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Rant incoming. Fed up with myself. Had two days off work. Been so fatigued it’s hard to get up and do anything. Pretty sure I have pregnancy rhinitis as have had allergy symptoms for weeks. Spent hours sleeping and leaving my washing piled up, only managed to get a couple of washes on and changed the cat litter and cried my eyes out and went back to sleep. Lack of motivation is something I struggle with in general but I feel like such a useless slob at the minute.
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Also, why do films, shows ect make pregnancy seem glamorous? Currently at week 15 having had bleeding, nosebleeds and a burst ovarian cyst and still having nausea, sickness, heartburn, anxiety and now milk blisters which are quite painful. If anyone has any remedies I would be so grateful. Just feeling sorry for myself, and not sure of my point. It took us so long to conceive, we used fertility treatment, and feel I should be enjoying it more but really I just feel quite upset I am not enjoying it and wishing time away until baby is here. Sorry for the moan but I know some of you have experienced similar and it has been helpful to not feel alone x
Pregnancy is HARD. I felt like absolute shit for 90% of it, I was so miserable, I think I was on here most days moaning how much I hated it and how I couldn’t wait for it to end.

But I still (for some reason) miss it so much and I’m so jealous of you guys being pregnant 😢😢😢
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Chatty Member
I’m over on the parenting thread having the same internal battle. Little slips had a rough introduction into the world and the only time he gives us any grief is when I turn him sideways to feed from the boob. He doesn’t even look at it. Iv been pumping and have gotten enough for 3 bottles and so that’s what he’s been getting. Other times he’s on premade formula. I realise this can get expensive but at 6 days a mother, this is what’s working for me right now. Imagine I still struggle that I’m not breast feeding despite getting a lot of breast milk into him
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Currently 29wks and I’m completely over work at this point 🤦🏻‍♀️. I’ll be finishing at Christmas at 35wks and I know it’s only 6 weeks away but it honestly feels like a lifetime.
I really have no reason to complain as work have been really flexible and let me WFH as much as I want. However, this is peak time for my industry and there’s a lot of in-office meetings coming up that I really I want to avoid. I just don’t have anything left to give and want to focus on being horizontal/the baby 🫠🫠
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I'm still struggling physically and mentally. Forcing myself back to work even though I feel far from ready because I'm not getting paid. I wish I didn't feel like such a failure, I never knew pregnancy would be this hard.
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Does anyone else keep seeing those articles come up on Facebook like ‘why I regret becoming a mum, it’s a scam’ 😬😬 (probably because I clicked on one before). I love children so much and I’m not a party girl/big drinker so Im not concerned about ‘mourning’ my youth or anything like that but mentally am I gonna be able to cope if it’s THAT hard that people regret becoming mothers? I’m scared I’m not going to be good enough.
Ignore these articles. People over exaggerate to make a headline and get a quick payday, most are from tiktok where they live for being OTT.
It is hard I won't lie to you. But no matter how hard it feels, at the end of the day you feel like your very own superhero.
When you look back on the first few months, you feel a utter sense of pride.
It isn't a walk in the park by any means, but it's no where near as bad as these strange folk make out.
I've had some proper crap days. Yet I'd do it all again in a heartbeat 😂
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thanks everyone for your comments, I think because I’ve had such a difficult relationship with food in my life it’s messing with my head. I’m pretty ravenous and have been since my nausea went. Doesn’t help I was at a work dinner on Thursday and everyone was wasted and dolled up and I looked like an unfun blimp (only three people there know I’m pregnant) which just reinforces it

Yeah I’ve got supplements which def have helped, I would say I still find “normal” days tough. I know everyone is different but for contrast, a lot of women still work out during pregnancy and there is absolutely no way I could work out for more than 5 mins without getting out of breath and exhausted. I had to run through a (small) airport yesterday and I think that’s what caused me to be really rundown, I lose my breath really quickly and feel faint easily.

thanks, it makes me feel a lot better hearing that :) I also don’t look pregnant, just fat 😂 if I had an actual obvious bump I would probably feel different but now I just look like I’ve eaten too many pies which tbf is probably true anyway 😂
Before my most recent pregnancy, I used to work out 5 times a week. As soon as I got pregnant, I couldn't even get up the stairs without having to stop at the top to catch my breath!
It never changed throughout the whole pregnancy!
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Oh no, what happens in a scenario where your waters break before a planned section?
I imagine that'll be me tbh. Sending love and wishing you well. It's time to meet your little one eeekkk 💘
We've been on the monitor and all is good, they've swabbed me and it's definitely my waters. I'm waiting to see the Dr but the midwife says they'll be squeezing me in today. Unfortunately they're super busy tonight, both Drs are currently off doing emergency sections so I'm having to wait. I've started having some period-type cramping but it's bearable and still very irregular.

