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totally couldn’t agree more let’s hope others follow then she can get a job like the rest of the world and work hard for her treatments rather then taking handouts for nothing .
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Fearing for his safety??? Are you having a fucking laugh, he's 6ft tall and built like a brick shit house and she was 5ft 3 and clearly didn't spend her days doing hard labour on building sites.
It's a fucking joke, he doesn't need help to rebuild his life, he's a convicted criminal who deserved to spend time locked up.
Typical Kath the cash playing the martyr, bet she wouldn't be so keen if it were her daughter or granddaughter he'd done it too.


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Here’s the I’m judgemental but I’m not. Her words. She never lies!! Slips up a lot though doesn’t she


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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
So she ranted about the lorry, says the damage is worse than the pictures but it was definitely done at the garage, they will fix it next week.
She ranted about missing her driving awareness course, she paid £100 but she thought it was at 7.45 pm but it was am, she insists the woman said pm and is demanding to have a copy of the telephone call from when she booked it, says she even remembered saying that she didn't want 6.15 because she would be getting ready to put her child to bed so would have the later time as "trildren" aren't allowed to be around during the course.
Says she was sobbing on the phone to the woman because she was being told that she had misheard and it bought back all the memories of Adrian saying the same thing to her, she thinks it was PTSD, she was sobbing and snotting everywhere saying no I definitely didn't get it wrong, the woman said PM!! 😂 😂 😂
She asked if she could have a refund and take the points instead but they said that they would only refund £51 but she could rebook the course and as there were discrepancies they would let her rebook for £25 instead of £49. She insisting they have to give her the £25 back because they are in the wrong, the woman was rude and should be given a warning! 😂
£25 is two bags of coal or haylage for her horses so she was crying that she can't afford to waste money and especially as she knows she wasn't hearing things, it was definitely a pm appointment despite the woman saying they don't do evening courses! 😂
She tells supporters to not send stars, to save their money but DO watch all the ads as she earns from them and it doesn't cost them anything, tells them to like and share all her posts she puts on the main page because it increases her reach so she will be seen more.
Says her following has gone up by 1000 in the last month and the more her videos are seen the more ads and the more she earns.
Not doing TT anymore because you can't watch lives back, she made £24 from gifts from the two lives she did but she doesn't like it, people send gifts just to get a shout out and you could be preying on the vulnerable and she doesn't like the idea of that 😂 her morals kicked in and she didn't feel right about it 😂
Someone comments they want to meet her in a few months when they visit Cornwall and she says yes anyones who wants to meet just message her, someone asked if they could stay with her for the weekend, I think they me camping but she said she can't do that long, she doesn't stop, it's so hard, Lowen doesn't nap and she has 7 horses so she's so tired.
Lowen has her undivided attention every day, hes amazing and she's taught him so much, colours, numbers, parts of the body.... But not how to use a potty eh Jo?! 😂
Her friends tell her she's a better mum than them! Says it was sold lovely having Kath helping her as she usually does it all on her own cue fake tears and lots of "I'm getting so emotional now" says she needs a good cry, she's sooooooooooooo tired.
She's coming off Tinder, she's got nothing of herself to give to someone else, she's too tired, she doesn't have time for her friends and family as it is, she doesn't have the energy to put into a bloke, she lies like a vegetable during sex 😂 she's too tired, can't be bothered.
When lowen leaves home she might just rescue dogs or open an animal shelter.
Says again how she won't ever be be able to buy land or a house for herself but she might be able to help lowen in the future so that's her new mindset.
She wants him to marry an orphan because she wants the woman to always come to her and she doesn't want to share her grand trildren.
His wife will have to sign a pre nup so she doesn't get half his money if they divorce because thats would be her money.
The videos she's uploading are at least a week old, she's spacing them out for the days she can't be bothered or is too tired to record.
She's consciously trying to upload more videos, she's done more in the last month than she normally does.
She used to video everything, tidying, painting, fixing things etc so she wants to get back to her roots and film more of her reality.
Hmm, anyone would think she's been reading comments about how boring and repetitive her content is, can't think where she would have seen them though 🤔😂
