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She knew exactly what she was doing and how her little puppets would react. It’s why she put it up and then pissed off for the day and ignored it: light the fuse and run away that’s jo all over.

Attention that’s what she wants and someone to agree with her. Unfortunately the only ones that agree with her are even more mentally challenged than she is if that’s possible.
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Miss Pepperpot

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She may have deleted the post which didn't actually name this site but there's still the live where she very clearly does name it! No doubt that will be edited out soon although the majority of supporters will have seen it now so not much point.
I honestly think she let her mouth run away with her on the live and named it without really thinking, she tried to do some reverse psychology by saying that they could go and look if they wanted but it's all lies etc hoping that they would all just believe her and not bother but c'mon who would truthfully not want to come and see what was being said? People are inherently nosy, Jo can lie all she likes and say that she never reads here but we know full well that she does and let's face it if you knew you were being talked about you would want to know what was being said, we know she reads here regularly because she's given it away by things she's said and she even made a profile once but being thick as shit Jo it was blatantly obvious and she deleted it as soon as we outed her! 😂
I think her resharing the feed shed video etc is her trying to deflect attention away from here, she knows the minions love it and will share it again which in turn may get her some new followers .
She may have named it for supporters but she certainly hasn't got the balls to do it on the main page, she knows people on there aren't as invested in her and would have no hesitation in coming here to read. Open and honest Jo...only when it suits her!
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I've been too stunned and disgusted to properly reply for some time, the whole Piotr court case turned my stomach inside out, as you've all said the statistics on R cases even getting to court is low and it can be incredibly traumatic for the victims to give evidence with prosecution often treating the victim terrible. What happened that night is nothing short of evil. He made a kit and abused that poor lady. I truly hope she has support and help to recover. He clearly has a VERY nasty side to him and he should have been sentenced harder.

It's fucking disgusting how her supporters are on his side despite the news reports and his actual charges.
Imagine if that was Jo r'ed by him, in identical circumstances as the poor victim. They'd be baying for his blood, she'd be sharing his name and charges everywhere. WHY not have empathy and understanding for the woman who was abused 💔
Jo knew what he was in for I'm sure. Clearing his caravan seems Sus. Hopefully she didn't remove anything of evidence, I'm pretty sure the caravan would have been searched by police first anyways. Just makes you wonder.

Aiden I'd be watching closely who is around your son! He sees his other child (or at least he did as I recall a video she said how he drives past hers to get to the other kid) lowen rides on her quad, still runs about the horses and is sat on first jack without a helmet, then next time he had one on, but popped on Trixie without it?!? WHY do you ALWAYS take risks with him?

Ginny was so unhappy at Jo's, never brushed until day of leaving, often called mare, bitch etc. She was chased continuously by indie and then Nera and Dyson, it's in most of her videos. Lowen would run about behind her and she struck him about 2y ago!! We all said back then why isn't she keeping a better.eye on him
But it's taken until 2023 to re-home her. Clearly incidents were getting worse. Both adults weren't watching him and he had another near miss. Remember the videos of a crawling lowen close to the horses?!

As for admitting and sounding proud of the fact she hits each horse I'm once again shocked people just agree and nod along as of this is totally normal and acceptable. Locking 7 in a stable and hitting him into submission? That's what she's saying isn't it. I thought she wanted a relationship based and built on trust. Hence never using head collar on him and him being the one to instigate contact and trust. He won't trust you now will he? Won't that make him head shy and so on?

I watch Friesian horses with Yvonne and how close she is with each foal from v early on. It's been beautiful to watch the last 3years. And I watch a lady called Katie in USA with her broodmares (?) And she's recently had some beautiful foals and in head collars at week old or less. She sadly lost Patrick which was heartbreaking to see. I've never seen Jo be as attentive or dedicated to her herd. Which is sad.

I'm guessing the quad company has asked her for more videos with it in, she's suddenly been making videos like she used to, not just her moaning and bitching about having to do the most basic care for them all. Usually mucking out. I'm glad she got out on Jack, maybe it will make her fall in love with her horses more and actually do things with them, for them. Brushing, hoof picking all mentioned here and then bang
... Videos appeared with it in. Hey if it makes you do more then that's great.

Her wishlist is such a piss take. As you say spends loads on takeaways, Botox and eye lid thing (WTAF was that?!) Hair colour but wants others to buy things for the horses..... Surely that's what their subs pay for? Did the sponsorships ever get cancelled?

