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Well-known member
Do you think any media outlet will want his side of the story?

Channel 4, 5, Sky News, Mirror etc?
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Sniffing Eggs

Chatty Member

Holly can come back to TM and do the pathetic act she does.

BUT - only if she does the right thing and tell the truth. Of what she knew/saw/who is being silenced and why

Anything else, and she is no better than any of these gross individuals who abuse kids/teens/pre adults.

Come on Holly - speak out


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VIP Member
Isn't he the one who was going to expose PS??
View attachment 2191742
Aha, that's where I'd seen his name before. That post about MM.
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Active member
Generally just a lurker here . . . .just came to say I've watched the past few days and don't know what others think but the whole show just seems lighter/more at ease. Everyone just seems more relaxed and there has been well more of interaction and joviality between presenters when they cross ove to Ruth.

Regardless of what happens next, I get the impression that for loads of people their work environment has improved immeasurably. Hadn't really noticed how weird it was until it wasn't weird abymore
I get the feeling that between PS, DW and PM that it’s the battle of the narcs. Interesting to see who the Narc supreme will be coming up smelling of roses in due course….

Agreed except you missed out EH
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Chatty Member
Jack isn’t very well and has bad mental health and an addiction problem . he has accused many celebs of abuse and also tried to convince people he was in relationships with other celebrities. He really isn’t well and has been like this for years 😞
Thank you, that’s so sad. I’ve dealt with people before who have had similar sort of issues. It’s never easy for them but they can be caught up in the vortex depending on the narrative, it’s the shocking reality behind our media.
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VIP Member
Agreed. I would just say though that aren't the majority of peedos straight men attracted to young girls? I've never equated gay with pedalo, pedalo is a sick deviant behaviour, being gay is not.
im not an expert of the situation but id say its maybe 60/40 with sexual abuse of boys being slightly more common
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Nelly's mum

VIP Member
I saw the live tour twice and it was the same lad on stage both times so I’m inclined to agree but there are lot’s of stories about Walliams being inappropriate with younger women and teenage girls.
Yes he may or may not be an inappropriate pervy creep in real life - who knows? - but that is an act, on stage, that people pay to go to see and be entertained 🤷‍♀️
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VIP Member
hmm i dunno . Do you not just come under the 'pedalo' bracket if you like children ?
How old was MM when they split ? How old is his “ friend” Ben ? Surely if he wasn’t gay wouldn’t have continued/started a relationship with MM once he was 18 ?
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VIP Member
Yep that's what I was thinking. I'm not sure Philth counts as a VIP, only in his own head. Or maybe DA, though I really really hope the rumours aren't true about him
Nooo!! What rumours? DJ is bad enough, though it actually wouldn’t surprise me, but not DA! 😔
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Chatty Member
But she presented at least two shows on the BBC so what happened to the handcuff deal? She wouldn’t be doing those shows if ITV had locked her into a contract.
The golden handcuff deal was during the mid-2010s, back when she hosted Surprise Surprise. She would've renegotiated a contract that loosened her ties to ITV a few years ago.
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Prince fan 1999

VIP Member
I saw on a YouTube comment that his daughters are now going by their mums maiden surname. Can anyone confirm this?

Also, has she divorced him yet or are they just separated? Apparently, the wife knew soon after they were married but wanted kids and enjoyed the lifestyle he afforded her. She had partners of her own on the side.
Yes I posted about it a few months ago. I think in a few places they use Lowe. Not on Facebook though iirc.
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VIP Member
But not on a par with sexual abuse of children. Not defending him, he’s a disgusting old perv but at least women can call him out on it or give him a slap.
Well no of course its not the same as children
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VIP Member
I know it must be hard to believe (looking at the raddled, wizened old goat he is these days), but PS was once a handsome man - in fact, he was until well into middle age.

These days, he's living proof of the old expression, that some people end up with the face they deserve

He's aged very rapidly in recent years, probably due to alcoholism, a fondness for ❄ and extreme worry about what will come out about him next.

His nose and mouth look odd in recent pictures - he's always had thin lips, but they suited the proportions of his face. Now I think it looks like the bottom half of his face is collapsing in on itself and every expression he tries to make, looks exaggerated, like he's gurning.
I saw a clip somewhere of him when he was younger and actually thought is that really him. It was.
He really has aged badly.
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