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This scan experience was so good! I got 12 pics and 4 boy/girl scratch cards! It’s a lot more of a pleasant when you are paying for it 🙈 I had a feeling it was a girl - a few of the old wives tales that were actually true for me were - the baking soda method, shit skin, heartbeat over 140bpm and Chinese calendar prediction 🥳
Im so happy for you! I’m definitely going to pay for a scan I think.

Oh yes, restless legs and cramps.

Also, complaint incoming.
I am so fuckef off with my partner.. I wont go in to the details but dude needs to get his fucking priorities right, stop being a patronising prick and get over himself. Ive told him he can a go on the sofa tonight, as i would like to try and sleep a full night in our bed and cant eith him snoring away and huffing everytime i turn over or re-adjust.
Hes really got on my fucking nerves and right now 'in my head only', i dont really feel like marrying him next year. Gah.

Sorry for massive rant. Obvs not appropriate to tell friends about and i will feel completely differently in 48 hours. I just need to get this off ny chest.

you’re definitely allowed to be fucked off. Partners/boyfriends/husbands are so annoying during pregnancy and I think it’s because they don’t understand what we are going through as its not happening to them. My husband currently is in the dog house as he’s been following me around like a horn dog for the last week and when I’ve got a toddler, I’m knackered and I just feel sick all the time it’s the last thing I want!
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Lulu Goss

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Really interesting to read everyone else’s thoughts - it’s nice to know everyone has this panic! I’m 28, we’ve been together 8 years and this is our first baby. We were actively trying so baby is very much loved and wanted but I also have feelings sometimes of “oh my god our lives are going to change forever”. Sometimes I worry that I won’t know what I’m doing and won’t be a good mum. And sometimes I have the same feelings someone else mentioned about my partner - now that it won’t be just us anymore, will that change our relationship? Will he still fancy me or will he just see me as a mum and that’s it?

He has been very supportive and I tell him all of these worries and he’s reassured me that this is just the next chapter of our lives and it’s going to be amazing. And of course it is, I know that really and I can’t wait, but it doesn’t stop it being scary!
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Thanks everyone. Rang the GP who has an hours waiting for a call back. Call EPU who needs the GP referal. Trying to get through to the community midwives but they are engaged. Hopefully it will be okay. No fresh blood, but bloating.
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Sorry this is tmi but I’ve got lots of discharge in this second trimester 🙈 is anyone else the same?
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Lulu Goss

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Least we all have happy partners this evening (if they’re England fans 😅). Although glad I’ll be at work tomorrow when hubby is on the sofa hungover feeling sorry for himself 🙊
To all my fellow ladies who will be woken up when they eventually crawl in drunk… stay strong and make them get mcds breakfast in the morning to make up for it 🙌🏼
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I have such mixed emotions this morning reading this thread, I am thrilled for you @Smallpotato so happy to hear the smallest potato is doing well.

Then I'm nervous and slightly concerned about a swollen vagina before giving birth... I did not know this! And it changes colour? Say whuuuutt!? Mind. Blown.
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Chatty Member
We will most certainly be operating a system of lateral flow, handwashing and masks. I think you have to do what you feel comfortable with and I wouldn't judge anyone for how they handle it all.
That said, I've made a rule this time around (having had a house load of my in-laws which was 8 adults in total descend on me 2 days after my firsts birth AND I laid on lunch - wtf) that if you're coming to visit, it's not for the first two weeks and when you do you either come baring food or you complete a chore otherwise no admittance. 😂
I hate presents, I don’t like people buying me stuff because I usually don’t like what I’m bought (hate clutter too so usually goes straight in bin/charity shop) but I am genuinely thinking of asking for food or just eat vouchers when baby is here if people want to be kind 😂
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This is a bit off topic but I’m ten weeks pregnant and I’m not sure how I feel about it... it took 2.5 years to get pregnant. Second baby and I feel like I should be excited but I don’t really feel it. I’m more thinking wtf have I done/have I made a mistake. My first child is 9 so it’s getting a bit easier now, he’s more self sufficient, let’s me lie in etc. I’m worried that I might crave my old life back. This baby is definitely wanted and I’m very grateful to be pregnant just wish I knew how to feel.

Did anyone else not feel excited right away. Please no judgement as I’m struggling to comprehend how I feel.

