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Oohhhhhh let’s unpack this shall we Cassie.

Thanks for not sharing my full post to make yourself look better. Love it when you do that.

1. Just because I said it’s easily searchable to find a house available for rent doesn’t mean I actually searched it you imbecile

2. I didn’t search hard, it was easily accessible but your dumb ass couldn’t find it but thanks for owning up to reporting my post when I posted it. Proves you do have an active tattle account. I also said in the post I don’t agree with posting this publicly but thanks

3. I didn’t have to scour the internet, a quick Facebook search of your name and it comes up. Man, how thick are you

4. Again, I didn’t know you had a baby at the time and yes I admit, sorry I did something stupid but just get over it

5. I don’t obsessively talk about you. Go on, count how many times I’ve talked about you this week?

6. Yeah I’m defending them because I can, so what!?

7. You are in the wrong. Listen to yourself!!

Please Cassie, I’m begging you for the love of your children. Get off tattle. You could spend that time replying to your followers messages and comments instead of going through tattle, finding posts about yourself and then making an Instagram story about it so your cult followers can agree with you what psycho’s we are but you have brainwashed them like you were when you were a JW

She’s wild but I’m pretty sure you going IRL is against the rules isn’t it? How can you follow her closely and not know she had a baby? You’re both as bad as each other 🫣
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I’ve been tiktoking this afternoon and had a video pop up that talked about how this woman was no longer influenced to buy a product by influencers.
It was aimed at Aussie influencers and one in particular who was using a brand new, unreleased skincare product and saying how she “swears by it”. This woman made a great point that how can you swear by it and no it’s amazing, when you’ve only used it a couple of times and have no idea whether it actually works.
This can be directed at a few NZ influencers who do exactly the same thing. And next month something else will be the most amazing product they’ve ever used.

People are no longer buying products that influencers push because they can’t trust those influencers anymore. Even the Millie Elder-Holmes’ of the world who say they won’t advertise something they don’t truly believe in 🙄 sure, Jan.
Every single comment on this video that I saw was agreeing with this woman and there were several thousand comments.
I wonder how long it will be until brands no longer use influencers and a new way of marketing will come through.

It is FASCINATING to watch the shift away/against influencers happen in real time.
It’s crazy to me that I am going to be part of the generation that watched influencers become a thing, and now I’m watching them go out of fashion, all within what? A decade?
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Wtf is she wearing. Melissa has no fucking style. Did she buy this outfit from Temu? Oh no wait, more like “message me for the link” (to Temu). 2016 Dotti called, they want their pleather pants back.
I’ve got one word to say to you, Kim. Pagani.
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I don't usually advocate for splinter threads, but I want to put it out there that a separate Cassie thread is probably for the best. And no, I don't care about "giving her a big head" if she gets her own spot, it's for the benefit of the users in here, not her. I'm bored of "scrolling past" and Cassie is the only one that actually causes drama between users here and actual rule-breaking which will get this whole thread shut down eventually. I'd like to still talk about all the others without losing this entire thread.
I like this idea! Sausagefingertrent or Simon out botsforlife are one of you able to do this?
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I humbly think the therapy isn’t therapy-ing with MFM. Phil should now interfere and advocate for his wife. The whole household is in a sad state— the dinners are just a glimpse of it. Also, so sad for two young kids already ridden with anxiety. There’s more to life than being stuck in the ipad or device. Phil better grow the balls soon or it’s a downhill trajectory with a reel or story in Insta thanks to MFM broadcasting a private diagnosis of her children 🫤
Yeah it’s so sad for those kids. They come from a privileged home where the family doesn’t have to worry about finanaces. They have a roof over their head and the luxury of one parent not having to work. Given this privilege, they should be living a childhood where they are trying sports and activities, going to friends houses, having friends over, getting out and seeing Auckland and what it has to offer, even trips away (for more than one night - that Rotorua trip was abysmal). Trying to imagine these kids as grown adults is difficult. I think it goes without saying that they will have a huge amount of resentment toward both their parents.
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It's too early in the morning for a recap from me! Anyone else feel free to do it, otherwise they are all still cunts. The end.

PS: Where is Hellofresh? Have I missed her or has she gone MIA?
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Maria, get a job. Who has the time to sit and worry all day and be 'hyper vigilant ' in case the school rings about a sore stomach. If you had something, anything, else to do you might gain a tiny bit of perspective. Also, if you read and type as fast as you say you do why haven't you put it to good use and completed so e study towards a real career? You could have smashed a degree or two by now.
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I think anyone that needs to vlog every aspect of their life their children and what they eat for breakfast lunch and dinner, what they earn, and every other minor detail have a lot of deeper issues going on that need to be addressed. Having to validate your life and prove to strangers on the internet about their life screams give me attention. AND they have the cheek to turn around and complain when thoses strangers don’t agree with their life and have opinions! Blows my mind! 😵💫

If your upset because someone got the colour of your bikini wrong or you are offended because people think you don’t take your children out enough etc then maybe the internet just isn’t for you. Can’t wait for theses influences to be cancelled.

And the ones that hide their face, makes them no better where is the privacy? We still know what school they go too where they live, what their bedrooms look like that stuff is on the internet forever!
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When you look at the books in MFM's list of top books from 2023, they're all around 500-600 page books. So decent reads, not comic books.

Google says average reader would take 19 hours to read a 500 page book whereas a fast reader could do it in 9 hours. So either she's full of shit or she literally does spend all her time reading.

Either way it's sad as fuck.
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Influencers in NZ that flog their kids for followers and semi naked pics …
I truely believe we are not too far away from laws coming in around exposing children and using them commercially to build brand and wealth.
It won't be long before we see a case like this in New Zealand. This first wave of Insta kids are growing up and will be wising up to the privacy they have lost through years of exploitation. I'm sure we've all cringed when our mum pulls out the family photographs to show off to friends and family. Well this is 50 million times worse. This family album is being shared to thousands of strangers and at worst delivering these kids on a plate to predators.