Good luck Ginny, she seemed very happy to load and I'm sure she will flourish. Let's hope Trixie isn't pregnant soon... I'd no idea boys can become fertile so young!! Plus he's huge so that's got to be a worry for a smaller pony to be the mum. Mind you, never stopped her breeding Bella when vet and farrier said not to. Wonder why she has a new farrier ?
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Bit too late to act all sad ginny is going, shes been an absolute bitch to that pony the way she treats and talks to her. Its not ginnys fault lowen is a ferral little shit its jos fault for not keeping him away from the horses and installing basic manners and respect into him. Someone in the comments said its very unusual for a dartmoor pony to react like that and said its usually to do with a past bad experience. To which jo piped up and said ive had her from a foal shes never had a bad experience she just doesnt like kids. Her whole life has been a bad experience living in that shit hole you can see she's had a few good hidings too in previous videos her body language shows nerves/fear. Of cause jo and the muppet crew beg to differ and shes had the most amazing life with jo. Notice how ginny walked straight on the lorry, that pony aint daft she knew that was her ticket out of there! Talking of the lorry have you seen the state of it 🤭 didnt even bother getting the ramp sprayed when it was changed and its all rusty yet she was moaning about a scrape of paint missing on the back end that the garage apparently did... someone was definitely hoping for a full respray no wonder they sent you packing duck 😂
So Jo hit the nail on the head.. Dartmoor ponies are great kids ponies! So where did a foal (by Jo's own admission) move to Jo's from the moors as a foal, learn to hate kids??
I will tell you where Worzel.. it's when you let your brat run around the horses, screaming, shouting, no respect for animals,also your dogs allowed to chase her snapping at them. That's where Ginni learnt to hate both, you taught her to hate them. I get she was glad when you lost your dog, one less hanging off the horses hocks
You, your brat and your dogs are all feral. And it's the horses that lose out.
You put them in loan but always come back. Never their fault, always because you can't keep your gob shut. The horses go from loving loan homes, back to your shit hole just so you can use them for content . Never their interest at heart.
I hope Ginni is happy away from you and your shite hole, and is being cared for. You deserve .......nothing !
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My name is Jo, but is it though, I tell so many lies that my nose grows, a jack of all trades, master of none, you know what they say she talks out of her bum
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Jo you really need to tell the males in your life to learn how to put their dicks away.
(Pic posted by Jo on the supporters group only, she obviously thinks it's hilarious, pathetic cow, won't be laughing when he's got Trixie and his own mother pregnant)

She said he would be done in march but obviously hasn't bothered, he was going at Ginny the other day but she insisted they were just playing, maybe this is why she's getting rid of Ginny quickly before she ends up with another foal to not look after properly.
I think Ginny is going back to the lady she got her from, the same lady who said she could just go back on the moor when Jo nearly sent her back before but Jo said she didn't want that to happen because she wouldn't cope especially with her sweet itch. She said this woman rehomes all the time and will find Ginny a five star home because that's so important to Jo. I doubt that will be the case at all, she probably will be dumped on the moor but Jo will lie and tell everyone she's really happy in a lovely new home. Jo hates Ginny and doesn't give a fuck what happens to her.

Jo also posted on the main page her riding Jack, she even groomed him and picked his feet out, first time I've ever seen her do that, anyone would think she's been reading Tattle!


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That’s so funny and exactly her 😂😂

Plus she mucks out the yard! That’s it! What about her shit filled paddocks? Never attempts to poo pick them does she but it’s ok cos she has an old heras panel to drag around that’ll move the shit about a bit. And that’s about all it will do! Chain harrows are nothing like flat heras panels for a good reason you dim shit! You are not doing any good other than it looks a bit better cos you have moved all the shit around you have never picked up and flattened a bit of mud. It won’t help the grass grow! My paddocks will be harrowed and rolled properly when the time is right with the right equipment. They are nowhere near as bad as yours either cos I pick up every bit of shit and rest some for winter! That’s what decent horse owners do!
Here you go Jo my paddocks. Poo picked every day and looked after. It really isn’t that difficult but I guess you would rather sit on your arse and watch judge Judy all day! I’ve got mud we all have but I don’t constantly moan about it because I love my horses and I want them. But then I don’t use them for money like you do!