I think everyone has moments when they question themselves and definitely I have craved my old life back numerous times (usually on the bad days) but those days are few and far between .......this will be my third (also 10 weeks) , my youngest is 4, I am delighted to be be pregnant but I do feel my life was just going to get to an easier stage and I was going to be getting some time to myself again...........but then I think of my newborn laying on my chest and remember how happy and content it made me before and I really can't wait for that again! But you're not alone
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My partner has always been active and has loads of outdoor hobbies but I explained last night a bit of extra companionship from him would be nice as sometimes I just feel deserted while I deal with all the kicking, swollen fingers, sore feet.
And yes! I cannot WAIT to have a little bit of core strength back! I’m not even a fit person but having some ownership over my body would be nice x
My partner also has a lot of hobbies. If it wasn't for covid and lots of them being on hold, he wouldn't be home on week nights and Saturday 🙄 He's a bit of a puppy that needs to do aaaaallll the stuffs aaaalll the time. Honestly, I don't know how he does it. If he has a quiet week followed by a weekend in, he gets a migraine 😅
I on the other hand have way less hobbies (the ones I have are mutual with him) and need time off, just to relax.

It hasn't sunken in yet that he might have to quit some hobbies once baby's here.
He's like "ooooh, we'll just have a babysitter over and life will continue as usual".
He doesn't get why I wouldn't want to leave a newborn at home, in the care of some babysitter twice a week 🙃 Sweet summer's child...
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nice to hear so many of you have ‘older’ kids, my other one is 6 and I feel like everyone else I know has had their second so much sooner 😂 don’t really see it as a huge age gap myself but compared to others it sometimes feels that way!
My 8 week old little girl was born 6 days before my eldest daughters 26th birthday!! Age gaps are fine 😂😂😂😂
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I cannot quit caffeine to save my life, I still drink Pepsi and have an iced coffee every morning. I think I’m within my caffeine limits? Some days I go over a tiny bit (a lot 😂). It’s the only thing that makes me feel less sick in the morning. I drank Coke all the way through my last pregnancy because i couldn’t keep anything else down sooooooooooo I’m hoping it’ll be ok 😅 I’m a bad person.

Also @Smallpotato your poor kiddo, hope he’s okay and isn’t too battered, as you probs know kids don’t harden up when they fall like adults so I’m sure he’s absolutely fine. They’re hard as nails and you’re not a shit mum and everyone in the park can fuck off 😊
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Ok I’ve attempt #3 to find out the baby’s gender tomorrow, providing it’s not turned in towards my back again 🙈🤣 has anyone got any tips to get the baby to move? I’m willing to try anything at this stage 🙈🤣
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Had to jump on this thread as in my first trimester I literally had to live of mcds hamburgers 😩 not sure I’ll ever be able to eat one again
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Just out of my anomaly scan and it took 10 mins so I’m a little confused 😬 she said everything was good but couldn’t tell the gender because of the baby’s position
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My partner just made a comment about me snoring in the early hours of this morning
Oh gee I'm sorry I have a 7 pound baby bushing on all my god dam organs!!

I cannot confirm nor deny that he is currently buying me a yum yum from greggs as ab apology
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Chatty Member
To all my fellow ladies who will be woken up when they eventually crawl in drunk… stay strong and make them get mcds breakfast in the morning to make up for it 🙌🏼
I got our of bed at 11:30 to pick him up down the m25 as uber were asking for £75, just got home….what shall I demand in the morning 😂
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No he won’t watch trash! He wants to watch sidemen or cycling channels on YouTube 😆
I must be clingy too, don’t worry. It’s like we’re doing all the work, getting all the kicks and backache so abit of allyship in the form of company would feel nice.

do you tell him you’re worried about the attraction part?
If it makes you feel better I was so busy wfh yesterday I didn’t get to brush my teeth until 5pm and already had given him a hello kiss when he got in from work and can’t remember last time I shaved my armpits 🙃💛 x
I did a blind shave around my bikini area so I wouldn't been pulled out of the pool for being mistaken for Cousin It. So much effort though...

I don't know if I've just become very lazy or have no energy but I fricken hate doing my skin care now and only just started remembering to brush my hair! What a mess.

I’ve just weighed myself and I’ve lost 3lbs. I’m putting it down to eating better and cutting out rubbish (except darkmilk buttons because they’re amazing)
As long as I’m eating healthily and drinking water and stuff, I’m guessing it won’t cause any problems?
Another one of those listen to your body thing, as long as you're not starving yourself or going without then there shouldn't be any problems. I am back to my usual eating habits which I think has helped me loose a bit of T1 weight where I was just a biscuit eating machine. <3
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