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I would be using this as an excuse! For people not to want to hold constantly and people to come round as soon as I give birth! I have learnt a lot since first time around, people just turning up etc wanting to see baby when I had just got out of hospital!! This time round for me, my priority is for my son to meet his sibling before anyone else and for us to get settled back home! You do what you want and you feel is best ☺🌟
See this is what I've told people I want a night on our own, then for my little boy to come home and meet her and have a few days on our own to settle into newborn and toddler life (my husband will pick him up Instead of them dropping him back) but my in laws are being really assy about it they keep making comments about making them wait to see the baby blablabla trying to make me feel bad but I really want to stick to my guns and put my little family first and not please everyone else!!
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I feel like I’m the only one but I’ve had to physically stop myself from buying lion king items. 😆
I’m also a sucker for literature characters such as the Gruffalo, Peter rabbit etc.

If you need me to pack my bags and leave the thread, I can 😞
I think loads of people like Disney things and I don’t mind Peter Rabbit. I love leopard print and pink things the world would be a boring place if we all liked the same 💕
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For anyone wanting to buy Mam bottles, I used discount code MAMWELCOME20 and saved £13 and I qualified for free delivery.
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My scan is Wednesday.

that was a horrible experience. The doctor dipped my urine and said it was a “weak positive” and go home and expect to miscarry. EPU wouldn’t scan me. Attempted to ring several ultrasound places and they are all booked up.

my head hurts. I’ve never heard of a weak positive before. It was a tiny bit of bleeding.
This makes me so CROSS! I'm so sorry you're being treated so poorly. A bfp or bfn or even a weak one in this case means absolutely fuck all. When I had my ectopic and had some bleeding they tested me and were like no you're grand and still pregnant. How to medical professionals not know that your HCG can still be in your system long after baby is gone.
SO to say that it's weak and you'll miscarry is an absolute disgrace.

I've also seen a lot of people talk about the hook effect where if you were to take a pregnancy test undiluted and later in pregnancy, it can be a faint line because there's too much HCG in your system.

I know at this point your head is more than likely destroyed with the stress but at this point I would be saying im in a lot of pain, can someone scan me please FFS?! I'm so so sorry you're going through this (hopefully for nothing). Lost for words!
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I hate presents, I don’t like people buying me stuff because I usually don’t like what I’m bought (hate clutter too so usually goes straight in bin/charity shop) but I am genuinely thinking of asking for food or just eat vouchers when baby is here if people want to be kind 😂
Yess totally this! I’m really grateful people want to buy things but we had a similar situation for our wedding (was during lockdown, none of our friends actually came and we weren’t expecting any gifts!) and quite a few things ended up on eBay…the best wedding presents we got were JL vouchers and all the champagne! For my friends who have had babies this year I’ve sent them something token for the baby and then the main present has been a Cook voucher for their parents. Most people have bought all the stuff they need pre-baby arriving anyway 🤷‍♀️

I went into the Cook shop the other day to get said voucher and the food does look sooo good!
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Ah my friends are the same! Dying for us to find out the gender and do a reveal and dying to throw me a baby shower and can’t understand why I don’t want one! I know it’s a lovely problem to have and stems from excitement but I’m bored of trying to explain politely why I just don’t want to without also offending anyone who has / does want one when it’s their turn.
I know I feel a bit like people are a bit desperate for a party at the moment too understandably but I’d rather wait till the christening when I can get drunk too 😂🤦🏽‍♀️ I’m really not a gender reveal kinda girl probably let people know on WhatsApp 😂

I was exactly like this, also I hate attention. My husband at the baby shower at his work when I was pregnant! Our friend organised it and she knew I’d hate it so husband had a great time and I turned up at the end for the cake

Im an ICU nurse, I’m in from 7pm-8am. Asked if I could do a handover sheet and got told no to that as well.

I rang the appointment line when I got the letter, and my consultant only does mornings. I might ask if I can see him at midday or something.

after this year with covid, staff leaving, staff dying.., I can’t wait for maternity. I’m seriously considering not going back after this week annual leave, as Friday I was given a violent patient who kicked my nursing buddy in the jaw. Honestly 🤦🏼‍♀️
I don’t want to be cringe and I know it must be a nightmare sometimes but icu staff really are amazing! Our dad was on a ventilator for 8 weeks at the beginning of the year and they really saved his life the nurses were amazing. It’s so difficult for patients family’s to say a proper thank you with how how things are. I really don’t know how you’ve all kept going the last year and a half! X
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youre a sweetheart! I absolutely love my job so much, and I love ICU. It’s a difficult time in ICUs as people are leaving in their masses, we run mainly on agency at night time which is stressful. I want you to know that we always speak to people on ventilators and chat to them all them long. During COVID I’d ring relatives at the bedside and put the phone to their loved ones ear to they could talk as they couldn’t come in.

at the moment all pregnant people in the trust have to be redeployed to HR/Payroll/Complaints department at 28 weeks unless they say they want to stay. I’m 12 weeks today, so I have 14 weeks until that! I went to see my Mum today who said that I ought to stay off as my anxiety is 9/10. My anxiety has been sky high this year since COVID and seeing my colleagues on vents hasn’t helped!
Not turning this thread into a very depressing one but my much loved auntie passed due to Covid at the end of last year and it was angels like you that kept her smiling and happy and comforted until the very end. Knowing you talk to people on ventilators makes me absolutely bawl. You are truly wonderful.

