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That's really reasonable, it's €120 in Ireland and most places aren't covered my health insurance. If you go private you get an 8 week scan here but it's so expensive even with health insurance
Yeah I thought so! I got prices for so many places that went up to £90 and thought just go for the cheaper one cos they all do the same thing I guess 😂 plus the reviews were all positive luckily.

Edited to say the prices for gender ones seem to be much more! That's the one I'm looking to book next as I'm going for my 20 week scan at the last possible day so my husband can come!


New member
So this may seem like a daft question, I’ve just found out I’m pregnant (4+3 so super early) after two losses, did anyone else get scared to go to the toilet in case there was blood? I only found out yesterday, it was a huge shock, so now I’m worrying about everything!
Not daft at all, like you we found out pretty early but I did end up having some light bleeding. I was referred to EPU who said it was implantation bleeding but then because we had already booked a private scan for a couple of weeks later we went for that. I then found out I had sub-chorionic haemmoraging and was told no heavy lifting and to rest up and go back in two weeks to have a check up. Went for that and was told the haemmorage had shrunk and I've had no bleeding since. So if you do have any (which you probably won't as I didn't with my two previous) don't let them fob you off. Just try and enjoy your pregnancy but I think it's worse when you find out so early!


Chatty Member
Just looking for opinions on this? I laughed at first when someone suggested getting one for me thinking plain old nappy bags will do and I to the bin but we use these at work and there’s never a smell out of them. I’m only considering it because after his paternity leave I will be home alone for a long time (excluding visitors) and it could be handy? Anyone have one/getting one or is it an unnecessary purchase?


Advice needed, my boobs are aching the majority of the time and have grown so much already (only in first trimester) much to my husbands delight. None of my bras fit me properly and I just need to get one or two for comfort. What would ye recommend?


VIP Member
are you on medication? I had to get omeprazole from the GP and it pretty much vanished. I used to be the same with my first it used to choke me in my sleep. Sleep more propped up but the medication worked after the first time and as soon as he was born i never got it again.
No it's only started recently. I'll have to ask my GP. I try to eat my dinner as early as possible but come midnight/1am the reflux starts 😭


Chatty Member
I’ve only just recently found out I’m pregnant, almost 7 weeks. I have my first 8 week midwife appointment booked next week. First thing this morning I wiped some brown blood and mucus after going to the loo, not enough to stain knickers or a pad (sorry, TMI). I was sent some information by the community midwife for the local hospital which it said to contact if you have any bleeding but the phone number and extension doesn’t work. I just want some reassurance that this is normal 😩
As it's brown blood, it is likely to be old so might just be blood that was in your uterus finding its way out, perhaps from implantation.


VIP Member
I hope I don't sound crazy, but has anyone successfully continued to 'tone up' during pregnancy, particularly in the first trimester? Basically since my first baby (who is now 2!) I've become really out of shape and flabby, especially my arms and of course stomach.

I had literally just started to sort myself out a few weeks before finding out I was pregnant, am now 6 weeks. I'm obviously not going to be strictly dieting or trying to lose tons of weight, but I had started to notice a tiny bit of difference in my arms and general physique by doing home workouts with weights and cutting down on sugary junk. Would I be silly to try and continue this? It's just I'm significantly heavier now than I was before my first child (not overweight in terms of BMI, but I'm petite and you can really see the extra flabby weight) and I just want to keep it under control. It was actually after I stopped breastfeeding and went back to work when the weight really piled on as I suddenly became so much more sedentary than I was on mat leave.


Chatty Member
Anyone having a planned c-section? I'm really shocked at how close to my due date they plan on doing it, I've been given 2 potential dates. One date is exactly a week before my due date (which I know is normal), the other is 3 days before 😳
I am got my date through today and its at 39+5! My only concern is my early labour with my daughter started at 39+3 😅 so hoping this one is nice and comfy and doesn't get any ideas about escaping before then hahaha
I do remember the leaflet I got at booking saying they do them from 39 to 42 weeks 😅


VIP Member
Is it normal to feel kicks in my cervix? It's so low down it feels like a leg or arm could come out 🙈 I have a low lying placenta so not sure if that affects it and I'm 24 weeks. Worrying a bit because I can literally feel it between my legs 🙈
Yeah it's a horrible feeling isn't it! I'm 26 weeks and I swear she's using my cervix as a trampoline most days


New member
I'm currently 27 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I had a headache yesterday and a headache again today. I've just finished cleaning upstairs and I feel so shaky since and like I'm burning up but no temperature. Blood pressure is also fine. Have I just overdone it?
Sounds like it, make sure you're drinking enough and put your feet up! X


VIP Member
Personally I don’t see a problem with it. If you enjoy working out, carry on! Maybe speak to your midwife about your usual routine and she may be able to help you alter it if you need to. There’s a generation of women that ceased all activity when they got pregnant - my mother was one of these - and I don’t think it’s healthy.

