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anything at all

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Had midwife appointment this morning and got to listen to baby’s heartbeat 🥰

Had mentioned at booking appointment about my previous history with cin3 and having a lletz procedure in the past for it but the first midwife didn’t think it was a problem but now another one has decided to send me for a cervical scan. Has anyone had one before and how is it done? Is it just an ultrasound or internal scan?

They’ve said they’re full up on appointments and I need to go in on Monday, it’s the same day we’re having our 4D scan, is that okay?
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I'm being prescribed omeperazole 🙌🙌 praying that helps. I called my work to tell them I'd had an appointment and was getting something to help and they're like ok so are you back tomorrow? Felt like they were pissed off when I said no, but it's like I don't have the medication yet and it can take a few days to start working it's not a miracle five minute cure.
I really need to start being more active though cos I'm basically just sleeping all the time but in struggling to find the energy. Got an appointment with a specialist next week regarding EDS and pregnancy so hoping they can help!
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Hi everyone… hope you’re all coping ok.
I’m 12 weeks today and after having a child 10 years ago and then a series of losses, this is the furthest I’ve got. I remember the feeling of movement and I feel like I’m going mad but I really think I have felt a couple of movements in the last few days. I don’t think it’s even possible?! Am I going mad?!
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5 days overdue now 😅 stubborn little monkey. Midwife again today for another sweep and to book induction but think I’m just gonna ask for induction to be booked as early as possible and leave the sweep cos I’m still sore from Mondays 😖 and it’s done f all! Trying not to let myself get fed up and just go with the flow but I’m sooo tired and uncomfortable now 😩
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I thought my bump was looking kinda cute today so took a picture. Wish I hadn't done that. I know it's stupid worrying about weight and appearances when you're growing another life but damn is it hard. I look like a blob fish. How does everyone else deal with their changing bodies?
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i now know why pregnant women start losing it in the last few weeks lol. i'm 37+6 and there is NO SIGN of anything happening. the anxiety from just waiting around for something to happen is making my husband and i lose my mind. plus idiotic family & friends constantly asking me everyday how things are going, whether baby is here yet - fuck off. if the baby was here you'd know.

just feels like i'm stuck in limbo. idk what i'll do if i go past my due date honestly.
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my husband met his dad yesterday for lunch, and FIL asked him if he could be the first one to see the baby after me (even before my husband). he was not joking at all and it sent my husband into the biggest rage bc what the fuck is wrong with all our family members!!! husband cussed him out and told him he's literally last on the family list and if anyone were to see his son first it would be him and not anyone else. FIL was so offended and couldn't believe my husband said no. he then proceeded to tell my husband "i hope you know that the baby isn't just your son, he's everyone's grandchild and nephew" and my husband went "i dont give a shit what he is to you, he's my son and that's my only priority"

also got a message from my SIL asking me if i can avoid labour during her exam period, as if it's in my control in any way and as if i give a shit about her schedule.

absolutely can't stand my in laws sometimes, their audacity knows no bounds
you what????????? glad your husband told him where to go. Your SIL sounds bonkers I can't imagine thinking that's a normal thing to ask someone who's pregnant!

I haven't seen or spoke to my brother in over 5 years, he got back in touch recently and every time he mentioned 'my nephew ' it really put my teeth on edge, like you are basically a stranger to me at this point and this is not about you!
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I thought my bump was looking kinda cute today so took a picture. Wish I hadn't done that. I know it's stupid worrying about weight and appearances when you're growing another life but damn is it hard. I look like a blob fish. How does everyone else deal with their changing bodies?
struggling a bit tbh even though it’s my second child. I’m 29 weeks and just feel so big already. Hate not being able to bend over properly and my clothes are uncomfortable.

sorry for the rant, I’ve thrown up three times since I got home from work. Don’t know if it’s a bug or just the fact my bump feels so tight today! 😭😭😭😭
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Baby not moving again this morning so looks like another trip to go and get monitored 😫 I feel like as the weeks are going on I’m more concerned when I don’t feel him as I think to myself how can I not feel a 32 week 4lbs 6oz baby!
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How can I be so exhausted at only 5 weeks? How the bloody hell am I going to cope with the rest of pregnancy and then having a child to look after 😂

Honestly dreading work next week trying to manage not falling asleep at my desk.
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Hello everyone first time posting here!