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
It's now on Cornwall Live confirming he was found Not guilty of the rapes, he would have been given jail for false imprisonment but as he's already been in jail for several months it means he will be freed.
Apparently he has temporary accommodation, wouldn't be surprised if that's with Jo.
I'm sorry but even if he didn't rape her he's still a violent man with a nasty streak in him and I wouldn't want to stay friends with him or have him around my child knowing that.
Wouldn't be surprised if he leaves Cornwall and goes back to Poland to be honest as it's going to be hard for him with everyone knowing who he is now.
Well the comments on Cornwall live are very negative towards him, he won't be welcome in Cornwall .
He's a convicted criminal now yet jo and her supporters are acting like he's completely innocent and did nothing wrong.
And Jo has deleted the live where she was telling everyone what he was being charged with because "I feel it's no longer important and I just want to forget about it"
Not a fucking hope in hell sweetheart!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Whoop whoop Go Nikki !!😂
No doubt a supporter will go running to Jo soon and she will get blocked.
Absolutely spot on though.
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She said they had been swimming and been for coffee and cake with her mum, he'd had a nap hence not going to sleep earlier but she was feeding him honey on toast and a milkshake moments before bed so hardly surprising he took a while to go down.
She's so pissed off about the card, insists that they should have made all the kids make cards because she wouldn't want another mum to feel like she did. She says her mum always buys a card and present from lowen but it's not the same as having a card he would have made himself, she ranted about not wanting daffodils because she has fields of them by her and someone commented they might make Easter Cards and she ranted that she didn't want an Easter Card 😂
Honestly it was another two hour live and almost the whole thing was about Adrian. It's an absolute joke that she says him leaving was the best thing to happen, she doesn't love him or want him, she doesn't need his money, she's stronger now she's without him blah blah blah and yet she's absolutely obsessed with talking about him, can't do a single live without telling the whole story all over again about the way he left her, how abusive he was, how he's a narcissist, manipulative, how he only wants her, etc the stuff she comes out with is just ridiculous, she embellishes and adds bits as she thinks of them, last night it was how they had counselling which she has never mentioned before but you can always tell that she's making stuff up as she goes along with the constant pausing and correcting herself etc
And of course her other favourite subject being trolls which she also mentions on every single live despite insisting they don't bovver her, if they truly don't why talk about them ?!😂
It just astounds me how invested her minions are and how they hang off every word she says believing each and every lie. They are so rude and abusive towards Adrian even though they don't know him and have only heard Jo's version of events, it's quite scary how gullible some of them are.
I truly think Jo has some kind of personality disorder, watching her every week going over the same stories, the constant lies, the endless blame games she plays, she's incapable of admitting to being wrong, it's always someone else's fault, her belief that she is right in everything she does even when her own family and friends say otherwise, how she falls out with people all the time, has arguments with other businesses and companies. It's not normal to act like she does and what's scary is that she has told these stories and lies so many times I think she almost believes they actually happened. She sees others on FB and Tiktoc and reality shows and just uses what she sees to embellish her stories and changes them to suit her narrative.
The train loo story being a classic example, she watched it on FB and then made it out to be her in the situation rather than just something she watched, there's no way she wouldn't have recorded it if it had truly been her playing the joke.
Using depression, mental health issues and domestic violence as a way of getting attention and sympathy when she has suffered none of them is sick and disgusting and further proof that Jo is a nasty vile individual.
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Why would she put a link in the post if she didn’t want people to do anything. They wouldn’t need to know. Don’t think there is much chance of anyone on her supporters using that garage as everyone in her area hates her. Apart from her family although seems they only tolerate her too
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Hi yes about 18 months I think it’s taken until this week to see the light it quite depressing. not at all how it should be I think i will watch tv instead
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annable 123

