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I think the feeling of shock and worry when you find out you’re pregnant is so normal. We very much want baby no2 but sometimes I panic, are we going to be able to do this?! Our wonderful threesome will never be the same again. Likewise when I found out I was pregnant with my son, I worried how much things will change.

things do change, but it’s fine. It just adds a new layer to everything. And the one thing that makes me excited about baby2 is watching my son get involved and him experiencing it for the first time.

Today’s been a shit show. I bought a packet of chocolate raisins and I’ve scoffed half already after crying this afternoon. My mum is being so difficult with many aspects atm and everything got on top of me. I feel abit sick now, but better 😂🤦🏻‍♀️
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I am considering never putting pepper on because my step son loved it his new thing is football kits he doesn’t even like football he just likes the colours which I also don’t like but least I don’t have to shop for those. When he dresses himself is the funniest some of the outfit combos are hilarious and I know I will be buying glitter unicorn sketchers with lights in no time 🤣🤣
If you can avoid peppa bloody pig then you’ll save yourself a lot of aggro about jumping in effing puddles 😂
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I was going to go to the gym at lunch but now I’m thinking I might go to McDonald’s instead I shouldn’t read this thread 😂
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I’m such a moron. Decided to do some baking whilst my husband watches (yet more) tennis. Chocolate Swiss roll courtesy of a baking subscription. I’ve been ravenous today and without even thinking ate a massive spoonful of the raw batter 😣🤯 I know risks are probably very slim (and I’ve never been sick from it in the past) but I feel so stupid- raw eggs and flour! I can’t wait to have a proper baby bump, maybe it’ll remind me a bit more!
As long as the eggs are lion stamped they should be ok ☺
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I feel like we’re going to be inundated with football baby grows when ours comes 😖 I’ll have to leave the baby with him on match days and get out 😂
I’m a big fan of bright colours and animals prints on baby girls no idea what I’d dress a boy in. I like a bit of tack occasionally tbh 😂 I really want matching Christmas family pjs but it’s currently a firm no from my partner booo

also I’ve found this site This morning where you can check which prams fit in your boot from your reg in case it’s useful for anyone.
My FIL has bought the baby the most disgusting pink Liverpool frilly baby grow urghhhhh
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My husband has organised a bloody play date for me and the toddler today. Cheers dickhead. I wanted a day off!

I’ll admit that I did initially type something similar but then thought you might think I was being rude 😂😂
As if! BabyPotato came out like a King Edward
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I’ve got one as getting up and trekking across the bedroom in the middle of the night seems a pain in the bum, plus I’m hoping to breast feed. I got mine, a snuzpod 3 from FB market place for £40. So not the end of the world if we only use it a few months and should resell well. It came from a very rich looking house (always reassuring 🤣) and I was assured it was just the downstairs cot and never used. It’s immaculate but I’ve still bought a new mattress and sheets.
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Anyone else find it really uncomfortable that the first thing people comment on or look at is your size/shape? I know it probably stems from a lifelong lack of body confidence and being bigger than I’d like but I just want to tell people to shut up, especially as at the minute I’ve not even got a proper bump I’m in the stage of looking like I’ve gained a few pounds / some bloat! I’m still in all the same clothes you can only really see anything is different if I’m undressed. Visited MIL today. She was waiting at the door and literally before I’d even got both feet out of the car shouted across the drive “ooh look you’ve got a right belly now”. Oh do bog off. I started telling her about the car seat and pram we’re going for and of course she had to interrupt and go on about what pram my husband’s older kids had (they’re 15 and 22, so not exactly relevant info). Mentioned we’d seen a cot and started saying we couldn’t decide on a colour, was just about to show her some photos and she started on about ooh now what colour was it grandson had? Not interested hun. She then proceeded to say “surely you want a nice plain and basic name to go with X and X”… husband’s older two have pretty standard/plain short names. Erm funnily enough, no, this baby has a completely different Mum, I won’t be choosing a name purely to match the “plain and basic names” thank you!
MILs will actually be the end of me one day.
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Feel like such a fraud commenting on here as I’m not actually pregnant but it seems like a lovely thread! (Ignore this if it bothers you haha) I’d love to have a baby but unfortunately due to personal and financial reasons for the next 3 years minimum I will be unable to even consider it. However, I wish you lovely ladies all the best with your pregnancies! I love reading pregnancy stories💗
We can’t wait to see you in here! We will save the chicken selects

Has anyone got a restless leg it’s so irritating
I have such bad muscle cramps 😭

I hate presents, I don’t like people buying me stuff because I usually don’t like what I’m bought (hate clutter too so usually goes straight in bin/charity shop) but I am genuinely thinking of asking for food or just eat vouchers when baby is here if people want to be kind 😂
My brother in law got us just eat vouchers and I was so grateful. Literally the best thing I’ve ever been given and I got this wonderful photo


