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Chatty Member
24 weeks today and have a midwife appointment, is this just a quick blood pressure and urine check?

I then have to go every other week until I'm 28 weeks and then it goes to weekly appointments. Gonna see my midwife more than my own family at this rate 😂
I found all my 25 week one was blood pressure and an urine sample, think they also had a feel of baby too


Active member
Anyone had their health visitor visit before birth? What are they asking or more importantly where do I need to clean😂 no engery to do the whole house!


VIP Member
Advice needed, my boobs are aching the majority of the time and have grown so much already (only in first trimester) much to my husbands delight. None of my bras fit me properly and I just need to get one or two for comfort. What would ye recommend?
I'm living in the crop top style bras at the moment from Primark. Sports bras are better for me for the days they are very tender and I'm up and about


VIP Member
Overdid it yesterday - travelled to another office which meant a 6:40 wake up, spent the day there then travelled home and went to pub with husband and walked home around 18:50. Once upon a time this would've been nothing but 😫 my back is in shreds & I can barely keep my eyes open. Glad to be wfh today!
You need to relax a bit, that’s a lot of moving around.
my back and hips are slowly ruining themselves so I bought a support belt and it’s definitely helping with walking around. Can’t sit down in it very well, though.


VIP Member
What's the best Next to Me Crib to get? Been looking at the Chicco Magic 2 but not sure if that's the best option or if there are better ones? Completely new to this 🙈


Well-known member
I’ll be 38 weeks on Christmas Day. My waters broke with my first at 39 so I’m hopeful we’ll make it to new years at least.


Chatty Member
Same, a proper rocking chair was one of my must haves and was a lifesaver for us with a baby with both colic and reflux. Still use it every night now for stories (also 2yo). We bought one that the legs can be changed on to make it a proper chair once babies have outgrown it. We bought a wide chest of drawers and have a wedged changing mat on top instead of a changing table.I’ll be buying a foldable/portable changing table for downstairs this time-changing nappies is back breaking!!
I do remember the back pain when my wee man was a newborn, changing him on the floor in the middle of the night 😫 We were fortunate that the mat we had fit on a dresser we already had. That did the job until it was safer just to do it on the floor. We've just started potty training so that's a whole new barrel of laughs 😂 Will probably do the same with our second, although a solution for those newborn night changes would be good to save my poor back!


Well-known member
Thanks ladies, I was secretly hoping ye would say it's not worth the hype! I've loads of time to go so I'll keep an eye out on the second hand pages 👀
There are lots of chairs now that do the same thing. If I didn’t already have the Tripp trapp I’d be very tempted by the bugaboo seat (it also becomes a rocker). I think cybex and maxi cosi do ones similar and as someone already mentioned Hauck do a dupe if you like the look of the Tripp trapp. Plenty of time to do research!


VIP Member
Light colour prams - has anyone got one/had one from prev pregnancy? I’m looking at an icandy and there’s the light grey which they’re discontinuing which is £200 less than other colours. Just want to know how practical it’s going to be
I had a dark coloured pram however now she’s a bit older (10 months) she has a light pink stroller. It marks very easily and you can see all the marks/dirt on it… I think it’s from getting it in/out the car


VIP Member
We’re watching guardians of the galaxy 3 and I’m having a full emotional meltdown and sobbing. Pregnancy hormones are no joke! My brain can’t handle cute animals being hurt or feeling sad when I’m not pregnant, it’s x100 now
Aw god I watched it in the cinema and was tearing up 😩


Chatty Member
May I ask - is anyone drinking coffee? I used to drink. two a day and now 0 since we found out...
Pre-pregnancy I had one coffee in the morning and a cup of tea after dinner. I wasn't a big fizzy drink or chocolate person before any way. I'm not currently having any as I've been struggling with the increased heart rate and borderline high blood pressure (been prescribed nightly aspirin to help)


VIP Member
How are you all coping with the back pain? I'm 26 weeks and I don't remember it being this bad this early on the first time round. The evenings are the absolute worst. Not sure if using a yoga ball will help to try and stretch everything out?


Exactly the same here, when is your first scan or have you not had the appointment through yet? Sending lots of love!
I only found out yesterday so I’m waiting to hear back from a midwife, I’m only 4+3 so super early. I’m glad I’m not the only one with health anxiety!


VIP Member
I’ve only just recently found out I’m pregnant, almost 7 weeks. I have my first 8 week midwife appointment booked next week. First thing this morning I wiped some brown blood and mucus after going to the loo, not enough to stain knickers or a pad (sorry, TMI). I was sent some information by the community midwife for the local hospital which it said to contact if you have any bleeding but the phone number and extension doesn’t work. I just want some reassurance that this is normal 😩
I had something similar and I’m now 30 weeks! I also had very light pink spotting early on as well as brown and it was all ok.