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Can someone tell me how the PCDs are coping with CrossFit John?

In my head, they're such a bunch of soft lads that they're not coping. But CrossFit John is just so endearing. They must be conflicted.
There’s at least one post a week saying something along the lines of ‘oh my god John shut up anonymous the gym it’s so boring, I’m not going to listen anymore’ and others saying he was funnier when he was drinking etc. absolutely vile stuff. One comment I saw was from someone wishing he would start drinking again to make the show funnier ffs.

Imagine wanting someone’s life to be worse/them to be ill for your pleasure 💀
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I think its the post where someone has made their own ploughman's t-shirt and some feel that this is ripping off Elis and John as there is an "official " one.
That’s basically it!

Person 1: here’s a link to a DOGSHIT ploughman’s tee that I designed — likely on clip art — on a for-profit ropey website. Buy it.
Some people: ploughman’s chat is so over, move on
Some other people: it’s just a tee
Some more people: don’t steal profit of EJ&JR (links to their Ploughman’s merch)
Person 1: omg you guuuuuuyz I’m not profiting ew
Yet more people: yes you are
Different people: stop the pile on! Person 1 did nothing wrong!

I’d say I’m broadly against it but mostly on the basis that the tee was awful and he lied about profiting from it. Also, he only joined the group last week — perhaps he goes round groups trying this!?

I hope my summary was as confusing as the actual thread XO
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This reminds me of a guy who used to post on twitter, he kept coming up for me because a guy I followed interacted with him. Anyway, it was a constant cycle of "I'm so skint, I can't get a job, I have nowhere to live, no food to eat" etc etc and then all of a sudden he's been offered a live in job. Great. But needs money to tide him over until his first wage. Then boom, a week or so in, the job hasn't worked out and now he has two days to find somewhere else to live.

Honestly it was unbelievable. If you didn't know he had form for it. You could be lured in.

As it stood he had done this on many many different variations of his page and was obviously a scammer and thankfully I haven't seen his face or pages similar for a couple of years. But sadly I don't think thsts because he was caught but merely he's going under a different name.

And sadly this kind of thing burns people to do good sometimes.

I'm sympathetic to the plight everyone is going through just now but quite frankly can't give to everyone and don't know who's genuine so I donate in different ways as I can. It feels awful sometimes scrolling past some posts.

With the PCD group, I think they see it as a tight group of comrades who they can go to.

Like the Distant Pod fans, they are all really tight and if Mike, Elis or Stef posted a gofundme they endorsed, fans would donate for sure.

For example, I recall seeing someone post on twitter about not being able to go and see the distant pod live show because they couldn't afford it and their comments were flooded with "I'll buy you a ticket mate come with me" and when I had an extra seat for mine I offered it up to anyone on the group without wanting anything for it (but bizarrely noone took me up on it, which I won't take personally).

Hard to explain, but it's hard not to feel like that could be exploited. Especially when Elis and John (and the delightful Dave) are so bloody lovely, so obviously the vibe will be that their fans are (and they are, broadly save a few absolute tubes).

Anyway sorry. Rant over.
Spot on, I think you summed it up really well.
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No I’m with you. Matt’s one was different. But as a rule I find gofundme’s make me 😬 Someone posted one in another thread I’m on here 🤣
Someone I used to kind of know put up a gofundme because he fell out of a tree and was unable to work for a while. He fell out of the tree because he had some spiritual urge to climb it. I mean, wtf. People donated a few thousand.
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I don’t blame them for wanting to keep it quiet, if they are dating.

I personally think they might be. And I think as more people online are talking about it (in the niche PCD world) I think they’re trying to keep their distance a bit more - like not mentioning each other etc. I have various bits of evidence in my mind as to why I think this, but I feel listing it out would be a step too far on the creepy scale 😂

However, for billy balance, I don’t listen to Lou Saunders podcast or know what her friendships are like with other comics. This is purely speculation from the Johnny JR content and when they’ve done the show together.
Ok I’m the same boat. I could easily list all of the evidence because another similarity minded PCD and I have sent screenshots to each other discussing said evidence….but I SHANT.

