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I definitely understand the losing friends thing. I’m really lucky to have a few really close friends but only two of them really reach out regularly and the other is super supportive in real life and excited but we’re not on the same page when it comes to life situations and she’s very involved in her own life which is cool, so am I. It is a shame when you drift from people you really thought would show up for you and care and be friends for life but I do think you’re better off for it without all the upset and hassle of feeling sad because of someone else’s actions - lockdown deffo really proved this to me and cemented that my immediate family and friend circle is really all I need. It gets easier! Also social media does not help at all! My mental health drastically improves when I have breaks from it and forget other people exist 🤣🤣🤣

Also dating scan went great, baby is a big pickle and was in a terrible position but dates are pretty much bang on with mine so we’ll roll with it. 13 weeks today! Just happy everything’s ok 😊
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Anyone else find it odd when friends/colleagues ask if you’re planning to breastfeed? Like why do you need to know? Baby is going to be fed no matter the way I chose to do it 🤷‍♀️
Yep I just don’t get it. I understand when discussing with close friends but when colleagues ask it’s too personal. I had a colleague say I should reconsider my choice to not breastfeed as I wouldn’t bond with my baby and my body wouldn’t ‘bounce back as fast’. Thanks, Helen, fuck off now.
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Pretty sure my in laws think I’m an absolute nut case drama Queen currently. We’ve come away with them this week and I’m so fussy about food and eating in the mornings 😅 on top of that I’m so tired I’ve had to nap the past few afternoons and just can’t stomach cooking anything atm because of the smell of the kitchen, they must think I’m beyond lazy and so high maintenance - we’ve got our scan on Sunday so trying not to tell them about that baby until then as want to make sure it’s all ok/make it a nice surprise as it’s our last but it’s really hard 😂 sometimes I feel so nauseas in the mornings I find it really hard to move my face because it feels more sick (dunno if anyone gets this 😂) so they just think I’m an absolute cow bag with my resting bitch face hahaha. Fml. Can’t wait to hear her report of our holiday to my know head of a SIL 🙃
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My midwife called today saying the protein levels in my urine are correct and they’re worryingly high for being almost 17weeks. She’s spoken to obs/gyn and they’re confused but think it could be a bad infection so she wants to see me next week and she’s putting me on antibiotics ASAP.
If I had a bad infection surely I’d know!? I had a UTI at 6wks and had craps and pains etc. She asked if I had any family history of kidney issues and I’ve just realised my grandmother does so I’ve called them to let them now. 😔
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When you get to the ultrasound waiting room with a full bladder and see loads of others waiting 🥴. Was told to expect a “little” wait as they’re a bit behind today 😅😅
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Where are all the babies?! I was so sure loads would appear last thread, think it was the grand total of ONE. Come on ladies! Mine is 11 weeks old now (😭) I need to live vicariously through you lot!
I still read here every day waiting for news of new babies! Mine is now 8 weeks old but still love reading about everyone’s pregnancies xx
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@Smallpotato you are really being tested this week! So sorry that you’ve had that phone call, we had very high chance of downs but appreciate it is totally different. The time of waiting to find out the results is mental torture. I totally relate to you saying about detaching from pregnancy, I felt exactly the same in that horrible limbo period. I think I speak for us all when i say we are all here for you. I got in contact with a charity called ARC (antenatal results & choices) which I found helpful but appreciate it isn’t for everyone. 💕 sending love xx
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Where are all the babies?! I was so sure loads would appear last thread, think it was the grand total of ONE. Come on ladies! Mine is 11 weeks old now (😭) I need to live vicariously through you lot!
I'm drinking raspberry tea, jumping on my ball and about to go for a walk to try and get mine out 😂😂
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I’m so sorry you are going through this.
As you will be aware, 1/22 is over 95% chance baby is unaffected but the only way to know is with an amnio or cvs test which carries a risk of miscarriage. However, & the reason I’m commenting, the quoted risk of 1/100 isn’t a figure of direct consequence of the tests. More often the reason for the test is what will have caused the pregnancy to end, not the test itself. It’s only when you look at it in great detail that this is apparent and no one seems to point this out, so I wanted to let you know x
Thank you. I’m a logical, realistic person and husband and I are going to ask for the CVS test tomorrow. There is no way I can wait until 20 weeks. I had my scan and babys heart was fine (my sons heart defect was picked up very early), and looked absolutely fine.

I can feel myself becoming more and more detached from this pregnancy each day.
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I was asleep by 8:30 last night so just caught up on all the nipple chat 😂
Im 32 weeks tomorrow and still a B cup, they haven’t grown at all, I’ve always had huge areolas and now they’re bigger and DARK! When I was moaning about they’d look after birth (small empty sacks) my boyfriend innocently said ‘well they can’t get any worse’ 😂😂 cue him trying to dig himself out of a hole for 5 mins after
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I've been up various points of the night with tight stomach and cramping
Somehow don't feel exhausted
Come on baby boy go and just come instead of playing these games
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I’ve started crying tonight and I just can’t stop. I feel so alone, my other half has been doing lots of extra shifts wanting to buy things for baby. I’ve tried reaching out to friends but none have kids or have been pregnant so I feel (as in, I’ve perceived it this way and it might not be true) like they don’t know what to say to me and I feel so disconnected from everyone. Tried to reach out to a friend tonight and I don’t know why but it turned into an argument. I don’t know if I’m hormonal or just exhausted from being sick all the time. Has anyone else felt like this?
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Just wrestled to get the hood on this fucking thing for the last 25 mins 😭 it's so hot here which was adding to my stress but why do they make these things so bloody difficult 🙄🙄 buzzing about putting a baby in it in the next couple weeks though (hopefully!) 🥰
Hahaha oh god this was me yesterday - why are they so fiddly? Also recommend practicing putting the pram up and down, and figuring out how all the bits work before baby arrives…should go without saying but for some reason we just….didn’t, so had the added bonus of a crying baby while working it out 😬😬
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Where are all the babies?! I was so sure loads would appear last thread, think it was the grand total of ONE. Come on ladies! Mine is 11 weeks old now (😭) I need to live vicariously through you lot!
6 weeks and same, I never thought I would but I really miss being pregnant!! You will all have to join us in the new baby thread to discuss even more sleep deprivation and awkward mother and baby groups. 😅
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Or there are the friends who don’t see you once during pregnancy, never ask how you are. Want to see the baby as a newborn and then you don’t see them again 🙃 bye hun
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This evening was spent playing ‘trapped wind or false labour?’ The correct answer was.. trapped wind! (Hurt like a bitch!)
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Today is the day we find out!!! It feels so weird. I love the middle name Ace for a boy and the middle name (or one) would be my husbands mum who sadly died 2 years ago ❤ (Is that weird? It feels very morbid to type it out like that)
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