Well-known member
So Bella and Seven escaped because the oh so wonderful horse woman that is Jo left the gate open! 🙄
Luckily they were just in the field next door to Jack Hugo and JB but of course she couldn't catch them and they were just running around with the others charging up and down the fence line.
She eventually gets hold of Bella and puts a headcollar on Seven to give him his meds.
And still the comments are all saying poor Jo etc not "get a fucking grip and look after your horses properly"
Hi Gemma!.. Twat.
Waves to Gemma, if you think Jo is a good animal owner then you clearly know zilch, how you think they are all safe in her care when twice this week they have been ill/ injured because of her lack of care/interest/ laziness says to me one thing….you are a thick c&@t x
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Let's put her to the test and see if she mentions this then! Is your brat toilet trained yet? Can he go a day without his dummy so he can learn to talk? All vital skills for starting school in September. Being able to twist a handle to make a quad bike move forwards is not a still he will need in school. Being clean toilet wise and being able to talk is. Good luck love. Oh and any time you feel like cleaning up after your horses without moaning or being too knackered to give them any kind of basic care let us trolls know and we might have less to moan about
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
I'm actually speechless, someone has bumped up the live where Piotr was naked in Jo's garden, how fucking inappropriate!!
And the pictures of him naked apart from an apron with Lowen!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
And she insists she's really careful with money, only buys things she really needs and saves as much as she can.
Seems to me that the lump sum she got from Adrian for the arrears is coming in quite handy for her these days, so much for it being "lowens money" that kid won't see a penny. Botox, holiday, haircut, laser surgery, just the new car to go .
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Yet you tried to sell him twice didn't you Jo, even reducing the price the second time, you'd sell any of them if the price was right.
Funny how there's been so many posts lately of you grooming or spending time with them, it's clear especially after your rant last night that the comments on Beth's post about Ginnie has really got to you so now you are trying to prove how much you love and care for your horses.
Too little too late though Jo, too many animals have suffered and died because of your disgusting lack of care and your refusal to pay a vet to treat them when they are sick or injured.
Numerous chickens,ducks and geese, died at your hands because you couldn't be bothered to protect or care for them properly, JB suffered because you insisted he had an abscess and tried to treat him instead of getting the vet straight away, and even after his special injections you refused to take him back for his check up and have decided he's sound so no doubt he will end up injured and in pain again. Indie suffered for weeks because yet again you thought you knew best and then you pretty much killed her by overdosing her on CBD . Bella could have died the other week because you insisted that they were safe despite people warning you about the dangers of sycamores and now Girlcat is dying because "vet jo" self diagnosed her with an allergy, gave her incorrect meds and failed to take her to the vet when she had clearly been showing worrying symptoms for weeks.
Add on all the times you bred your dogs "the things we put them through for profit" to quote you Jo and of course Seven who has a whole life of misery ahead of him living with you.
You are a disgrace, you don't deserve those beautiful animals but you do deserve the kind of comments you saw on Beth's page, you did NOTHING for Ginnie, you hit her, you spoke to her like shit, you hated her and all those comments prove that everyone could see that being away from you was the best thing that could have happened to Ginnie.
You are a vile human being who deserves nothing and noone, well except maybe for Piotr, he's just as disgusting as you so I guess you are a good match.


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Miss Pepperpot

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Oh Amy, the poor deluded fool, it must be so difficult living your life with the intelligence level of a dead slug. I bet she was one of those kids who believed her mum when she told her that the ice cream man only played his tune when he'd run out of ice cream.
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I said my piece and unsubscribed now I am blocked
lol I also threw the link of his 'defence' statement on the page because I felt there would be people who only went off what jo said .Still can't believe how many are willing to look over the fact he had duct tape on him its basically a r#pe kit ....


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Stormy skies

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Oh dear someone doesnt like the spotlight being on someone else do they. You never loved ginnie at all u lying cow the amount of times you have sworn and spoken badly about her and we all know its total bollocks u did loads with her off camera... 😂😂😂do you really expect people to believe that when you openly admit you have forgotten to feed the horses so had to go out in the early hours of the morning to do it, any interaction with the horses you use for content your phone is attached to u permanently and always manages to catch all those *incidents* where jon or one of the others have got into a situation. As for your natural horsemanship you learnt from monty Roberts what a fucking insult to the bloke! You aint nothing like him sweetheart. Accept ginnie is in a better place than u could provide and is much happier without you in her life and grow the fuck up. Life isnt all about you!!!
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