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I naively thought pregnancy would be all glowy and wonderful but it’s basically me being sick for about 15 weeks then feeling bored and wanting a wine 😂 nine months is an awfully long time!
We only talk to the bump when my partner gets home from work I haven’t read any baby books and spend most of my days obsessed with getting a great deal on nursery furniture for some reason.
do some people love pregnancy?
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Omg same! Last couple of nights I’ve made a trip to the toilet around 4/5am and can’t get back to sleep due to heartburn?! What the hells all that about 😩
I get this as well like now I have started to just not look at my phone when I wake up and I keep gaviscon by the bed just in case. Certain foods make it worse for me like pastries 🥮 and fruit / acidic foods.
This sounds such a silly think to say but do any FTM feel really clingy to their partner recently i cannot wait to see our baby and start our own family us three but also feeling a bit worried because it will never just be me and him again I have never had to share him before. I also feel really unattractive what If I just look really ugly after ☹ God I think my hormones are all over the place I’m crying because he’s gone to work even if his snoring fucking annoys me 😢
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Thanks ladies, I’ve been using bio oil but will try some of the palmers stuff too.

@PineappleTopper hope you managed to get some sleep last night xx
I had a lovely night thanks love.
Woke up to him giving me the silent treatment🙄
Fucker creates an argument and the keeps it going for days. I cannot be arsed. Hes waiting for me to admit fault, which i usually do to get the shit to be normal again.

Thank god he is out all day today.

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This is a bit off topic but I’m ten weeks pregnant and I’m not sure how I feel about it... it took 2.5 years to get pregnant. Second baby and I feel like I should be excited but I don’t really feel it. I’m more thinking wtf have I done/have I made a mistake. My first child is 9 so it’s getting a bit easier now, he’s more self sufficient, let’s me lie in etc. I’m worried that I might crave my old life back. This baby is definitely wanted and I’m very grateful to be pregnant just wish I knew how to feel.

Did anyone else not feel excited right away. Please no judgement as I’m struggling to comprehend how I feel.

I’m over halfway and still feel that way sometimes! It’s honestly so normal, I read up a lot on it at the beginning because I really felt weird as I wanted my baby but also didn’t feel any love for her. Until that first scan I didn’t feel anything… the night before the scan I was more worried about not feeling anything then anything wrong with her!
All emotions are okay even if they take time to come, a lot of people don’t feel anything until they’ve actually had baby! Do not guilt yourself or feel bad for not being excited. Xxx
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Totally random and sorry for the outpouring but I’ve just got home from taking my son to school and my 8 week old is fast asleep, I’ve taken this time to sit down and have my porridge and hot coffee in peace. I’ve always got music on when I’m at home and a Bette Midler song has come on ‘The Rose’ well I’m in floods of tears, for some reason it has floored me. I’m so utterly grateful for my precious girl and the life I have with her, my son and my partner. I’m 44 and have 3 grown up children with lives of their own and the fact I get to have a little family again leaves me feeling so blessed. To the ladies on here who are yet to give birth for the first time it really is the best time of your life. Yes it’s utterly exhausting but those precious quiet times like this make it all ok. Take the rough with the smooth and you’ll get through it. Anyway I don’t know why I’ve had to right this all down but there we are. I’ll put it down to post pregnancy hormones. Take care everyone and I hope you’re all ok xx
Even when my son was weeks or months old I would read books to him, there was one in particular I could not get through without crying cos at the end of it the little girl grows up to be a mummy herself and that line just floored me each time as I felt so grateful grateful be a mum

I know this has been discussed on here many many times but I was wondering for any mums-to-be who have got the vaccine while pregnant please can you point me in the right direction for any reading material?
I have been on the fence for weeks and weeks debating it but I really want to read something impartial and easy to understand.
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So i had my 28 week midwife appt today.
Getting checked out for a possible yeast infection. I havent had one before, so it disnt occur that it could be one until one of the lovely ladies on here mentioned a yeast infection. I just thought i had cut myself shaving- remember when i mentioned about using hair remover cream down there?

Still having reduced movements so midwife has referred me to the hospital today for a check over and scan. Theyve braced up tp expect a long wait. I have two books with me and a 90% charged phone.

Apart from that, midwife appt went well. I am 28 weeks and baby is measuring 28 😊

Also- i love peter rabbit, winnie the pooh and paddington bear. Not particularly in to character clothing though, but keen for toys and art work.

Excited to start on the nursery next month 🎨😁

Update : Some of the girls in the waiting room have been here since 9.30!
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my friends been trying to persuade me to do a gender reveal party for most of today and it’s made me really want to harm her 😂
Ah my friends are the same! Dying for us to find out the gender and do a reveal and dying to throw me a baby shower and can’t understand why I don’t want one! I know it’s a lovely problem to have and stems from excitement but I’m bored of trying to explain politely why I just don’t want to without also offending anyone who has / does want one when it’s their turn.
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I’m having a day where I feel really overwhelmed with everything. I feel exhausted and sick. I was going to do a shorter day at work but my workload means I won’t be able to.