Kids like Harry, Mack, Asher, Ryder, Lulu and Frankie are literally having every aspect of their emotional and physical health exploited by the people who are meant to safeguard them and violating their privacy and autonomy in the worst way.
it will not end well for any of these kids.
Keep wrapping it tight around your neck you child abusing witch. PS your new hair is 🤮🤮🤮🤮 just like you.


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I just don't get what the outcome of this reel was supposed to be. She's basically shitting all over daycare and educators for a deadline.
I’m not surprised someone as dumb as her can’t see the value of ECE. She leaves her kid in one nappy all day, she couldn’t handle doing what ECE teachers do!
Ellie - After the amazing rebrand and implementation of a Briscoes pricing strategy, Abeille have unsurprisingly announced that they are closing up shop. Ellie is currently consoling herself in Sydney by attending the Taylor Swift concert and spending up a storm. Meanwhile Brett is left to pack up their remaining stock. At least the newly renovated granny flat won’t sustain any smoke damage.

MFM - Has apparently read 170 books so far this year. She must have speed reading abilities that would put Kath Day Knight to shame. She would like us to know that her kids don’t mind her boring lunches day in day out and are quite content with receiving 6 pretzels and 7 mini ginger nuts.

Finau/Chicken Seasoning - Thanks to Finaus prolific over sharing we all got to pretty much attend her Dads funeral without having to actually leave the country. If you like Steak, Rice and Cream with a side of dog hair and weed then you are in for a treat as you can now buy delicious home cooked meals from the couple. Who needs Hellofresh when this service is available.

Edna aka Flaps - Still pregnant, and still refusing to wear pants that will button up. Her bestie Just Jess has also gone single white female on her and also got herself knocked up so that they can enjoy motherhood together. Edna smuggly thinks she is only going to take two weeks off after the birth of baby flaps, she is in for quite the awakening….

Cassie aka Cashie - Continues to use Tattle as a means to try increase her following. Personally I find her boring as shit so can’t add much input. But we can all be sure if mentioned here she will respond on her stories asap to clear it up.

Bernadebt - Selling off assets left, right and centre and has gone weirdly quiet. Some suspect a marriage split is impending. It looks like she won’t be getting invited to come swim in Cherie’s pool anytime soon.

Rebecca - Much like the possum that visited her, Rebecca has become a creature of the night. Perhaps she has popped a tracking device on Jared and needs to keep up with his whereabouts while he lives the single life away from her.

Danni Duncan - Do you hate children? Want to spend two weeks with an insufferable individual? Have a spare $8k lying around? Then Danni has just the trip for you! Join her in the Phillipines for a fun filled couple of weeks where you can all bitch about people who have kids together. *she cannot guarantee that you won’t see any children on said trip, but mace will be provided should they approach.

Marnie - Still refusing to take any accountability for physically abusing her son and posting about it on social media. Still knitting ugly jumpers that even David Bain would turn his nose up at, and that man loved a knitted jumper.

Millie - Now that she’s no longer with the catch that was Bambam, Millie has returned to the land that she once denounced. It’s ok though girl because you can now sit in the front seat and be the passenger princess you deserve to be.

Renee Stewart - Getting married this weekend. We await to see how much of it is gifted/ads. Molly, who is keeping Christchurch liquor stores trading is unlikely to attend.

Elle/Dave - if you would like to give yourself a fungal foot infection then feel free to purchase some of her used sandals for only $4!!

LFYD - Frankie, who is clearly unimpressed with Lulu encroaching on his territory as the cute kid, continues to attempt to drown his little sister in the pool. Christian doesn’t mind as long as the margaritas keep flowing, it’s all good babes Kelly will watch them!
Top notch recap 👏👏👏 😂😂
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Chatty Member
I think you need to be careful not to cross any lines, Botsforlife.

Tattle is a great place to whinge about stupid influencers... or whatever Cassie is cos she's sure not influencing much...., but going IRL is a next step.
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Part of being a 'safe house' Em is knowing your chldren's friend and their parents.
I have lots of communication wtih my children's friends for any issues arising, things they might be talking about, things we worry about and kids come and play and spend time here.
Em is too busy having afternoon delight and swimming to spend time with her children or their friends.

Just read the post- so she's finally realised now when her kids are 6 and 8 that she needs to know them? So she wants pats on the back for going in to school once? wow.

I'm not parent of the year but yeah- playdates, bbqs, beach visits, activities, parent helping if you can.... but yay, Em, well done, you did one drop off. Ka pai
I honestly can not believe she’s only just come to this realisation when her whole thing is about building community and parenting as a village….and she hasn’t spent any time getting to know the families of the kids her children are fiends with?

Since kindy I’ve made an effort to have play dates and meet the parents of the kids my daughter has gotten close to. It’s been great for her and great for me, we now have a awesome cohort of school parents who help each other out with pick up/drop off and school holiday play dates so we don’t have to use all our annual leave up - it’s a community, a village….which I don’t have to pay $20 a month for and actually get meaningful relationships from unlike the ‘community’ OE seems to thinks is a so great which is essentially a Facebook group of mums having a whine?
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Love how Erin says have you ever met a nanny that wasn't wholesome..


Well actually I've seen on the news a few times nannies being arrested for hurting children in their care including kids with special needs. Being a nanny doesn't automatically make them superior to all living beings 🤦‍♀️
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Edna’s shower for Baby Flaps looks like a wedding reception set up. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that she wears a dress with thigh split so high we will almost be able to see her cervix


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