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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She fools so many people but everything about her is fake, fake teeth, fake face, fake personality, fake stories about being a victim of DV and having depression, fake content on her pages, she lies about EVERYTHING, she preys on the vulnerable, uses and abuses people, pretends to be an open honest and caring person when she's the total opposite.
She accuses us on here of twisting what she says and lying but we've posted screenshots and screen recordings of HER saying the stuff so how is that lying??
I don't know if you've read any of the stuff on here but I suggest you do, it might just open your eyes to what we have been saying for many many months.
We aren't trolls, we are just frustrated people who are saying what we think of her on the only platform where she can't delete and block us and that's why she hates us, she knows we call her out time after time and she can't stand it.
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annable 123

Well-known member
I’m actually on the verge of unsubscribing I thought I was going to be seeing/paying for horses and animals all it’s been this week is pervert sex pest Pete and his call girl drama .eye hoods treatment and Botox so frozen I think that’s why she looks so fake and uncaring she can’t move her face and now the poor horse had been sold up the river I hope others see this and get some back bone and take there money to a more deserving course then her eyes lids I’d rather give it to the horse charity’s if everyone done the same it would make such a difference to there lives them paying for needless beauty treatment
she can have all the treatment she likes, she’s rotten on the inside and a dirty fucker on the outside
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
That was brilliant Miss P I’m sure Jo and kath will have a lovely phone call dissecting all that later while they are not reading here 😂
Thank you thank you , honestly without your validation my life would just be so boring, seeing those likes and laughing emojis really makes my life worth living .
Please note that I laughed at your comment so that you too have the validation you are clearly so desperate for!
(I don't understand why Jo has such a problem with us, we are such funny fuckers!)
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Stormy skies

Well-known member
Bit too late to act all sad ginny is going, shes been an absolute bitch to that pony the way she treats and talks to her. Its not ginnys fault lowen is a ferral little shit its jos fault for not keeping him away from the horses and installing basic manners and respect into him. Someone in the comments said its very unusual for a dartmoor pony to react like that and said its usually to do with a past bad experience. To which jo piped up and said ive had her from a foal shes never had a bad experience she just doesnt like kids. Her whole life has been a bad experience living in that shit hole you can see she's had a few good hidings too in previous videos her body language shows nerves/fear. Of cause jo and the muppet crew beg to differ and shes had the most amazing life with jo. Notice how ginny walked straight on the lorry, that pony aint daft she knew that was her ticket out of there! Talking of the lorry have you seen the state of it 🤭 didnt even bother getting the ramp sprayed when it was changed and its all rusty yet she was moaning about a scrape of paint missing on the back end that the garage apparently did... someone was definitely hoping for a full respray no wonder they sent you packing duck 😂
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Shes nasty

Chatty Member
I hope the garage speak to a solicitor and prosecute her for decimation of character,

I’m sure we can photo some evidence from her lives to send them as evidence and let them run her arse into court.
she knew exactly what she was doing and was egged on by her personal trolls

she needs to be stopped gobby low life bitch
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I think it absolutely speaks volumes that ginnie is now thriving and is a different pony away from that hell hole. No screaming brat constantly annoying her and Jo constantly shouting at her. I just hope before ginnie left she gave the others her tip on how to get out of the shit hole: just threaten to kick the ginger brat and you too could get a ticket away from the worst horse keeper alive! God wouldn’t it be lovely to see them all as happy as ginnie now is! Just shows how she did nothing with her in 5 years but neglect and mistreat her! The fact that puffy eyes has written a long post trying to defend herself shows she knows ginnie had a crap life with her but she has to try and defend herself. Try harder knob head!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Jo Every Year in autumn : I love mucking out, honestly I do, I love it, it's quite therapeutic, I don't mind mucking out at all.

Also Jo : FFS I'm sick of mucking out, its never ending, I hate it, I've had enough, why do they have to shit everywhere, I fucking hate mucking out, its endless, I should be sat on my arse watching Judge Judy but instead I'm fucking shovelling shit again.

Jo 01/01/23 : I'm feeling so positive about the new year, I'm going to have a completely different mindset, I'm going to be positive and happy and I'm so grateful for everything I have and the life I live and I shouldn't moan because I know I'm so lucky to be able to stay home with my son.

