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I’ve put a pad on, I’ve cried at Mr Neo and I’m going to see what’s there in the morning and ring the GP and 1, ask why a midwife hasn’t contacted me yet and 2, ask to be seen x
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Misty bananas

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Hey guys going for an important job interview next week at 31 weeks with me luck!!! Any tips on how to boost my energy and brain power for the interview much appreciated !!
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Made a new thread, not sure if the title is allowed so sorry if it isn’t!

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Oh my god no offensive to anyone but I hate the Disney stuff they do in Tesco etc! I’m a neutral zara, h&m next baby shopper but my partner will randomly come back with bright tigger clothes or 101 Dalmatians… neither of us were brought up on Disney so not sure where this obsession has come from, the clothes also don’t correspond with the season/age 😹 Mu friends take the piss and say just wear it to their house so it gets worn… I can’t start his journey to fatherhood by shooting down his clothes choices so I’ve just smiled and burrowed it away in her drawers 😹

deep deep in her drawers…..

I agree, I have got some real bright pieces which I’ll match with a plain pair of leggings and frilly socks but the garish supermarket clothes …..
Don’t get me wrong I DO buy from supermarkets but the Disney stuff
Asda is the worst IMO; their girls section is just PINK PINK PINK PINK and their boy section is a navy dishcloth with “daddy’s little kicker” on it

Also if anyone does like Disney clothing, the Disney store do kids T-shirts and I think it’s 3 for £20. A bit costly but there’s some nice ones in there. A few years ago we got my son a Frozone T-shirt and it was boss. Then my husband got him a fucking Spider-Man windbreaker which I “lost” one day
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I could cry and cry and cry. 😭
I feel so overwhelmed and I feel so terrible I don’t even think about being pregnant for the most part of the day. I’m so worried I’m so stressed somethings happened and I don’t know.
my toddler is being awful and pushing every single limit I have, I’ve got so much pressure at work, and my mum has been unwell so I’ve got to support her and sort her out every day, and I can’t sleep at all at the moment.

I just feel so overwhelmingly sad, worried and done in😞
you’re not alone. I feel exactly the same. My toddler has copious amounts of energy and emotions that I can’t keep up with and I’m exhausted. Husbands Nan has been diagnosed with cancer and she’s made the decision for no treatment, which is heartbreaking for the family as she’s literally the matriarch. I’m off work which I’m sure will go down like a shit sandwich, but I can’t keep up with the long days back to back and being so unwell with this pregnancy.

you have all of us.

I hope we are okay ladies. I’ve just been to the cinema to see In the Heights. Warning, it’s very long.

Work chat; NHS state we have to go back to work for 3 months before we leave. My plan is to either get an outpatient clinic job or do 3 months and go into agency nursing until this baby is 3. I’m so tired this year with work, and despite me having a “family friendly contract” meaning I don’t work Wednesdays and Thursdays, I’m put on back to back shifts and when my son had an accident and was in ED, I had to wait until my break to see him. 🙃 I love ICU so much but I love my family more.
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Husband is bringing back KFC tonight on the way home from work, yes it'll be 10oclock by the time I eat it and heart burn will probably be an absolute biatch tonight but I can't turn down chicken 😂
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@Smallpotato just catching up, so sorry you had to go through all that. Hoping the next day or so until your scan isn’t too hard, we are all here! ❤

Guys I think I need a root canal 😩 in one of my front teeth! I was told I might need one about 18 months ago but I chose to ignore the dentist (also then covid happened) and it’s been hurting loads for the last 3 days 😩 genuinely more fearful of the thought of that than giving birth 😭
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I’ve got my scan on Thursday and think the scanxiety is starting to kick in 🙈🙈 the worst it’s also not until 1.40! Feel like the day is going to drag!!!
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I'm close to insanity. Whilst I'm beyond grateful I get to be pregnant again, and carry twins I cannot hack another night of not being able to sleep. Not ontop of 12 hour shifts. Im 25weeks.The skin on my stomach is now that tight it hurts and no matter how I lay in bed there is a twin either side who will kick till I change position. I am so exhausted, work don't seem to care I've asked if I can leave early today and they said no I'm seriously hoping my consultant signs me off next week because I honestly don't think I'll cope much longer 😣
can I give you a big hug? My midwife said that I won’t finish the pregnancy on ICU, and that 13hr shifts in the NHS where they don’t even let us leave early/sit down to do care plans etc does not work well with pregnancy. I’m being selfish with work; I worked the entire pandemic in a trust where our annual leave was not only cancelled once but twice and all our study course cancelled too.

