilated emergency c section and traumatic. I never really got the support that looking back I needed cos I just got on With it. I was actually offered counselling about it during this pregnancy! The support is there for you, you just need to ask for it, if I could go back and say I needed help to come to terms with what happened to me (at the time) then I would 💕
Oh my! So pretty much the same circumstance then - I never anticipated once I was fully dilated that he’d come any other way but there we go! They had me pushing for the full 2 hours with zero pain relief before accepting he wasn’t going to come out.
I have emailed the birth reflections team to make an appointment but they don’t see you before 2 months so I guess I’m just supposed to get on with it until then?🤔🫠🙃


VIP Member
What are you doing with your nursery? I’d love to paint some stencils onto the walls for a woodland theme, but wow, they’re expensive. I could freehand it but it they may end up looking like cocaine bear.
We’re doing Winnie the Pooh theme, so just going to get some prints in frames for the walls and then little touches all over


VIP Member
Only pregnant for 9 months because there's more than 4 weeks in a month 😂

21 and a half weeks is roughly 5 months.
That's why they go by weeks not months because it fully depends on the months.
Yeah that’s why I was getting confused because of the different days in each month😆 thank you I’ll just go by weeks


VIP Member
Thanks ladies! I’m self employed and work on my own and will be bringing baby with me some days, but a couple days it will be with my mum or my hubby so just trying to think what will be easier in the long run and I don’t want to have to stress! I will see how it goes 🥰


Well-known member
Has anyone booked their nursery space yet? I’m not due until December but I know mums at same state are putting down deposits for start dates in September next year.
My advice is definitely sort it. I waited with my first until she was born and although I got her in, the days I got weren’t ideal. I booked this one’s place as soon as I peed on the stick (they were the first I told!) as there is a 2 year waiting list for babies (they only take 9)