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Short video up of the horses from last week. I think we may have discovered the cause of her “illness” she mentions she brushed Jack!!! Now this would be enough to make her suffer from exhaustion I’m sure. Poor jo. Hope you get better soon. Your numbers are dwindling and Julia needs therapy she’s missing you so much
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annable 123

Well-known member
It just gets better!😂😂😂
Eyes and ears everywhere! Jo you don't know who reported you or if they are from here so stop talking shit .
And noone from here comments on your posts so we aren't helping your reach and I certainly don't watch on replay because there's no way I'm going to help you earn money from the ads!😂
You are still losing supporters everyday sweetie, you are going down fast, suck it up buttercup!!
Eyes and ears everywhere lol….that’s cos you have all day to nose on social media lol
A whole video dedicated to the phrase “
I DONT HAVE PINK HAIR” if she said it once she said it a 1000 times. She doesn’t have to prove it you know. Hmmmm I’ll just leave this pic here then shall I Jo! You absolute twat!!
She’s had it before, looked a cunt then too lol
This afternoon's borefest, a video on the main page about trolls and how she deals with them and looks after her mental health🙄 she repeats the pink hair analogy that she obviously saw elsewhere but pretends it was her own councillor who told her it , she mentioned it several times on supporter lives because obviously she's boring and can't come up with any new content.
Anyway she says that she only talks about trolls to humour them, not because she's bovvered cos she ain't!😂
People have formed ACTUAL hate groups about her and say stuff that isn't even factual, they are so obsessed they talk about her every day.
She rents a space in their heads for free (she also repeats this regularly, she obviously thinks it's clever, clearly another phrase she's got from someone else as she certainly couldn't have thought of it herself)
Trolls are negative people who find fault in everything, she doesn't even look at the sites, can count on her hands how many times she's looked (yeah I wouldn't bank on that Jo, you are barely literate so I doubt your counting is much better)
She says when they report her to social services or the RSPCA she asks her friends to check and her friends confirm that the trolls are bragging about it....hmm I suggest Jo gets herself some friends that don't lie then because noone on here has bragged about reporting her! Or maybe Jo herself should stop lying and making shit up to get more attention.
Since her breakdown in 2018 she's been working on herself and her self love, how to control the way she reacts to trolls and it's not because she's bovvered that she talks about them but they do give her content....which funnily enough is what we say on here quite often but obviously Jo wouldn't know that cos she never reads here!😂
Most trolls are blocked surely, I know I for one don’t contribute to that fat nosed fucks finances, I’m not helping her drag that brat up, not on your nelly
This afternoon's borefest, a video on the main page about trolls and how she deals with them and looks after her mental health🙄 she repeats the pink hair analogy that she obviously saw elsewhere but pretends it was her own councillor who told her it , she mentioned it several times on supporter lives because obviously she's boring and can't come up with any new content.
Anyway she says that she only talks about trolls to humour them, not because she's bovvered cos she ain't!😂
People have formed ACTUAL hate groups about her and say stuff that isn't even factual, they are so obsessed they talk about her every day.
She rents a space in their heads for free (she also repeats this regularly, she obviously thinks it's clever, clearly another phrase she's got from someone else as she certainly couldn't have thought of it herself)
Trolls are negative people who find fault in everything, she doesn't even look at the sites, can count on her hands how many times she's looked (yeah I wouldn't bank on that Jo, you are barely literate so I doubt your counting is much better)
She says when they report her to social services or the RSPCA she asks her friends to check and her friends confirm that the trolls are bragging about it....hmm I suggest Jo gets herself some friends that don't lie then because noone on here has bragged about reporting her! Or maybe Jo herself should stop lying and making shit up to get more attention.
Since her breakdown in 2018 she's been working on herself and her self love, how to control the way she reacts to trolls and it's not because she's bovvered that she talks about them but they do give her content....which funnily enough is what we say on here quite often but obviously Jo wouldn't know that cos she never reads here!😂
Trailer trash right there, look out for the next instalment of my fat nosed wedding, sorry big fat gypsy wedding
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annable 123

