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Well-known member
Why mention it again then? Check my 2nd post, I’m not interested in getting into a debate about ADHD.
I hadn’t read the latest post in the thread, the argument bored me so much i stopped reading to tell yous to wrap it
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Chatty Member
Why do companies even do this? How will sending Olivia the PR and her making this tiktok increase sales of this cream especially when the tiktok is filtered to hell? If I wanted to look the same I wouldn't spend hundreds on a cream I'd just take a video with skin smoothing turned up to 100 like she's done :rolleyes:
I get it's for exposure - if an influencer has half a million followers & raves about an item saving their skin that's alot of people they can influence to buy the product which then makes back the money the company lost from sending PR plus more.

I just don't get who in Olivia's following can actually afford this product / any of the items she gets these days (Chanel, YSL, MiuMiu) other than other influencers. Her demographic is 90% average teens/young adults not wealthy enough to have their entire skin care routine cost 1k.
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I’m a little disappointed in her Rollacoaster cover, she did not serve face at all 😭 her hair and eye make up looked great but she just looks gormless, like her mouth was open a little too much.
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Active member
Started listening to her pod again and had to turn it off after 10 mins. Why does she laugh like that into the mic? It’s bare annoying , like it triggers me . It’s such a fake laugh as well

Also both her and her sis do that insufferable vocal fry 😭😭😭 cannot listen to them
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Active member
isn’t adhd medication also an appetite suppressant? All the influencers I’ve seen get diagnosed drop a scary amount of weight
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Active member
Is the ‘baked beans’ account where she posted about the Madeline argy/central C rumour actually her? I thought her spam account was ‘oliviatoeneil’
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Chatty Member
Arguing with members, we're not here to fight each other either ignore a user or respectfully disagree
Can you just leave this thread? People like you literally make it so boring. Like why come on here if you just want to argue with the other posters? Go on Olivia’s socials and compliment her there. Your white knighting is not wanted here.

Also it does sounds like you want to shag her tbf… either that or you think you are her. That would be the only explanation for why you take criticism against someone who doesn’t know you exist so personally!
No ❤ people like you need to stop being so butthurt when someone disagrees with your opinion. Quite clearly daddy didn’t love you enough.
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Member's safe to say Olivia has gotten tired of Ruby as expected, not really seen them together much especially since April which is a long time for these two it's been back to back visits the last 5 months.

I wonder who will be crowned as her new bestie of the month this time, probably some American Nepo so she can officially make the leap to NYC crowds as part of the inner rich circle rather than actually having to work for it like Ruby still has to.
I just find her whole life so crazy !!!! Like what is her end goal / 5 year plan ? She doesn't have her own brand to rely on and she spends like crazy .
I remember when she would get singular items delivered to her house ( limes for tequila etc) and id think how in the fuck is she affording this . To think that she was planning on moving in w ruby after being friends for less than a year is laughable and clearly shows how she views her friends as disposable , hope she gets her pilots license cause she seems like a smart girl ( academically ) .
any news on new boys shes seeing/into ???? Not looked on here in weeks
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Chatty Member
I'm sure she's already been lining up the boys for summer just for this reason alone💀

Can already see the story times about how she just fell into a situation where she's on a yatch or going on crazyyyy expensive holiday because some totally random guy invited her & her friends.


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(how mods haven’t given out warnings is beyond me…)
I think they’ve given up on this threat tbh. Ngl this is thread bores me to tears sometimes. I can’t believe people are literally arguing about ADHD and other stuff when the stuff Olivia does would literally get other influencers cancelled smh
I think they’ve given up on this threat tbh. Ngl this is thread bores me to tears sometimes. I can’t believe people are literally arguing about ADHD and other stuff when the stuff Olivia does would literally get other influencers cancelled smh
Like there’s so much about Olivia to bitch about and people here pick arguing about ADHD?
give me strength
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My bf and his sister both have ADHD, he got told to only take it when he has work but she got told to take it every day no matter what 🤷‍♀️. Moral of the story is that (shock!) medicines and medical conditions impact everyone differently.
Now can we move on because this conversation is dry af and could literally be never-ending.
I'm assuming your bf's sister actually has an occupation and responsibilities beyond posting on ig and tiktok?
Why are meds (that are so hard to get for people who actually need them b/c they have a job/are in education) being wasted on influencers who don't do shit? Read the posts before this - You're not her doctor, but she admitted that he said she didn't to take them (shock!) , and she said she was hyperfocusing whilst talking them, which isn't normal. Moral of the story: she's only talking them to supress her appetite.
Don't reply to my message if you don't want to continue the convo - you're only adding to the dryness.
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VIP Member
When she feel tired she going to just get a iron infusion like I never say anything bad about anyone but she seriously needs a good slap… some people have to get iron infusion for health reasons and this spoilt brat just gets one for being tired.. get a healthy routine and you might not be so tired…
Fr I keep being denied help for my fucked up bloods / health issues.

I try to eat as well as I can, exercise and sleep as much as possible - do everything in my control basically - even though it barely makes a difference and olivia's out here complaining she's tired when she only eats beans and avocado every 3 days
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