As others have said, makes total sense he’d not want to go public with this/his next relationship & same goes for his reasons for not drinking. Doesn’t make me any less curious though 😈
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Someone on a work call just started talking about Raquel and I was like 'Raquel...Raquel...who do I know called Raquel?'. Did a full laugh on camera when I realised.


(One for the retro oners there!)
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I think the only reason for the conspiracy is that Sports Bar is a best of, but for a second week in a row and Mike Bubbins posted a message on the patreon group saying sorry we did want to do an episode this week but it's out of our hands something came up - people saw that Elis wasn't on the John pod or his history pod and put two and two together and made a billion
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An Elis and John thread! Not much to add apart from that I adore them (and Dave too of course)

I only started listening since they've been on 5live and don't use FB so I feel like I have a massive PCD gap in my knowledge of them 😆

Could listen to John talk about cats all day 😆
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I think John having ‘the gene’ was always clear. He’s always fought it.
He had a gambling addiction and went to GA for a while to curb that. He’s spoken before about gambling apps / games / advertising before and I’ve always found that really moving.
Glad he is looking after himself.
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The members on the FB a group never cease to amaze me everyday …such a weird bunch 😂😂

ETA Is it wrong some of the ‘stories’ I find difficult to believe and the gofund I have huge red flags about🙈
It is WILD to me what people share on there. It’s like a weird blog space for some people. I do read some posts like wow, that’s a lot to happen then see it’s the same person a lot of weird things seem to happen to daily?! I call BS.
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Personally I wondered if his dad wasn’t well. Then I thought “whatever it is, good or bad, I hope he’s okay.” And then I started focusing on other things, because I’m not insane like many in the group. It doesn’t surprise me at all that people are speculating. You’d think the whole Kate Middleton thing would nip that but alas.
This is the normal take. 'Oh, maybe the man I like from the radio's dad is poorly. Hmm. I need to do the big shop...'

They take parasocial to a new level (and i do think it's slightly encouraged by the whole 'PCD' situation)
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just lurking 99

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I'm beginning to think that the boys enjoy winding up the PCD facebook group! So much wah-wah about a whatsapp community... or two communities!
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Interesting he said that it was the closest he would get to Taskmaster playing the made-up game this week!
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Great to have you here @adviseplz! How did you find us?
The thread? I accidentally clicked on the rave section (I don’t frequent here often 😅😂) and saw PCD and was like hmmmm are those the PCDs I know of?

v happy to be here, I caught up with the thread so quickly because I was excited haaaa
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Slop n slide

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I was at that gig on Monday so don't think it's his hand with the cat...

I actually arrived late and so was seated at the side, right next to him! Was quite surreal as I listen to him pretty much every day of my life 😳.

It was a Work in Progress gig and he did repeat a lot of content I'd hear before - especially the stuff he said in the (excellent) Colin Murray interview. I feel like I've heard the slotted spoon story 20 times now 😅.

The language he used very much sounded like he's going through an official process such as AA. My concern is that he is only 4 months in and building his whole tour content around it. Hopefully he'll stick it out (if that is indeed the plan). He said he was drinking 6 cans and a bottle of wine a night (and then supplementary ciders as well) but I wasn't sure if that was exaggerated for comic effect. If it wasn't, that definitely sounds like addiction.

Am seeing him for Made Up Games in April, and then on tour in October - will be fascinating to see his progress. I wish him all the luck in the world. 💗

Did you guys see they've released the Shame Wells as a separate podcast on, you guessed it, BBC Sounds? Will deffo be having a listen to those. Some of them make me cringe so hard, I feel like my skin will fall off.

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Chatty Member
Agreed! I've not listened to the radio show in a while and so had missed that he had started this journey (or maybe he hadn't mentioned it?)
He has mentioned being off the booze / sans cans etc. he never said he was an alcoholic, understandably, on the radio show but there’s been a couple of podcasts skirting around it about EG his Colin Murray interview.
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To fill the gap between now and The Great Reset, I've decided to go back to the very beginning and become a retro oner. Episode 1 has really bad sound quality although hearing Elis say "textual" again has made me feel all funny.
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