thanks @Hushpuppy and @Sailorontheseasea. Husband emailed PALS last night, I might do the same today.
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Least we all have happy partners this evening (if they’re England fans 😅). Although glad I’ll be at work tomorrow when hubby is on the sofa hungover feeling sorry for himself 🙊
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Morning everyone! How are we all? Hope everything goes well for all the ladies with 20 weeks scans today! ❤

@orange club biscuit everytime I see you posts the club biscuit song goes round my head for ages … if you likeee a lot of chocolate on your buisuit join our club! 😂
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I am also a plain baby clothes lover here too! I hate cartoon animals or characters all over stuff. I’m hoping people close to me will know me well enough (and not knowing the gender helps as there’s a limit to how much plain neutral stuff you can buy!). My mum’s best friend sent me a picture of one of those baby play mat things that she’s bought me - I mean it’s not awful but I definitely wouldn’t have chosen it myself. It sounds so ungrateful but really I already know I don’t want it in my living room and so I’ll hopefully be able to suggest we leave it at my mums as a spare for when baby is there. Same lady also sent me a picture of a pram set which is all white and frills and completely NOT my style (but very much what her own daughters used for their babies) and I haven’t the heart to tell her it’s not my taste at all so I’ve said I’ll wait and see what pram we get as most of the bundles I’ve seen come with one! And keep trying to tell her kindly not to spend too much or buy too much as she’s already got plenty (including some Disney and Tatty Teddy babygrows which will be used solely for PJs and hopefully are not very stain resistant!). Husband’s older (adult) daughter bought him a babygrow for his football team for Father’s Day and I already can’t wait to take one quick pic and then throw it in a charity bag. In fact I’m sure she did it to annoy me! 🤣 I hate being ungrateful because I’m not and I know people are just excited and generous but I also hate people wasting money on things that I really really dislike and won’t want to dress my baby in. Sure when they can ask for character clothes as a 4 year old that’s different but whilst they can’t talk or tantrum I’m dressing them in things I like! I’m not really one for having a gift list but starting to think it’s not the worst idea so that people we know who’s taste won’t match ours have a vague guide!
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I had an early scan at 8 weeks, and got see quite a lot on screen including the little hearts beating away which was very emotional! IMO it was worth every penny! Not sure where you’re based but London window to the womb clinics the early scan is £49 x
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I feel like I’m the only one but I’ve had to physically stop myself from buying lion king items. 😆
I’m also a sucker for literature characters such as the Gruffalo, Peter rabbit etc.

If you need me to pack my bags and leave the thread, I can 😞
Peter Rabbit on a newborn 🥺🥺🥺
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I feel like I’m the only one but I’ve had to physically stop myself from buying lion king items. 😆
I’m also a sucker for literature characters such as the Gruffalo, Peter rabbit etc.

If you need me to pack my bags and leave the thread, I can 😞
Nah I’ve gone mad on Disney outfits 😅 I’m planning on doing Winnie the Pooh theme nursery and primark had the cutest bits. Have brought some neutral plain bits but I’m a sucker for a frilly pink outfit 🥴😳
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Yeah i guess you had got used to reading also, so its like training yourself not to look which is hard.
How is your home support network? Have you got anyone you can talk things through with? Thats so awful that you hace been bleeding for all of this time. Have you have much contact with your Dr during the last few weeks? Xxxx
I do love reading all your stories! My home network is good, I have my mum and close friends as well at my partner to moan to and cry at. Although sometimes I feel like I’m annoying people 🤣

.The bleeding wasn’t too horrendous really, just on and off and then spotting the past week or so. I haven’t been in touch with my doctor, the EPU just said to ring if there’s any problems or if I have a positive test after 3 weeks (which is tomorrow). I did one last week (I’m impatient) and it was still positive so I’m really nervous to do another and possibly have to go back.
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Sorry I’ve not been on all day, just catching up and i may be in denial but I’m 99.9% sure my vagina didn’t swell or change colour 😂😂
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I know this is absolutely extra but when our first was born it was a heatwave. My inlaws gift to us was a portable air conditioner and my god it was the best baby gift ever. It's still going strong now nearly a decade later.
So yeah if anyone has a generous giftee, I'd def recommend an air con 😂😂 there's nothing worse than a clammy baby breastfeeding from your clammy boobs 😂

I've just had an email that my travel system is arriving nearly 2 months earlier than they estimated 😨 no idea where I'm going to store it!
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Bouncing on my birthing ball like my life depends on it today honestly sick of not getting sleep from sheer discomfort
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