I'm in very early stages and have just found out I'm pregnant 🥰 I've booked my first appointment with the midwife for next week but it's a phonecall. Is this normal? I thought they would want to do blood tests and stuff. Has anyone else had this for their first appointment?

As you can see I have so much to learn!

Also sorry for tmi but I'm constipated af lol. If anyone has any tips please share 🤣
I found out 2 weeks ago, called the doctors and was told to go online and register on a website and someone would be in touch. I’ve since had a text message (!!!!) to say I’ve got an appointment with the midwife in a couple of weeks, when I’ll be 8 weeks.

I was expecting to be at least called in for a blood test to check I’m definitely pregnant.. anxiety brain talking what if I turn up to the midwife and there’s nothing in there 🤣

Bit disappointed so far really, no support or guidance in terms of what to do in case something goes wrong.

Also my first post here after lurking the last few weeks, it hasn’t hit me yet and I’m very anxious being so early, but hi everyone 👋
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So I’m back from the GTT - 2 blood tests in two hours, they didn’t do a finger prick on me, but at the start she said she takes my blood and tests it to make sure it’s within the range she needs to work with (did not elaborate further).

My main advice is down the drink, it’s gross! Download some Netflix. I tried to do some work but the lighting in the waiting room just made me want to nap instead…

Just chowing down on a prawn mayo sandwich, s&v squares and a fake treat size mars bar before logging on to my emails 😂 I am such a wild ride.

Does anyone else keep seeing those articles come up on Facebook like ‘why I regret becoming a mum, it’s a scam’ 😬😬 (probably because I clicked on one before). I love children so much and I’m not a party girl/big drinker so Im not concerned about ‘mourning’ my youth or anything like that but mentally am I gonna be able to cope if it’s THAT hard that people regret becoming mothers? I’m scared I’m not going to be good enough.
motherhood is hard and especially at the beginning I was like “WTF is this fresh hell?” But you a) get used to it and b) things (I.e. you and your baby etc) change. I mean you’ve MADE a PERSON, and that is pretty incredible, I don’t think many people actually want to reverse that. They just don’t want the hard work that comes with it.
Besides, you might get a very easy baby, they exist, let’s hope for the best.
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anything at all

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Id said I wouldn’t get the Covid booster as the last one I had made me feel so unwell and I didn’t want that on top of being pregnant but I had it last Monday and other than being a bit more tired than usual I was completely fine. I think any risk that comes with it is just so small, so for me it felt better to just have it tbh.
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Got my GTT tomorrow. How quickly do they let you know if there’s an issue? Does anyone know? X
I’ve got mine in a couple of weeks and - I might be totally wrong - but my midwife implied that it was pretty quick, she said “bring something to eat with you for after, I mean, assuming you’re not diabetic it could be anything” which to me implies that they’ll tell me before I leave. I bow down to superior knowledge though!

Barely slept last night but feel somewhat human today oddly. Had the dinner of kings - white pasta, mozzarella chunks and cheesy mash potato!
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A birth video popped up on Instagram earlier and now I’m traumatised 🤣 very graphic , seen everything, is it to late to back out?😂
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Scanxiety has really hit me last few days…. We have 20 week scan Friday…. I still have no idea if Iv actually felt baby or it’s gas….i don’t have a bump….my porky tummy just sticks out alittle more! Just can’t shake the feeling something isn’t right!
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I’ve been having popping feelings in my lower abdomen, feel like little pulses. Is this my baby? I’m 17+3 so not sure if it’s too early. Can’t wait to feel him and know it’s him for sure.
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Aw I say to all my family he’s our baby it doesn’t bother me! Mad how different peoples feelings are about it x
As bad as this is gonna sound, anyone bar my partners family I like them saying it, and I do get on with my partners family but when they say it, it makes me feel like a surrogate 😂
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Wow pregnancy hormones have been wild today! I actually felt like I wanted to smash my house up, the anger was bubbling 😂😅 my poor boyfriend,I can tell, is walking on egg shells
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