Also Jo : FFS fucking weather, fucking Adrian, I've got no money, I'm doing everything on my own, no one ever helps me, I never get a break, it's constant hard work, I never go out, I never buy anything for myself it's always for my child, fucking horses, fucking dogs, fucking birds, fucking preschool, fucking trolls fucking haters blah blah blah moan moan moan

"Everyone is allowed to moan sometimes".. Yeah Jo but all you ever do is moan! And yet the things you moan about are all of your own doing! You chose to breed more animals just for money and video content, you fucked up the loans for Hugo and JB and probably Ginny as well, you are lazy as fuck and let things build up instead of keeping on top of them, you are dragging your child up to be as needy as you and unable to be separated from you for more than a couple of hours, you constantly bodge jobs or do them on the cheap and then have to pay the consequences instead of spending the money to get it done properly first time around.
"people say get rid of some of the horses if you can't cope, well people have kids and you don't tell them to get rid of them" No Jo but most people don't have 7 kids and they don't breed just to make a profit from them and to try and get people to pay to watch their lives! And even people with several kids and animals look after them all better than you do and they don't beg and scrounge off others to pay for them either!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Your kid was hungry Jo because you let him go to bed without any food and he'd probably only had cake, biscuits and ice cream all day. If you fed him properly then he wouldn't wake up hungry.
These fake sleep pictures make me laugh, she's clearly not asleep because she's taking the picture so why does she shut her eyes?! 😂
She obviously got into bed at 5 with him because she's still wearing that same bloody jumper she always wears unless she actually sleeps in it as well.
There's no way she will be getting him up and at school on time each day come September if she doesn't get him into a routine now.


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VIP Member
She knew he’d been in prison. She knew he took drugs! Or/and dealt them! That’s enough not to leave your 2/3 year old with someone isn’t it?? Great safeguarding skills again from the best mumma in the world. Absolute joke she is!
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VIP Member
Ahhh poor jo. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. Maybe you should learn to drive the lorry then you wouldn’t keep smashing it up 😂
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
She started the live outside at 8pm feeding the horses in the pitch black, she didn't have her microphone on because she hadn't had time to charge it so couldn't see or hear her for most of it. She had the monitor because lowen was in bed but that was beeping because she hadn't had time to charge that either.
Insults people by saying she won't explain what she is doing with the feeds because they won't know what she is talking about.
Says the eqi dry coat i(yep she's actually wearing it, must have read Tattle recently) is lovely and warm but the most impractical fucking thing to wear.... She's just so grateful isn't she?! 🙄
Inside and she says they went Aldi but they had no eggs tomatoes or peppers, as usual Jo is way behind on the news because she's more interested in Love Island and Tiktoc.
Says she had to buy lowen clothes in Matalan because he's growing so much much he's hint hint, in age 5 clothes now that's Age 5 everyone AGE 5!!!!
Says lowen is being a prick at the moment and it's hard not to lose her shit with him, she left him in the trolley and walked off thinking just fuck off.
She is happy for him to run in the aisles and skid on his knees, she doesn't care what other people think, he's a child and she's all for it. But when she tried to get him to listen to her he just screamed so she thought what a prick and walked away.
They got home and he had three Pots of Joy in an hour then had a meltdown when she said no to the other one.
Says her 2 year old was perfect and then he turned into a twat at three.
She's increasing his hours at school but moaned it was an extra £21 a week but she had to pay at the end of each term instead of weekly.
He's in pull up pants but still won't say he needs the toilet just that "it's coming out" he shit in his trousers earlier 🤢
Says she has negative comments from the trolls and if she went on that vicious site they would be saying omg did you see what she said about so and so.
Some troll said about Bella being stressed, why did she breed her, why has she got so many horses etc and then says but I like watching you.... Well obviously you don't because you're being negative, looking for attention, getting excited when one person likes your comment because obviously that means you are right but 135,000 people watch and the majority don't agree. She watches the comments, takes screenshots of them and the names of anyone who likes their comments and blocks them.
They get arsey when people stick up for her because they want everyone to agree with them, she doesn't have a problem with people telling them they are wrong and they are doing it not because they are up her arse but because they have followed her journey and they understand her!😂
She then spends at least half an hour talking about the horses, particularly Bella, saying how no one can do anything with her not even the vet, she's the only one, she would never be happy anywhere else, she's a bitch to the other horses but has never put her ears back at her.
Being a mum has changed her and completed her and she knew Bella needed to be a mum.
She went on and on, I tuned her out it was so boring.
Says the bloke who owns the farm where her brother works would probably put a caravan in a field for her if she got kicked off where she is, she's no trouble, she's super fun and a good neighbour! 😂
She's just going to enjoy the time she has left and have positive memories and worry about it if it happens.
Says when she goes away in March the horses will be ok, she will leave lots of hay and they will just need the water topping up, she will try and spk to the girl who normally house sits or maybe her niece but her niece can't do the horses and she doesn't want her having sex in her bed.
And then she remembers the horses need feed as well, literally she just says oh... They need feeding, I'd forgotten about that!
Says it's too much for Lynn with her horses and her sick husband and she's worried Bella only respects her and no one else so not sure if anyone else will cope.
Which basically means she will just not bother about them having hard feed and will get Kath or someone to do the water and let the dogs out.
She also said the date they were away so now everyone knows she won't be there and neither will anyone else by the sounds of it.... Horse, pony or foal anyone??! Dog or two??
And that was pretty much it, very boring, sorry!
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Isn’t she just asking the price? As they are all discounted items but she’s just worded like there isn’t already discount applied
They put the link to the website on the post, if she wasn't so stupid she could have followed it and seen for herself that the long blue padded coat is £107 in the sale.
I'm more interested in why she wants it given that she has a £170 Equi dry that her minions bought her
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Miss Pepperpot

