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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
Video of her grooming Trixie but it's only an excuse to plug her Amazon link because she earns money if people buy the products.
Trixie has been groomed more in the last month than she ever was in the last five years.
Jo is off to Devon County Show tomorrow, she asked on her personal profile if anyone wanted to go with her but no-one offered so I expect she will take her mum, look out for the twat hat, she brings it out every time she goes , probably the kids bike as well seeing as it has a meltdown if it can't take it everywhere they go
oh bless her no friends to take 🙄🙄 and why is that 🙄🙄 because you ruin every friendship you get but what 😳 can you not go with sex Pest whos your best friend and has time to spare and been with you or are you actually ashamed really to be seen in public with him 🤔🤔 I’m sure you have a really good reason why he couldn’t go with you 🙄 because from what I’ve seen when his been in the background on your recent posts his not ashamed 🧐

and oh as little trixie could make you ££ now you have bothered to show an interest in her, but what ever works so trixie does get some decent looking after which she hasn’t had since you have had her, but if she can help you get ££ of the brushes and combs 🙄 on Amazon, although if I wanted any I’d just buy them and definitely not send any commission or £ your way 🤣

maybe if you had spent that time with Ginny she wouldn’t have been the way she was, although I think Ginny is grateful you didn’t now shes got out of your shit hole
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Thread title suggestion

"Another neglected pet cos Jo thinks she's a vet, how many more will die whilst she begs for cash and fake cries?"
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Stormy skies

Well-known member
I saw the comments on the Facebook page too trash talker sticking up for jo. Must admit i did chuckle when Charlotte trash came out with the 'pepperpot' comment waaaay off the mark there darling 🤣 just shows that her and jo have absolutely no idea who miss p is which makes it even funnier 😂 buuuut of cause we're basically all the same people on here with multiple profiles so even i could be miss pepperpot replying to myself as stormy 😆
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Very short dress for a nearly 40 year old. Looked a right old dog 😂😂 and starting bitch fights in a night club. Such a classy bird and perfect mother as usual! Hangs out all night with drug dealers but slags Adrian off for taking them: but it’s ok if they are funding her night out. Drugs are good then! Hypocrite!!
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She doesn’t give a shit about her own horse she’s not gonna give a shit about anyone’s else’s . She’s only got the horses so she doesn’t have to get off her lazy arss and work like every other normal Person

And riding the quad with lowen and no safety hat she’s obviously not giving a shit about him either it’s .all about the sex pest and getting as much money as she can..
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Only 3 puppies and one born with a deformity. That’s what happens when you breed a dog with her own son! Dyson is the brother and the father to that last litter 😡


Dash of collie? Yeah and a huge dash of inbreeding
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
Just for you Jo
libel and slander is when somebody makes a false or untrue statement or claim about an individual or an organisation that harms their reputation or good standing. Both are classed as defamation but there is an important difference between the two - libel concerns written or drawn statements, whilst slander concerns spoken defamatory words. In either case, defamation is said to have occurred simply when a statement is made that lowers somebody’s opinion of your business as a result of hearing or reading it.

Defamation can often take place on social media, where individuals and customers are able to express their feelings about your business.

good luck I hope they get there solicitors involved and Sue the pants off you, might stop you gobbing of again and getting all you minions to slander a garage they have had no dealings with personally
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Is it possible to sue for false reviews as they are clearly liable (I think that’s the written lies rather than spoken one. If you can I hope they sue each and every one of them. Espcially the “honest hard working” Jo. She should be sued for the most amount as she is clearly the instigator in all this.
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
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NVF is a scam, joe will scrounge for your ££ as soon as she can, then when your no use she will give you abuse and block you as soon as she can
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
it’s also not hard to notice when they drop weight, her calling Allen & Page to ask just shows she knows nothing about horses really, and there response was spot on, I wouldn’t need to call a food company and ask for help especially as Jo is so experienced 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
I bet it had nothing to do with wanting advice and everything to do with trying to get free food out of them! Bet you she told them she was a social influencer and would advertise for them
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VIP Member
Those comments are absolutely a dig at you Jo, you hated Ginnie, you spoke to her and treated her like shit, the majority of attention she got from you was negative, screeching and shouting at her, calling her a bitch or dick, dogs chasing and snapping at her.
You pay your phone way more attention than your animals, you are constantly on it, your child doesn't know what it's like to not have it thrust in his face every day.
You could barely do anything with Ginnie, couldn't get a rug on her without her doing her best to get away from you just like Seven now.
You have advertised your horses for sale and loan several times, including trying to sell Jack twice, you put ads for Ginnie on several sites as well as your own pages.
None of your horses get your individual attention unless you can film it for content/make money out of them.
Beth has had Ginnie for less than a week and has shown her more love attention and compassion than you did in five years, it's so obvious, that's why people have made the comments they have, no one has ever seen Ginnie look so relaxed and happy, you wouldn't have been able to walk up to her and sit on the ground with her like Beth did.
I don't give a fuck how hard it is for you, just like you didn't give a fuck about Ginnie, you still don't give a fuck about her, yet again this is all about you. Well boo fucking hoo Jo, tell you what why don't you invite your closest mate over for a cuppa and a chin wag, you know, the one who was recently convicted of a violent crime and got away with not serving time for the other vile disgusting things he did.
Fuck off Jo and when you get there fuck off some more.
Ooh here's an idea Jo, why don't you tell your supporters to stop sharing posts about Ginnie or asking how she is just like you told them to stop asking about Piotr your "closest mate" and convicted criminal, the one who got away with rape and robbery.
That way you can just forget all about Ginnie and you won't have to pretend to give a shit about what's she's getting up to.
How's it going with moving on from the Piotr situation by the way? If only some fucker would stop reminding you of him every day eh!
Shes full of shit and now sees how the pony can be with a little attention. Monty Roberts my arse 🤣
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Stormy skies