Well-known member
Aww bless Jo, are you feeling ignored because no one has asked how you are coping with the trauma of having a violent convict as a best mate?
Is that why you felt the need to ask yourself how you are?? 😂
obviously on line on another device and talking to someone by the look off it lol
Hardly surprising, bet the kid was doing his usual screeching and baby babbling and Jo would have been going "WOOOOW!!! LOWEN!!! DO YOU LOVE IT LOWEN??? WOOOOW!!!! ARE YOU SITTING ON GINNY LOWEN?? DO YOU LOVE IT???WOOOOW!!!" because that's the limit of her vocabulary when she's trying to get him excited about something.
you forgot the ohh you are so cute, bleddy andsome, aren’t you 🙄🙄🙄🙄
She did mention piotr but I'm going to leave that until last as I have an interesting link to add, so the rest of the live was pretty boring, she did manage not to talk about Adrian or the CSA which made a nice change.
Ginnie is settling well, as above she made out she was awful but we all know that she was the issue not Ginnie, she says it's much more peaceful without her and her anxiety has gone now she doesn't have to worry about where she and lowen are.
Apparently lowen was in the garden with Kath and he came across the yard to find her and Ginnie went for him, so two adults failed to keep him away but Ginnie is the one at fault.
Says she was a fucking bitch and she's glad she's gone but obviously she's sad because she was sweet when it was just her and Ginnie.
She was going to take Girlcat to the vet as she had lumps on her jaw and under her armpit, she decided she might have an infection coming so decided to just give her the leftover antibiotics and steroids from the last time she went because Jo hadn't bothered to finish the course and ta da! Girlcat is cured! Vet Jo strikes again everybody!
Then she puts her professional equestrian head on because someone asks advice about their new horse and Jo says the first thing to do is get teeth, back, saddle etc checked because obviously that's what Jo does all the time 🙄
Someone asks if she will back Trixie and she says she isn't planning too because she can never lead her from Jack as both need to be thr same height... Now I don't have horses but even I know that's not strictly true, I've seen lots of adults leading a tiny pony from their horse, she's just too fucking lazy. She says she will have to start dragging Trixie around though cos she's a fat bitch bit Seven is chasing her a lot which is good cos she might lose weight.
She says maybe Brook who rides Hugo will lunge Trixie but she has no desire to back her but she might see if she will tolerate lowen sitting on her if he wants to.
She's going to book Seven in to be castrated soon.
Says her horses do what she says, they have all been hit at some point and they know she's in charge. She even took Seven away from Bella, shut him in the stable and hit him a few times, pushed him back and slapped his head and shouted at him until he learnt she's the alpha and he's been fine ever since. All her horses know she's the alpha and she can pretty much do what she wants with them. She doesn't use halters except for the vet and farrier.
Says she has thought about getting ten chicks as then at least half should survive. Her goose Omelette died last year but there's no way she would take her to the vet in case it was bird flu but vet Jo doesn't think it was because she had no symptoms. So she incinerated her..... As in put her on the bonfire. Yup that's right folks, lovely caring Jo put her dead pet on the bonfire.
She plugs her amazon link loads for the groomers and the torch but says she only recommended things she uses herself, even if she was paid she wouldn't advertise an item she didn't like, she's too honest so that's probably why people don't ask her to advertise things for them.
She thinks she swears less now, she was watching an old video and was thinking she swore a lot and sounded really common but now she's more classy! 😂
If people want to send her gifts she puts stuff on her wishlist but she doesn't promote it, it's a safe way of getting gifts without giving her address out.
She's got loads of ideas for more videos and is feeling really happy and upbeat, she feels she's uploaded lots this week and is on top form.
Piotr : So she says she hasn't heard anything from him which is disappointing as she thought she would, says he's not on fb and has a different number... I don't believe her for a minute.
She assumes he's embarrassed but if he contacts her great, she won't judge him and she gave a character ref which she hopes they read out in court so he knows how she sees him.
She says obviously he was accused of some serious things and it would have been difficult if he'd done the worst but he didn't.
Someone asks if he was found innocent and she says yes he was, says he was accused of awful things which he was found not guilty of but the thing he did.. And I quote which "was a bit bad" he was found guilty of.
She says she doesn't want anyone to talk about him anymore or ask any questions, if she sees them she will ignore them, she knows people care but she can't control anything, she needs to not expect to hear from him again so she can move on, she hopes he's ok, its no one else's business not even hers but she had to address it because she'd told everyone he had been arrested and then it was in the news and the trolls were attacking her and naming her and her page in comments.
So many people read it because she'd mentioned it, if she'd said nothing hardly anyone would have known.
She's grateful for all their support but out of respect for him it's best not to talk about him again and she won't mention the trolls either.
So you have to wonder if piotr is pissed off with her for telling everyone he'd been arrested in the first place and doesn't want anything to do with her.
Or she's totally in touch with him but doesn't want to admit it because she knows her trolls will put the word out.

