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Good morning all, I have peaked at 7:50 on a Friday morning by peeing directly into the tube and not on my hands. 🎉
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Ladies I'm having a bit of a freak out!
I'm 14 weeks today with my 4th pregnancy, but I've never got as far as this before. Nausea has kinda stopped, constipation is very real and headaches are the bane of my life atm.
I am OBSESSED with how big my bump is (I'm carrying two) and I'm so worried I haven't grown much in a week.

I know it sounds silly but after 2 missed miscarriages you just know how nothing can determine that everything's ok. Symptoms mean nothing. Been seeing way too many ladies chat of 2nd trimester loss too and ugh, just having a day of it 😭
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Chatty Member
Guys I think I've felt movement!
Tell me stories please! I'm only 15 weeks today and while it's technically my 4th pregnancy, I've never got past 12 weeks before. I would've assumed it was too early but I'm carrying twins too, dunno if that changes things 🤷
Dunno whether to get excited or I need someone to tell me to simmer down lol feels like wee pops as opposed to flutters.
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I’m 24 weeks now and I’ve had like six scans and no issues with my bloods or urine … when can I start relaxing do you gals think? 🥴🙈🤣
I got to about 17 weeks and ended up actively deciding that I need to relax a bit as I couldn’t keep going through the pregnancy stressing like I was. I lost one of my twins at 9 weeks and I was just worried constantly that something else bad would happen. The doctor spoke to me and said it’s important to be vigilant and aware of signs of problems but it’s not healthy for yourself or baby to be so high stress all of the time. Your body will do what it needs to do and you just kind of have to let it do that. Obviously there’ll always be worries, pregnancy isn’t easy, but my pregnancy has been much more relaxed since I worked through that back then.
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Exciting delivery just now - bought the my expert midwife spritz and perineal massage oil 😅 one of the ladies in my NCT group said she had her partner help her with the massage but I’m not sure my husband will be overly keen on that!

I was packing my hospital bag yesterday and he picked up the lovely pastel coloured bamboo breast pads with excitement thinking they were baby hats 🤣😂🤣 poor man
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39+5 today
Went for a walk and nearly cried from the pain from spd
Had 2 cups of raspberry leaf tea
Bounced on my birthing ball for probably a total of 3 hours today
And tomorrow I've got a food shop to pick up that includes pineapple
Can you tell I've been reading on natural induction 😂😂
Now time for perineal massage in bed
What a glamorous life pregnancy is
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Anybody else having the most wild and vivid dreams?
I've dreamt about actually going through labour and having the baby and last night I dreamt I caught my neighbour having an affair and all the drama of it 😂
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Fun forceps fact: there are TWO sizes. The big forceps. And the bigger forceps. Guess which ones this girl had to have?!

I’d take my c section recovery over my forceps recovery any day. That was not a good time, but just one experience and plenty have it much better.
Do you know what, as tempted as I am.... I’m not gonna google how big forceps are 😂
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I’ve had a frantic call from the midwives this morning asking me to come in ASAP because the protein level issue. I’ve been having chronic headaches (assumed it was pregnancy or weather) and she’s not happy. Panicking a little now 😣
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I haven’t been on tattle in ages but finally caught up with my fave thread 😍🥰

Hope all I well with everyone! I’m halfway there now I can’t bloody believe it.

Also I second the heat, im usually a sun worshipper but this is just taking the piss 🤒
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Do you know what, as tempted as I am.... I’m not gonna google how big forceps are 😂
I’ve had them and didn’t even see them, and have no desire to ever see what they shoved up there. My husband was like 😱😱😱😱 when they pulled them out (how helpful 🤣) and I just kept my eyes averted.

This is for the baby with the massive head, maybe they needed the heavy duty ones to handle his noggin 🤣

People say ‘you’ll be ok, your body is made to do it’ and things like that but it’s not true. The reality is that some bodies aren’t made for it
Your whole post was spot on, but this bit really resonated with me. 4 babies, and my body was just not made to give birth. The babies never wanted to come out, inductions had to be had, and forceps and vacuum, and after the second I was so badly damaged because my body is so shit at getting babies out, that I then had to have sections. And even then the babies didn’t come out easily (fun forceps fact #2 they also use forceps for some c sections 🙈). My sister and my sister in law had insanely “easy” births (as in they went in to labour, and baby flew out in a couple of hours! No ill effects for them) and I do feel jealous, and guilty that I couldn’t do that for my babies. Which is ridiculous as it’s hardly my fault.
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Where are all the babies?! I was so sure loads would appear last thread, think it was the grand total of ONE. Come on ladies! Mine is 11 weeks old now (😭) I need to live vicariously through you lot!
my due date is tomorrow 🙋🏻‍♀️ but I don’t think he’ll make an appearance just yet, fed up of feeling like a whale 🐋🙃
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I’m going to meet with a midwife and a consultant tomorrow. I honestly feel like my heart is going to break.
I’m so sorry you are going through this.
As you will be aware, 1/22 is over 95% chance baby is unaffected but the only way to know is with an amnio or cvs test which carries a risk of miscarriage. However, & the reason I’m commenting, the quoted risk of 1/100 isn’t a figure of direct consequence of the tests. More often the reason for the test is what will have caused the pregnancy to end, not the test itself. It’s only when you look at it in great detail that this is apparent and no one seems to point this out, so I wanted to let you know x
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I’m sure I’ve been feeling baby hiccups tonight! Feels like a light kick / pulse but in exactly the same place every 5-10 seconds for a minute or two. Strange knowing there’s a real little person in there.

Good luck to the ladies who are imminently waiting for their babies arrivals! So excited to hear some announcements ❤
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Lulu Goss

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Partner moan - mine suggested having family over for the final tonight. All fine with me, I was pleased that I wouldn’t be home alone watching it with him at the pub! Obviously with that comes doing all the food and drink prep, cleaning the house etc etc…

He chose to do an all nighter last night to watch something football related at 1-3am and then the Conor McGregor fight at 5am. I got up for the fight too but went straight back to bed. He didn’t come to bed until gone 6am, so has had about 4 hours sleep.

When I said I didn’t think it was a good idea to stay up all night he was like no don’t worry I’ll be fine it’s like practice for the baby (🙄). Since being up this morning he’s done a couple of little jobs and now gone off for a nap cos he’s so tired! Leaving me to get everything else ready 🤦🏻‍♀️

I wouldn’t mind but having people round today was his idea!
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Last week at work!! Good job as I’m averaging 4 hours sleep a night at the moment. 36 weeks and ready to focus on our much longer for baby 🥰
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