Exactly this. You’ll feel some bizarre sensations. Lightning crotch is my favourite - really takes you by surprise
OHH OKAY!! thank you so so much! sorry to ask shitty questions !!


VIP Member
Hi ladies!
I’m new here to the thread. Currently 8 weeks pregnant with my second. Bit concerned as I went for an early scan at 7 weeks and was told baby was measuring 5 weeks. However heart beat was there :)
Has anyone else had this, measuring 2 weeks behind at an early scan? The staff were worried and suggested it could be due to my irregular periods or delayed ovulation/implantation but I’ve had a previous miscarriage around 6-7 weeks so naturally worrying .


Chatty Member
Any Irish people here I just want to ask a question, I'm a little over 10 weeks. I did the GP visit ages ago and they said I will be contacted by The hospital by now. I haven't yet but I was wondering is it a letter or phonecall to make the 12 week appt (I know it might not necessarily be 12 weeks) or should I ring the hospital. I'm not entirely sure, the website isn't giving me much information and I've made a decision not to tell family yet so someone may help me if your Irish as the UK system is likely to be different. 😅
I got a letter for antenatal clinic with appointment details and on the letter it says phone this number to book first scan. I got the letter 2-3 weeks after confirming pregnancy with gp.. you’re probably best off phoning your maternity hospital and finding out
Hi hoping someone can help i’m off work at the minute pregnancy related i have a sickline up to Monday 31st July am i due back to work that day or day after? I always assumed it was the day after but my employer seems to think i’ll be in Monday?


VIP Member
I was absolutely huge with my first. I popped with her about 18 weeks but had a noticeable bump from 15 weeks.
This time I’m 10 weeks and look like I did when I was 15 weeks the first time 🙈 I just know I’m going to be even bigger this time


Well-known member
Maybe the wrong chat but stokke chair - are they worth the hype? 🤔 Or am I being influenced
Yep! Have had mine since first was born-was a lifesaver for us not living in an open plan space or having lots of room. The newborn attachment is definitely worth getting. The highchair itself comes highly recommended from a lot of kids PTs as it makes sure correct posture is maintained. Definitely spendy but for sure one of the few things I don’t regret getting


VIP Member
I’ve only just recently found out I’m pregnant, almost 7 weeks. I have my first 8 week midwife appointment booked next week. First thing this morning I wiped some brown blood and mucus after going to the loo, not enough to stain knickers or a pad (sorry, TMI). I was sent some information by the community midwife for the local hospital which it said to contact if you have any bleeding but the phone number and extension doesn’t work. I just want some reassurance that this is normal 😩
I had brown blood around the same time and it’s just old blood clearing out!


VIP Member
Hi, tentatively joining as I'm 4 weeks pregnant with my 2nd. I'm feeling very guilty- we'd been trying for a while and in this particular month I really thought nothing would happen as we didn't really do it much during ovulation for various reasons.

I'm usually pretty good during the two week wait and rarely drink alcohol anyway, however I had a birthday thing to go to and ended up drinking quite a few cocktails. Imagine my shock when the very next day I decide to do a cheapo test and a very faint line comes up. I was around 8dpo so nearly a week before my period and I just took the test out of habit like I impatiently do every month. Feeling really terrible that I've caused some harm even though I know realistically I probably haven't... Don't really know why I'm posting, think I'm just looking for some reassurance?
Lol, we started "trying" (not tracking ovulation or even my period really, just opting for if it happens it happens...), had a big birthday in the family and drank 2 pints and a cocktail. Felt nauseous next morning, tested, and lo and behold I'm now 22 weeks 🥴 all scans have been fine! You have to consume quite a bit quite consistently for any damage, is my understanding. I wouldn't feel guilty!