Well-known member
Cash, err i mean kath 😂 she only made a point of telling her she'd called her cash because she knew it would get put on here. The old nudge and head nod to kath who was totally oblivious to what she'd called her - funny that they dont read tattle but both know how to connect kath and cash together. Little slip of the tounge there jo i bet u call her kath the cash behind her back to your other muggings 'friends' when you are slagging her off. So kind of you to make her leave her dog at home with separation anxiety, that you palmed off on her. True animal lover and friend right there!!


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Stormy skies

Well-known member
Hey jo look what i just found in my sons school bag. Aww so sweet when they make things for you at school isnt it, oh wait... 😂 it was probably a day he wasnt there cos u cant be arsed to get up early enough or maybe they just thought fuck her shes a cunt anyway.


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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
Isn’t it just disgusting how these people think this is Funny, so not only has her poor Bella had sycamore poisoning apparently 🙄 but then she props a pony in a stable with a piece of pallet, they all then escape with barb wire fencing and then don’t worry just stick some Sudocream on poor trixie and bloody hilarious your horses escaped yet again and were on a road, brilliant horse ownership right there 🙄🙄 and yet people praise her, who are these imbeciles that think that’s all ok, because in no one else’s world with horses and have any brain between there ears would that be funny 😳
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annable 123

Well-known member
Oh dear, lots of lovely pics of Ginny at the rehoming place, she’s absolutely thriving away from the shit pit that is Jos, lots of lovely comments saying look how happy she looks and so settled etc etc, it’s obviously hit a nerve because frozen face has had to post about all the comments about how happy she was at her tip, I mean what pony wouldn’t be happy being called a bitch, being screamed at, chased by dogs and a brat with no manners screaming and whining constantly, not to mention overgrazed fields, Jo is obviously feeling a bit let down that Ginny is happy, at last that pony is doing things and using her brain, well done to those responsible, looking forward to seeing a kid riding her soon, because we all know Jo is a big fat fibber, who should get rid of the others now she’s on a roll, if she really cared about any of them tbh
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Stormy skies

Well-known member
So she 'forgot' to inform DVLA about the change of plates? You get sent a new V5 log book when you put a private plate on, you also HAVE to inform your insurance company because it will invalidate your policy if you do not have the correct plate displayed, if she had informed the insurance company surely you'd inform DVLA at the same time? Also the fact the lorry didnt have a vailid MOT certificate when she took jon on 4th jan for his xrays would also invalidate her policy if she had one. It failed it's MOT on the 6th before it was retested again on the same day and later passed. Then there's also the little clip from the blow out when she says lynn has put her on her insurance then acts very shifty and realises what shes said... why would lynn need to put you on HER insurance if your lorry was already insured?? your own words jo so whose fucking lying about in being insured?? See this is the thing with us 'trolls' jo everything is backed up with stuff that YOU have posted yourself!!


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    Shes nasty

    Chatty Member
    Well done @Mrs delve a lot I hope they do she can say she’s not libel or Slander because it’s the truth but the truth needs to be proven. I hope they Sue her.

    also from the Live apart from the normal shit, I can’t believe she can speak to L like that and deliberately upset him by saying nanny doesn’t want to see him, actually that is a form of abuse and if she says things like that to him on a live I can only wonder what she says to him off Camera, id be disgusted with myself as parent if I ever said anything like that to my children to deliberately make them cry Shame on you Jo the best parent in the world 😤 that actually shows you as the nastiest parent in the world and you seem completely happy to do it in front of people, and for all you minions that thought that was except able and still licked her arse you disgust me more then Jo

    whilst children at his age forgive very quickly, telling you now they don’t ever forget once there older so one day you will reep what you sow and he will remember how you treated him and train rides and walks on Jack won’t ever compensate for you making him deliberately cry and calling him nasty names.
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