Just got to wait and see 😬
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Is it normal in pregnancy to have abit of clear watery discharge? It’s not masses but sometimes do feel like Iv wet myself abit!
I think this is why pregnancy is known as the “damp condition” or something in Chinese

I had such a lovely first pregnancy, this pregnancy has been all sorts of grim 🤣 - from sweating through the summer heat waves to general yuckness down there I cannot f*cking WAIT for this baby to fulfil her gestational period and allow my body to feel just a tiny bit more normal again.

spoke to my boss after I had such a sh*t hospital visit on Tuesday, he asked if my colleague knows I’m pregnant yet and I explained that it’s really hard for me to have to engage with him because he makes out his wife is the most incredible human being on the planet - literally everything and anything she touches turns to gold, she’s the best at everything (which is nice, obviously, and not annoying in the slightest), and my boss said he can see why I would have problems with being in direct comparison to “the Super Gestator” 🤣🤣 which has got to be my favourite nickname for someone ever.
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This sounds normal, as long as the movements are still regular and 'normal' for your baby. I'd imagine baby has just moved position x
Thank you. I was lying on my side after I posted that and felt several movements where I would expect to as well as internal bubbling so perhaps he's just moved so they don't feel as clear. Got midwife appt on Thursday so I'll ask then as well.

Still went downstairs and had a little cry at my husband because it feels so weird and almost lonely when I can't feel him moving!

Got a little kick just as I was writing this haha 🦵
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Does anyone know why the stigma around not breastfeeding is so opinionated and emotional for people? I personally am unsure if I want to breast feed as the thought of it is making me really anxious but I’ve had such negative reactions when I’ve mentioned it. It’s such a personal thing, of course I want what’s best for my baby, but I also want to be 100% in myself. My friend bottle fed her little one and she won’t breast feed her one on the way as she doesn’t feel like she wants to. I don’t see anything wrong with that and I’d personally never judge a woman’s choice.
I’m not really sure but I think it seems to be coming down the line from medical recommendations.
Tbh I just wish people would keep their opinions to themselves. I found breastfeeding mentally draining (and I did it for 4 years). You weigh up the pros and cons for yourself and don’t worry about anyone else.
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Is it normal to be really emotional at 40+? I keep bursting into tears and feeling panicked that I can’t do this alone I’m so scared 😩
This last bit is definitely the hardest!! I’ve been the same, crying randomly and so fed up. But you’ve got this!! Just this last little bit to go! Think once you’ve got your baby in your arms the amount of love you’re gonna have for the wee man and all the cuddles🥰💙

Do you ever feel bad for eating or drinking certain stuff? Earlier I had a Pepsi and a while ago I had a glass of Fanta. I rarely drink fizzy drinks but I’ve really been craving them 😩
Nope😂 I’ve lived on fizzy juice for the most part, I will take the little enjoyments I can😂 don’t feel bad!! I’ve just been watching my caffeine if been having coke etc
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Had my blood test, will that be able to tell me how far along I am because I have no clue. I don’t know how any of this works😟
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Eeeesh got the 20 week scan tomorrow, been in calls from 9-5 today so not had time to think about it but suddenly just dawned on me we find out the gender which makes it all more real! Also nervous because it’s checking for anomalies too and it’s all so overwhelming.
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Who else is overdue? I was full term when this thread started and I thought not long now, now 41w today. I know it will be in the next week I have her but starting to feel really fed up, like I’ve been pregnant forever and wondering what the longest pregnancy on record is🫠😂😂
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Can I just have one night where I sleep right through or at least can turn over and get back to sleep?! I'm sick of ending up downstairs on the sofa now 😭 I might as well start off down here and save myself the aggro of carrying my pillow and duvet back and forth.
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Baby Neo was born last night 🙂 she’s 4lbs 11oz and she was born at 34w5d.
She’s in NICU because she needs help with her breathing but she’s amazing x
Congratulations!! Hope you’re both doing well and enjoy🤗❤

My section is booked for Tuesday, eeeek!! Hoping baby girl comes on her own before then but feels really surreal, it’s only a few days away! Has anyone opted for a section instead of being induced? They tried to do a third sweep today and my cervix is still closed🥴
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Did anyone end up going on mat leave super early? My PGP is just horrific and I'm struggling like really struggling. I'm maybe getting 2 hours sleep a night and it's undoubtedly having a massive impact on my work. I'm wondering if I should take mat leave as early as I can as I won't get paid for being off sick.

My mental health has spiralled all I can think is how I'm letting everyone down including my child.
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