I’m starting to doubt whether I can do this. I’m only 6w 3 days.
Try and push through it lovely, first trimester hormones can make you feel/think all kinds of things. Actually pregnancy in general can make you feel like you’ve lost your marbles but it does get easier I promise. Somewhere along the line the weight just lifts ❤ Go easy on yourself xx
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Hi everyone, I hope nobody minds me joining! I have just (2 days ago!) found out that I am pregnant with baby number 3. But feeling VERY nervous. I had a pulmonary embolism after my second baby girl was born which was due to pregnancy, so I will be on blood thinners for the duration of my pregnancy and for 6 weeks after birth. Feeling so worried that it will happen again and wondering if anybody else has been through similar? X
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I’m almost 6 weeks pregnant, found out just over a week ago! Did it not feel real to anyone until they had a scan? 🤣🤣🤣
I’m 6 weeks on Friday and still get moments when I think what if the tests are wrong and I’m not actually pregnant 😂. I did about 5 tests and all were positive, including a clear blue one which confirmed the weeks, plus I have typical pregnancy symptoms but part of me still can’t believe it! I don’t think it will fully sink in until I have a scan to be honest.
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My partners (literally) just lost his job and we’ve got our dating scan on Sunday for our third so yes definitely feel the “what the fuck am I doing” right now.
I’m sorry to hear this. I have the same constant worry as my husband is still on furlough (works in aviation) and it doesn’t seem to be going back to normal for them anytime soon. I really worry about what will happen when the scheme ends …
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Im so sorry for this. I know there are many cleft palate charities that offer advice and I think things have changed so much in the last few years. I hope you’re feeling ok, as can be. Sending a huge hug, and it’s ok to feel upset about breastfeeding. Hopefully the coming weeks will clarify things more for you x
Thanks, wish there was no wait so we could know either way. Apparently there would normally have been a doctor we could see today, but she rang in this morning cos her daughter has covid. So now just a wait for a letter in the post, I'm going to be at the front door 10x a day.
Meant to be WFH today but it's 2pm and I've not even turned on my work laptop. Husband went into work, but his manager has sent him home (she's just back from mat leave herself so being really good with him). Too fuzzy headed to be useful today.
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I fully endorse private scans! Like you say, if something is wrong, it's gonna happen regardless whether you get a scan or not, but the reassurance it brings is priceless!
I was sure of dates and rough ovulation and went at 6+5 (epu) and they measured 6 with heartbeats so there was a discrepancy but nothing to worry about. Went again at 7+3 and 10+4 (private) and had another scan with epu at 9ish weeks just to make sure there was growth!

Also in my personal opinion, transvaginal scans are a million times better! I requested it even at the 10+4 scan because it was a million times clearer than on the tummy!
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I am now 29wks with my first baby and it was a planned pregnancy with my partner of 10yrs. It was definitely what we wanted and yet I wee-d on that stick and went into total dread about what we’d done.
I spent easily 8 weeks panicking everyday that I’d ruined everything. There was nothing wrong with our lives, why have we done this?!
I have never felt so frightened and alone in my whole life. My partner (who is very level headed and keeps me sane 😂) told me that it would be fine. But I felt so guilty that I had essentially “talked him into it” (I hadn’t it was a joint decision) and then wanted to back out.
I didn’t dare speak to anyone about it but eventually talked to my sister who told me that she had felt exactly the same way!
After that initial few weeks I am now really looking forward to the baby and don’t regret it at all. I’ve now spoken to a few people about the way I felt and they’ve told me something similar.
a lot of us feel like this but don’t dare tell anyone because you’ll sound terrible if you do!
This is exactly how I felt! Been with my partner for 15 years, we've had to postpone 2 weddings in the last 18 months so decided to try for a baby first. We were tracking and actively trying to conceive and yet still honestly thought 'shit!' the first time I saw a positive test 🤣 Currently 37 weeks and swing between pure excitement and terror all day. I also felt like I had forced my partner into it but that definitely didn't happen and we had been discussing it for years. Suppose when you spend 20 years avoiding getting pregnant, a little bit of your head must still be in that mindset! X
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My neighbour is incredibly kind and has always bought us a gift for a new baby. She LOVES a character, and some bright pink. Both of which I hate 🙈 my eldest got a bright pink, Minnie Mouse velour tracksuit. And my youngest just got a peppa pig dungaree set. She’s so generous, but we are so far apart in our tastes!
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My husband makes resin and silicone figures it’s ridiculous! I often say if he thought about the housework not being told (in a jokey way) then he’d not have time for hobbies! I get approx an hour to sit down on a night after the kiddos in bed and I’ve worked out.
Where do men get this extra time from?! I want in on it. Is it bernards watch?
Ha men get so much extra time 😂 I had my hair cut the other day and my husband said he hasn't had his done in a while and needs to book it i said why don't you get it done before baby is here in a few weeks, he replied 'bugger that il book it for when she's here so I can have a break' 😂😂 they have it so easy!!
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