And now the link I found which basically confirms what I already thought which is that just because he was found not guilty it doesn't mean he is innocent.
I still believe he raped that poor girl but maybe her evidence was shakey and obviously not speaking English may have meant she didn't give her best in court and that was enough for the jury to be unable to come to a unanimous verdict.
All her supporters and Jo herself keep saying he's innocent and they have all conveniently forgotten he was guilty of false imprisonment and given a jail sentence for it. He's a convicted criminal and clearly a violent one.
He got lucky in court, found not guilty is not the same as being acquitted/found innocent.
Jo would do well to think long and hard about wether she really wants a man like him in her life.
She’s just vile isn’t she, beating her foal up to prove she’s the alpha … those ideas went out with the ark you stupid cow, and as for admitting it, god I’d be ashamed, you don’t deserve animals, I’m so glad ginnie escaped you, you absolute vile fucker, and Piotr was guilty, he definitely did it, the victim was massively let down by the system, imagine if that was your daughter he’d done it too, you basically sell yourself anyway Jo, you probably think it acceptable
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She’s a proper fruit loop who on earth would want to see that, the way she acts and behaves she’s definitely a couple of slices short of a loaf, no hope for L if he’s anything like her
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Miss Pepperpot

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I showed my other half the pics, he's never seen her before and had no idea who it was, he said "What the fuck is THAT?!" 😂😂😂
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Her post she put up saying she spends time every day with her horses what a load of crap💩 she’s such a liar 🤥 that’s why her yard, field’s,an crudavan are absolutely disgusting,certainly can’t say she spends any time with L teaching him to speak and toilet training think maybe people will start to think what an arsehole she is now people can see how well Ginnie is doing and she has the nerve to put up a post saying how much she loved her what a joke, I think it maybe not long before karma comes calling on skanky Jo
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Pretty sure it's not just the lack of the rain it's putting 6 horses/ponies on 1 acre is it, so only big enough for 1 horse 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Do wish she'd stop saying about her journey, what journey? You never do anything and barely leave the fucking house Jo! Is it the journey from bed to sofa? And yes your content is crap and you are lucky that for some reason dicks like Julia want to watch you. Talking of Julia, she really is starting to concern me, she's now supposedly named her new pony after Bella and insists that Jos advice is the best advice, that Jo is never wrong and Jo is her inspiration.
When someone asked for a picture of her "new addition" she posted a "collarge" which had an old pic of her share pony, a pic of her dog, a pic of lowen and Trixie, a pic taken so far away of her loan pony and it's friend they were just dots and a pic of Bella and seven. There was one pic of the supposed new pony......with its head cut off!😂 Yet she claimed to have loads of pictures of this new one so why not post one straight away?
Eventually she did post pics, none with her in it and spoke about the "dental vet" now I'm not horsey but even I know the correct term is equine dentist yet Julia who claims to have worked on yards with racehorses couldn't come up with the right words?!
Sorry but I smell a rat, I think Julia is so desperate to fit in she's now living this fantasy in her head, that pony probably isn't hers just like the one she claims was stolen from her, she lost in court and has now moved onto the next chapter of her life and wait for it.......a new journey!🙄 It's people like Julia who are so obsessed with her that Jo should be worrying about not the "trolls" who just speak the truth.
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Gemma will learn one day poor soul, I also defended this so called person for over a year and here I am there's hope people even for the deluded ones x
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I’m utterly disgusted by those supporters behaviour. I don’t care what’s happened and who’s to blame, you don’t leave false or fake reviews for clout. All of them need to hang their heads in shame! It’s jo’s battle to fight, not theirs anyway.
Vile people!
jo and hardworking in the same sentence is the most hilarious thing I’ve ever read!
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
Well A it’s time to step up now if you want to see L or shared/full custody, because I’d be walking straight into a solicitors office and getting the Bi@@@ch in court if she is going to allow him stay there or be around your child. There’s no way I’d let him anywhere near my children and she has given you the biggest opportunity you will get !!!!
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
To have a child of that age not even potty trained, especially as she has been that stay at home amazing mumma is a disgrace.

Most children are toilet trained well before there 2 Let alone 3 going on 3 and 1/2
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