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Imagine being MFM and spending the last 20 years not actually having a real job.
Loser, go get a job at the Mangere Library talk about books all day there and not online.
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It always confuses me when people go after Morgan for spending money. Imagine studying for like 10 years at med school, paying off all that debt, working around the clock, then someone having a go at her for booking a sky couch rather than like business class or those fancy emirates suites with showers. At least it’s all paid for, just let her live.

But right there with you on the underwear shot. I didn’t see it but hoping it was a genuine mistake because that is really not ok.
Right? She’s worked hard and even when people asked her to do sponsored posts or freebies she always said no, working in her field can’t be easy, If she wants a holiday good for her.
people complain when influencers get free holidays then complain when they pay themselves? Can’t win haha
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She’s very “pick me”. She has zero qualifications by the way and says she’s been a makeup artist for X amount of years - which meant she would’ve started at 14? Bless.
I’ve known her since that age and I can tell ya she was not doing makeup then. I wish I could spill some tea but I would out myself.
I went away with her a few times and she would never wash/shower for dayssssss.
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Why is she showing that? She obvs read here
It’s part of the course. I’ve seen other people who have done the same course do it as well. The theory is that they’re transferring money between their own bank accounts 😂
There’s an English YouTube family called the Inghams with a sex pest dad and he shills the same course and posts these images of transfers, pretending they happen daily. He pretends to make 10k a day and yet he whinges at road toll charges of $15. It’s all a big feint. They’re not rich, they’re just told in the course to pretend they’re raking it in 😂 Leah Low Light will be exactly the same.
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WTF is wrong with Phil!
The kids must complain about meals like that surely!! She could include them in the meals so they get what they’d like with more nutrients! If ever hello fresh or my food bag needed to spend a parcel to someone it’s them!!!
I’m thinking they don’t know any better the kids that is

it’s not like their off to their friends houses regularly to see dinners different
Hey, my kids would be giving me a massive side eye if I dished this muck up on a Tuesday night.
It’s the unpeeled carrots for me

like zero zero effort
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Don't tag me, there's a support forum!
All, this thread is continually wasting a lot of mods time with everyone reporting each other and bickering.

Can someone create a separate thread for whatever keeps causing people to argue and then never bring up this topic again 🙏 probbably best in quieter threads rather than main influencers.
All, post about influencers. Not this bickering. No one ever gets banned on tattle easily, but if this one thread keeps being a mess every single day then we don't have much choice.
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Re crunchy mum’s, they absolutely do exist. You can find them all in places such as Mangawhai and Omaha 😆 and scattered around the place huffing their doterra essential oils when someone offers them a caramel slice.
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Re: Morgan- tbh I wouldn't call her an influencer. I've thought about this a lot.
Yes, she's rich and privileged.
Yes, she acknowledges her privilege.
BUT She doesn't make any money from influencing.
She's never accepted collabs.
What she does with her money is up to her.
She did generously give her time and expertise during covid.
She's had some moments that aren't cool- particularly as a coeliac- it was confusing and upsetting to her eat normal damper. I would have thought as a doctor, she'd understand what eating gluten does a person with CD.
She definitely comes across as insecure.
I think she's in Singapore for a conference.
Ell's #1 budget trip- get your sister to pay for a trip for you.
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First all cashie no one is obsessed with you like you wish they where 😂

This is a forum where we are able to express our opinions thoughts and discuss influencers/bloggers where we can’t be blocked. You spend more time on here than anyone else your very equal with old mate Scammy. You seek out what fits your narrative that’s written here for attention, and content and only share that fits your sob story.

You lie, you are desperate and you are not all there.
You’re promblemic and you are rude and Braggy.
It’s gross! 🤮

when your followers ask questions like “I’m really struggling with this and that etc - do you have any adivce? Your replies “no sorry, haven’t experienced it. And brag on about how good you so called have it. It’s gross!!

You’re on the internet sharing your life. People will always have a opinion that you won’t like if it’s not me it’s someone else etc.
clearly you can’t handle that so do yourself a favour and get a hobbie some friends close your legs and help your self and stop playing victim.

Your making yourself look like more of a idiot every day, we are not going anywhere so either sit the fuck down, shut up or Fuck off! 🤭😂😂
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I posted this on the Simone page too but fuck yes Emily Writes!! Elizabeth Arden have done themselves no favours by organising this trip with the beige ape 🦧 Scamone and all her other white privileged "hons" 🙄🙄🤮🤮
Hit the nail on the head.
Seeing a bunch of influencers go off in a lavish holiday does not make me want to purchase that brand
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Maria needs to role model managing anxiety well instead of festering in it reading books. She and Phil need to help their kids learn resilience starting by getting out of the house more and doing things. They need to teach those kids some coping strategies and ways to work through their feelings. It isn’t easy but it matters. It takes time, compassion, and effort. From a parent of a child who used to have intense overwhelming anxiety and is now so much more confident, plays multiple sports, and happily attends birthday parties. Panic attacks are a thing of the past.
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