VIP Member
Thread title suggestion

Won't pay for a vet so cat is now dying, cue fake tears, sob stories and plenty of lying!
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According to her moronic followers they are blaming the "tattle tripe" for all the nasty comments directed at Jo today! One moron has been following her since 2017 and has never known Jo to lie so when she says she never wanted her morons to post fake reviews it must be true🤣🤣
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I've recently cancelled my subscription. I've been paying 89p to her since the Jon Boy set up. Thankfully never parted with any more than that although I did look at her amazon begging page in disbelief! No need to watch the lives anymore as Miss P does a great round up of her latest dramas. Her summaries are much more entertaining anyway.😁
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New member
I have to say it isn't just the issue around the monsters treatment of a women that has made me question Jo and her followers .I started to question her when she bred Bella a horse that has obvious conformation faults .That youngster is going to be a nightmare because she is teaching it zero ground manners and handling .I started to watch because of the horse's i thought she would have more horse content but now realise it soon became all about the kid which i never signed up for don't get me wrong I don't dislike children but he's gonna be a brat .I never see her do general care videos I've never even see her do the basics ,pick her horse's feet out or groom them so on .I joined no verbal filter because I missed being around horses since I no longer own horses .I used to have a 17.2 Shire x ID that I bought as a yearling. backed her myself and had for ten years before family commitments made me choose to rehome her for her benefit. ( I had time to look after her but no time to ride and she was a horse that liked her work ) it was a hard decision but one I truly made for her and not me .Pic of Emily my horse of a lifetime below
You know that was a set up don't you?? The "original" version was less than a year before, no swearing just Jo calling JB a silly sausage and giggling, she then obviously decided to stage the next version with the ranting and swearing in the hope it would get more attention which it obviously did.

I didn't know it was a set up ... so what you are saying is I was coned from the get go !!! ...


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VIP Member
Shes a twat. Says lowen is her prince and her precious cargo but then puts him in situations that could potentially kill him! Jack is a good horse yes but they are all capable of spooking. It happens so quickly then he’s hit his head on concrete from a height! We know she is stupid but to put lowens life in danger like that is unreal! He relies on her to make good decisions. Actually feel sorry for the kid
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Just seen her attempt to make herself look more attractive than a steaming turd cleaning the quad and I'm not gonna lie I was a little bit sick in my mouth🤢 So glad she is managing to deal with her devastation at Girlcats diagnosis in a positive way!!!
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