Sorry you’re being treated like shit by management, really hoping you have a much easier time of it health wise now you are nearly out of the first trimester and also work wise. Definitely go sick as you cannot keep going as you are. Big hugs to you wonderful lady xxx
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I didn’t commit murder but I’m exhausted 😂 and extremely annoyed! But today is a new day x
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Hey everyone! So happy to be re-joining this thread after our miscarriage a few months ago. I'm only early days again (4w today) and terrified of mc'ing again, but trying to stay positive that this bubba sticks. 🤞

Have awful nausea (not been sick yet this time!), but struggling with the light headedness and fainting. I've been finding cold drinks helps, but wondering if anyone knows of any good lucozade equivalents that don't contain caffeine? Only just realised that it has caffeine in and I'm trying to avoid all caffeine rather than 200mg daily limit.

Or any other tips with the lightheadedness/super low BP? 😳
Congratulations!!! It’s lovely to have you here!

Unfortunately I’ve tried to quit the caffeine and I can’t. I’m a Diet Coke a day kinda gal. I’ve been drinking lots of cold orange squash though. I’m the same as you, I keep feeling light headed so check your iron. Also eat little and often.

My son fell 5ft out of a treehouse earlier. He’s absolutely black and blue and I feel like the worst mum. He climbed up, looked out of the window in the treehouse, stepped back and fell through the hole where the ladder was, right on his back and bum. Then because he screamed so much, he forgot to breathe and pass out. I had to drag him out of the second floor of the treehouse panicked as shit and trying to be calm as loads of kids were staring.

This was at a play park with loads of other parents and I’d love to say someone asked if we were okay or anything, but I’ve never seen so many judgemental looks in my life. I can’t climb ladders after having my hip replaced, and he’s normally so good with climbing so I just stood at the bottom. Not one person came over.

A few tears, checked him over, some Calpol and he’s fine.
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Unfortunately I think most places are the same in regards to miscarriages. I understand there is nothing they can do but they could at least make you feel cared for and like they're bothered!
It's been my experience before with the doctors!
I just said this to my husband. I have bad days at work but I’ve never been blasé or poor communication to my patients. Ever. They are scared and im their comfort!
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I won’t lie I take three hours paid leave even if it’s just a ten min Appointment up the road. I work with all men non of them have children so they don’t really know the process. Then I go shopping or to McDonald’s. Am I terrible person 😂🤦🏽‍♀️
No you are not a terrible person you are intact my kind of person 🥰
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Just here to moan about my in laws. They have no idea. They originally booked a trip for us to Scotland for 2 nights (9 hour drive) I think I mentioned it on here, it’s now cancelled cause I said no. They then want to do something else. So they want to book a hotel just out of Leeds so husband and his dad can play golf and I can “go shopping” with my MIL. firstly, I don’t want to stay in a hotel room cause once baby is asleep I’ll be confined to the hotel room from 6pm and since having a baby, I have zero interest in shopping or taking him round shops. I’ve been into town twice since he was as born and I just hate it - I’m skint so I can’t buy anything and it’s just a hassle. Wish my husband would just go without me. If they booked a cottage near the coast it would be fine but they don’t seem to want to do that 🙄 anyway GOOD MORNING EVERYONE 🥰
I’m baffled as to how your in laws would think a 9hr journey with a new baby is a good idea?! For two nights! And then now planning something where your husband will be away from your baby for the whole weekend…it’s true what they say that people forget what it’s like having a child 🙄 my in laws have booked an Airbnb two hours drive away two weeks after my due date and have invited us to join them and there is absolutely zero chance I am going lol.
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My scan is Wednesday.

that was a horrible experience. The doctor dipped my urine and said it was a “weak positive” and go home and expect to miscarry. EPU wouldn’t scan me. Attempted to ring several ultrasound places and they are all booked up.

my head hurts. I’ve never heard of a weak positive before. It was a tiny bit of bleeding.
Never heard of a weak positive either. A line is a line? So sorry for your awful experience. ❤
I had a similarly shitty experience after some brown blood on wiping almost 10 years ago where amongst other insults I was asked how I knew it was blood (?!!) and sent home for 2 days to wait for a scan and now I have an almost 9 year old sitting in front of me watching trolls. Sending positive vibes your way.
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Ladies, how does one get out of the bath with a bump without resembling a captive orca?! 😭🤣 I'm starting to find it difficult already, I'm only 24 weeks!

Also hating washing my hair in the bath... I mean I always hated it anyway but it's so awkward now. We don't have a shower in our flat and I desperately want one!
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I’ve had some more dirty brown discharge. Midwife line is engaged, but after yesterday I just don’t dare keep ringing and just hold on for the scan tomorrow.
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Another crap day here! I just feel so big and unattractive and fed up. My partner hasn’t actually done anything wrong but his constant plans of going out to watch the football are pissing me off cos I just feel like I’m missing out.

So grateful to be pregnant but my god I can’t wait to get my body back!
My partner has always been active and has loads of outdoor hobbies but I explained last night a bit of extra companionship from him would be nice as sometimes I just feel deserted while I deal with all the kicking, swollen fingers, sore feet.
And yes! I cannot WAIT to have a little bit of core strength back! I’m not even a fit person but having some ownership over my body would be nice x
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Ooh glad I’m not alone. I Have been waking up at 3am everyday and can never get to sleep again until 5:30… noticed it’s when baby is most active as my partner felt her kick properly for the first time at 4am this morning 🥺
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So after my rubbish day at work/life I was looking forward to trying to sleep and waking up tomorrow and it being a new day…
Mr Neo2021 is snoring so loudly that I might end up in prison. I gave him a dig and told him to roll over and he said ‘it hurts to lie on my side’
Ohhh sorry, well I’ll just lie here awake all night then. 🥺
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Lulu Goss

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Another crap day here! I just feel so big and unattractive and fed up. My partner hasn’t actually done anything wrong but his constant plans of going out to watch the football are pissing me off cos I just feel like I’m missing out.

So grateful to be pregnant but my god I can’t wait to get my body back!
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