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I've just got back from my 31 week midwife appointment and the baby has gone from the 50th centile to 98th. I am shitting myself. I'm being referred for a growth scan. I said to be he midwife before she measured me that I think I've got a lot bigger, and she confirmed it. My bloods came back ok for GD but now I'm worried something is wrong. I'm probably being emotional because I'm over tired, what with waking up at 330 every morning, but it's made me really sad and feel like I want a little cry.
I’m 31 weeks too, GD came back fine and baby is above 97 percentile.
She’s on track to be 9-10lb. I sobbed until I couldn’t breathe when I first found this out, I just never dreamed that I’d have a big baby and I’m not overly maternal so was hoping the smaller she is would help those instincts kick in. I’m worried if I have a big baby it’ll take me longer to bond, I worried about so much when I found out, so I think a little cry is warranted.
Pre-eclampsia has also been ruled out. I’ve decided I’m going for an elective section which my midwife thinks will be on 26th Aug.

there’s huge confusion about my dates and we think I’ll go into labour before this so I’m just riding it out.Every scan I’ve been to said she’s actually 2 weeks ahead so I’ve almost given up now.Sonographer at private scan said she thinks my DD is 16th Aug 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Glad to hear I’m not the only one! Just hoping to dust off some cobwebs before again when I’m a heifer / have a newborn and the shutters come down again but even though I want to want it I just… don’t! Husband has been amazing to be fair hasn’t even mentioned or moaned once; he doesn’t have a massively high sex drive which helps but I still feel a bit sorry for him!
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@Smallpotato ACAS can help you even if public sector too. Good luck hope you get sorted
thank you so much. I’m worried sick about an appointment that I have in August. It’s at the end of my nights, I’ve asked to take leave and it’s been refused. My appointment is at 9am, I finish at 8am, and the hospital is 60 miles away. It’s the first thing I think of when I wake up at the moment!
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I am also a bit funny I don’t like anything with cartoons on or Disney I basically like plain things Zara, Next, M&S or home made knitted clothes. I am also sometimes partial to designer items and I don’t expect anyone to buy any of these things so far anything which has been bought people have sent me pictures of first which I think is actually amazing because my facial expressions are such a give away when I don’t like something. I am dreading i my baby loves pepper pig and I have to buy her merchandise 🤦🏽‍♀️

I think vouchers are great and I think I will start ordering hello fresh maybe to help with the ease of cooking x
Oh my god no offensive to anyone but I hate the Disney stuff they do in Tesco etc! I’m a neutral zara, h&m next baby shopper but my partner will randomly come back with bright tigger clothes or 101 Dalmatians… neither of us were brought up on Disney so not sure where this obsession has come from, the clothes also don’t correspond with the season/age 😹 Mu friends take the piss and say just wear it to their house so it gets worn… I can’t start his journey to fatherhood by shooting down his clothes choices so I’ve just smiled and burrowed it away in her drawers 😹

deep deep in her drawers…..

there are def a few places that do character stuff but nicely and not OTT
lindex, Zara and H&M are my staples. All reasonably priced, look lovely and wash well 🙌🏻 God I sound like such a mum 😂
I agree, I have got some real bright pieces which I’ll match with a plain pair of leggings and frilly socks but the garish supermarket clothes …..
Don’t get me wrong I DO buy from supermarkets but the Disney stuff
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So I’m home, I’ve stopped crying.

We have a viable pregnancy 🥺 little bean was hard to find and I got really stressed. So we ended up doing an internal scan.

She found it straight away and it has a little heartbeat! I’m measuring at 6 weeks 2 days instead of the 7 weeks I thought so I’m not sure what that means.

So happy x
Ah congratulations!

I had an internal scan when I was 6 weeks and was told I was measuring 5/5 and a half. By the time I had my scan at 13 weeks, he was measuring right on track and now at 30 weeks he is actually measuring ahead.

Please don't worry about that and just enjoy the fact you saw a heartbeat, that is such an amazing thing. Things can be inaccurate that early and can also change so quickly. 💗
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Can I come on and have a rant. Need to release.
My eldest is homeschooling as someone in their bubble has covid so now having to isolate. It's a constant battle trying to get them to do their work. Everyone's been in tears this morning.
I can't remember the last time I had a good sleep. Consistently awake at 3am and I just cannot be dealing with doing this. My eyes physically hurt with tiredness.
Next door are having their bathroom refitted, didn't even have the common courtesy to give us a heads up and the noise is absolutely unbearable, banging and sawing from 8-5. Plus also means I can't nap.
My dog seems to have gone absolutely batshit the last few days and won't leave me alone. Constantly following me everywhere and I want to scream. She's even managed to break out of the kitchen when I shut her in.
Also, we were meant to be away for a seaside long weekend break this weekend which we've now obviously had to cancel due to isolating and I was really looking forward to it.
Just want to sit and cry.
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Anyone else struggling with the heat?

Took my son to his new school for a stay and play and the heat, plus a mask… felt absolutely dreadful. Got really bad palpitations on the way home and had to call husband to come and meet us. This pregnancy and me are NOT friends.
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